DAVID A. AAKER* A measure of brand acceptance involves a refinement of the usual stochastic model market prediction. Using this measure, the effect of consumer promotions and purchasing habits on brand acceptance is investigated and a brand health indicator is developed. A Measure of Brand Acceptance and a prediction is obtained for each of the resulting groups. For a new-trier group, the intent m~y. be to h~lp optimize promotional efforts by determmmg which it. Ot?er buyer types accept the brand and which reje~t factors (such as susceptibility to promot10n) bemg equal, it will be more profitable to direct promotions toward those who tend to accept the brand. A similar approach is possible in promotional tests. The data base is again partitioned-this time by descriptors of the promotion of interest. Consequently, the effect of controllable variables upon market dynamics can be observed [6, 9]. A serious problem with partitioning the data base is that valuable sample size is sacrificed. Since the data source is usually consumer panels, even one partition can sometimes reduce the data base to an uncomfortable level. Further, this partitioning procedure fails to exploit the available information. . The purpose of this article is twofold. Ftrst, a new measure of brand acceptance is introduced and empirically illustrated which refines the con~e~tional model market prediction by more fully explo1tmg the available information. Using this measure, segmentation studies and promotional tests are possible even when the model is applied to the unpartitioned data base. Practical, sensitive measures of brand health can also be generated using this measure; these control for promotional effort and sample composition. The second purpose of this article is substantive. The effect on ultimate brand acceptance of a consumer deal (such as a cents-off coupon) associated with a first or trial purchase is studied. Dissonance theory, for example, predicts that such a reward would reduce the tendency for the new trier to justify his purchase by accepting the brand. Such a proposition has obvim~s implications for promotional decision making. In addition, the effect of purchasing habits such as brand loyalty and usage level upon consumer brand accept- INTRODUCTION The primary objective of most applications of st_ochastic models of buyer behavior is to generate predictive measures of market share or sales. Since such models are usually based upon a knowledge of individ_to detect ual purchase decisions, they have the potenti~l actual market dynamics accurately and sens1t1vely. As a result, their predictive measures are often much more meaningful than extrapolations from aggregate market data. When purchase histories of those trying a new or existing brand for the first time-new triers of a brandprovide the data base, these predictive measures become measures of brand acceptance. These can be used in several ways, one of which is in evaluating a brand's performance. A manager of~ new brand is faced with major decisions and needs a timely and accurate assessment of the likely future of the brand. A manager of an existing brand needs to monitor the health of his brand to detect any indications of weakness. The problem is to isolate brand acceptance or rejection decisions. Does a significant model-proje~ted trend reflect a set of enduring judgments by new tners about a brand, or does it reflect a change in sample composition or a temporary reaction to unusual promotion? A second use of model prediction is in segmentation studies, in which the data base is partitioned according to meaningful buyer characteristics, such as age or sex, * David A. Aaker is Assistant Professor of Business Administration, University of California, Berkeley. He gratefully acknowledges the many contributions made by Professors W. F. Massy G. S. Day, and M. L. Ray of Stanford University and Profes~or Barr Rosenberg of the University of California at Berkeley. Clerical and reproduction services were provided by the Institute of Business and Economic Research, University of California, Berkeley. Dr. I. J. Abrams of the Market Research Corporation of America made the data available. 160 Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. IX (May 1972), 160-7 A MEASURE OF BRAND ACCEPTANCE 161 ance are also examined. What percentage of brandloyal buyers enticed to try another brand can be persuaded to switch loyalties? Are heavy users more difficult to convince than light users once they have tried a brand? Figure 1 PROBABILITY DISTRIBUTION OF p(l) f(p (1)) THE BRAND-ACCEPTANCE MEASURE Let n represent a discrete time or purchase occasion and p(n) the probability of purchasing a given brand at time (or purchase occasion) n. The expectation of p(n) over the population, E[p(n)], is the model's mean value function or its· predicted market share trend measured in discrete (not real) time. If the sample's interpurchase times and time origins are fairly homogeneous, the differen~e between discrete and real time is small. The model's mean value function is usually determined from estimated model parameters. Its asymptotic market share prediction, E[p( CJJ)], is approached as n increases. E[p( CIJ)] is the model's market share prediction upon which most studies rely. Consider a set of binary coded, brand choice decisions of length 5 (another length could be chosen without altering the argument), where 1 denotes the purchase of the brand of interest and 0 another brand. Let x denote a specific sequence of brand decisionse.g., 1 0 1 1 1 or 1 1 1 0 0. Intuitively, knowledge of x would seem useful in predicting p( CJJ) for an individual in the sample. If x were 1 1 1 1 1 for an individual, his p( CJJ) likely exceeds E(p( CJJ)], the expected value for the group. Similarly, those with a sequence of 1 0 0 0 0 would probably develop a p( CIJ) value below E(p( CJJ )]. In fact, using probability theory, the distribution of p( CJJ) conditional on x can often be obtained. The mean of this distribution is then E[p( CJJ) I x]; it provides a measure of brand acceptance that is substantially more useful than E[p( CIJ)]. This new measure does not ignore information nearly always available to the model user at the parameter estimation phase-namely the knowledge of the brand decision vectors for each sample member. For each application of the model, there are 25 or 32 potential data cells defined by the binary, five-purchase sequence and 32 potential dependent variables, E[p( CJJ) I x], for segmentation studies or promotional tests. To proceed it is necessary only to characterize the sample members of these cells in terms of segmentation variables or their exposure to promotional efforts. An empirical application will clarify. First, however, the E[p( CIJ) I x] term will be illustrated by considering it in the context of two specific brand choice models. The Heterogeneous Bernoulli Model Morrison has suggested and empirically explored a heterogeneous Bernoulli model [11]. In this simple model, each individual in the sample is assumed to follow a Bernoulli process-that is, his purchase probability is an unchanging parameter (p(n) = p for all n). c/i = p[p(l) = O] 0 1 p(l) Recognizing that all individuals in the population do not have the same purchase probability, this parameter is distributed over the population with a beta distribution (with parameters R and N). In this case a familiar argument [12, p. 53] demonstrates that E[p( CJJ) Ix] = (R + t)/(N + 5), where t is the number of l's in x; t = 0, 1, · · ·, 5. This expression directly indicates that those who generate an x with many ones are more likely to have a higher p( CIJ )-to eventually "accept" the brand-than those who generated an x with few ones. The New-Trier Model The new-trier model was designed to model the purchase process following the first purchase of a brand new to a buyer. The brand may be newly introduced or it may be an existing brand with which the new trier is unfamiliar. In the latter case, he has never before used the brand or use was so long ago that it has been effectively forgotten. Let the time origin (n = 0) be the first purchase of such a "new" brand. The model assumes that the new trier comes to a decision about the brand while using it after the first purchase.1 This decision is represented by p(l). Recognizing that new triers' brand decisions are heterogeneous, the model distributes p(l) over the population with a truncated beta distribution which might appear as in Figure 1. The probability mass at zero reflects the probability that the new trier has completely rejected the brand. The decisions of those who did not immediately reject the brand (the probability of not immediately rejecting is 1 - <P) are distributed over the population with a beta distribution with parameters R and N. The model further assumes that the new brand is 1 A special case of the new-trier model is actually used here. The complete model, described in detail in [4], includes a formal trial period construct. An application of this special case is reported in [2]. 162 JOURNAL OF MARKETING RESEARCH, MAY 1972 For the new-trier model, it has been shown [l, pp. Figure 2 64--6J that: CUMULATIVE PROBABILITY OF REJECTION P[p(n) = OJ (2) E[p( oo) I x] 1 y [l where y aJ N R + 5 = 1,2, 3,4,5 y = 0 the position of the last 1 in x; y = 0, 1, I xJ is a function of the position of the last 1, distinguishing 0 1 0 0 0 from 0 0 0 0 1 and reflecting the fact that a purchase indicates that rejection has not yet occurred. The proposed brand acceptance measure, E[p( oo) I xJ, is really a transformation of the brand choice vector x, based upon a specific model of brand choice. The transformation's appropriateness depends upon the extent to which the model's assumptions are fulfilled. In the case of the Bernoulli model, the resulting transformation was simply the number of ones in x, a measure commonly used in empirical studies. With a more complex model, such as the new-trier model, the measure becomes more sensitive and refined. Not every brand-choice model generates 32 groups with different E[p( oo) I xJ values. In fact, the heterogeneous Bernoulli model generates six different measures, since it does not distinguish, for example, tetween 0 0 1 1 0, 1 0 0 0 1, and 1 1 0 0 0. The new-trier model defines 16 different E[p( oo) I xJ values. It does not distinguish between 1 1 0 1 0, 1 0 1 1 0, and 0 1 1 1 0, for example. Although this discussion has used brand-choice models, the method can also be used on purchase incidence models, which focus upon sales instead of market share measures. = · ·., 5. Notice that E[p( oo) 1 0 2 3 n 4 vulnerable soon after the first purchase, since it has not yet had an opportunity to become ingrained as part of a family's habitual purchasing process. After a time of course it does become less susceptible to ' from other ' brands. Accordingly, the model perattack mits new triers initially to accept the brand (p( 1) > 0) and later to reject it (]J(n) = 0). The mechanism used is the cumulative probability of rejection (P[p(n) = OJ) which is permitted to increase geometrically through time (at a rate of 11) from its initial value, cf>, to a final value, a. That is: P[p(n) = OJ = cf>+ (a - cf>)(l - 11n-1), n = 1, 2, The cumulative rejection probability distribution might appear as in Figure 2. At time n, p(n) is distributed over the population for which p(n) > 0 with the same beta distribution (with parameters R and N). Letting f[p(n) J denote the distribution of p[nJ: [ P[p(n) > OJJ[p(n) ip(n) >OJ 0 f[p(n)J = ~ 1 n = 1, 2, · · · = OJ P[p(n) < p(n) p(n) = 0 n 1, 2, · · · = or: [1 - a+ (a+ cf>hn-lJ r(N)[p(n)JR-1[1 - p(n)r-R-l r r(R)r(N - R) J (1) /[p(n)] = l l cf> + ~ :: f(~) ~~ .~. 1 (a_ )(1- n-1) p(n) 11 cf> n = 1, 2, · · · . The second part of (1) is simply the cumulative rejection probability. The first part contains the beta distribution multiplied by P[p(n) > OJ, the probability that rejection has not occurred at time n. AN EMPIRICAL APPLICATION In this section, a regression model is introduced which has as its dependent variable the E[p( oo) I xJ term as defined by (2). The independent variables included two buyer characteristics and two descriptors of consumer promotions associated with the first or trial purchase of the brand. A structural analysis of the regression results will, hopefully, help to answer two questions: (1) Which buyer types (segments) accept the brand and which reject it? (2) What effect does consumer promotion, such as cents-off deals, have on newtrier brand acceptance? Then the possibility of using the results to generate a measure of brand health will be explored. Data Description The data source was the MRCA National Consumer Panel. The product class was a frequently purchased consumer good distributed primarily through grocery A MEASURE OF BRAND ACCEPTANCE 163 outlets. Approximately 135,000 purchases were made by over 8,000 families in the 3-year period studied. Four brands (which represented just over half of the market) were analyzed, including one introduced during the period (Brand 3). The danger does exist that consumer panel members become sensitized to transaction details. However, the act of recording purchases can reasonably be considered to become habitual and disassociated from purchase decisions, thus making the data very nearly nonreactive. New triers' purchases of the four brands were identified; the numbers so classified were 680, 631, 988, and 483 for Brands 1 through 4, respectively. To qualify as a new trier of an existing brand, at least 15 months and 5 purchases of other brands had to have elapsed since the last purchase of the brand in question (see [4) for an empirically based discussion of this decision rule). The model's parameters were estimated for the groups of new triers-one group for each of the four brands. The x 2 goodness-of-fit p-level (a low p-level indicates a poor fit or a rejection in the sense of classical hypothesis testing) were 0.09, 0.88, 0.52, and 0.40. This set of numbers is quite compatible with a viable model; only one brand involved a rejection at the 0.10 level, and that just barely. In addition, the model's mean value function predicted well in an absolute sense and in comparison with two other models [4]; it was concluded that the model was a viable representation of the process. section, these variables had practical value beyond that of being an obvious mechanism to increase sample size. Other descriptive variables-notably socioeconomic variables-were judged to be less relevant and not worth including in an already complex and expensive data reduction process. The Independent Variables To interpret the results: ai = f3o + f31; a2 = {3 0 + {32 ; as = f3o + f3a ; and a4 = f3o. The model, (4), was run on each of the four brands and their aggregation. The results, presented in the form of (3), are in Table 1. The dummy variable coefficients for the brands are discussed in the next section; now the analysis turns to the coefficients of the remaining variables and the model's viability. Eight independent variables were calculated for each new trier. One was a dummy variable, d, with a value of one if the first purchase of the new brand was made on a consumer deal, and zero if not. A second variable, s, reflected the size of the deal; it was the percentage differential between the average nondeal prices for the brand and the deal price actually paid or zero if no deal was made. The value was constrained to be positive. Because of local conditions and the specific nature of the deal, the deal price occasionally exceeded the average price. A wide variation in prices made it infeasible to use previous family purchases to determine the average price. Two variables were determined from the six purchases preceding the first purchase of the new brand. One, v, was an index of purchasing volume-the average daily usage of the product, in thousandths of ounces per day. The other, l, was an index of brand loyalty-simply the number of purchases of the family's favorite brand divided by six. This favorite brand, of course, had to be different from the new trier's new brand. The loyalty index was thus defined with respect to the product class, not to any particular brand. The remaining four variables were dummy· variables denoting which of the four brands was involved. As discussed in the following The Regression Model The complete model was: P = aib1 (3) + a2b2 + aaba + a4b4 where: P = b; = v = l = d = s = expected value of the new-trier model's asymptotic brand purchase probability, given the brand purchased and the subsequent five-purchase sequence-E[p( oo) Ix] dummy variable for brand i (i = 1, 2, 3, 4) index of purchasing volume index of brand loyalty dummy variable--coded as one if first purchase was on a consumer deal, and zero otherwise deal size. Equation (3) is overidentified. If the values of b 1 , hz, and b3 are known, then b4 is uniquely determined. Equation (4) overcomes this problem: (4) P = f3o + f31b1 + f32b2 + {33b3 + a5v + a5/ + a1d + a s. 8 A Structural Analysis A new trier's value to a brand must increase with his usage. However, evidence from Table 1 suggests that a higher-volume user is more difficult to win over, once he has tried a brand, than the average user. The nature of the data-reduction process in this study eliminated the families (about one-third) with the lowest usage; consequently, the comparison was between average and high usages. The v regression coefficient was negative for all brands combined (significant at the .20 level) and for Brands 1, 2, and 4. It was only barely positive for Brand 3. As an explanation for these observations, perhaps the heavy user's buying habits are more firmly entrenched because of more frequent usage. In Hullian terms, the habit strength is greater and there is less opportunity to forget. Thus it is more difficult to induce 164 JOURNAL OF MARKETING RESEARCH, MAY 1972 Table 1 EQUATION (3): REGRESSION COEFFICIENTS AND t-RATIOS Brand I IJisaggregate data a, az as a. Volume (v) Loyalty (/) Deal (d) Deal size (s) Sample size RZ F Aggregate data Sample size Rz Brand 2 .116 -.010 (- .74) .131° (3. 62) -0.56° (-2.60) .019 (.21) 680 .035 6.05° 18 .78 Brand 3 .106 - .018• (-1.65) .095° (3.01) -.008 (-.47) -.030 (- .42) 631 .019 3.06h 18 .83 .121 .003 ( .35) .064b (2.33) .023 (1. 31) - .068° (-3. 30) 988 .016 4.00° 18 .60 Brand 4 .140 -.013 (-1.22) .051 (l.30) .006 (.24) -.013 (- .18) 483 .006 .70 18 .54 All brands .132 .101 .126 .116 -.007 (-1.39) .089° (5.40) - .008 (- .84) - .044b (-2.40) 2,782 .018 6.70° 72 .64 • Significant at the .10 level. t Significant at the .05 level. 0 Significant at the .01 level. the heavy user to switch loyalties. He might also be more critical, since the perceived risk is probably higher. The new brand (Brand 3), with the positive coefficient, was surrounded by introductory promotion which might have given it an advantage in appealing to users of other brands. Consequently, the existing habit strengths might present less of a barrier. However, for existing brands, it seems that the value of a high-volume user must be adjusted somewhat for the possibility that he will be more difficult to sell even if he is persuaded to try a brand. One might expect that a loyal buyer is worth much more to a brand than a nonloyal buyer. Such a hypothesis is implicit in the interest that marketers have shown in brand loyalty over the years, and is confirmed by the data in Table 1. The loyalty coefficient was significantly (.01 level) positive for Brands 1, 2, and 3. For the four brands combined, the t-ratio was 5.40, indicating a very impressive level of significance. Another approach was used to investigate further the effect of loyalty on brand acceptance. A new-trier sample for eight brands, including Brands 1-4, was used. The sample had 4,765 new-trier purchases and was divided on the basis of brand loyalty, with 0.60 as the boundary. If a household purchased the same brand on 4, 5, or 6 occasions in the 6 purchases preceding the first purchase, it was regarded as loyal. The new-trier model was fitted to the two groups. 2 The model predicted an asymptotic market share, E[p( oo)], of 0.145 2 The goodness-of-fit p-levels were 0.19 (loyal) and 0.004 (nonloyal). These levels are not overly disturbing considering the large and heterogeneous samples involved, but should still serve as a warning. for the loyal group and 0.086 for the nonloyal groupa very substantial difference of 0.059. The significance of brand loyalty in this context is most interesting when viewed against prior empirical work. Frank reviewed brand-loyalty research and concluded that "the pattern of results for brand loyalty as a basis for market segmentation in food products is not encouraging" and that "loyal customers do not appear to have economically important differences in their sensitivity to either the short-run effects of pricing, dealing, and retail advertising, or to the introduction of new brands" [8, p. 33]. Yet in this study responses of loyal buyers were found to be significantly different from those of nonloyal buyers to new brands being tried. It should be emphasized that this study centered on brand acceptance after trial. The loyal buyer is undoubtedly more difficult to induce to trial. Webster [13] found that deal proneness was negatively correlated with brand loyalty. The finding here suggests that brand loyalty is vulnerable if trial can be induced (for a normative model that includes the task of stimulating trial, see [3]). One might logically expect deals to tarnish a brand's image, since a brand that has to make a special offer to obtain purchase might be perceived as inherently inferior. Thus the coefficient of d should be negative, a prediction supported by dissonance theory. A decision to purchase a new brand creates dissonance or pressure to develop a positive attitude toward that brand. If a reward is associated with that purchase decision, the likelihood of a positive attitude developing is smaller, because reward reduces the tendency for the new trier A MEASURE OF BRAND ACCEPTANCE to justify his purchase by accepting the brand. Doob, et al. [7] offer empirical support for such a hypothesis. Adaption-level theory supports the dissonance hypothesis in that a user might associate the brand with the reduced price and would be reluctant to accept it at its normal price. In addition, one might expect the deal to attract extremely price-conscious buyers whose purchase does not represent a real trial of the brand. This type of self-selection bias should accentuate the expected result that those whose first purchase of a brand is on a deal develop less favorable brand attitudes than those whose first purchase is not on a deal. Continuing the same line of reasoning, one might believe that as deal size is increased, the image-tarnishing effects and self-selection bias should also increase. Similarly, a greater deal size should still further reduce the dissonance associated with the deal purchase. The hypothesis seems to have been only weakly confirmed. The d variable was significantly negative for Brand 1 and negative-although not significantly-for all brands combined. The s variable was significantly negative for Brand 3 and for all brands combined. However, the effect failed to emerge to any significant degree for either the d or s variable for Brands 2 and 4. The correlation between d and s was 0.57. The resulting collinearity tends to inhibit the image-tarnishing hypothesis from emerging via a t-test. It also tends to make the coefficient values for d and s unstable. In particular, the large negative coefficient for the s variable in the Brand 3 results undoubtedly reflects, in part, the positive d coefficient. To explore the effect of the d variable further, the regressions were rerun with the s variable omitted. Again, only in the Brand 1 result did the d variable have a significant t-value (-3.00). In the other brand results, the t-values were low (-0.78, -0.58, and 0.16). For all brands combined, the t-value was significant ( -2.33). As before, the total new-trier sample was divided by whether a deal was associated with the first purchase of the brand, and the new-trier model was fitted to the two groups. 3 The model predicted the same asymptotic market share, an E[p( oo)] of 0.12 for both groups. One must conclude that the hypothesis of imagetarnishing received less support than expected. This effect was not nearly as pronounced as the loyalty effect. The result is reminiscent of the sleeper effect in communication research. After a time, the content of a communication becomes disassociated with its source and a negative effect of an unreliable source dies away. It appears that a similar process may, to some extent, have been operating here. The negative effect of a deal purchase may decay over time until the brand becomes virtually disassociated with the deal purchases; unless a brand decision is made immediately, the effect of the deal may be much less than one would suppose. •The goodness-of-fit p-levels were again low: 0.07 (deal) and 0.004 (no deal). 165 Although the F-statistics for all regressions except Brand 4 were highly significant, the R2 values were low, ranging from 0.006 to 0.035. The R 2 values in this model measured the percentage of variance in long-run brand acceptance across the population which can be explained by the independent variables. The very low R 2 values indicate that random factors affecting individuals' purchasing habits, together with the intrinsic measurement error in using E[p( oo) J x] to predict asymptotic buying behavior, made the larger contribution to variance in the dependent variable. The low R 2 values should not, however, be taken as vitiating the importance of the results. As Bass, et al. noted, "the fact that the R 2 values are low implies only that the variance within segments is great, not necessarily that the differences in mean values between segments are not significant" [5, p. 267]. From a practical standpoint, an effect which accounts for one percent of the variance in individual buying decisions can have a much larger effect on market share if the effect is stable over time, whereas the factors contributing the remaining variance are intrinsically random and average to zero by the law of large numbers as individuals are aggregated into segments. From the standpoint of statistical sampling theory, the !-statistics for the parameter estimates, rather than the R 2 values, are the appropriate criteria for the significance of the estimated effects of the independent variables. To show the effect of random factors upon the R 2 values, the regressions were rerun with the s variable removed and the data aggregated into 18 cells per brand on the basis of the v-, l-, and d-variables. The vand /-variables were recoded as low, medium, or high for purposes of the aggregation. The resulting R 2 values, shown in Table 1, ranged from 0.54 to 0.83. The coefficient estimates obtained from the aggregate data base were similar to those reported. The !-values associated with the v- and /-variables were higher, however. For all brands combined, the t-value for v was -1.68 and for l, 9.66. Also, the all-brands-combined t-value for d was -0.95, which should be compared to the -2.33 t-value obtained in the disaggregative data with s omitted. MEASURING BRAND HEALTH A new product receives the benefit of close managerial scrutiny and concentrated market research efforts, but a continuing product has no such advantage. Managers tend to rely heavily on aggregate trend data of sales or market share, yet measures such as these tend to be both insensitive and deceptive. They are insensitive because the bulk of the data represents habitual purchases. Purchases that can be closely associated with decision points related to a brand are simply swamped. What one sees is not so much a reflection of consumers' brand reaction as the inertia of their purchasing habits. Further, by not exposing underlying purchasing 166 JOURNAL OF MARKETING RESEARCH, MAY 1972 Table 2 MEASURES OF BRAND HEALTH Brand New-trier model, asymptotic market-share prediction E[p(c<J )] 0.171 2 0.127 3 0.141 4 0.143 Equation (3), regression coefficients and standard errorsa 0.132 (0.012) 0.101 (0.013) 0.126 (0.012) 0.116 Equation (5), prediction Yi Gi 0.169 0.138 0.163 0.153 • The standard errors are those of (4) 's regression coefficients. dynamics, aggregate measures can deceptively seem to support inappropriate decisions. For example, a decline in market share is easily interpreted by a brand manager to indicate that more dealing is required to stir up the market. However, if new triers are actually rejecting the brand, such a tactic would be far from beneficial. Dealing would then only increase the population of rejectors, and these would become more difficult to attract in the future when the product is improved. They could even become actively negative forces in the market. A sensitive measure of brand health can be viewed not only as desirable in itself, but as a safeguard against the misinterpretation of aggregate measures of a brand. To obtain a more sensitive measure, it is necessary to identify consumer brand decisions. A decision point very relevant to a brand occurs just after it is first tried. Instead of market share, some continuing measure of the acceptance of the brand by new triers is needed to provide a truly sensitive measure of the brand's health. This argument suggests that the new-trier model should be regularly applied to new triers as they are identified. The model's asymptotic market-share prediction would be the desired measure. Using this approach, however, one might be monitoring the effect of the changing composition of new triers, rather than the brand's ability to gain acceptance. One set of new triers may contain more brand-loyal consumers and more consumers attracted by deals than another set. Fortunately, the regression model provides a mechanism to adjust buyer acceptance for purchase details and buyer characteristics. The coefficient ai from (3) is the appropriate adjusted indication of brand health. Its sensitivity and diagnostic value can be enhanced by contrasting it with comparable measures for other brands and by monitoring it over time. Obviously it can also be used to determine the health of new brands. Although the ai coefficient's values provide a relative indication of brand health, they have little intuitive meaning in an absolute sense. In fact, they could be negative. It is possible to adjust these values to obtain a measure of brand health that is more interpretablethe predicted brand asymptotic market share for an average group of new triers. One need only apply (3), using for the independent variables the appropriate average value of new triers: (5) where: Yi = ai + a5v + a67 + aa + ass, asymptotic market share predicted for brand i for an average group of new triers a;, a5, a6, a7, as = regression coefficients from (3) v, l, d, s, = (3)'s variable values for an average group of new triers. Yi = Thus Yi, which is really only a; plus a constant (a5V + as! a7d + ass), becomes a revised measure of brand health. 4 For the data used in this study, this constant was 0.037. Naturally, it might sometimes be appropriate to use special data bases to get the average group, perhaps, for example, a group observed in a different time period. The asymptotic market-share values predicted by the new-trier model, E[p( oo)], are reported in Table 2. Those of Brands 3 and 4 were about 0.142, while that of Brand 1 was higher (0.171), and that of Brand 2 lower (0.127). Also shown in Table 2 are the a; coefficient values from (3) and they; values defined by (5). These new measures modify the analysis. Brand 3 now appears stronger. It is close to Brand 1 and substantially above Brand 4. By the E[p( oo )] measure, it had trailed Brand 3 and seemed much weaker than Brand 1. Brand 1 no longer seems as strong, relative to the other brands. Brand 2 still seems weakest, but the gap between it and Brand 1 has narrowed. Further, the y; value for Brand 2 (0.138) is more attractive than the E[p( oo)] value of 0.127. The large standard errors indicate that the regression coefficients are, in reality, quite unstable about these values, so these observations must be highly qualified. Comparing these observations with actual market trends, Brand 3 was a very successful new entry, becoming one of the top three brands a year after it was introduced. Its performance is certainly compatible with the conclusion that it was an attractive brand. Brand 4 was a smaller brand, whose market share increased in the face of the new entry. Brands 1 and 2 were the leading brands. The last half of the third year, after Brand 3 made its biggest push, the market share for Brand 1 was about the same as it was the previous year. Brand 2, in contrast, had lost nearly 10 % of its market share. The relative difference in the three brands' ability to gain acceptance among new triers was undoubtedly a factor in explaining their relative performance. Since a brand must also obtain new triers in + •The standard error of they, value is easily computed if the inverse of the cross-products matrix is available [10, pp. 1312]. 167 A MEASURE OF BRAND ACCEPTANCE the first place (presumably through promotion), its performance, of course, is not solely a function of its ability to gain acceptance from the new triers it does get. for each of four brands, and the results seemed reasonable when compared to the brands' overall marketshare performance. SUMMARY REFERENCES Market predictions made by stochastic models of buyer behavior are extremely useful but have important limitations. This article has suggested a refinement of this measure which exploits the available information and provides the potential of obtaining for one model application a market prediction for each purchase sequence. When purchase histories of those trying a brand for the first time provide the data base, measures of brand acceptance are generated for each purchase sequence. This measure provided the dependent variable in a regression model designed to predict new-trier brand acceptance from such explanatory variables as brand loyalty, product class usage, deal coverage, deal size, and brand identity. The regression results produced some interesting conclusions. First, the higher-volume user seemed to be more difficult to win over, once he had been induced to try, than the average user. Second, buyers with a tendency toward brand loyalty are more likely to accept a new brand once they have tried. Finally, the influence of the deal and its size on brand acceptance was smaller than anticipated. It was suggested that the machinery developed in this research could be applied to measuring brand health. A brand dummy variable in the regression model directly provided a measure of the brand's ability to gain acceptance among new triers. It had the important characteristic of being corrected for the composition of the new-trier group. Such measures were obtained 1. Aaker, David A. ''The Long-Term Value of Temporary Price Reductions," unpublished doctoral dissertation, Stanford University, 1969. 2. - - - . "A New Method for Evaluating Stochastic Models of Brand Choice," Journal of Marketing Research, 7 (August 1970), 300-6. 3. - - - . "A Normative Model ·of Promotional DecisionMaking," paper presented at the American Meeting of the Institute of Management Sciences, October 1970. 4. - - - . "The New-Trier Stochastic Model of Brand Choice," Management Science, 17 (April 1971), 435-50. 5. Bass, Frank M., Douglas J. Tigert, and Ronald T. Lonsdale. "Market Segmentation: Group Versus Individual Behavior," Journal of Marketing Research, 5 (August 1968), 264-70. 6. Day, George S. 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