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Lesson Planning Guide: Aims, Structure, and Activities

А list of aims and sub-aims
Educational (образовательная):
1. To introduce - ввести
- To introduce target language - ввести изучаемые лексические единицы
- Introducing and practising new vocabulary – введение и отработка новых слов
- Introducing a new grammatical point – введение новой грамматической
- Introducing new functional language – введение новых функциональных
языковых единиц
2. To provide / To give – предоставить, обеспечить
- To provide restricted practice in using target language and standardise pronunciat
ion – предоставить (обеспечить) практическое использавание лексических
единиц и стандартизировать произношение)
- To give controlled/less-controlled/freer practice of a language point
- предоставлять контролируемую / менее контролируемую / свободную
речевую практику
3. To enrich - обогащать
- To enrich pupils’ vocabulary on the given theme – обогащать словарный запас
учащихся по данной теме
4. To improve - улучшать
- To improve students’ ability to talk about the topic of … by introducing lexical
set – улучшать умения говорить по теме..., вводя тематическую лексику
5. To acquaint - ознакомить
- To acquaint
pupils with the new sounds - познакомить учащихся с новыми звуками
6. To help
7. To enable – дать возможность, научить
- To enable students to discuss future plans using will and going to –
научить обсуждать планы на будущее, используя конструкции will and going
- To enable students to greet each other in English and to make simple
introductions and identify people by name –научить приветствовать друг друга
на английском, представляться и обращаться по имени
8. To practice in – практиковать в
- right pronunciation and grammar –правильном произношении и грамматике
- pronunciation of phonemes/individual sounds – произношении фонем,
отдельных звуков
- word stress - ударении в слове
- sentence stress – ударении в предложении
- intonation - интонации
- features of connected speech – особенности связной речи
9. To contrast - сравнить
- To contrast two (or more) grammatical points - сравнить 2 и более
грамматические конструкции
- To contrast two (or more) functional exponents – сравнить 2 и более
речевые образца
10. To revise -повторить
- To revise previously taught vocabulary – повторить ранее изученную лексику
- To revise or review one or more grammatical points
– повторить одну или больше грамматическую конструкцию
- To revise or reviewfunctional exponents – повторить рeчевые образцы
11. To consolidate - закрепить
- To consolidate knowledge about – закрепить знания о
- To consolidate grammar countable and uncountable noun and some and any in
the different form of activities
- закрепить исчисляемые и неисчисляемые существительные и слова some и a
ny в различных формах деятельности
12. To define - определить
- To define how pupils understand this grammar material and new words
- определить, как ученики понимают грамматический материал и новые слов
- To define the typical mistakes and involve correction for further education определить типичные ошибки и включить коррекцию в дальнейшее обучение
13. To evaluate and check the pupils’ knowledge - оценить и проверить знания
14. Error correction work (usually revising previously taught language) – работа
над ошибками
15. Self-access work - самообучение
16. Learner training - обучение
17. Using video to build awareness of non verbal communication - использование
видео для повышения осведомленности о невербальной коммуникации.
18. Integrating the four skills – интеграция 4 навыков
19. Simulations for revision of previously taught language / for fluency practice –
моделирование ситуации для повторения ранее изученного и речевой
20. Freer speaking (e.g. role play) for revision of previously taught language –
свободная речь (ролевые игры) для повторения предыдущего материала
Developmental (развивающая):
1. To develop students’ ability to listen for the main ideas in a text – развивать
умения определять основную идею текста на слух.
2. To develop students’ ability to identify the main ideas in a reading text –
развивать умения определять основную идею прочитанного текста.
3. To develop pupils’ abilities in listening, speaking, writing, reading
skills, communicative competence – развивать навыки аудирования, говорения,
чтения, письма, коммуникативную компетенцию
4. Developing reading skills - prediction/skimming/scanning/inferring, etc. развитие навыков чтения – прогнозирование /беглое чтение /поиск
информации / выводы и т. д.
5. Developing listening skills - prediction/gist/for specific information/inference,
etc. - развитие навыков аудирования - прогнозирование/основное
содержание /конкретная информация / выводы и т. д.
6. Developing speaking skills - fluency/accuracy practice/ consolidating recently
taught language - развитие навыков разговорной речи плавность/практическая точность /объединение недавно выученных единиц.
7. Developing writing sub-skills - paragraph-writing/focus on linking devices, etc.
– развитие навыков письма / написание параграфа, связующие компоненты
8. Developing study skills - note-taking/summarizing - развитие обучающих
навыков – конспект / выводы, подведение итогов
9. Developing dictionary skills – развитие лексических навыков
10. To form skills in monologue and dialogue speech – формировать навыки
монологической и диалогической речи
11. To develop pupils abilities in speaking through group work – развивать
навыки говорения с помощью работы в группах
12. To develop pupils’ abilities in expressing their own
opinions – развивать умение высказывать свою точку зрения
13. To develop pupils creative abilities through different kinds of activities –
развивать творческие способности с помощью разных видов деятельности
14. To enrich students’ outlook. To broaden pupils’ minds. Raise awareness
– обогащать кругозор
15. To improve pronunciation, memory – улучшать произношение, память
16. Тo develop pupils’ cognitive mechanisms (perception, memory, thinking and
attention and its operations)
- развитие когнитивных механизмов учащихся (восприятие, память, мышлен
ие и внимание и свою деятельность)
Up-bringing (воспитательная):
1. To motivate the students in learning the foreign language – мотивировать
учеников в изучении иностранного языка
2. To promote interest in the culture - развивать интерес к культуре
3. To teach pupils to respect other cultures – учить уважать другие культуры
4. To bring up the feeling of international friendship – воспитывать чувство
межнациональной дружелюбности
5. To bringing up the culture of communication in different types of collective
collaboration - воспитывать культуру общения в разных видах коллективного
6. To create an English speaking atmosphere and work in groups – создавать
иноязычную атмосферу и работу в группах
7. To create a relaxed, non-threatening atmosphere in the classroom –
создавать спокойную неугрожающую атмосферу
Lesson planning is a significant element of teaching-learning system. A lesson
plan is a step-by-step guide that provides a structure for an essential learning.
It helps the teacher to choose the materials, adapt the activities to student’s
needs, be prepared to possible problems. An effective lesson plan has three
basic components: aims and objectives of the course, teaching and learning
activities and, assessments to check student understanding of the topic.
Step 1 — Identify the aims of the lesson
First, identify the type of the lesson: skills (listening, reading, writing,
speaking) or systems (vocabulary, grammar, functions, pronunciation).
Then according to the outcomes you want to achieve by the end of the lesson
identify the main aims, sub-aims and personal aims:
Type of the lesson:
Grammar Vocabulary Functions Reading Listening Writing Speaking
Main aim(s):
— To provide clarification and practice of humor related vocabulary in the
context of an anecdote and self-quiz
— To develop oral fluency on the topic of “Humor”
— To practice reading skills for gist and specific information on the topic of
Personal Aims:
— To be consistent in monitoring
— To give clear instructions
— To improve boardwork
Step 2 — Predict possible problems in the lesson
Secondly, List any potential problems for learners with classroom
management and with skills (speaking, writing, reading, listening). Predict how
you would deal with potential problems with classroom management.
For example,
There might be an odd number of students, which I will ask some students to work in groups of three and make
will make pair work problematic.
sure to change them, so that they had equal opportunities
I will monitor attentively and when I see a fast finisher, I will
There might be some fast finishers.
give an extra task to them (see the tasks in the procedure).
Some words might be unknown for sts
I will pre-teach blocking vocabulary after reading for gist.
Some sts might want to read for detail and
I will give clear instructions and ask ICQs (See the
understand all the words while reading the text for procedure).I will also tell the sts not to worry if they do not
the first time
understand all the words.
Step 3 — Plan the stages and activities of the lesson
Here are some lesson frameworks for skill and system lessons.
Receptive skills lessons (reading and listening)
1. Lead-in — to engage students in the context of the lesson and raise their
interest — it might be a title or a picture discussion, anything what prepare
students for reading/listening.
2. Vocabulary pre-teaching (optional) — to pre-teach blocking vocabulary
needed for gist reading / listening;
3. Reading/listening for gist or specific information — to set a short, easier
task based on general understanding of the text as a whole.
4. Vocabulary pre-teaching (optional) — to teach any vocabulary needed for
the detailed task.
5. Reading/listening for detailed comprehension — to set a task based on
detailed comprehension (formats might include gap fills, ordering events,
true/false, etc).
6. Follow up activity — to do a speaking/writing activity based on the text.
Productive skills lessons (writing and speaking)
1. Lead-in – to generate interest, set topic
2. Vocabulary pre-teaching – to pre-teach any key vocabulary
3. Reading/Listening (optional) – to provide a model of the text type
4. Focus on the layout — to present or elicit the layout
5. Focus on the language — to present or elicit the vocabulary
6. Controlled practice (optional) — to practice using of the vocabulary
7. Freer practice — for students to produce their own writing / speaking
8. Feedback to content — to provide the evaluation of the ideas of writing /
9. Feedback to language — to provide error correction, to highlight good
language usage as well!
Systems lessons (vocabulary, grammar, functions, pronunciation)
1. Lead-in – to generate interest, set context
2. Reading/listening for gist — to provide reading / listening practice for
general understanding
3. Highlighting TL (target language) — to practice noticing skills
4. Focus on the meaning — to clarify the meaning of TL
5. TL analysis — to highlight the form
6. Controlled practice — to practice using TL
7. Freer practice — to practice speaking for fluency
8. Feedback to content — to provide the evaluation of the ideas of
9. Feedback to language — to provide error correction, to highlight good
language usage as well!
Lesson frameworks will differ if you use TTT approach (test-teach-test), TBL
(task-based learning) or others.
When planning use different coloured highlighters to highlight each lesson aim
and then the activities and stages in the plan that are linked to these aims with
the same colour. If there is a stage or an activity in the lesson which is not
highlighted, why do you need it?
If you use a coursebook evaluate the materials and check which procedure
aims have not been addressed at all so that you add, skip, or modify as you
see fit depending on the lesson aim(s) and the learners’ needs and interests.
Don’t hesitate to adapt the materials.
Step 4 — Double check everything
Use this checklist to see if your lesson plan is done:
— Does the procedure reflect the type of lesson I am supposed to teach?
— Do the procedure aims help me achieve the main aim of the lesson in a
relatively coherent manner?
— Do the stages have transitions?
— Do I have enough time for each stage?
— Have I allowed enough time for feedback/learner questions if need be?
— Have I varied interaction by including appropriate interaction patterns, i.e.
pairwork/groupwork, etc. so that the lesson in not monotonous?
— What can I do if activity X does not go the way I have planned? (see
anticipated difficulties and problems and revise/add)
— Do I have feedback after each activity?
— Do you have quieter activities before lively ones?
— Do end on a positive note?