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Globalization & World Economics: Lecture Notes

Week 1 - Globalization
Joseph Nye, a former dean of the John F. Kennedy
School Government at Harvard
Seeks to describe and explain nothing more than a
world which is characterized by networks of
connections that span multi-continental distances.
Attempts to understand all the interconnections of
the modern world.
Not focus on the inter-connection and unification of
states and nations but on its relation and
Manfred Steger, prof. at the University of Hawaii at
It is the expansion and intensification of social
relation and consciousness across world-space and
creations of new networks and the multiplication of
existing connections that across traditional, political,
economic, cultural, and geographic boundaries.
going beyond own territory and accepting other
nation inside one’s territory.
is an expansion, stretching, and acceleration of
global networks.
Going deeper into the connections between nations
by creating agreements and friendship.
Expansion and Intensification was done in order to
create social relation and social consciousness.
Social Relation
A state or nation befriend other states which
gradually result to a stabilize relationships.
Social Consciousness
It is an awareness and knowledge of the capabilities
and strategies of other states in order to protect
his/her own.
This is to be executed across world-space and
World Space
No boundaries can be given to other nation may it
be an allies or not.
World Time
No time limit, globalization happens twenty-four
hours a day and seven days a week.
Arjun Appadurai, an anthropologist.
Kinds of globalization or multiple globalization which
occurs on multiple and intersecting dimensions.
Ethnoscape - refers to people that moves around in
the world, as well as the ideas that move with them.
Mediascape - refers to the flow of media and
culture across borders.
Technoscape - refers to the movement of
technologies across worldwide.
Ideoscape - flow of ideas.
Financescape - refers to the flow of money across
political boarders.
Week 2 - The Globalization of World Economics
International Monetary Fund
Regard as an “economic globalization” as a
historical process representing the result of human
innovation and technological progress.
Increasing integration of economics around the
world through the movement of goods, services,
and capital acrossborders.
The value of trade as a percentage of the world
GDP increased from 42.1% in 1980 to 62.1% in
Increase trades also mean that investments are
moving all over the world at faster speeds.
United Nations Conference on Trade and
Development (UNCTAD)
19882- Amount of foreign direct investments flowing
across the world was 57B$.
2015 - It became 1.76T$.
It represents a dramatic increaser in global trade.
Can execute millions of stock purchases and sales
between different cities in a matter of seconds
through a process called high-frequency trading.
Walden Bello
The US used its power under GATT system to
prevent Philippine importers from purchasing
Philippine poultry and pork.
Noted that the Philippines became a net importer
under General Agreement of Tariffs (GATT).
International Trading System
It is not new.
Allows the countries to expand their markets for
both goods and services.
Silk Road
Oldest known international trade route.
A network of pathways in the ancient world that
spanned from China to Middle East and Europe.
A trade route which connects part of Asia.
It helps Asian countries exchange their cultures,
goods, and religions.
Dennis O. Flynn and Arturu Giraldez
Age of globalization began when all important
populated continents began to exchange products.
Galleon Trade
1571 - Flynn and Giraldez trace the establishment
of the galleon trade.
Connected the Manila to Acapulco in Mexico.
The first time that Americans were directly
connected to Asian trading routes.
Was part of the age of Mercantilism.
Monetary reserves
16th – 18th Century. Sell more goods to boost their
countries income.
To defend their product from
competitors who sold goods more
cheaply, they imposed;
1. High tariffs
2. Forbade colonies to trade with other nations.
3. Restricted trade routes
4. Subsidized its exports.
an economic practice by which governments used
their economies to augment state power at the
expense of other countries.
A system of global trade with multiple restrictions.
1867 - lead by UK, US, and other European, its goal
was to create a common system that would allow for
more efficient trade and prevent the isolation and
mercantilism era.
World War 1
Many were forced to abandon the gold standard due
to the depleted gold reserves to fund their armies.
Floating Currencies
No longer redeemable with gold.
Great Depression
1920s to 1930s
Was the worst and longest recession ever
experience in the western world.
Economist argues that it is caused by Gold standard
Barry Eichengreen
Argues that the recovery of US began when gold
standard was abandoned.
They were able to free up money to spend on
reviving their economy.
Fiat Currencies
20th, present time.
Currencies that are not backed by precious metals,
and whose value is determined by cost relative to
other currencies.
Bretton Wood System
Due to the occurrence of two world wars.
Was inaugurated in 1944 during the UNM and
financial conference.
Was largely influenced by British economist, John
Maynard Keynes.
He believed that economic crisis occur not when a
country does not have enough money, but when
money is not being spent and thereby not moving.
2 Financial Institutions – Keynes
International Bank for Reconstruction and
Development (IBRD) or World Bank - responsible
for funding postwar reconstructions projects.
International Monetary Fund (IMF) - was the
global lender to prevent countries from spiraling into
credit crisis.
Refer to market-oriented reform policies such as
eliminating price controls, deregulating capital
markets, lower trade barriers, and reduce state
influence in the economy, especially through
privatization and austerity.
Keynesian Orthodoxy
Dominated the economic agenda and it was
assumed that these stimulus policies would
lick-start the recovery by replacing lower spending
and marshalling idle resources.
Is a sustained increase in the general price level of
goods and services in an economy over a period of
Very high rate of inflation and hyperinflation is
caused by an excessive growth of the money
high rates of unemployment period of a little or no
growth in an economy.
Freidrich Hayek and Milton Freidman
Argued that the governments practice of pouring
money into their economies had caused inflation by
increasing demand for goods without necessarily
increasing supply.
They argued that the govn’t intervention in
economies distort the proper functioning of the
World Trade Organization
Founded in 1995 to continue the tariff reduction
under GATT.
Washington Consensus
is a set of 10 economies policy prescription
considered to constitute the standard reform
package promoted for crisis-wracked developing
countries by Washington.
Global Financial Crisis and the Challenge to
2007-2008 - World experienced the greatest
economic downturn since the great depression.
2007-2008 - Iceland debt increase more that
Sep, 2008 - major investment banks collapsed.
Y 2008-2009 - recent global financial crisis.
Week 3 - A History of Global Politics:
Creating an International Order
International Relation
the Goal of internationalization and globalization, in
a sense.
Primarily, it is the reason behind the act or it tells us
WHY we do globalization.
the system used in the internationalization in order
to achieve international relation.
tells us on when and where globalization is done.
the exploration and process of attaining deep
interactions and collaborations with other states.
tells us on how globalization actually being done.
The people/citizen inside a country who shared
same ideas, belief, faith or culture.
exercises authority over a specific population, called
its citizens and governs a specific theory.
the structure of govn’t that crafts various rules that
people follow.
has sovereignty over its territory.
A combination of state and nation or commonly
known as country.
It is the full right and power of a governing body over
itself without any interference from outside sources
or bodies.
the relationship between an individual person and a
state to which they owe allegiance and in turn is
entitled to its protection.
Napoleonic Code
The code which napoleon bonaporte impelemented
to his conquered kingdoms. This code forbade birth
privileges, encourages freedom or religion, and
promoted meritocracy in govn’t service.
Napoleon Bonaporte
Challenged the power of king, nobility and religion.
Believed in spreading the principles of French
Revolution - liberty, equality, and fraternity.
Concert of Europe
An inner-state system/organization that was created
by powerful nations in Europe after the battle of
Metternich System
An inner-state system that was used after world war
I. In is in this system where great powers still hold
significant influence over world politics.
States are sovereign
Liberal Internationalism
It is the international organization that was created
having in mind democracy.
Socialist Internationalism
It is an international organization that was created
which focus on communism.
Axis Powers
A world war II international alliance which is consists
of Germany’s Hitler, Italy’s Mussolini, and Japan’s
Allied Powers
A world war II alliance which
consists of America, Great Britain, China and Soviet
League of Nations
It is the international organization that hoped to
spread peace and prevent another war.
Communist International is a socialist movement
that was established by Valdemir Lenin after the fall
of Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.
Communist information Bureau is a socialist
movement that was established by Joseph Stalin
after the fall of Comintern, however this collapsed in
Immanuel Kant
German Philosopher
He likened states in global system to people living in
a given territory.
For him, without a form of world government, the
international system would be chaotic.
Jeremy Bentham
British Philosopher
Who coined the world international around 1780.
He coined the word international law to govern state
Guiseppe Mazzini
Italian Patriot
The first thinker to reconcile nationalism with liberal
internationalism around 19th century.
Advocated unifying the Italian speaking mini-states
and major ritique of the Metternich system.
Woodrow Wilson
Saw nationalism as a prerequisite for the
Made the principle of determination, the belief that
the world’s nation had a right to a free,sovereign