MULTIAXIAL SYSTEM IN DSM-IV AND DSM-V-TR AXIS I MENTAL DISORDERS (Ego Dystonic) Neurodevelopmental Disorders Neurocognitive Disorders Substance-Related Disorders Schizophrenia and Other Psychotic Disorders Mood Disorders Anxiety Disorders Somatoform Disorders Dissociative Disorders Paraphilic Disorders Sexual Dysfunctions Gender Dysphoria Eating Disorders Sleep Disorders Impulse-Control Disorders Adjustment Disorders PERSONALITY DISORDERS (Ego Syntonic) CLUSTER A (Paranoid, Schizoid, Schizotypal) CLUSTER B (Antisocial, Borderline, Histrionic, Narcissistic) CLUSTER C (Avoidant, Dependent, Obsessive-Compulsive) Mental Retardation GENERAL MEDICAL CONDITIONS Those medical conditions or health issues that influences mental health. PSYCHOSOCIAL FACTORS Those psychosocial and environmental factors affecting the person. GLOBAL ASSESSMENT FUNCTIONING (GAP) Summarizes the overall functioning of a person in numerical value AXIS II AXIS III AXIS IV AXIS V 100-91: Superior Functioning: no symptoms 90-81: Minimal symptoms with good functioning 10-1: Persistent danger of severely hurting herself or others