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Pocky IMC Plan: Marketing Communication Strategy

Pocky - group assignment
Marketing Communication (Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology)
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SEOH SI YING, S3506129
WONG QI ZHI, S3505603
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Table of Contents
Current Situation Analysis.......................................................................................................................4
Background Research and Analysis................................................................................................................... 4
SWOT Analysis.......................................................................................................................................................... 7
Key Marketing Problem or Opportunity........................................................................................................... 7
Key Strategic Decisions............................................................................................................................8
2.1 Marketing Objectives................................................................................................................................................. 8
2.2 Communication Objectives....................................................................................................................................... 8
2.3 Positioning.................................................................................................................................................................... 9
2.4 Campaign Target Audience....................................................................................................................................... 9
2.5 Campaign Budget...................................................................................................................................................... 11
2.6 Brand Personality/Character................................................................................................................................ 11
2.7 Integrated Communication Brief (Creative Brief).......................................................................................... 11
Creative Strategy.....................................................................................................................................11
Development of Creative idea........................................................................................................................... 11
Detailed Explanation and Mock-ups............................................................................................................... 12
3.2.1 Advertising...................................................................................................................................12
3.2.2 Pocky Mascots..............................................................................................................................13
3.2.3 Bringing Pocky Van to Singapore................................................................................................13
3.2.4 YouTube Storyboard.....................................................................................................................14
Media Strategy........................................................................................................................................16
Justification of Media and Media Vehicles Selected.................................................................................... 16
4.1.1 Out-Of-Home Media (MRT & Bus Shelter).................................................................................17
4.1.2 Out-Of-Home Media (Bus Shelter)..............................................................................................18
4.1.3 Out-Of-Home Media (Roadshows Campaign).............................................................................19
4.1.4 Print Media (Magazine)................................................................................................................20
4.1.5 Social Media (Facebook Advertising)..........................................................................................20
4.1.6 Social Media (Facebook & Instagram).........................................................................................21
4.1.7 Social Media (Celebrities Endorsement)......................................................................................21
Media Objectives................................................................................................................................................... 22
Media Plan/Schedule........................................................................................................................................... 24
Other IMC Activities/Elements/Tools...................................................................................................25
Selection, Integration & Detailed Explanation / Mock-ups...................................................................... 25
5.1.1 Point of Purchase..........................................................................................................................25
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5.1.2 Promotional Packages..................................................................................................................25
5.1.3 Product Placement........................................................................................................................26
5.1.4 Direct Marketing..........................................................................................................................26
5.1.5 Event Sponsorship........................................................................................................................26
5.1.6 Cause Related Marketing (CRM).................................................................................................26
Evaluation and Control..........................................................................................................................27
Outline Evaluation/Tracking Techniques...................................................................................................... 27
Demonstrate Possible Corrective Scenario................................................................................................... 28
Appendix A (Creative Brief)............................................................................................................................... 31
Appendix B (Peer Evaluation)........................................................................................................................... 33
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1. Current Situation Analysis
1.1 Background Research and Analysis
Internal Research & Analysis
Ezaki Glico, founded by Riichi Ezaki in 1922 was a company that has two subsidiaries, Glico dairy products
and Glico foods. The introduction of its first released its well-known new product in 1966 in a red box
named ‘Pocky” to the market was a huge success. This red box consists of a simple chocolate coated on a
pretzel-like stick, along with a snapping and crunchy sound while eating it. In 1970, Glico group expands its
major product through a new subsidiary, Thai Glico Co Ltd, for international growth and marketing.
At that time, there were only 3 flavors available which are chocolate, strawberry and almond. In recent
years, Pocky has become known for its innovation of wide varieties of flavors and variation to cater to
different regions and parts of the world. Currently, Pocky snacks can be found easily in any supermarkets
and even through online stores, which also has been adopted as one of the well-known Japanese snack
products [ CITATION Eza151 \l 1033 ].
External Research & Analysis
Macro Environmental Factors
The external environment refers to the relevant social and physical factors outside the typical boundaries of
an organization, which affect managerial decision-making [ CITATION Zha11 \l 1033 ]. It consists of six
factors such as political, economic, social-cultural, technological environmental and legal sectors. However
we will only be looking at four factors in relation to our entity.
Singapore is ranked as the top country for several indicators of government efficiency, including government
decisions, ease of doing business and adaptability of government policy [ CITATION Tan151 \l 1033 ].
Also, the country’s political stability and strong economic fundamentals provide a favorable operating
environment for businesses. Singapore is well known for its transparent and efficient regulatory framework,
which provides investors security over contract enforcement and property rights [ CITATION Eur15 \l
1033 ].
Singapore is seen as the number 1 city with the best investment potential, it outranks the world as an
investment destination [ CITATION Sin15 \l 1033 ]. With no restrictions on the repatriation of profits and
the import of capital, along with the most favorable operating conditions and strong diplomatic ties,
Singapore’s stable political and economic climate creates an ideal environment to invest in.
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In a national report, it was estimated that the average Singaporean worked a total of 46.3 hours a week in
2008. This would roughly translate to an average of eight and half hours of work every weekday, and four
hours each weekend [ CITATION Lim10 \l 1033 ].
According to Google (2015) trends, we are able to observe the patterns of Singaporean in relation to Matcha
products. It is seen that consumers became more aware of Matcha products in 2015, although it was
introduced to the market in 2011.
With the understanding of the lifestyles and culture of Singaporeans, we would better be able to cater to their
needs be it in terms of communication and the use of marketing techniques.
With strong government support, Singapore has become one of the world leaders in Information and
Communications Technology (ICT). Internet business usage expanded rapidly in the 2009-2014 period from
74.6% of total businesses in 2009 to 87.6% in 2014. In 2014, 97.7% of total households in Singapore
possessed a mobile telephone, up from 96.2% in 2009. This was well above the Asia Pacific average of
87.4%, while remaining below Hong Kong (99.7%) [ CITATION Eur15 \l 1033 ].
Through the numbers, we are able to conclude that more Singaporeans are getting tech savvy, which makes
information easily reachable to consumer through the use of online platforms. This can be seen through
Pocky’s website, Facebook page and Instagram. Information about the product can now be easily
communicated to consumers in a fun and interactive way.
Competitive Analysis
Perceptual Map
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Direct Competitor
PEPERO is seen as Pocky’s direct competitor as it targets the same market
segment and has similar biscuit design. However, Pepero has slightly more
varieties of flavor as compared to Mitsuya or Pocky. Besides the regular
chocolate, strawberry, plain and cookies & cream flavors, they also have three
other interesting flavors. Comparing to other brands, it may be seen as being
slightly pricier.
PEPERO can be found in any leading supermarket and
ource: Lotte 2015)
confectionary stores.
Indirect Competitor
MITSUYA Tasty Biscuit Sticks is Pocky’s indirect competitor. Being able to
fulfill the same need of consumers should they not be able to purchase Pocky or
Pepero, this would be seen as an alternative. However, MISTUYA has only one
flavor. Following the same design, the product however differs such that it is a
savory snack. MITSUYA tasty biscuits come in two packaging sizes to cater to
urce: Redmart 2015)
those who would want more in a packet, it can also be found in all leading
supermarkets and confectionary stores.
Consumer Behavior Analysis
Consumers who are snack lovers and more adventurous to try out new flavors in food products and therefore
always looking out for new variety or option to choose from rather than just sticking to one flavor on its
own. Likewise, consumers who always multi-task and prefer food that are easy to eat without hindering their
current activities.
Brand Evaluation
- Well known for its coated flavor sticks and not demographically restricted
- Low-involvement fast moving consumer good
- Pocky sticks with coated flavors in a unique shape for consumption allowing multitasking without getting chocolate on your hands
- Small packaging with many sticks per box providing satisfaction and convenience of
- Affordable in the market by anyone of any age group and income level
- Not price sensitive
- Pocky is available in more than 30 countries including Singapore
- Available in most supermarkets and convenience stalls
Due to the resemblance of the number 1 and the iconic Pocky snack stick-shape, Glico
group holds a customer appreciation day of fun events each year on the 11th November
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However, with the lack of advertising and recent penetration of competitors, resulting in
Pocky losing their foothold as the leading choice for stick snacks
1.2 SWOT Analysis
Strong Brand Recognition
Pocky, a subsidiary of Glico Group is one of the
most famous stick snacks globally
Non Significant Differentiated
Pocky sticks are not significantly differentiated
with major competitors
Good Brand Packing
Simple red plain packaging allows consumers to
recognize the brand easily
Lack of Marketing Advertising
Pocky lack advertising which results in low
Having continuous R&D to create new flavor
cater to different consumers
Easily to Obtain
Available in most convenience stalls and
Increase in Flavors Available
Due to the growing trend in new flavors, Pocky
can widen its product range by having more
Health-Conscious Consumer
Snacks portrays to be unhealthy and considered
in a ‘Junk Food’ which results in some
consumer avoiding it
Marketing Activities
Pocky can increase its marketing activities in
different platforms to gain more brand
Active Promotions
Pocky can provide more promotion to gain a
larger market share and brand loyalty
Competitive Market in Snacks’ Industry
Due to the competitive market, competitors
could easily learn the new market trend and
create their own new product or flavors to
attract consumers
1.3 Key Marketing Problem or Opportunity
Marketing Problem
Being in the market for so many years, Pocky has gain lots of recognition and regular consumers in
purchasing their products. However, in recent years, due to the penetration of more competitive brands such
as Pepero and Mitsuya tasty biscuit with strong branding equity in the snacks industry, consumers have the
choice of choosing different categories of flavors and options of brands available. Similarly, as Pocky is
considered a fast moving consumer goods with low involvement, consumers would normally grab the
snacks they are craving for or whichever at a lower cost and make their purchase. With the lack of marketing
advertising and promotion, many consumers do not have the knowledge and information about the
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upcoming new flavors that Pocky had introduced into the market. Instead, ‘snacks’ has relatively been
considered and position as unhealthy and falls under the junk food category.
Marketing Opportunity
With the upcoming trend of Matcha Green Tea flavor in the market, Pocky will take the opportunity of this
campaign to introduce and penetrate the Matcha Green Tea Flavor into the market with the help of using
various media strategies and sales promotion to advertise and create brand awareness. Furthermore, Pocky
will emphasis on the slogan and theme to consumers when they are snacking away with the Matcha Green
tea flavor and it will change the customer's’ taste and perception towards Pocky, thus satisfying customers’
2. Key Strategic Decisions
2.1 Marketing Objectives
Pocky’s marketing objective is to increase sales, at a constant rate, by 30% in the following years and for
sales to go up by 30 million of yen in the current fiscal year. This can be done through having effective
marketing strategies such as advertising which in turn would increase our brand and product awareness, by
the end of our campaign.
Based on Glico Annual Report 2013, analysis shown that there has been an increase in sales in the
confectionary category from year 2011 to 2012 globally. Sales in 2011 was seen at ¥81,599 million and
¥83,112 million in the following year, 2012, amounting to a 1.9% increase [ CITATION Eza13 \l 1033 ].
As this IMC campaign is targeted based in Singapore, in order for sales to go up by 254 million of yen (SGD
$3 Million), we are aiming to sell 2 million units of Pocky by the end of our campaign, having a positive net
2.2 Communication Objectives
Through the launch of Matcha Pocky and with the use of various advertising platforms such as Facebook
and Instagram we are aiming to increase brand awareness by 30%. The effectiveness of our campaign at
gaining product awareness can be measured through detailed research analysis on the various
communication platforms. Different platforms to communicate to consumers will be further elaborate in
Creative and Media Strategy.
2.3 Positioning
Our distinctive benefit for Matcha Pocky is the fun and enjoyable moments while eating Pocky, sharing the
joy with their family and friends. In addition, the affordable green-tea flavored biscuit stick also adds on a
significant value to the increasing trend of Matcha-lovers.
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Positioning Statement: “Pocky is about sharing happiness with friends, family, colleagues anyone, anytime,
anywhere! With plenty of sticks in each box, Pocky is the perfect snack for bringing people closer together
and livening the mood.”
With the introduction of the newly flavored Matcha Pocky through our marketing communication campaign,
consumers who are open to experiential benefits of new creations and taste would be highly attracted to
purchase this product.
2.4 Campaign Target Audience
Our target audiences are likely to be young female adults, ranging from age 16 to 25 (mostly junior college,
polytechnic, university students, and fresh graduates who just started working). Female consumers are likely
to have impulse buying behavior, which are associated with hedonistic consumption, and improving their
mental status [ CITATION Sig12 \l 1033 ].
In addition, it is suggested that women are likely to be influenced by social pressure, shown to have a higher
tendency and intention of consuming confectionary snacks, are, while men are not [ CITATION YeL12 \l
1033 ].
Therefore, our promotional campaigns are likely to target on female consumers who enjoys hedonism
consumption and sweet snacks.
Behavioral Sequence Model
The involvement of products influences the motivational factor of consumer’s buying behavior towards a
product or brand. Studies have shown that consumers who are less involved and knowledgeable are more
likely to make repeat purchase on low involvement goods than highly involved consumers[ CITATION
YeL12 \l 1033 ].
As seen from the table below, informational search may not need to be included as Pocky is seen as a low
involvement good. However should a need arise, the female consumers who are to purchase and consume
the product are likely to consider alternatives before making a purchase.
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Need Arousal
Information search
& Evaluation of
Selection &
Usage &
Evaluation of
Individuals Age:
10 - 35 years old
Individuals Age:
16 - 25 years old
Individuals Age:
16 - 25 years old
Individuals Age:
10 – 35 years old
 Workplace
 School
 Home
 Confectionery/
 Confectionery/
After Meals
 Point of Sale
 Shopping
Immediately, when
need arises
 Point of Sale
After evaluating
 Promotional Period
 Point of Sale
Point of Sale
Free Pocky from
Pocky Van
Social Media
Point of Sale
Free Pocky
samples (Pocky
Stimulus (Sight
of other
snacking on
Point of
Free Pocky
from Pocky Van
After Meals (1pm3pm)
 Point of Sale
 Shopping
 EvaluationAfter
consumption of
Free Pocky
(Pocky Van)
 Point of Sale
 Evaluation (Wordof-mouth) Recommend
Pocky to friends
if satisfied
With fast paced lifestyle that Singaporeans are living, youths and young adults prefer food that are easily
edible without hindering their work, studies or online entertainment. In addition, Pocky is seen as a low
involvement, fast moving consumer good, which is affordable, and not price sensitive to our targeted
audience. Therefore, these groups of consumers who are not particularly brand loyal and are brand switchers
for low involvement goods are likely to associate the Pocky with their “Top-of-Mind-Awareness (TOMA)”.
Through an appropriate and detailed marketing campaign, we aim to recreate the cognitive element of our
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consumers, increasing their brand awareness of Pocky while inducing them to place Pocky in their evoked
2.5 Campaign Budget
We will use the Percentage-of-Sales Budgeting method by setting aside 30% ($900,000) of the sales target
$3 million and using it on the Advertising Components.
The advantage of using the Percentage-of-Sales Budgeting method is that it considers affordability and the
equality with their competitors are maintained [ CITATION Hav05 \l 1033 ].
Advertising Components
Amount Breakdown
Out-Of-Home Media (MRT & Bus Shelter)
Out-Of-Home Media (Roadshows)
Print Media
Social Media (Facebook Advertising)
Social Media (Celebrities Endorsement)
Other IMC Activities
Total Cost
2.6 Brand Personality/Character
The fundamental basis, which deeply illustrates the disposition of Pocky, would be Sincerity. Pocky is being
closely concomitant with the concept of the energetic, vivacious and fun-loving characteristics of an
individual’s inner-child. It also corresponds to the joyous experience of sharing and social unity by
consuming the flavor coated biscuit with friends for any occasion. The idea strongly translates into Pocky’s
slogan - “Share Happiness”, leaving optimistic impressions with regards to the brand image. This is assisted
by the packaging as well as roadshows portraying bright, colorful visuals with a lively ambience, in order to
reach out and acquaint with the target audience.
2.7 Integrated Communication Brief (Creative Brief)
Kindly refer to Appendix A
3. Creative Strategy
3.1 Development of Creative idea
Our creative strategy are strongly connected to Pocky’s distinctive benefits of hedonism, giving our
consumers a symbolic experiential benefits of having fun and joyfulness through sharing the Pocky sticks to
their loved ones, spreading love and happiness.
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There will be a series of promotional activities, starting with a social media campaign through Facebook and
Instagram to spread positive Word-Of-Mouth, together with advertisements in various public transport,
followed by roadshow event in different parts of Singapore and also in print media. Peripheral cues such as
the appearance of Pocky Vans at various campuses, as well as the endorsement by Social Media celebrities,
Andrea Chong and Wahbanana, will arouse consumers’ curiosity and enhances their motivation to attend to
our message objective.
As our advertisements will be placed in public transports like Mass Rapid Transportation (MRT) and
selected bus stop shelter in Singapore where consumers will pass by frequently, this helps to enhance the
consumers’ opportunity to encode the information when they see the advertisements. Our consumers will
have the ability to create knowledge structures by participating our roadshow campaigns spread positive
word-of-mouth on the brand.
Emphasis will also be placed on introducing the new Pocky Matcha Green Tea flavor, and joy from sharing
happiness with our Pocky sticks. Our tagline - “Share Happiness”, creates an emotional connection between
the brands that highlight the importance of sharing Pocky sticks and creating happiness. Through constant
exposure of our various marketing communication campaigns, it is likely to increase the brand awareness of
Matcha Pocky and reach consumers “Top Of Mind Awareness (TOMA)” when they recall Matcha-coated
stick biscuit.
With high elaboration likelihood, consumer’s central route will be activated to feel positive about Pocky’s
brand attributes and benefits, and thereafter building strong brand equity for Pocky.
3.2 Detailed Explanation and Mock-ups
Public transport advertisement has been one of the greatest advertising tools to communicate ideas in
advertisements to commuters while they are waiting for the train or bus. Promotional advertisements will be
put up at MRT platform screen doors, open space concept floor print, in-train panels, and on bus stop
billboards at various campuses and town areas in Singapore.
Print Media are one of the most effective traditional advertising media to reach our target audience and
deliver our main ideas. We will be advertising on one of the Singaporeans’ go-to guides for their weekly fix
of showbiz and lifestyle news magazine, to effectively deliver our message to our target audience.
Pocky Mascots
We will be introducing Pocky Mascots in this six
months campaign. It will be seen as posters in MRT
and also real-life in our roadshow events to attract
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attention and bring out the liveliness in the campaigns. The use of Matcha Pocky mascot helps to reemphasis on the new flavor, as well as promoting awareness on Matcha Pocky.
Bringing Pocky Van to Singapore
Pocky Van has always been the iconic feature
during Pocky’s promotions in Japan. Therefore,
we decided to bring the vans into Singapore for
our roadshow events, where consumers can
easily spot the bright red van to get free packet
of Pocky.
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YouTube Storyboard
As one of the up-rising YouTube Channel in Singapore, Wahbanana’s humorous and creative skits has
captured the hearts of many Singaporean viewers as being relatable to their personal life. Many companies
(e.g. Oreo, SG50 Game App, Shoppe) have also hired them to advertise their products in their video as
publicity. Therefore, we will endorse Wahbanana to do a video skit to publicize on the Pocky events and
campaigns. The figures below are some skits for Wahbanana, to build brand awareness for Pocky.
The crews of Wahbanana (Fish, Jason, Audrey,
Terrence, Eden and Chrysan) will present a video
skit on - 10 Fun Facts of Pocky, in which the casts
will act humorously in the 10 scenarios that people
can have fun with Pocky.
Storyboard 1
1. Fun ways of eating Pocky
Scene 1:
SFX: Snap sound from Pocky Biscuit
(Close Shot): Fish giving a “Pocky Snap” with a
flick of the wrist and joyful arm gesture.
Scene 2:
SFX: Nibble sound from breaking the Pocky Stick
(Close Shot): Jason creating some music while
nibble ups a beat with Pocky
Scene 3:
(Wide Shot): Audrey, Fish and Terrence standing
behind Eden, who is presented with a Pocky birthday
SFX: Everyone singing birthday song for Eden.
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(Source: Wahbanana, 2015)
To promote our Pocky Roadshow events and social media campaigns, the last 2 skits (Number 9 and 10) of
the storyboard illustrate how consumers can participate in the Pocky Instagram Hashtag Contest to win a trip
to Tokyo, and about the Pocky events, where consumers can get free packet of Pocky, and have fun in the
Storyboard 9
9. Have Fun in Pocky Event
cene 1:
(Wide Shot) Terrence and Eden sitting lazily on the
couch while watch the television.
(Eden on the Right) Hey Terrence! Let’s try the new
Pocky flavor - Matcha Pocky!
(Close Up) Matcha Pocky
(Terrence on the Left) What’s fun with Pocky? I am
still bored...
Scene 2:
(Close Up) Chrysan appears suddenly and saw
them still idling in the house.
(Chrysan) Oh my god guys! Why are you 2 still
(Wide Shot) Eden and Terrence turn their back and
saw her standing behind.
(Chrysan) You guys still don’t know about the
Pocky Event that is happening right now? You’ll
get lots of fun activities, and even free packet of
Pocky from the Pocky Van!
(Source: Wahbanana, 2015)
Scene 3:
(Close Up) Eden and Terrence look astonished.
(Eden and Terrence) What are we waiting for? Lets
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Storyboard 10
Scene 1:
(Wide Shot) Audrey taking selfies of herself posing
with Matcha Pocky.
10. Win Great Prizes
Scene 2:
Scene 3:
(Close Shot) Audrey uploading the selfie onto (Wide Shot) Audrey posing for camera with the
board stating that she has won the grand prize of a
(Audrey) Now I am going to upload this onto trip to Japan.
Instagram and I hope I will win the prize!
(Source: Wahbanana, 2015)
4. Media Strategy
4.1 Justification of Media and Media Vehicles Selected
Our Pocky’s advertisements and campaigns will be delivered through various mediums from traditional
media to new media. Traditional media include Out-Of-Home (OOH) media (e.g. Platforms Screen Doors,
In-Train Panels, Bus Shelter Billboard, and Roadshow Campaigns) and Print media (e.g. Magazines). New
Media include Social Media (Facebook Side Banner Advertising, Pocky Official Facebook Page, Instagram)
and Social Media Celebrity Endorsement (Andrea Chong, Wahbanana).
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Out-Of-Home Media (MRT & Bus Shelter)
Stickers on platform screen doors, concept pillars and floor
Dhoby Ghaut Station
January – February 2015
Mass Rapid Transport (MRT) is one of the main modes of transportation in Singapore with an
average daily ridership of 2.7 million and an average commuting time of 42 minutes (SMRT
2015). Dhoby Ghaut station is the largest station, located near the central district in Singapore, and
it serves as an interchange station for North East Line, North West Line and Circle Line.
Therefore, there will be a higher percentage that our target audience will be exposed to the
advertisements, increasing brand awareness
There will be a 22m x 7m floor sticker of Pocky logos and stickers of our Pocky Mascots, fully
wrapped on the four pillars beside the travelator at Dhoby Ghaut. It will definitely catch the
attention of commuters passing by.
Also in Dhoby Ghaut station, there will
be Pocky “Share Happiness” stickers
on the platform screen doors at the red
line. Commuters taking red line at
Dhoby Ghaut will be exposed to Pocky’s
advertisements twice, increasing brand
Promotional stickers on the in-train panels
In all East West Line trains
February - April 2015
With high volumes of commuters travelling daily, there will be higher rate that our target audience
will be exposed to the promotional stickers on the in-train panels and will definitely be aware of
the upcoming Pocky roadshow events.
The promotional stickers will
outline the dates of the roadshows
events with a header of “Join us at
Pocky events to get a Free Pocky!”
We use the word “Free” to capture
the attention of commuters.
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Out-Of-Home Media (Bus Shelter)
2-Sided 6-Sheet Poster
In various Bus Stop Shelter in Singapore
April – June 2015
Bus is an essential public transport in Singapore, with the highest average daily ridership of 3.7
million among other public transportation. Bus services has an average waiting time of 10 to 20
minutes, which allow commuters to have sufficient time to read the description on the billboards
while they wait for their buses.
To promote our Pocky Instagram Hashtag Contest, there will be two 6 sheets on both side of the
billboards as shown in the images above being distributed near school campuses and town areas in
The minimalist advertisements, as shown in the first image, will be placed outward of the bus
stop, facing the direction of the traffic. Using the idea ‘less is more’, the minimalist advertisement
will not only catch the attention of public walking past the bus stop, it will also attract the
attention of the drivers or passengers of vehicles.
The second image will be placed inward of the bus stop, in the direction where public will look at
while they are waiting for their buses. It will describe about our Instagram Hashtag Contest in
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Out-Of-Home Media (Roadshows Campaign)
Pocky Van, Campaign Posters, Social Media Celebrity Host, Games Booths
*SCAPE Playspace, Entrance of Bedok Mall and Jurong Point Shopping Centre Basement 1
February – June 2015
Roadshows campaign is one of the most effective ways to promote publicity and spread brand
awareness among public. Therefore, in order to reach out our target audience, we will be locating
our roadshow campaigns in areas where most of our target audience will hang out in. Moreover, by
giving out free Pocky, we bring out our tagline, “Share Happiness”.
Prior to the official Pocky roadshow campaigns, our
campaigns posters will be placed in various school
compounds (Local Polytechnics, Junior Colleges, Local
and Private University), to increase the awareness of the
event. Pocky Vans will also be allocated in selected school
campus on the week of the event (Monday to Friday),
around 11.30 to 2pm. Public who are able to spot the Pocky
Van will be entitled a free packet of Pocky once they share
our campaign poster on their Facebook page.
*SCAPE Playspace (14/2), Entrance of Bedok Mall (3/4),
Jurong Point Shopping Centre B1 (6/6)
There will be three roadshow campaigns with an interval of 6-7 weeks. Each campaign will be on
a Saturday, from 12pm to 8pm. All the booths and decorations will be set up one day before the
official event. Various games (Toss the Ring, Mug Slide, Balloon Dart Board, etc.) will be
As our Pocky Van will be at the roadshows to distribute free packet of Pocky (while stocks last),
the Pocky crew will also hand out a “Game Card” as shown in the image below, together with the
free Pocky to the public. The public can top up this card from the “Card Top-Up” booth located
near the games booth, to play the games.
Public can stand a chance to win the lucky
draw prizes (1st: $5,000, 2nd: $2000, 3rd:
$500, and 10 $50 CapitaLand Voucher) when
they top up the “Game Card” with a
minimum of $10.
There will be free photo booth whereby the public can receive instant photos and share the photos
through their social media platforms.
Sales promotion of our Pocky packaged in twin packs and triple packs will be sold at a discounted
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(Source: dreachong Twitter and Matthew Stewart Instagram and, 2015)
We will invite Social Media Celebrity, Andrea Chong on 14 February and the crew from
Wahbanana on 3 April and 6 June, to be our host for our roadshow campaigns. They will host the
event from 5pm to with 8pm, and engage in interactive games the public.
Print Media (Magazine)
(April 2015) 8 Days has an estimated total readership of 121,000. By advertising
in 8 Days Magazine, it not only can reach out to our target audience, it can also
attract potential consumers of our product as it is voted as one of Singaporeans’
favorite entertainment magazine. A simple advertisement introducing our new
Matcha flavored Pocky will be placed on the full back cover of 8 Days magazine.
Social Media (Facebook Advertising)
(April – June 2015) Facebook is the most popular social network used by Singaporean, with 3.2 million
active users [ CITATION Kem14 \l 1033 ]. Facebook advertising features allows our advertisements to reach
our target audience (Age Group) with demographic targeting, increasing the chance of our Pocky Singapore
Facebook page “Likes”.
Advertisements as shown on the right will appear on the right side banner
of our targeted audience’s Facebook News Feed. When our target
audiences click on the advertisement, they will be directed to our Official
Pocky Website whereby full details of our contest will be clearly written.
We will be using Cost per click (CPC) to fully utilize our marketing
budget for this six months campaign.
Social Media (Facebook & Instagram)
(January – June 2015) With increasing numbers of Singapore using social media, it is important to utilize
this form of media in order to interact and keep the user update of the latest information and news.
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Pocky Singapore official Facebook and Instagram page will be used as a platform to publicize our new
flavor, Matcha, and to update the consumers of our upcoming roadshows events and contests. Facebook will
be used as a platform to update consumers regarding the latest events and promotions and interact with the
consumers. Consumers are able to like and
share the page or pictures with their friends.
Instagram will focus on the monthly “Pocky
Hashtag Contest” whereby consumers will
take a photos of them with a packet of
Matcha flavored Pocky or the Matcha Pocky
itself and hashtag #PockyMatchaSG2015.
The photos with the most “Likes” by
viewers and the most creative idea will stand a chance to win a pair of ticket to Tokyo. Our Pocky’s
Instagram Team will choose the winner of the contest.
Social Media (Celebrities Endorsement)
(February 2015) Andrea Chong, also known as
@dreachong in her social media network, is only 23
years old but is now a well-known fashion and travel
blogger. She was recently featured in Her World
Singapore 55 Millennials. Her Instagram has an estimated of 206,000 followers, and
most of her followers are our target audience.
Andrea will be invited as the host for our first Pocky roadshow campaign during the
month of February. Before the roadshow campaign, Andrea will post a series of
photos on her Instagram to let her followers know that she will be attending,
spreading brand and event awareness to her followers.
(April – June 2015) With estimated 545,000 subscribers, 94.3 million views and experience in creating
numerous comedy skits for many brands, Wahbanana YouTube channel will be a perfect platform to convey
a fun and entertaining YouTube skits regarding Pocky [CITATION Wah15 \l 1033 ].
A rough YouTube storyboard of “10 Fun Facts of Pocky” will be drawn and given to the Wahbanana crew.
The crew will then be in charge of filming according to the storyboard and present it in a humorous way.
The video of estimated 4 minutes, will be posted on Wahbanana YouTube Channel on the week of the
second Roadshow Campaign happening at Bedok Mall, where they will be invited as host for the event from
5pm to 8pm. They will also be invited for the last Roadshow Campaign at Jurong Point.
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4.2 Media Objectives
The media objective is to create awareness within our target audience, achieving a reach of 75% at least
three times over the six-month period using continuity advertising scheduling approach, whereby equal
amount of media weight levels will be distributed throughout the months.
In order to reach our objective, we will be using a combination of various media vehicles, Out-Of-Home
Media (MRT & Bus Shelter) different medium throughout six months, Out-Of-Home Media (Roadshows)
every 7 weeks, Print Media for 4 weeks, Social Media (Facebook Advertising) for two months, and Social
Media (Celebrity Endorsement) for 2-3 weeks.
Media Vehicles’ Frequency and Cost Estimated
Media Vehicles Used
Out-Of-Home Media
Frequency and Cost Estimated
Public Transports Advertisements will be displayed for the whole of 6 months,
(MRT & Bus Shelter)
with different advertisements displayed at different locations on different times.
The cost of production and ad period cost is based on a 1-month period.
(Cost of Production + Ad Period Cost) x Number of Months
Dhoby Ghaut Concept Pillars: $92,000 x 2 = $184,000
MRT Platform Screen Doors: $33,000 x 2 = $66,000
MRT In-Train Panels: $19,600 x 3 = $58,800
Bus Stop Shelter: $53,000 x 3 = $159,000
Out-of-Home Media
Total: $467,800
Roadshows will be held on one weekend during the month of February, April and
June. Cost of purchasing a custom made Pocky Van is $170,000 (Inclusive of
COE), Cost of renting a location is approximately $8000 (Weekends) and the
cost of setting up booths for the 3 months is approximately $39,000.
(Cost of Renting Location) x Number of Days
Cost of Rental (Weekends) for the 3 Months: $8,000 x 3 = $24,000
Cost of Setting up Booths: $39,000
Cost of Pocky Van = $170,000
Total: $233,000
Print Media
Magazine (8 Days) will be the only print media used for advertising and it will
only be published on the month of April. As 8 Days issue on weekly basis, the
cost of production is calculated as per issue.
Cost of Production for Outside Hard Cover (Color) x Number of Week:
$5,700 x 4 = $22,800
Total: $22,800
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Social Media
Facebook advertisements are based on the using either the Cost Per Click (CPC)
or Cost Per Thousand (CPM) method. In this case we will use the CPC method.
We set our own budget for per day and once the number of clicks reached our
budget per day, it will stop. We expect viewers to click a day (400 clicks)
multiplied by the Cost per click ($1.00). The Facebook advertisement will be
displayed at the last 2 months (May – June).
Cost per Click = $1.00
Budget per Day = $400
(Budget per Day) x Number of Days
$400 x 60 Days = $24,000
Total Cost: $24,000
Social Media
Andrea Chong and Wahbanana will be hosting the 3 Roadshows event: Andrea
Chong (1 roadshow on February), Wahbanana (2 roadshows on April and June).
Instagram post endorsement for Andrea Chong will post twice a week within the
2 weeks on the month of February. YouTube endorsement for Wahbanana will be
shown once a week with April showing twice and June once.
Andrea Chong
(Cost of Hire as Emcee x Number of Roadshows): $200 x 1 = $200
Instagram Post Endorsement:
(Cost per Post x Number of Posts): $1000 x 4 = $4000
Wahbanana (5 Members)
[(Cost of Hire as Emcee x Number of Members) x Number of Roadshows]
($200 x 5) x 2 = $2000
YouTube Video Endorsement:
(Cost of Endorsement x Number of Times): $2000 x 3 = $6000
Total: $12,200
Grand Total for Media Vehicles: $759,800
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4.3 Media Plan/Schedule
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5. Other IMC Activities/Elements/Tools
5.1 Selection, Integration & Detailed Explanation / Mock-ups
Point of Purchase
Pocky will invest in an interactive Point of Purchase element,
such as a 3D standee. These will be stationed at 15 major
FairPrice Finest outlets to maximize brand awareness by
influencing product and brand selections. It will incorporate
images of our celebrity endorsement, Wahbanana, to
reinforce memory from the influential local YouTube
channel. Items such as the limited edition collector’s gold
box (further explained under Promotional Packages) and
samples of the Matcha Pocky will be displayed on the
standee, alongside the other regular flavors that are already
readily available.
Promotional Packages
These bundles can be packaged in twin packs or triple packs of Pocky at a discounted pricing. The reason
for packing them this way is so that sales volume will increase, and also to increase overall sales figures.
This will also induce a spirit of sharing, as one person may want to get the best bang for their buck, but is
unable to finish all two or three packs, hence he/she may share with friends. In addition to the combo packs,
a sticker will come with each individual pack. When consumers have purchased eight packages and
collected eight stickers, they are entitled to redeem a limited edition collector’s gold box (limit to 1,000
boxes), redeemable at redemption counters of participating supermarkets.
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Product Placement
Pocky will conduct negotiations with its distribution outlets to allow optimal placements of our products,
such as at eye level and at corners of shelves. This will increase sales, as it “pops out” to the average
shopper, reducing search times and amplifies potential impulse purchases among customers.
Direct Marketing
Pocky Mascots will be deployed at the various marketing activities and at the ‘Pocky Run’ as shown below,
to create brand awareness. Pocky Mascot, a prominent and outstanding figure, would efficiently capture and
arouse interest within potential customers.
Event Sponsorship
As our target audience is largely young
female adults, coincidentally coupled with
the local craze of joining running events,
the ‘Pocky Run’ will have the largest scope
of effect in generating awareness. The run
will house up to 10,000 participants. Goodie
bags containing Pocky merchandise and the
new Matcha Pocky will be given out to all
participants. In addition, participants who
sign up for the run in groups of 4 or more
will be entitled to group registration
discount rates. This is to encourage friends to spread the word-of-mouth to join the run, and is by far the
most cost effective and efficient way of maximizing turnout rates and our new product’s awareness.
Cause Related Marketing (CRM)
As part of our marketing campaign, Pocky will be
extending their services to the less fortunate, so as to give
the slogan of ‘Share Happiness’ a humanity factor, beyond
the business context. This commercial initiative by which
Pocky and the social organization pairs up in a partnership
bolsters Pocky in a positive outlook, showcasing the company's willingness to go beyond just to provide for
the needy.
Pocky will be working closely with the organization ‘Children’s Society’, where they conduct events such as
‘A Little Kindness, Lots of Joy!’, which celebrates the spirit of giving [ CITATION Chi15 \l 1033 ]. As these
events are seasonal, Pocky will be involved in future similar events by providing free Pocky snacks to the
children who are less fortunate.
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Other IMC Activities’ Cost Estimated
Other IMC Activities
Cost Estimated
3D Standee
(Production Cost) x Number of Outlet: $2,000 x 15 = $30,000
Total: $30,000
Pocky Gold Box
(Production Cost) x Number of Boxes: $15 x 1000 = $15,000
Pocky Run
Total: $15,000
Pocky Run event (Limited to 10,000 participants) and chip timing cost will be
calculated in bulk (10,000).
(Cost of 1 Shirt) x Number of Participants
Shirt: $3 x 10,000 = $30,000
Chip Timing Cost: $500
(Production Cost) x Number of Participants
Medal: $2 x 10000 = $20,000
Course Certification & Event Insurance: $500
Total: $51,000
Grand Total for Other IMC Activities: $96,000
6. Evaluation and Control
With the use of several research techniques, it is necessary for Pocky to access, evaluate and monitor the
progress on the IMC campaigns ensuring that it is well coordinated and that it has met its objective
6.1 Outline Evaluation/Tracking Techniques
Evaluation and Tracking Techniques
Branding and
As the main objective of the campaign is to create brand awareness for Pocky and
Campaign Awareness
its new Matcha Green Tea Flavour, it is essential to identify how much exposure is
done. Different marketing social media platform could be used such as Facebook
and Instagram. From the social media, we can determine the number of exposure
from posts and likes in each categories by consumers. In addition, a website
tracker could be used to identify the number of consumers and times they had
viewed or shared in the online page. Another method could be obtained by
collecting stickers which in terms of repeat purchase and brand loyalty. With a
higher number of redemptions of sticker cards could determine the number of
repeat purchase.
Response and
To identify if the New Matcha Green Tea flavour is appealing and satisfying to the
Feedbacks on Flavours
customers and target market, a survey research analysis could be used to gather
and Events
more data and information. In addition, the survey can include on the
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effectiveness towards the campaigns and events that brings the message across to
consumers. Surveys could be carried out online in the social media pages to
participants which minimize cost at the same time.
Sales and Profits
The reason for creating brand awareness is such that sales and profit revenue
could escalate. Method used could be the tracking of monthly sales figures and
calculating the difference between the marginal cost and profits to evaluate the
success for the events and campaigns.
6.2 Demonstrate Possible Corrective Scenario
Corrective Action Scenario
Branding and
Through the analysis of the amount of shared and likes in each social media page,
Campaign Awareness
Pocky can identify which media strategies is most effective in creating awareness
and sharing information to the market. In addition, based on the results of
redemption that is received from the collectible stickers, Pocky can determine the
exposure of such events and whether it is effective. From there, Pocky can adjust
to cater and suit to the best option in which advertising strategies or events
throughout the campaign.
Response and
While carrying out an online survey to consumers in identifying their response
Feedbacks on Flavours
and feedbacks, it enables Pocky to gather more in-depth information and
and Events
understanding on participants reviews towards this campaign. With detailed data
collated, Pocky can analysis the survey results, identifying the market satisfaction
and room for improvements.
Sales and Profits
Corrective measures to optimize sales and reduce cost is to have proper analysis
for each events throughout this campaign and that there could be minor
adjustment to fit into the best option and criterial. As all food products has an
expiry date, another method would be having a good distribution channels and
analysed supply chain so as to not having too many food products stored.
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7. Referencing
Children Society 2015, Children Society, <https://www.childrensociety.org.sg/>.
Euromonitor International 2015, 'Singapore: Country Profile'.
Ezaki Glico 2015, Pocky, <http://pocky.glico.com/>.
Ezaki Glico Co., Ltd. 2013, 'Annual Report 2013'.
Gabrielsson, M & Johansson, D 2002, 'Integrated Marketing Communication: Agencies' Use of IMC in
Campaign Planning', Bachelor's Thesis.
Havaldar, KK 2005, Industrial marketing: text and cases, Tata McGraw-Hill Education.
Kemp, 2014, Social, Digital & Mobile in 2014,
Lim, W 2010, 'A CULTURE OF WORK-LIFE ‘IMBALANCE’ IN SINGAPORE', New Zealand Journal of
Asian Studies, vol 12, no. 2.
Sigal, T & Ram, H 2012, 'Gender differences in brand commitment, impulse buying and hedonic
consumption', Journal of Product & Brand Management, vol 21, no. 3, pp. 176-182.
Singapore Economic Development Board 2015, FACTS AND RANKINGS, viewed 14 September 2015,
Tan, WZ 2015, Singapore still 3rd in world competitiveness ranking: Study, viewed 15 September 2015,
Wahbanana 2015, About, viewed 21 September 2015, <https://www.youtube.com/user/wahbanana/about>.
Ye, L & Robertson, T 2012, 'Gender Identity: Does It Matter for Consumers’ Perceptions?', Journal of
Business Diversity, vol 12, no. 3.
Zhang, X, Majid, S & Foo , S 2011, 'The Contribution of Environmental Scanning to Organizational
Performance', Singapore Journal of Library & Information Management , vol 40.
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Cost Referencing
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8. Appendices
8.1 Appendix A (Creative Brief)
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8.2 Appendix B (Peer Evaluation)
MKTG1266 Marketing Communication
Group Peer Review - IMC Plan
G roups should c omplete a peer review form in order to rec eive a grade for their IMC Plan. All
group members should disc uss their contribution, fll out a single peer review form and include this
form with their IMC Plan. A c lear explanation needs to be provided for any group member that has
not partic ipated in this proc ess.
In determining your group’s assessment, please c onsider the following:
Did the team member…
Attend all or most of the team meetings?
C ome to team meetings prepared?
Follow through on the work assigned to him or her?
Submit their work as per the agreed deadline?
Submit work of ac c eptable quality?
C ommunic ate well with other team members (i.e. proac tively)?
Provide c onstruc tive feedbac k to others on their work?
G roups must agree as to the percentage value of each member’s contribution to the various
elements of the assignment when c ompleting the peer review form. Please note: your tutor MAY
ADJ UST your individual grade for the IMC Plan based on your team members’ rating of your
performance. It is in students’ best interest to ac tively c ontribute to the suc c ess of their respec tive
Any individual group member that disagrees with the group’s assessment will need to
c ommunic ate with their tutor. Your tutor will ask the team for evidenc e of members’ relative
c ontribution and make a dec ision on whether the individual’s grade should be adjusted to reflect
this diffe rential in c ontribution.
Group Member
Melanie Marsha Tee Shu Yan
Ng Wei Hao Rainer
Ng J ing Ying Lydia
Norman Doo Hong Yao
Seoh Si Ying
Wong Qi Zhi
Signature of all
Specific Commentary
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