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Global Studies Assignment: Multiple Perspectives

Multiple Perspectives :: GLOBAL STORIES
“The single story creates stereotypes, and the problem with
stereotypes is not that they are untrue, but that they are ​incomplete​.
They make one story become the only story”
- Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie Purpose: ​To broaden our perspectives and understand an area beyond a single story.
Assignment Details:
➔ Each of you will be randomly ​assigned a location​ somewhere in the world. Your job is to try and ​go
beyond the single story​ you might currently have of that area. It might be an area you are familiar with, it
might not. Either way you are going to explore to bring us a DIFFERENT side of the story.
➔ You will share what your current single story of that area is prior to research.
➔ You will research to understand varying perspectives of that area.
◆ This will include, but is ​not​ limited to:
● Primary sources - first hand accounts of life in that area
● Personal Interviews - Steamboat has a vast network outside the 487, try and find a way to
connect with someone who lives in the area you are researching.
● Documentaries - Look at the good, the bad, the ugly of a place. Don’t focus on ONE specific
element, but the web that creates life.
● Culture study - food, music, clothing, (shows such as ​States of​ ​Undress, Anthony Bourdain:
No Reservations, Bizarre Foods, House Hunters International​, etc.)
● Travel agent plans - Take us on a vacation there.
➔ Your research and focus should be: ​What is it like to be a human in this place?
Assignment Product/Presentation:
➔ You will choose a medium with which to present your findings and present your research to your peers.
◆ This (less than 10 minute) presentation will include a visual and an overview of the following:
⬜ The location you studied
⬜ Your initial single story of the location
⬜ What it is like to be a human in that location (see above)
⬜ The sources you used/ways you gathered your information (MLA Works Cited Page)
➔ You will be responsible for signing up for a date to present. The project will be completed outside the
classroom (except for some preliminary research in the beginning weeks).
YOU CANNOT MAKE UP THE PRESENTATION. If you are going to be gone for whatever reason, you
If you do not notify your teacher and fail to show OR present, you will receive a zero for the assignment with
no chance to make up.