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IO Psych Training & Development Notes

IO Psych Ch. 6 notes
Training & Development
Training - The systematic acquisition of attitudes, concepts, knowledge, roles, or skills that
result in improved performance at work.
Development –The process through which the knowledge and skills of employees are enhanced
by for which there is no immediate use.
Training was primarily related to blue collar jobs, while development related to management.
Learning and Task Performance
Three phases of skill acquisition
1. Declarative knowledge - Facts and things
2. Knowledge compilation - Integration of sequences
3. Procedural knowledge - Performing automatically
Three classes of abilities critical for all three phases
General intellectual ability (g) – important at P1
Perceptual speed ability – critical at P2
Psychomotor ability – limits P3
Three distinguishing features of experts
Proceduralization (Automaticity), Mental models, AND Meta-cognition
Individual differences in learning - Trait-like attributes, Self-efficacy, Cognitive ability
Person Analysis
State-like attributes - Task specific
ADDIE: Analyze, Design, Develop, Implement, Evaluate
Three-step process in a rational design : Three levels of assessment:Organization, Task, AND
Determining where the organization should have training, and where that training is likely to
have an impact
Feasibility of transfer
Transfer Constraints; Negative attitudes, Limited opportunity to apply KSAs
Transfer Facilitators; Supportive Climate
find job description or collect information about job Four major steps:
Development of Task Statements
Development of Task Clusters
Development of KSAs and Relevant Tasks
Development of Training Programs from the KSA – Task Links ask Analysis
Development of Task Statements - Understand: work performed, how performed and purpose
Development of Task Clusters
Homogenous groupings to be more usable/manageable
SMEs sort them into meaningful categories
Development of KSAs and Relevant Tasks
SMEs are asked questions to determine KSAs
Characteristics of good v. poor performers?
Think of someone who is better at ___, and reason?
What does a person need to know to do ___?
Researcher then develops linkages
Development of Training Programs from the KSA – Task Links
If provided for existing tasks, high physical fidelity
If provided for variations on the job, high psychological fidelity
Person Analysis
Level three
Identifies specific individuals who could benefit from training
Identifies the kind of training that would be of benefit to them
Classic tripartite approach of needs analysis still relevant
Trend is to promote ways to transfer training to the job
Methods and Techniques of Training
Shift from instructor-led classroom toward learner-centered, technology-based (computerbased) training
Computer-based training (e-learning)
Non-computer-based training
Computer-based Training
Programmed Instruction
Regarded as basis of all computer-based training
Proceeds question by question after trainee response
Intelligent Tutoring Systems
Uses concept of artificial intelligence
Continuously modifies the level of instruction to pattern of trainee
Interactive Multimedia Training
Rich simulation of real-life job situation
Virtual Reality Training
Simulates real life in artificial 3-D environment
Non-Computer-based Training
Business Games
Hypothetical companies
Enactment plus discussion
Behavior Modeling
Narrow focus on specific skills
Active Learning Approaches
Put trainees in control of their learning
Based on assumption that learning occurs inductively
Error Management Training
Theoretical benefit of learning from mistakes
Self-Regulatory Training
Prompting trainees to monitor and adjust their actions and reactions
Examples of Training:
Self-regulatory, Expatriate, Diversity, Sexual Harassment, Management Development,
Mentoring, and Executive Coaching
Expatriate Training
Expatriates serve in overseas assignments
Global business results in greater number of expatriates
Expatriates can experience cultural adjustment problems
Training focus should include: An understanding of different customs, etiquette, gestures;
Family members
Diversity Training
Directed at improving interpersonal sensitivity to differences in the workplace
Goal of diversity training
Reduce barriers that constrain minority culture members
Attitude change programs (awareness)
Behavior change approach (develop skills)
“Color-blind” (ignore differences)
Melting Pot (homogenize differences)
Successful programs
Top management support
Attendance is mandatory
Long-term evaluation of results
Managerial rewards
Zero-tolerance policies
Integrated into strategic plan
Not 2 hours of love and forget it for a yearulti-culturalism (each culture maintains identity)
Sexual Harassment Training
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) definition of harassment:
Unwelcome sexual advances
Interferes with ability to do work
Quid Pro Quo versus hostile-environment harassment
Models of sexual harassment :
Organizational – authority relationships
Socio-cultural – differential power and status
Training content :
Sensitivity to others’ values
Cultural differences
Personalized differences and preferences
Workplace romances
Management Development
Enhancing management/leader talents to improve performance
Required personal skills :
Managing stress
Solving problems
Required interpersonal skills:
Communicating supportively
Gaining power and influence
Motivating others
Managing conflict
Facilitating management development (mentor – protégé)
Four phases of the mentor relationship:
Initiation phase , Cultivation phase , Separation phase , and Redefinition phase
Three-factor model of mentoring:
Frequency of meetings , Scope – breadth of subjects , and Strength of influence
Two types of outcomes:
Psychosocial and Task related
Racial and gender differences in mentoring
Differences in cultural acceptance of mentoring
Executive Coaching
Types of skills that can be learned :
Cognitive: strategic thinking, decision making
Geared specifically to individual problems and needs
People vary in their levels of coachability
Coaching is related to substantial improvements
Training Evaluation Criteria
(Kirkpatrick, 1976)
Reaction - Participants’ impressions & feelings
Learning - Testing knowledge gain
Behavior - Transfer of skills back to the job
ROI - Cost/benefit analysis (Kennedy, 1996)
Transfer of Training
The extent to which knowledge/skills acquired in one context (training) are used in another
context (on the job)
Influenced by:
Characteristics of training
Characteristics of the trainee
Characteristics of the environment
Training validity - did trainees develop desired KSAs?
Transfer validity - Are KSAs being used back on the job?
Interorganizational validity - Is the training effective across groups in the organization?
Interorganizational validity - Is the training effective in other organizations?