Higher Nationals Internal verification of assessment decisions – BTEC (RQF) INTERNAL VERIFICATION – ASSESSMENT DECISIONS Programme title Assessor Unit(s) Assignment title Student’s name BTEC Higher National Diploma in Computing Mr. Rajitha Karunaratne Unit 02: Internal Verifier Networking LAN Design & Implementation for SYNTAX SOLUTIONS BW Hasintha Nayanajith List which assessment criteria the Assessor has awarded. Pass Merit Distinction INTERNAL VERIFIER CHECKLIST Do the assessment criteria awarded match those shown in the assignment brief? Y/N Is the Pass/Merit/Distinction grade awarded justified by the assessor’s comments on the student work? Y/N Has the work been assessed accurately? Y/N Is the feedback to the student: Give details: • Constructive? • Linked to relevant assessment criteria? • Identifying opportunities for improved performance? • Agreeing actions? Y/N Y/N Y/N Does the assessment decision need amending? Y/N Y/N Assessor signature Date Internal Verifier signature Date Programme Leader signature (if required) Date Confirm action completed Remedial action taken Give details: Assessor signature Date Internal Verifier signature Date Programme Leader signature (if required) Date Hasintha Nayanajith HND COM Networking 1|Page Higher Nationals - Summative Assignment Feedback Form Student Name/ID BW Hasintha Nayanajith (E128066) Unit Title Unit 02: Assignment Number 1 Assessor 2022 Aug 20 Date Received 1st submission Submission Date Networking Date Received 2nd submission Re-submission Date Assessor Feedback: LO1 Examine networking principles and their protocols. Pass, Merit & Distinction P1 P2 Descripts M1 LO2 Explain networking devices and operations. Pass, Merit & Distinction Descripts P3 P4 M2 D1 P6 M3 D2 M4 D3 LO3 Design efficient networked systems. Pass, Merit & Distinction Descripts P5 LO4 Implement and diagnose networked systems. Pass, Merit & Distinction Descripts Grade: P7 P8 Assessor Signature: Date: Resubmission Feedback: Grade: Assessor Signature: Date: Internal Verifier’s Comments: Signature & Date: * Please note that grade decisions are provisional. They are only confirmed once internal and external moderation has taken place and grades decisions have been agreed at the assessment board. Hasintha Nayanajith HND COM Networking 2|Page Assignment Feedback Formative Feedback: Assessor to Student Action Plan Summative feedback Feedback: Student to Assessor This is my first assignment as an undergraduate and I did my best to complete it on time with best effort. Assessor signature Date Hasintha.payoneer@gmail.com Student signature Hasintha Nayanajith 2022 Aug 20 Date HND COM Networking 3|Page Pearson Higher Nationals in Computing Unit 02: Networking Assignment 01 Hasintha Nayanajith HND COM Networking 4|Page General Guidelines 1. 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Failure to achieve at least PASS criteria will result in a REFERRAL grade . 9. Non-submission of work without valid reasons will lead to an automatic RE FERRAL. You will then be asked to complete an alternative assignment. 10. If you use other people’s work or ideas in your assignment, reference them properly using HARVARD referencing system to avoid plagiarism. You have to provide both in-text citation and a reference list. 11. If you are proven to be guilty of plagiarism or any academic misconduct, your grade could be reduced to A REFERRAL or at worst you could be expelled from the course Hasintha Nayanajith HND COM Networking 5|Page Student Declaration I hereby, declare that I know what plagiarism entails, namely to use another’s work and to present it as my own without attributing the sources in the correct form. I further understand what it means to copy another’s work. 1. I know that plagiarism is a punishable offence because it constitutes theft. 2. 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Hasintha.payoneer@gmail.com Student’s Signature: (Provide E-mail ID) Hasintha Nayanajith 2022 Aug 20 Date: (Provide Submission Date) HND COM Networking 6|Page Higher National Diploma in Computing Assignment Brief Student Name /ID Number BW Hasintha Nayanajith (E128066) Unit Number and Title Unit 2: Networking Academic Year 2021/22 Unit Tutor Assignment Title LAN Design & Implementation for SYNTAX SOLUTIONS Issue Date Submission Date 2022 Aug 20 IV Name & Date Submission format The submission should be in the form of an individual report written in a concise, formal business style using single spacing and font size 12. You are required to make use of headings, paragraphs and subsections as appropriate, and all work must be supported with research and referenced using Harvard referencing system. Please also provide an end list of references using the Harvard referencing system. The recommended word count is 3,000–3,500 words for the report excluding annexures, although you will not be penalised for exceeding the total word limit. Unit Learning Outcomes: LO1 Examine networking principles and their protocols. LO2 Explain networking devices and operations. LO3 Design efficient networked systems. LO4 Implement and diagnose networked systems. Assignment Brief and Guidance: Hasintha Nayanajith HND COM Networking 7|Page Scenario SYNTAX SOLUTIONS is a privately owned, well-known Software company located in Colombo. The Management of SYNTAX SOLUTIONS has purchased a 3-story building in the heart of Matara. They are planning to make it one of the state-of-the-art companies in Matara with the latest facilities. It is expected to have nearly 150 employees in Matara branch. Department Number of Users Customer Care 10 Sales and Marketing 20 Finance 25 Legal 5 HR 10 Developers 55 Network Team 5 Server Room Servers +ISP connections Foll ow i ng r equir ements ar e g iv en by the Manag ement. All the departments must be separ ated with uni que subnet and sho uld no t communicate with each o ther unless ther e is a speci al r equir ement . 19 2.16 8.10. 0/24 is giv en and sho uld be use d fo r all the departments except the server room . IPs sho uld assign usi ng DHCP . ERP and CRM Sy stems need to be im plem ented in M atara branch in local serv ers. N umber of s erv ers requir ed for the Server r oom need to be decided by the Netwo rk designer and sho uld be assigned with 10.25 4.1. 0/24 subnet. (Uses static Hasintha Nayanajith HND COM Networking 8|Page I Ps ) Hig h l ev el of r edundancy is expected in netwo rk design to eliminate single po int o f failures and traffic bottle necks. Sal es and Mar keti ng Team need to access Netwo rk reso urces usi ng WI FI co nnectiv ity . Pr oper methods fo r netw or ki ng monitoring and tr oubl eshooting need to be established. All possible netw or k sec ur ity mechanism s sho uld be im plemented. Assume yo u have been appo inted as the new netwo rk co nsultant o f SYNT AX SOLUTI ONS . P repare a netwo rk architectural design and im plement it with yo ur suggestio ns and recommendatio ns to meet the com pany requirements. (No te: Cl ea rl y state you r a ssump tion s. Y ou a re allow ed to d esign th e n etwo rk a cco rding to you r a ssump tion s, bu t main requi remen ts sho uld n ot b e viol ated) Ac tiv ity 01 D iscuss the benefits and co nstraints o f different netwo rk system types that can be im plemented in the Matara branch and the m ain IEEE Ethernet standards that can be used in above L AN and WLAN design . D iscuss the im po rtance and impact o f netwo rk to po lo gies and netwo rk proto col suites while com paring the main network to po lo gies and netwo rk proto co l suites that are used in netwo rk design using exam ples . Recomm end suitable netwo rk topolo gies and network proto co l suites fo r above scenario and justify yo ur answer with v alid po ints. Hasintha Nayanajith HND COM Networking 9|Page Ac tiv ity 02 D iscuss the o perating principles o f network dev ices (Ex: Ro uter, Switch, Etc.) and server ty pes that can be used fo r abov e scenario while explo ring different servers that are available in to day’s m arket with their specificatio ns . R ecommend server/ servers fo r the abov e scenario and justify your selectio n with v alid po ints . D iscuss the inter -dependence o f wo rkstatio n hardware with networking so ftware and prov ide exam ples fo r netwo rking so ftware that can be used in abov e netwo rk design. Ac tiv ity 03 P repare a written netwo rk design plan to m eet the abov e-m entio ned user requirements including a blueprint drawn using a mo deling too l. ( Ex: M icroso ft Visio , EdrawM ax). Support yo ur answer by pro viding the VL AN and IP subnetting scheme for the above scenario and the list of dev ices, netwo rk com po nents and software used t o design the netwo rk for abo ve scenario and while justifying yo ur selectio ns. Test and ev aluate the proposed design to meet the requirem ents and analy se user feedback by using a user feedback fo rm . Install and co nfigure Netwo rk services , devices and applications (Ex: VL AN,D HCP , D NS,Pro xy , Web, Etc.) acco rding to the pro posed design to accom plish the user requirements and design a detailed M aintenance schedule for abov e Netwo rk. *N ote: - Scr een s hots of C onfig ur ati on scri pts shoul d be pr esented. Ac tiv ity 04 Im plement a networked system based o n yo ur prepared design with v alid evidence s and recommend po tential future enhancements fo r the networked system with valid justificatio ns to yo ur recommendatio ns. Use critical reflection to critically ev aluate the design, plan, co nfiguration, and testing o f yo ur network while justifying with v alid co nclusio ns. Hasintha Nayanajith HND COM Networking 10 | P a g e D evelo p test cases and co nduct verificatio n (Ex: Ping, extended ping, trace ro ute, telnet, SSH, etc.) to test the abov e Netwo rk and analyse the test results against the expected results. Hasintha Nayanajith HND COM Networking 11 | P a g e Acknowledgement The success of this Report is the result of many people's efforts. The author owes a great debt of gratitude to his class instructor, Mr. Rajitha Karunarathna, for countless instances of timely guidance and encouragement. He gave the author the direction she needed to finish the report. The author expresses his gratitude to Dr. Dayan, Mr. Sachithra Wanninayake, and Miss Jeewanthi Marasinghe for giving him the ideal environment in which to complete this work. The author thanks all of the staff members for their cooperation and assistance and offers his deep gratitude. A big thank you as well to Google and the other sources the author used for this study. Last but not least, he extends his gratitude to everyone who helped him complete this assignment successfully, especially his friends. The author believes that readers will understand that he has done his best to portray the wide range of opinions and the depth of knowledge that have been so kindly given to him. The report's content, as well as any mistakes or false statements of fact or opinion it may include, are entirely the author's responsibility. Regards, The Author, Hasintha. Hasintha Nayanajith HND COM Networking 12 | P a g e Table of Content Chapter 1 ....................................................................................................................................... 17 1.1 Network System Types & Standards ............................................................................. 17 1.1.1 Brief introduction about computer network systems .............................................. 17 1.1.2 Peer-to-Peer............................................................................................................. 17 1.1.3 Client-Server ........................................................................................................... 18 1.1.4 Comparison of peer-to-peer and client-server models (Point, n.d.) ....................... 19 1.1.5 Standardization ....................................................................................................... 20 1.1.6 IEEE – Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers ......................................... 21 1.1.7 IEEE 802 Standards ................................................................................................ 21 1.1.8 Usage of IEEE Standards ........................................................................................ 21 1.2 Network Topologies ....................................................................................................... 21 1.2.1 Physical Topology .................................................................................................. 22 1.2.2 Advantages & Disadvantages of Physical Network Topologies ............................ 23 1.2.3 Logical Topology .................................................................................................... 24 1.2.4 Usage of Network Topologies ................................................................................ 25 1.3 Network Models ............................................................................................................. 26 1.3.1 Why network models? ............................................................................................ 26 1.3.2 ISO OSI Model ....................................................................................................... 27 1.3.3 Layers of OSI Model .............................................................................................. 27 1.3.4 TCP/IP Model ......................................................................................................... 29 1.3.5 Comparison between OSI Model and TCP/IP Model............................................. 29 1.3.6 TCP/IP Model for Protocols ................................................................................... 30 1.4 Network Protocols .......................................................................................................... 31 Chapter 2 ....................................................................................................................................... 35 2.1 Network Devices & Server Types .................................................................................. 35 2.1.1 Hub.......................................................................................................................... 36 2.1.2 Router...................................................................................................................... 37 2.1.3 Switch ..................................................................................................................... 37 2.1.4 Advantages and Disadvantages of Hubs, Routers and Switches ............................ 38 2.1.5 Difference between Hub, Switch and Router ......................................................... 39 2.1.6 Usage of Network Devices for SYNTAX SOLUTION ......................................... 39 2.1.7 Network Security .................................................................................................... 39 Hasintha Nayanajith HND COM Networking 13 | P a g e 2.1.8 2.2 Server ...................................................................................................................... 41 Networking Software ..................................................................................................... 47 2.2.1 Networking Software .............................................................................................. 48 2.2.2 Compatibility .......................................................................................................... 48 Chapter 3 ....................................................................................................................................... 49 3.1 Design of Networked System......................................................................................... 49 3.1.1 VLAN ..................................................................................................................... 49 3.1.2 IP Subnetting ........................................................................................................... 50 3.1.3 Wireshark ................................................................................................................ 51 3.1.4 FileZilla ................................................................................................................... 51 3.1.5 PuTTy ..................................................................................................................... 51 3.1.6 Networked Diagram for Matara Branch ................................................................. 52 3.2 User Feedbacks about Networked System ..................................................................... 52 3.3 Installing and Configuring the Network Services and Applications .............................. 55 3.3.1 Windows Server ...................................................................................................... 55 3.3.2 DHCP Server .......................................................................................................... 57 3.3.3 Active Directory...................................................................................................... 59 3.4 Network Maintenance .................................................................................................... 62 3.4.1 Network Maintenance Schedule ............................................................................. 62 Chapter 4 ....................................................................................................................................... 66 4.1 Implement the Networked System based on Prepared Design ...................................... 66 4.2 Design Test Case Table .................................................................................................. 67 4.3 Potential Future Enhancement ....................................................................................... 68 4.3.1 Upgrading the cables in the system ........................................................................ 68 4.3.2 Improving the Quality of the Network.................................................................... 68 4.3.3 Enhancing the Security of the Network .................................................................. 69 4.3.4 Scalability ............................................................................................................... 69 Author Conclusion ........................................................................................................................ 70 References ..................................................................................................................................... 71 Hasintha Nayanajith HND COM Networking 14 | P a g e Figure 1.1.1 Peer-to-Peer Network ............................................................................................... 17 Figure 1.1.2 A Client-Server Network .......................................................................................... 18 Figure 1.2.1 Types of Physical Network Topologies (Wikipedia, 2022) ..................................... 23 Figure 1.2.2 Virtual LAN Network ............................................................................................... 25 Figure 1.3.1 Use of Network models ............................................................................................ 26 Figure 1.3.2 The TCP/IP model compared with the OSI model (Admin, 2013) .......................... 30 Figure 1.4.1 Example IPv4 Address ............................................................................................. 34 Figure 1.4.2 Example IPv6 Address (Anon., n.d.) ........................................................................ 34 Figure 2.1.1 A Hub........................................................................................................................ 36 Figure 2.1.2 A Router.................................................................................................................... 37 Figure 2.1.3 A Switch. .................................................................................................................. 38 Figure 2.1.4 Firewall ..................................................................................................................... 40 Figure 2.1.5 Proxy Server ............................................................................................................. 41 Figure 2.1.6 PowerEdge R830 Server ........................................................................................... 42 Figure 2.1.7 Specifications of PowerEdge R830 (Anon., n.d.) ..................................................... 43 Figure 2.1.8 PowerEdge R240 Rack Server.................................................................................. 43 Figure 2.1.9 PowerEdge R240 Specifications (Solutions, 2020) .................................................. 43 Figure 2.1.10 PowerEdge R7515 Server ....................................................................................... 44 Figure 2.1.11 PowerEdge R7515 Specifications (Technologies, n.d.) ......................................... 44 Figure 2.1.12 Fusion Server Pro 1288H V5 Rack Server ............................................................. 45 Figure 2.1.13 Fusion Server Pro 1288H V5 Rack Server (Alibaba, n.d.) ..................................... 45 Figure 2.1.14 System requirements of MySQL and Oracle databases. ........................................ 47 Figure 3.1.1 Design of Networked System of Matara branch SYNTAX SOLUTION ................ 52 Figure 3.3.1 Windows Server 2012............................................................................................... 55 Table 1.1-1 Comparison of Peer-to-Peer & Client-Server Network System Types ..................... 19 Table 1.2-1 Advantages & Disadvantages of Physical Network Topologies ............................... 23 Table 1.3-1 TCP/IP Layer Functions (Campus, n.d.) ................................................................... 29 Table 1.3-2 Comparison between OSI and TCP/IP Models ......................................................... 30 Table 1.4-1 Advantages and disadvantages of FTP ...................................................................... 31 Table 1.4-2 Advantages and disadvantages of SMTP .................................................................. 32 Table 1.4-3 Advantages and disadvantages of HTTP ................................................................... 32 Table 1.4-4 Difference between TCP & UDP .............................................................................. 33 Table 1.4-5 Difference between IPv4 & IPv6 ............................................................................... 35 Table 2.1-1 Advantages and Disadvantages of Hubs, Router and Switches. ............................... 38 Table 2.1-2 Difference between Hub, Switch and Router. ........................................................... 39 Table 3.1-1 IP Subnetting Scheme for Matara branch - SYNTAX SOLUTION ......................... 50 Table 3.4-1 Network Maintenance Schedule ................................................................................ 63 Table 4.2-1 Testcase table of Matara branch of SYNTAX SOLUTION ...................................... 67 Hasintha Nayanajith HND COM Networking 15 | P a g e Hasintha Nayanajith HND COM Networking 16 | P a g e Chapter 1 1.1 Network System Types & Standards 1.1.1 Brief introduction about computer network systems A computer network is a set of autonomous computer devices interconnected in various ways to exchange information through common conventions, known as protocols, over a mutual communication medium. Computer networks help network users share the resources like files, documents, images, videos, music, etc.…. and connect. 1.1.2 Peer-to-Peer Peer-to-Peer networks are more commonly implemented where less than about ten computers are involved and where strict security is not necessary. All the computers have the same status, hence the term ‘Peer’, and they communicate with each other on an equal footing (Campus, n.d.). Peer-to-Peer is a simple type of network model where computers can communicate with one another and share what is on or attached to their computer with other users (Alpern & Shimonski, 2010). Figure 1.1.1 Peer-to-Peer Network Characteristics of Peer-to-Peer 01. Small number of nodes (more often less than ten) are connected and all of them store data using individual security and share those data and information such as documents, images, music, videos and printers etc.… with other connected nodes. 02. All the connected computers in this type of network share resources, so resource sharing capacity increases when the number of connected computers is are increased. Hasintha Nayanajith HND COM Networking 17 | P a g e 03. Each connected computer in this network manages itself. So, the network is quite easy to set up and maintain when compared with the client-server network. 04. Major disadvantage in a peer-to-peer network is less security, because all the connected computers act as servers as well as clients. 05. Modern operating systems like Windows and Mac use peer-to-peer to networking system. (T4Tutorial, n.d.) 1.1.3 Client-Server Client-Server networks are more suitable for larger networks. A central computer called ‘Server’, act as the storage location for files and applications shared on the network. This server is higher than average performance computer. The server also controls the network access of the other computers which are referred to as the ‘Client’ computers. Furthermore, the clientserver paradigm is a distributed application structure that divides tasks or labor between servers, who supply a resource or service, and clients, who request that service. The server computer accepts the request and responds the clients with desired information by sending requested data packets when a client computer send data requests over communication medium. Email, the World Wide Web, and other client-server models are examples. Figure 1.1.2 A Client-Server Network Hasintha Nayanajith HND COM Networking 18 | P a g e Characteristics of Client-Server 01. In client-server network system, the client sends a request to the server computer and the server accepts the requests and returns the data packets requested to the client. But not like peer-to-peer model, client do not share any of its assets with one another; only the server does. 02. The server uses a system-based priority to responds the requests coming from client computers because the server can only accommodate a limited number of client requests at a time. 03. Both the client and the server follow a common communication protocol which available in the application layer, so they can interact with each other easily. (Meador, 2020) 1.1.4 Comparison of peer-to-peer and client-server models (Point, n.d.) Table 1.1-1 Comparison of Peer-to-Peer & Client-Server Network System Types Basic Comparison Client Server Network Peer-to-Peer Network Basic In a client-server network, In a peer-to-peer network, there is a specific server and clients are not distinguished; specific clients connected to every node act as a client and the server. Expense A Client-Server network is A more expensive to implement. Stability server. Peer-to-Peer is less expensive to implement. It is more stable and scalable It is less stable and scalable, if than a peer-to-peer network. the number of peers increases in the system. Data In a client-server network, the In a peer-to-peer network, each data is stored in a centralized peer has its own data. server. Hasintha Nayanajith HND COM Networking 19 | P a g e Server A server may get overloaded A server is not bottlenecked when many customers make since the services are dispersed simultaneous service requests. among numerous servers using a peer-to-peer network. Focus Sharing the information. Service The server provides Connectivity. the Each node has the ability to requested service in response both to the client's request. Performance request and delivers services. Because the server does the Because resources are shared bulk of the work, performance in a big peer-to-peer network, is unaffected by the growth of performance will likely to clients. Security suffer. A Client-Server network is a The network's secured network because the deteriorates, security and its server can verify a client's susceptibility grows as the access to any area of the number of peers rises. network, making it secure. 1.1.5 Standardization What is Standardization? Networking standards define the rules for date communication required for the operation of networking technologies and processes. Standers help to create and maintain open markets and allow different vendors to compete on the basis of the quality of their products while being compatible with existing market products. The five most important organizations are, American Nationals Standard Institute (ANSI) Institute of Electronics and Electrical Engineers (IEEE) International Organization for Standardization (ISO) Hasintha Nayanajith HND COM Networking 20 | P a g e Internet Engineering Task Force (TETF) World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) 1.1.6 IEEE – Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers IEEE is an international organization responsible for developing and providing networking technology specification for worldwide usage. It works only on innovation, education and standardization in the field of electrical and electronic development. 1.1.7 IEEE 802 Standards The IEEE 802 standards help ensure that internet services and technologies follow a set of recommended procedures, so that network devices can all work together. Without these standards, equipment suppliers can only connect network hardware to certain computers. It would be much more difficult to connect to systems not using the same set of networking equipment. Standardizing protocols help ensure that multiple types of devices can connect to multiple network types. (Wikipedia, 2022) Some of the best-known IEEE 802 Standards are, IEEE 802.1 (LAN/MAN) IEEE 802.3 (Ethernet) IEEE 802.5 (Token Ring) IEEE 802.11 (Wireless LAN) 1.1.8 Usage of IEEE Standards As the network consultant of SYNTAX SOLUTION, I decided to use LAN (IEEE 802) for design the interior network design of Matara branch. For that, I want to use LAN cabling system (IEEE 802.7), Fiber Optics connection (IEEE 802.8), Giga-Ethernet (IEEE 802.3bk) as well as I want to you WIFI (IEEE 802.11) and Bluetooth (IEEE 802.15.1) to connect some devices. 1.2 Network Topologies Hasintha Nayanajith HND COM Networking 21 | P a g e Network topology or network layout is the logical paths where data travels in a computer network. There are two forms of network topology. Physical Topology. Logical Topology 1.2.1 Physical Topology This is the way of in which a network is laid out physically. Types of Physical Topologies 01. Bus Topology - This one of the simplest forms of networking where all the connected devices share single communication line or cable. A failure of a one connected device does not affect the other devices but failure of the shared communication line (Back bone) can make all other connected nodes stop functioning. (Campus, n.d.) 02. Mesh Topology - Here , a host is connected to one or multiple hosts. Mesh Topology comes in two types called Full Mesh where all hosts have a point-to-point connection to every other host in the network and Partial Mesh where not all hosts have a point-to-point connection to every other host. (Campus, n.d.) 03. Star Topology – The centralized hub act as a single point of failure like the back bone (shared communication line) Bus Topology. Every communication between hosts, takes place only through the hub. (Campus, n.d.) 04. Ring Topology - Each device connected to this network have two neighbors to communicate. All data travels in a ring , and a failure of that ring will bring the whole network down. 05. Hybrid Topology - Hybrid is a combination of 2 or more topologies. As an example, Tree Topology which is a combination of Bus and Star is a Hybrid Topology. Hasintha Nayanajith HND COM Networking 22 | P a g e Figure 1.2.1 Types of Physical Network Topologies (Wikipedia, 2022) 1.2.2 Advantages & Disadvantages of Physical Network Topologies Table 1.2-1 Advantages & Disadvantages of Physical Network Topologies Topology Advantages Disadvantages Bus Less Expensive. No redundancy. Suited for temporary networks. No Security. Node failures does not affect Less Cable Length. others. Ring Star Cheap. More expensive than bus. Easy to reconfigure. Unidirectional. All nodes with equal access. No Security. Easy to design and implement. Reconfiguration difficult. Centralized administration. Expensive. Scalable. Bottlenecks due to overloaded hubs. Mesh Simplest. Reconfiguration Reliable. extremely difficult. Fault Tolerant. Expensive and impractical for large networks. Issue with broadcasting messages. Hasintha Nayanajith HND COM Networking 23 | P a g e 1.2.3 Logical Topology The term ‘ Logical Topology ’ is called to the logical paths where data travels in a computer network. (Campus, n.d.) Ethernet Ethernet is a widely-deployed LAN technology hat was standardized in IEEE 802.3 in 1980. A network like Ethernet which share media files has a high probability of data collision. Ethernet use Carrier Sense Multi Access/Collision Detection (CSMA/CD) technology to detect collisions. An Ethernet connector is a Network Interface Card equipped with 48-bits MAC address. Traditional Ethernet uses 10BASE-T specification. It provides transmission speed of up to 10 Mbps and uses Coaxial cable or CAT-5 Twisted pair cable with RJ45 connector. Ethernet follows Star Topology with segment length up to 100 meters. All devices are connected to a Hub/Switch in a Star fashion. There are some versions of Ethernet based on the transfer speed. I. II. III. Standard Ethernet – 10 Mbps (IEEE 802.3) Fast Ethernet – 100 Mbps (IEEE 803.2) Giga-Ethernet – 1000 Mbps (IEEE 802.3ab & 802.3ah) Reference - (Campus, n.d.) Virtual LANs VLAN is a solution to divide a single broadcast domain into multiple broadcast domains. Host in one VLAN cannot speak to a host in another. By default, hosts are placed into the same VLAN. VLAN is a Layer-2 technology which works closely on Ethernet. To route packets between two different VLANs, a layer-3 device such as router is required. Hasintha Nayanajith HND COM Networking 24 | P a g e Figure 1.2.2 Virtual LAN Network 1.2.4 Usage of Network Topologies There is no a topology that can select as the perfect one. So, deciding the best structure for your company depends on the networks needs and scale. Because SYNTAX SOLUTION Matara branch has several departments, I have chosen the Start Topology for each department. Reasons to choose Star Topology for each department Centralized control of network – A centralized Switch/Hub acta as the monitoring agency of individuals nodes. We can enhance the capacity of Switch/Hub, if the Switch/Hubs are bottlenecks. Easy Manageability and Scalability – Star Fashion network have easy manageability and scalability feature because of centralized control of network. If company needs to add new computers/nodes to the network at future, it’s really easy add them without affecting network performance. Easy to Maintain – Each host/node in this network connected with a separate one cable, Hence, configuration is simple and in case of failure of any node, it does not affect the whole network. Furthermore, downtime of star topology is significantly lower Hasintha Nayanajith HND COM Networking 25 | P a g e when considering with other topologies because it is simple to understand and troubleshoot. High Performance Level – When comparing with other topologies, the performance of this network is superior because data packets are sent to target node directly and avoid unwanted traffic in the network. But we need to connect all the departments with each other. Bus Topology is ideal for it. o Bus Topology is easy to expand by joining two cables together. And I use the Ring Topology for server room because these advantages it has. o Control network between each workstation. o A network server is not needed. o Data can be transferred at high speed between workstations. o Additional workstation can be added at future if needed, without affecting the network performance. 1.3 Network Models 1.3.1 Why network models? Network models are conceptual models that helps to explain the data communication within a computer network. Figure 1.3.1 Use of Network models Hasintha Nayanajith HND COM Networking 26 | P a g e There’re two main network models are discussed in computer networking. They are, 1. ISO OSI Model 2. TCP/IP Model 1.3.2 ISO OSI Model Open system interconnection model is a conceptual model that covers all the aspects of network communications. It was developed by International Organization for Standardization in 1994. This is a model that allows any two different systems to communicate regardless their underlying architecture. Furthermore, the OSI model is not a protocol but for understanding and designing a network architecture that is interoperable, robust and flexible. Benefits of OSI model are, 01. Reduce complexity. 02. Standardizes interfaces. 03. Facilitates modular engineering. 04. Ensures interoperable technology. 05. Accelerates evolution. 06. Simplifies teaching and learning. 1.3.3 Layers of OSI Model The OSI model is a seven-layer architecture. It defines seven layers or levels in a complete communication system. They are, 01. Physical Layer 02. Datalink Layer 03. Network Layer 04. Transport Layer 05. Session Layer 06. Presentation Layer 07. Application Layer Hasintha Nayanajith HND COM Networking 27 | P a g e 01. Physical Layer The physical layer coordinates the function required to transmit a bit stream over a physical medium. The physical layer is responsible for transmitting individual bits from one node to the next. (Campus, n.d.) 02. Datalink Layer The three main functions of the datalink layer are to deal with transmission errors, regulate the flow of data, and provide a well-defined interface to the network layer. The datalink layer is responsible for transmitting frames from one node to the another. (Campus, n.d.) 03. Network Layer Routing takes place in this layer. A router’s main job is to get packets from one network to another. Another key aspect of routers is that each interface on a router has its own IP address. The network layer is responsible for the delivery of packets from original source to final destination. (Campus, n.d.) 04. Transport Layer The transport layer is responsible for end-to-end communication over a network. It provides logical communication between application processes running on different hosts within a layered architecture of protocols and other network components. Transport layer is responsible for delivery of a message from one process to another. (Campus, n.d.) 05. Session Layer Session layer responds to service requests from presentation layer and issue service requests to transport layer. The major function of this layer is to create, maintain and terminate sessions. Session layer is responsible for providing the mechanism for opening, closing and managing a session between end-user application process. (Campus, n.d.) 06. Presentation Layer This layer is responsible for how data is presented to the user. Data encryption is also one of the functions of presentation layer to ensure the data security. The Presentation layer is used to present data to the application layer in an accurate, well-defined and standardized format. Also handles data compression and encryption. (Campus, n.d.) Hasintha Nayanajith HND COM Networking 28 | P a g e 07. Application Layer Function of application layer is to present data to users by enabling direct interaction between user and software application. In other words, the application layer is responsible for providing services to the user. (Campus, n.d.) 1.3.4 TCP/IP Model The TCP/IP Model allows us to determine how a particular computer should be connected to the internet and how data should be transmitted between them. Four layers of TCP/IP Model Table 1.3-1 TCP/IP Layer Functions (Campus, n.d.) TCP/IP Layer Function Example Protocols Application Represents data to the user and controls dialogues. Support communication between diverse devices across diverse networks. Determine the best path through the network. Controls the hardware devices and the media that make up the network. DNS, Telnet, SMTP, POP3, IMAP, DHCP, HTTP, FTP TCP, UDP Transport Internet Network Access IP, ICMP Ethernet, Frame Relay 1.3.5 Comparison between OSI Model and TCP/IP Model Hasintha Nayanajith HND COM Networking 29 | P a g e Figure 1.3.2 The TCP/IP model compared with the OSI model (Admin, 2013) OSI Model TCP/IP Model Refers to Open System Interconnection. Refers to Transmission Control Protocol Use the network layer to define routing standards and protocols. Uses only Internet layer. Follows a vertical approach Follows a horizontal approach. Have 7 Layers Have 4 Layers Define after the advent of the internet Define before the advent of the internet. Minimum size of OSI header is 5 bytes Minimum size of 20 bytes Table 1.3-2 Comparison between OSI and TCP/IP Models 1.3.6 TCP/IP Model for Protocols TCP/IP protocol is the ideal solution for the SYNTAX SOLUTION because, it is the Open protocol standards, freely available and implemented independently of any hardware or operating system unique to the device. Since it is so widely supported, TCP / IP is perfect to unite Hasintha Nayanajith HND COM Networking 30 | P a g e different components of hardware and software, TCP / IP can be accessed through an Ethernet, a DSL link, a dial-up line, an optical network and virtually every other physical transmission medium Standardized high-level protocols for reliable user services which are commonly accessible. There for I recommend TCP/IP protocol for the SYNTAX SOLUTION Matara Branch. 1.4 Network Protocols All the networks must have a set of rules governing how to communicate and transfer resources with each other and, this set of rules are simply called Network Protocols. 01. Application Layer Protocols FTP – File Transfer Protocol FTP is used to copy files from one host to another. It created two processes called control process and data transfer process at both ends. Also, it establishes two connections. One is for data transfer and another one is for control information. FTP uses port 21 for control connection and port 20 for the data connection. (Campus, n.d.) Table 1.4-1 Advantages and disadvantages of FTP Advantages Disadvantages Enable sharing large files and multiple directories at the same time. FTP lacks security, data, username and password transferred in plain texts making them vulnerable to malicious actors. Resume file sharing, if it was interrupted. FTP lacks encryption capabilities. Can recover lost data and schedule file transfers. SMTP – Simple Mail Transfer Protocol This is the standard protocol used for sending e-mail efficiently and reliably over the internet. Furthermore, SMTP is a control oriented, text-based protocol and it provides notification regarding incoming mails also. (Campus, n.d.) Hasintha Nayanajith HND COM Networking 31 | P a g e Table 1.4-2 Advantages and disadvantages of SMTP Advantages Disadvantages Back and forth conversations between servers can delay sending message, and also Ease in installation. increases the chance of the message not being delivered Connects to any system without any Sometimes firewall can block the ports used restrictions. with SMTP. It does not need any development from your side. HTTP – Hyper Text Transfer Protocol It is a communication protocol which defines the mechanism for communication between browser and the web server. HTTP shows information in webpages while using the TCP port 80. (Campus, n.d.) Table 1.4-3 Advantages and disadvantages of HTTP Advantages Disadvantages Memory usage and CPU usage are lesser HTTP lacks encrypting capabilities making it because lower concurrent connections. less secure. Errors can be reported without closing the Requires more power to establish connection. connections and transfer data. Owning to lesser TCP connections, network congestions is reduced. 02. Transport Layer Protocols TCP – Transmission Control Protocol Hasintha Nayanajith HND COM Networking 32 | P a g e One of the most used protocol, TCP created a connection between source and destination nodes before transmitting data and keeps it live until the communication is active. TCP breaks large data into smaller packets and ensure that the data integrity is intact once it is reassembled at the destination node. (Campus, n.d.) UDP – User Datagram Protocol With minimal overhead, without flow control or acknowledgement of received data, UDP provides a connection between two processes at both ends of transmission. The minimal error control is provided by ignoring received packets that fails the checksum test. (Campus, n.d.) Difference between TCP and UDP Table 1.4-4 Difference between TCP & UDP Comparison TCP UDP Speed Slow High Connection Type Connection-oriented protocol Connectionless protocol Reliability Reliable protocol Unreliable protocol Acknowledge Acknowledge segment No acknowledge 03. Internet Layer Protocols IP – Internet Protocol Internet Protocol or IP Address helps to identify a device on an IP network. In other words, IP address is just a n identity for the device. It is a unique address. There are 2 IP address versions. 01. IPv4 02. IPv6 01. IPv4 – Internet Protocol Version 4 Hasintha Nayanajith HND COM Networking 33 | P a g e The IPv4 addresses are 32 bits in length and are typically communicated in a format called dotted decimal. 32 binary bits are broken into octets and then converted into decimals. Ex: x.x.x.x where x can be an any value between 0-255 (000000002-111111112). Figure 1.4.1 Example IPv4 Address 02. IPv6 – Internet Protocol Version 6 This is an advanced version of IPv4 addresses. IPv6 was introduced due to the shortage of IP addresses. IPv6 is a 128 bits hexadecimal address. Figure 1.4.2 Example IPv6 Address (Anon., n.d.) Difference between IPv4 and IPv6 Hasintha Nayanajith HND COM Networking 34 | P a g e Table 1.4-5 Difference between IPv4 & IPv6 IPv4 IPv6 32 bits IP address 128 bits IP address Binary bits are separated by a dot (.) Binary bits separated by a colon (:) Provides 12 fields in the header Provides 8 fields in the header Numeric Addressing Alphanumeric addressing Support broadcast Does not support broadcast Use for the designated network from host Not Used portion. Chapter 2 2.1 Network Devices & Server Types Network devices (Hardware devices) are required to build a communication and an interaction among nodes/ hosts or among devices of a computer network. These devices are connected to the network and transmit data over the network in a fast, reliable and correct manner. Some devices such as NIC card, RJ45 connecter mounted to the connected devices while some others like router, switch are part of the network. Let’s explore at some of those devices I used to build the SYNTAX SOLUTION Matara branch network design. Hasintha Nayanajith HND COM Networking 35 | P a g e 2.1.1 Hub Figure 2.1.1 A Hub What is a Hub? Hub is an electronic device used in LANs to link group of computers/devices. A Hub interconnects two or more workstations into a LAN. When a workstation to a hub, the hub immediately resends the data frames to all connecting links. (Campus, n.d.) Bandwidth of Ethernet Hubs Ethernet hubs vary in the speed they support. Original Ethernet Hubs offered only 10 Mbps rated speeds. Newer types of hubs support 100 Mbps support and usually offers both 10 Mbps and 100 Mbps capabilities. (Campus, n.d.) Type of Ethernet Hubs There 3 basic types of Hubs. They are, Passive Active Intelligent Passive Hubs do not amplify the electronic signals of incoming packets before broadcasting them out to the network. Also called as Concentrator. (Campus, n.d.) Active Hubs are do amplification like a Repeater. Some people use the term Multi-Port Repeater to named Active hubs. (Campus, n.d.) Hasintha Nayanajith HND COM Networking 36 | P a g e Intelligent Hubs are an advanced version of Active hubs which are more important for businesses. An intelligent hub is typically stackable and include remote management capabilities via SNMP and VLAN (Virtual LAN) support. (Campus, n.d.) 2.1.2 Router Figure 2.1.2 A Router What is a router? Routers are electronic devices used to ensure that messages are send to their intended destinations. Router forwards data packets along the network. It is located at gateways and connected to two networks. When data arrives from one of the segments, the router decides, according to its routing table, to which segment to forward that arrived data. (Campus, n.d.) How router works? Routers are Layer 3 Network Gateway devices. They act as special-purpose computers which contain a processor, digital memory and I/O interfaces. The router’s memory stores an embedded operating system called Router Firmware ex: Cisco International Operating System. That router firmware can specific applications on them and need much smaller amount of storage space. (Campus, n.d.) 2.1.3 Switch Hasintha Nayanajith HND COM Networking 37 | P a g e Figure 2.1.3 A Switch. What is a Switch? A Switch, sometimes also referred to as Switching Hubs, Bridging Hubs or MAC Bridges is a hardware device that centralize communication among multiple connected devices within one LAN and it divides a LAN so that each node/host has its own segment. Switch filters traffic based on MAC address and the received data will only be forwarded to the host with destination MAC address. Switches can send and receive information at the same time (full duplex) while Hub transfer data in half-duplex mode means one direction at a time. (Campus, n.d.) Network Switch Technology While several kinds of Network Switches, Ethernet Switches are the most common type. Mainstream switches generally support Gigabit Ethernet Speed per individual link while high performance switches like those in data centers support 100 Gbps speed per individual link. 2.1.4 Advantages and Disadvantages of Hubs, Routers and Switches Table 2.1-1 Advantages and Disadvantages of Hubs, Router and Switches. Device Advantages Disadvantages Specialized device connects more Router than one network. No redundancy. Hub Hasintha Nayanajith Less expensive. Expensive. Slower than devices because it analyzes data transmission from physical to network layer. Hub is not so secure and safe. It is half duplex. HND COM Networking 38 | P a g e Used for connect the multiple It will broadcast to all the ports. devices. Switch Filtering data. Connect two similar devices only. Secure. Looping when redundancy wire is Port Information. created. 2.1.5 Difference between Hub, Switch and Router Table 2.1-2 Difference between Hub, Switch and Router. Hubs Switch Router Physical layer Network , Data layer Network layer Broadcast messages Multicast messages Routes data as packets Send data as bits Sends data as frames Send data as packets Connect devices within the same network Does not store MAC Address Connect devices to network Connect two different networks Store MAC Address Store MAC Address 2.1.6 Usage of Network Devices for SYNTAX SOLUTION As the network consultant of SYNTAX SOLUTION, I have selected Switches and routers to use as the network devices for network design of Matara branch. Routers are used to connect two department LANs with each other at gateways as needed. Switches are used to build LANs in each department. In addition, Switches exactly know the intended destination of a data frame. So, a 10/100 Mbps Switch can allocate its full bandwidth to each of its ports unlike a hub. 2.1.7 Network Security Both the hardware and the software components of a network system have their own vulnerability to threats. The threat is a possible risk that might exploit a network weakness to breach security and cause harm. Hasintha Nayanajith HND COM Networking 39 | P a g e Network security devices scan network traffic to identify and block attacks by correlating network activity signatures with databases of known attack techniques. Following are the Network Security Devices which are used for the security of network of Matara branch of SYNTAX SOLLUTION. 01. Firewall Figure 2.1.4 Firewall The general purpose of a Firewall is to keep uninvited guests from browsing your network. A firewall can be a hardware device or a software application and generally placed at the perimeter of the network to act as the gatekeeper for all incoming and outgoing traffic. The firewall can disallow some traffic or all traffic depending on the firewall policy of organization. There are two types of firewall policies widely used. Whitelisting – The firewall denies all connections except those specially listed as acceptable. Blacklisting – The firewall allows all connections except those specially listed as unacceptable. Hasintha Nayanajith HND COM Networking 40 | P a g e 02. Proxy Server Figure 2.1.5 Proxy Server Proxy Server act as an intermediary between the client and the server. When using a proxy server, instead of directly requests information from the server, the client requests information from proxy server, then the proxy server evaluates the request and perform the required network transaction. While serving to control the complexity of the client requests, the proxy server provides some additional benefits such as load balancing, privacy and security. (Wikipedia, n.d.) 03. Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) IPS monitors the network activities to find out malicious activities and then attempt to block or stop them. Following are the detection methods of IPS. 01. Signature based detection. 02. Statistical anomaly-based detection 03. Stateful protocol analyze detection. 2.1.8 Server A server is a computer designed to process requests and deliver data to other computers/clients over a local network or the internet. The most typical use of the word ‘Server’ references the very large, high-powered machines although any computer running a special software can function as a server. In other words, servers are designed with more potent components than individual workstations. Hasintha Nayanajith HND COM Networking 41 | P a g e Common Types of Servers Servers are also classified according to their intended function. The following are only a few examples of the server types. Application Server – Occupy a large chunk of computing territory between database server and user, and often connect both. Mail Server – Facilitates the sending, receiving and storing the email messages. FTP Server – Support the moving of files through files transfer protocol tools. Web Server – Show pages and run apps in connecting web browsers. Server Physical Types At the hardware level, servers usually consist of a rack mount chassis which consist of a power supply, a system board, one or more CPUs, memory, storage and a network interface. Server Physical Types: Rack Server Tower Server Blade Server Different Servers Available in Market 01. PowerEdge R830 Rack Server Figure 2.1.6 PowerEdge R830 Server Hasintha Nayanajith HND COM Networking 42 | P a g e Figure 2.1.7 Specifications of PowerEdge R830 (Anon., n.d.) 02. PowerEdge R240 Rack Server Increase performance, ability to scale, and simplify your IT with an entry-level 1U rack server designed for web hosting and multi-purpose applications. Figure 2.1.8 PowerEdge R240 Rack Server Figure 2.1.9 PowerEdge R240 Specifications (Solutions, 2020) Hasintha Nayanajith HND COM Networking 43 | P a g e 03. PowerEdge R7515 Rack Server Figure 2.1.10 PowerEdge R7515 Server The Dell EMC PowerEdge R7515 is a single-socket 2U server designed to handle workloads like software-defined storage, virtualization and data analytics. Figure 2.1.11 PowerEdge R7515 Specifications (Technologies, n.d.) 04. Fusion Server Pro 1288H V5 Rack Server Hasintha Nayanajith HND COM Networking 44 | P a g e Figure 2.1.12 Fusion Server Pro 1288H V5 Rack Server The Huawei Fusion Server Pro 1288H V5 is a 1U, 2-socket rack server. It is ideal for high density deployment to process workloads generated by cloud computing virtualization, High Performance Computing (HPC), and Big Data processing. It delivers superior performance and excellent scalability while improving space utilization in data centers, driving down the overall expenditure. Figure 2.1.13 Fusion Server Pro 1288H V5 Rack Server (Alibaba, n.d.) Hasintha Nayanajith HND COM Networking 45 | P a g e Servers Selection Requirements Unlike a workstation, which is dedicated to a single customer, multiple customers depend on a server. Therefor reliability and uptime are high priority. When I invest effort in making a server reliable, I look for features that will make repair time shorter, provide a better working environment and use special care in the configuration process. So, when choosing servers for Matara branch of SYNTAX SOLUTION, I have to pay my attention for the following things. Match the primary needs Affordable Choose best of bread Buy the right operating system Build in expansion and redundancy Support and maintenance As network consultant of SYNTAX SOLUTION, I decided to use three server computers for Matara branch. SYNTAX SOLUTION is an IT company and it has lots of project files there. So, I configure a Database Server with MySQL and Oracle Databases for Matara Branch. I choose the Dell PowerEdge R830 Rack Server for as the Database Server because it fulfills the system requirements of MySQL and Oracle databases. Hasintha Nayanajith HND COM Networking 46 | P a g e Figure 2.1.14 System requirements of MySQL and Oracle databases. And also, I want to implement the DNS Server, DHCP Server and the Proxy and the Mail Servers. For these, I choose Dell PowerEdge R7515 Rack Server because this server computer has a powerful hardware. Therefore, it can manage all these services. Furthermore, I choose Dell PowerEdge R240 Rack Server as the web server because it has lots of traffic and more load. So, it should be a separated server computer. 2.2 Networking Software Networking software helps administrators to deploy, manage and monitor network. It exposes the inner-working of the network t administrators, while software application enables end users to perform specific task. Network software is ‘Invisible’ to end users, it is simply used to facilitate the access those users have to network resources, in a seamless way. Some functionalities of network software include, User Management – enables administrators to add or remove users from the network. File Management – allow administrators to define the location of data storage and user access to that data. Hasintha Nayanajith HND COM Networking 47 | P a g e Enables virtualization of network Network software allows multiple devices, such as desktops, laptops, mobile phones, tablets and other system to connect with one another, as well as with other networks. (Campus, n.d.) 2.2.1 Networking Software Server OS Server needs the server operating system to operate it. We need servers for the network of SYNTAX SOLUTION Matara branch because we want to implement the DHCP, Mail Server and Web Server in the company. There are many Servers Operating Systems in the world but I have decided to use Microsoft Server 2019 for Matara Branch of SYSTAX SOLUTION. Active Directory This is the technology used by Microsoft to control computers and other devices within a network. It is a primary feature of Windows Server OS. Active Directory helps network administrators within a network to build and manage domains, users, and objects. For example, an admin can build a group of users and give them special privileges on access to certain server folders. Active Directory provides a way to organize a large number of users into logical groups and subgroups as a network expands, while at the same time providing access control at each level. 2.2.2 Compatibility Compatibility is the ability to operate together on two systems without needing to be altered to do so. Compatible software applications use the same data formats. Compatibility may refer to the interoperability of any two products: hardware and software, same or different types of products, or different versions of the same product. In the networking, following things should be compatible. Hardware: Applications to support various hardware configurations. Hasintha Nayanajith HND COM Networking 48 | P a g e Operating Systems: The program for compatibility with various operating systems such as Windows, Unix, Mac OS etc. Software: The software designed to be compatible with other apps. MS Word application for example should be compatible with other applications such as MS Outlook, MS Excel, and VBA etc. Without these compatibilities, lots of errors can be come. Few of them are, Without minimum requirements for server OS, you install the OS for server it can be crash. And also, you install some servers without there are requirements it will be not work or crash. Your servers and clients are in deferent OS they are cannot doing some work properly. Your routers, switches and other main networking devices are in deferent models, you are face to big trouble in configure that. Therefore, I have to select compatible devices as our requirements. Chapter 3 3.1 Design of Networked System 3.1.1 VLAN It is the virtualization of computers for networking. We use network virtualization with VLANs on switches to allow the connection of multiple broadcast domains (LAN segments) on a single switch. With VLANs we are splitting switch into multiple switches. We are doing this with the Hasintha Nayanajith HND COM Networking 49 | P a g e use of software but only on specialized hardware devices that are virtualization enabled. In the Matara branch of SYNTAX SOLUTION which has seven branches, I implement seven V LAN for them. 3.1.2 IP Subnetting As the designer/consultant of network system of Matara branch, I have chosen IP address and divided to subnet for the departments. I allocate the IP address for each department based the number of users in the department. I configured the VLAN because it can categorize many broadcast domains into number of logical subnets. In the VLAN a group of users with the demand of high security can be included so that the external users out the VLAN cannot interact with them. When it comes to logical classification of users in terms of function, we can consider VLAN as independent from their geographic or physical locations. Table 3.1-1 IP Subnetting Scheme for Matara branch - SYNTAX SOLUTION Department Users VLAN Subnet Net ID Broadcast ID IP Range Mask Developers 55 VLAN /26 10 Finance 25 VLAN /27 20 Sales & 20 10 VLAN /27 10 /28 5 /28 VLAN /29 60 Team Legal 50 Care Network VLAN 5 VLAN /29 70 Hasintha Nayanajith 40 Customer 30 Marketing HR VLAN HND COM Networking 50 | P a g e I have already discussed about different network devices I have used in the network design of Matara branch under Network Devices part above. So now I am going to discuss about networking software that I have to use to design the network. 3.1.3 Wireshark Wireshark is very famous Network Analyzer, an important tool for any qualified network administrator. Following are some characteristics of Wireshark. (Wireshark, n.d.) Track real time network traffic. Helps with network troubleshooting issues. Intercepts traffic and transforms the binary traffic to a readable format for users. 3.1.4 FileZilla It is an Open-Source tool that allows users to transfer files to remote computer from a local computer. Followings are some features of FileZilla. Available in both the client and the server versions. It can create and store a list of FTP servers and associated connection data and FileZilla similar to a file manager, allowing a user to modify files and folders and providing a drag-and-drop capability between local and remote directories. FileZilla can Windows, Mac and Linux. It supports protocols for FTP, SFTP and FTPS. 3.1.5 PuTTy Hasintha Nayanajith HND COM Networking 51 | P a g e PuTTy is a Terminal Emulator for Windows and Linux. It provides a text user interface to remote computers running any of its supported protocols, including SSH and Telnet. 3.1.6 Networked Diagram for Matara Branch Figure 3.1.1 Design of Networked System of Matara branch SYNTAX SOLUTION 3.2 User Feedbacks about Networked System As the Network Consultant and the designer of the networked system of Matara branch, I have created a customer feedback form to get the feedbacks of this networked system. Users have left their feedbacks by representing their department. Following are the screenshots of their responses. Hasintha Nayanajith HND COM Networking 52 | P a g e Hasintha Nayanajith HND COM Networking 53 | P a g e After analyzing the customer feedbacks, I think that the designed system is perfect as an overall. But I have discussed with the users who has left some negative feedbacks for some questions of the forum and got more details from them and did my best to make the networked system a reliable, efficient one as much as I can. Hasintha Nayanajith HND COM Networking 54 | P a g e 3.3 Installing and Configuring the Network Services and Applications 3.3.1 Windows Server There are several Operating System vendors in the market such as Cisco, Microsoft, and Linux etc. Based on our scenario, we are going to use the Operating System that is built by Microsoft. There are several versions introduced by the Microsoft such as Windows server 2003, server 2008, server 2012 and Windows Server 2016. According to the scenario Matara of SYNTAX, I suggest Windows Server Operating System 2012, the reason I did not choose the latest operating system 2016, because it’s the latest version launched by the Microsoft, it includes some bugs, and it crashes sometimes. Therefore, I highly recommend 2012 and we can have an error free network. Figure 3.3.1 Windows Server 2012 Steps to Install & Configure MS Server 2012 1. After boot the server .iso image file take the defaults on the Language screen, and click Next. Hasintha Nayanajith HND COM Networking 55 | P a g e 2. Then Click Install now on the install screen. 3. Then read License Agreement, Turn on Checkbox “I accept the license terms,” and then click Next. 4. Click Custom: Install Windows only (Advanced). 5. Select the disk you will be installing on. If you do not want to change drive options (optional), Click Next. 6. It will then start copying files. This will take a while (could be 20 mins or so depending on hardware performance).It will reboot a couple times (automatically). Hasintha Nayanajith HND COM Networking 56 | P a g e 7. Enter a new password for this computer. It must meet complexity requirements. Reenter the password in the second password box, and then click Finish. 8. Press Ctrl-Alt-Delete at the same time to get the login screen. 9. That’s all ,now you can experience windows server OS. 3.3.2 DHCP Server DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) is a protocol used to provide quick, automatic, and central management for the distribution of IP addresses within a network. DHCP is also Hasintha Nayanajith HND COM Networking 57 | P a g e used to configure the proper subnet mask, default gateway, and DNS server information on the device. Steps to Configure DHCP Server 1. Go to “Server Manager” → Manage → Add Roles and Features. 2. Select the Role-based or feature-based installation option → click next. Hasintha Nayanajith HND COM Networking 58 | P a g e 3. From the Roles lists, check the DHCP Server role → click Add Features on the popup window. 4. Click Install. And finish the installation. 3.3.3 Active Directory I have already mentioned and discussed about the Active Directory. It runs on Windows Server and allows administrators to control network resource access and permissions. So, following is how to configure the Active Directory. Steps to Configure Active Directory 1. Server Manager, go to Manage, and click Add Roles and Features. It opens the Add Roles and Features Wizard. Click Next. 2. Select Installation Type, select Role-based or feature-based installation and click next. Hasintha Nayanajith HND COM Networking 59 | P a g e 3. Then Select a server from the server pool”. In Server Pool, ensure that the local computer is selected and click next. 4. After then Select Active Directory Domain Services from Roles. 5. After these steps click Add Features and then click next. 6. Read the information in Active Directory Domain Services page and click next. 7. Confirmation page, click Install to install the roles, role services, or features on the server. Hasintha Nayanajith HND COM Networking 60 | P a g e 8. When the installation is completed, click on Notifications in Server Manager, and click on the link Promote this server to a domain controller. 9. When the Active Directory Domain Services Configuration Wizard opens, select Add a new forest and enter Root domain name. Then click Next. 10. Then verify NetBIOS domain name. Click Next. 11. Given Specify locations for AD DS Database folder, Log Files folder, and SYSVOL folder. 12. The wizard will validate the prerequisites before installing AD DS. When all checks are passed successfully, click Install. 13. When the installation is completed, click Close to finish the wizard. 14. Active Directory Domain Services have been successfully installed. Your machine will be rebooted automatically. Hasintha Nayanajith HND COM Networking 61 | P a g e 3.4 Network Maintenance Network maintenance means you have to do what it takes in order to keep a network up and running and it includes a number of tasks. Troubleshooting network problems. Hardware and software installation/configuration. Monitoring and improving network performance. Planning for future network growth. Creating network documentation and keeping it up-to-date. Ensuring compliance with company policies. Ensuring compliance with legal regulations. Securing the network against all kind of threats. Completing all the above tasks surely make a good maintenance on any network and it helps to keep the network in order for up and running. (Lessons, n.d.) 3.4.1 Network Maintenance Schedule Once the network is implemented, maintenance is an important part to be considered. According to SYNTAX SOLUTION network, the network maintenance should must be performed in order to identify whether the network runs smoothly and efficiently. Performing a scheduled maintenance will help to enhance the safety, and the long run of the network. Hasintha Nayanajith HND COM Networking 62 | P a g e Identifying the issues or making modifications on time and performing in a routine maintenance in the network will be more productive to the business. Matara Branch technical teams will be in-charge of the network maintenance for the company. Following snapshots show the network maintenance schedule which was designed to cover every aspect of the network in an efficient and effective manner. Table 3.4-1 Network Maintenance Schedule Action Required Occurrence Start Time Date Responsible Personality Hardware Maintenance Identifying faults on the Weekly 6.30 PM 01.09.2022 Engineer components. Hardware Termination. Technical Weekly 6.30 PM 02.09.2022 Technical Engineer Checking the cables Weekly 6.30 PM 03.09.2022 Engineer connected. Check functionality of Technical Weekly 6.30 PM 03.09.2022 Technical Engineer other peripheral devices. Taking Backups Ensuring the backup is Weekly 8.00 PM 04.09.2022 Admin running as pre-scheduled. Checking backup disks. Network Weekly 8.00 PM 04.09.2022 Network Admin Disks clean up. Weekly 8.00 PM 04.09.2022 Network Admin Check backup logs for Weekly 8.00 PM 04.09.2022 Network Admin errors. Software Update Hasintha Nayanajith HND COM Networking 63 | P a g e Anti-Virus Update Daily 10.00 PM 05.09.2022 Technical Team Check for any important Weekly 10.00 PM 05.09.2022 Team updates Identifying useless Technical Monthly 10.00 PM 05.09.2022 Technical Team updates. Event Logs and Services Check System, Application Monthly 8.30 AM 06.09.2022 Analyst and security logs. Troubleshoot any found Monthly 8.30 AM 06.09.2022 Network Admin error events and warnings Checking for security logs. System Monthly 8.30 AM 06.09.2022 System Analyst Network Performance Monitor excess traffic Daily 12.30 AM 06.09.2022 Engineer utilization. Network utilization rate. Network Weekly 1.00 AM 06.09.2022 Network Engineer Check the Up-time of Monthly 8.30 AM 08.09.2022 Network Engineer servers, switchers and router. Check and monitor server Weekly 2.30 AM 08.09.2022 Network Engineer performance through the allocated software Disk Management Analyzing disk Monthly 6.00 PM 08.09.2022 Admin performance and usage. Checking the capacity of Monthly 6.00 PM 08.09.2022 System Admin the disks. Hasintha Nayanajith System HND COM Networking 64 | P a g e Check for Disk Monthly 7.00 PM 08.09.2022 Admin Defragments Clear unnecessary files. System Monthly 7.00 PM 08.09.2022 System Admin Security Check for network Weekly 7.30 PM 09.09.2022 Admin security policies. Check for password Network Weekly 8.30 PM 09.09.2022 Network Admin policies. Perform security checks on Monthly 8.30 PM 09.09.2022 Network Admin applications and files if required. Checking the network and Monthly 9.30 PM 09.09.2022 Admin the server security level. Enable and Check firewall Network Monthly 9.30 PM 09.09.2022 Network Admin & router logs. Troubleshoot findings if required. Hasintha Nayanajith HND COM Networking 65 | P a g e Chapter 4 4.1 Implement the Networked System based on Prepared Design Implementing a designed network is one of the major criteria in a system network. Written plan and the Cisco two played a major role in the network so far and has no exceptions when implementing the network. The above design is the Cisco design, which I have implemented while taking consideration of the prepared written plan above. For the two routers I have used 1841 routers. In addition, for the four switches I have used 2960-24TT switches. When considering the redesign, the designer has used a serial cable to connect the two routers and I have implemented it in the Cisco design. In addition, to connect the routers and switches, I have used fast Ethernet cables. Just as the connectivity of routers and switches, the designer has used Ethernet cables to connect switches with the end devices. Hasintha Nayanajith HND COM Networking 66 | P a g e 4.2 Design Test Case Table Test Results Against Expected Results Table 4.2-1 Testcase table of Matara branch of SYNTAX SOLUTION Tes t ID 01 Test Scenario 02 Ping to server room 03 ping from 26 network to network 04 Pinging among VLANs with different switches 05 Client pc getting IP from DHCP server 05 Access telnet in Switch Screenshot ping from customer care department to developer department Hasintha Nayanajith HND COM Networking Expected Result Actual Result Pass/Fa il Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss) Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss) Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss) Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss) Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss) Enabling access verificatio n Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss) Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss) Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss) Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss) Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss) Access verificatio n enabled Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass 67 | P a g e 07 4.3 Check IP configuration in PC Configure Configure Pass d Potential Future Enhancement Technology is one most gradual development industry in this modern world. Day by day, there are new technologies, which are rapidly being introduced. Especially, with the improvement in technology, businesses can obtain a productive and efficient advantage. Based on the solution that was provided to the Matara branch of SYNTAX SOLUTION, after some time, the current technologies that are implemented will be outdated. By enhancing and upgrading these, a more productive networking solution can be expected. The following section describes the enhancements that should be implemented, when the company feels like they need an improvement. 4.3.1 Upgrading the cables in the system Currently, the network is running through coaxial cable within the building premises. In coaxial cables, it will generate more heat. The company can enhance their network by modifying the cables to Fiber Optic. These cables have the great capability of transmitting data in higher bandwidths than the coaxial cables. In fiber optics, laser technology is being used to transmit data from one destination to another. However, coaxial cables generate more heat, but in fiber optics, it is ecofriendly and does not generate much heat. Based on the cost fiber optics are quite expensive than coaxial cables. 4.3.2 Improving the Quality of the Network When it comes to improving the quality of the network, this will enhance the state of the network. That means by using branded and qualitative hardware components; it will help to improve the quality of the network. The current using network hardware components in Matara branch can be upgraded into higher performance devices that will make the network more productive. Based on this, the company can replace their old routers with more powerful one; Hasintha Nayanajith HND COM Networking 68 | P a g e this will help to enhance the efficiency of the network. Maintenance is also a prominent process that is mainly required for a network. A proper scheduled maintenance will help the network to be free from issues. 4.3.3 Enhancing the Security of the Network In a network, security is considered as an important factor. The information that is transmitted and stored in the network should be more secured from hackers and other external parties who tries to access the information without proper authentication. By creating a strong security policy will help to protect the network. Network security policies are descriptive solutions, which outline the policies such as who can access the network and what they can view / modify and the limitations, and privileges they possess. Face Recognition Security System & Bio-Metric Door Locks If we consider the physical security of the network, it is highly important to protect the server and other network devices confidentially. For this, the company can use ‘Face recognition security systems’ for the server rooms, where the authenticated persons can access. By using ‘Bio metric door locks’, the company can enhance the physical security of the network within the company premises. 4.3.4 Scalability SYNTAX SOLUTION is an emerging IT company in Sri Lanka. Therefore, the growth of the company will establish more branches with more employees. Based on this, there should be more sub-network should be implemented which could cost the organization very high. In order to overcome this situation, the company can implement Virtual Local Area Networks, which will influence the business positively, where it can connect the branches virtually. When it comes to scaling the network, Virtual Local Area Networks are more beneficial. The company already has several Virtual Local Area Networks and they can build on that and enhance the company by creating different Virtual LANs in different branches. The above aspects are the main points when considering the fact about enhancing the company further more. As a network engineer of the company, I think a designer can always think out from the box and implement more efficient and effective methods to the network design. Hasintha Nayanajith HND COM Networking 69 | P a g e Author Conclusion This assignment mainly includes the network solutions that are designed for Matara branch of SYNTAX SOLUTION , by providing a reliable and efficient communication process based on the identified requirements. As the Network Engineer of the company, I was required to design and implement a network solution for the company. In the first activity, I have briefly discussed the benefits and constraints of the different types of network system and topologies, and I have justified a suitable network topology for Matara branch. In addition, I have prepared a report on network related technologies and standards that can be implemented to the solution and have discussed how they would affect the solution. In that same activity, I have explained the roles of different protocols that would be employed to the network solution of Matara branch, and I have briefly discussed how they enable the effective utilization for the solution. In the second activity, I have designed the comprehensive network solution for Matara branch and I have explained how the design meets the requirements of the company. In addition, I have discussed the role of software and hardware components that would be used in the solution and how the components been utilized to create the network. In the same task, I have briefly explained the types of servers that will be used in the solution, I have analyzed the different types of servers in the market, and I have made the best selection. As the second activity runs down deep, I have obtained the feedback from the users of the network in Matara branch. Based on that I have briefly analyzed the feedback results and summarized them by providing graphs. In the third activity, I have put screenshots, and shown the test cases for the activities. In addition, I have stated the enhancements that can be implemented to the network system of Matara branch. The provided network solution of Matara branch can be considered a complete network solution if the maintenance, backups, monitoring and other activities perform efficiently and effectively. Hasintha Nayanajith HND COM Networking 70 | P a g e References Admin, F. B., 2013. Fiber Bit. [Online] Available at: https://fiberbit.com.tw/tcpip-model-vs-osi-model/ [Accessed 04 August 2022]. Alibaba, n.d. Alibaba. [Online] Available at: https://www.alibaba.com/product-detail/huawei-server-FusionServer-Pro-1288HV5_62324417163.html [Accessed 04 August 2022]. Alpern, N. J. & Shimonski, R. J., 2010. Science Direct. [Online] Available at: www.sciencedirect.com [Accessed 04 August 2022]. Anon., n.d. Networks Training. 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P1 Discuss the benefits and constraints of different network types and standards. P2 Explain the impact of network topology, communication and bandwidth requirements. M1 Compare common networking principles and how protocols enable the effectiveness of networked systems. LO2 : Explain networking devices and operations P3 Discuss the operating principles of networking devices and server types. Hasintha Nayanajith HND COM Networking 74 | P a g e P4 Discuss the inter-dependence of workstation hardware with relevant networking software. M2 Explore a range of server types and justify the selection of a server, considering a given scenario regarding cost and performance optimization. LO 1 & LO2 D1 Critically evaluate the topology protocol selected for a given scenario to demonstrate the efficient utilisation of a networking system. LO3 : Design efficient networked systems P5 Design a networked system to meet a given specification. P6 Test and evaluate the design to meet the requirements and analyze user feedback. M3 Hasintha Nayanajith HND COM Networking 75 | P a g e Install and configure network services and applications on your choice. D2 Design a maintenance schedule to support the networked system. LO4 : Implement and diagnose networked systems P7 Implement a networked system based on a prepared design. P8 Document and analyze test results against expected results. M4 Recommend potential enhancements for the networked systems. D3 Use critical reflection to evaluate own work and justify valid conclusions. Hasintha Nayanajith HND COM Networking 76 | P a g e