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50 Portuguese Idioms: Learn Native Expressions

50 Portuguese Idioms to Use in Conversations and
Sound Like a Native
Now, let’s learn some Portuguese idioms!
1. Cara de pau
Literal translation: “wooden face”
This Portuguese idiom from Brazil is used to say that
someone’s acting shamelessly.
You know those cat videos where the cat is going to
knock something off the table and the owner shouts to
for the cat to stop? Then the cat stares straight at its
owner and promptly knocks the item off the table?
That’s a perfect example of the cat being cara de
pau (shameless).
2. É muita areia para o meu caminhão
Literal translation: “this is too much sand for my truck”
Maybe you’ve taken on too much. You’re working fulltime, volunteering on the weekends, going to school at
night, playing in a local sports league and you just can’t
say no.
You might say it’s more than you can handle, which is
what this idiom means. It’s close in meaning to the
English “I’m in way over my head.”
3. Maria vai com as outras
Literal translation: “Maria goes with the others”
If you want to call someone out for just following the
crowd or being a follower of the pack, this is the idiom
you’re looking for.
4. Uma andorinha não faz verão
Literal translation: “one swallow does not make a
This idiom exists in English, too, but with a slightly
different meaning. In English, you use it to mean that
one occurrence of something doesn’t mean that it’s a
In Portuguese, it means that working together is more
beneficial than working alone.
5. Cair a ficha
Literal translation: “to drop the token”
Say your friend is trying to explain some physics
concept, but it’s just not making sense. Then, finally, you
understand! When that happens, you might say, “Caiu
a ficha!” (“I get it!”)
In other words, use this Brazilian phrase when
you finally understand something.
6. Ficar de molho
Literal translation: “to be soaking”
If you hate lying in bed all day, you might use this
phrase. It’s used to describe waiting uncomfortably or
having to rest despite not wanting to.
If you get sick and have to stay home from work, you
might say you have to ficar de molho.
7. Comprar gato por lebre
Literal translation: “to buy a cat thinking it was a
While this phrase means that you’ve been fooled, the
Brazilian idiom is usually used when talking about
someone being fooled in politics, specifically.
8. Sem eira nem beira
Literal translation: “without land nor roof”
If someone is penniless, then they can be described
as sem eira nem beira or, in other words, destitute.
9. Ir para o olho da rua
Literal translation: “to go to the eye of the street”
This idiom means to be fired from a job. You can say
someone’s mandado (sent) pro olho da rua.
10. Pôr o rabo entre as pernas
Literal translation: “to put one’s tail between the legs”
We all know the image. When a dog is scared, its tail
goes between its legs. But as an idiom in Portuguese, it
means to leave feeling shameful.
11. Torcer o nariz
Literal translation: “to tweak one’s nose”
If you disagree with something, a quick way to say so is
by using this idiom. It’s similar to saying that you “turn
your nose up” at something in English.
12. Ficar a ver navios
Literal translation: “to stay watching the ships”
Ficar a ver navios is an idiom from Portugal that refers
to when someone waits for something to happen but it
never does.
13. De noite todos os gatos são pardos
Literal translation: “all night, all cats are gray”
At night, you can’t see very well, so even a cat with the
brightest orange fur will appear gray. The idiom is used
to say that it’s easy to make mistakes.
14. A carapuça serviu
Literal translation: “the hat fits”
Literally, this Portuguese idiom means “the hat fits,”
which is very similar to the English idiom of the same
meaning: “if the shoe fits.” You use this ironically
when someone accidentally outs themselves as guilty.
So, if someone lies to you and then accidentally says
something that outs them, you’d say “Serve-te
15. Coração de pedra
Literal translation: “heart of stone”
The mental image this phrase creates is pretty spot on
with the meaning: It refers to a person with no
empathy. In English, we’d say that it’s a “heart of ice.”
16. Quem vê cara, não vê coração
Literal translation: “those who see faces don’t see
If you want to know the Portuguese equivalent phrase
to “don’t judge a book by its cover,” this is the
17. Partir o côco a rir
Literal translation: “to break the coconut laughing”
If you like telling jokes, you might use this idiom to
describe your audience. It describes a person laughing
so hard that they lose control.
18. Está para nascer um burro
Literal translation: “a donkey is about to be born”
We all expect that the people we know will act a certain
way. When they don’t, we’re shocked.
This idiom refers to someone doing something so out
of the ordinary that it’s hard to believe.
19. Barata tonta
Literal translation: “dizzy cockroach”
If you’ve ever seen a cockroach run away because it
knows you’re going to smash it, then you’ll understand
this funny Portuguese expression.
It’s used to refer to someone who’s clumsy or
disoriented—much like a cockroach after the first time
you smack it.
20. Ir com os porcos
Literal translation: “he went with the pigs”
This is another way to say that someone passed away
or was eliminated, especially when it’s someone you
don’t like, like a villain in a book. For instance, you can
say “Ele foi com os porcos” (“he went with the pigs”).
21. Muitos anos a virar frangos
Literal translation: “many years turning chickens”
The idea behind this Portuguese idiom is that someone’s
an expert at something because they’ve spent so long
doing it.
In Portugal, chicken is often grilled, so someone who’s
been grilling chicken for a long time (turning it over on
the grill) is an expert at it.
22. Pão pão queijo queijo
Literal translation: “bread bread cheese cheese”
If you’re in a restaurant, be careful you don’t say this
too loud next to the waiter because they might bring you
extra bread and cheese!
But in everyday life, this phrase is used to mean “it is
what it is.”
23. Falar pelos cotovelos
Literal translation: “to speak by the elbows”
My husband would probably say
I falo pelos cotovelos, meaning that I talk too much.
The Brazilian expression comes from the idea that when
you’re talking with someone and they won’t let you get a
word in, you touch their elbow to get their attention.
24. Estar feito ao bife
Literal translation: “to be done to the beef”
This expression is used when you encounter a problem
that you don’t know how to solve.
25. Para inglês ver
Literal translation: “so the English can see it”
This idiom came about when Brazilian slave owners were
supposed to set their slaves free after Brazil was
recognized by Great Britain. Brazil passed a law stating
their intentions to follow through but didn’t always do
Thus, the idiom para inglês ver, or “so the English can
see it” was born. It’s used to mean “only for
appearances” or “to show off.”
26. Ter macaquinhos na cabeça
Literal translation: “to have little monkeys inside your
The literal translation is such a weird image, isn’t it?
This idiom refers to someone who has strange or
illogical ideas.
27. Estar com a pulga atrás da orelha
Literal translation: “to have a flea behind your ear”
This idiom creates a nasty mental picture that might
send shivers up your spine. Use it to mean that
someone’s feeling suspicious.
28. Bicho de sete cabeças
Literal translation: “seven-headed beast”
This idiom is used similarly to the phrase in English “the
very devil” or to refer to a huge complication.
For example, you might say, “Esse situação vai se-tornar
difícil. (This situation is going to become difficult.) É
um (It is a) bicho de sete cabeças.”
29. Atirar-se de cabeça
Literal translation: “to plunge head-first”
In English, we have an idiom “to plunge head-first,”
which is an exact translation of this idiom in Portuguese.
It means to go into something fully, without first
really thinking about it.
30. Alimentar um burro a pão de ló
Literal translation: “to feed the donkey sponge cake”
Would you waste some delicious sponge cake on a
donkey? Maybe if you really loved that donkey. But you’d
probably rather eat the sponge cake yourself.
This funny Portuguese idiom means to treat someone
well who doesn’t deserve it.
31. Burro velho não aprende línguas
Literal translation: “an old donkey doesn’t learn
In other words, you can’t teach a dog new tricks. That’s
the English version of this idiom, which implies
that people are generally set in their ways.
32. Armar-se em carapau de corrida
Literal translation: “to be racing like a mackerel”
The mackerel isn’t seen as a very interesting fish, so the
idiom is used to refer to someone who thinks he’s a big
shot but is really a nobody. (Sorry, mackerel!)
33. Cão que ladra não morde
Literal translation: “dog that barks doesn’t bite”
Do you know the phrase “all bark but no bite?” This
idiom is similar. It refers to someone who threatens
but is harmless.
34. Amigos, amigos, negócios à parte
Literal translation: “friends, friends, business aside”
This is an easy one: It means don’t mix friendship with
35. Fia-te na Virgem e não corras
Literal translation: “trust the Virgin and don’t run”
In this case, “Virgin” refers to the Virgin Mary. It
means that you should do something instead of waiting
for a miracle.
This European idiom is said as a warning but in an ironic
way. For instance, if someone’s in trouble and does
nothing, then you say this phrase to them.
36. Estás a meter água
Literal translation: “you’re letting water in”
When someone is making a fool of themselves, this is
what you’d say to them.
37. Pagar o pato
Literal translation: “to pay for the duck”
When you take the fall for something someone else
does, you’re pagando o pato.
38. Pelo sim, pelo não
Literal translation: “by the yes, by the no”
Use this Portuguese idiom in place of the English
phrase, “just in case.”
39. Não há bela sem senão
Literal translation: “there’s no beauty without an if”
You use this to say that there’s no such thing as
If you freak out about your hair looking bad, you might
adopt this idiom to help you remember that perfect hair
is impossible.
40. Não é a minha praia
Literal translation: “it’s not my beach”
To say, “it’s not my thing,” you can use this idiom.
41. Tomara-que-caia
Literal translation: “I hope it falls”
This is a pretty funny Brazilian Portuguese phrase. An “I
hope it falls” is what you’d call a tube top or a
strapless dress/shirt in Portuguese.
42. Descascar o abacaxi
Literal translation: “peel the pineapple”
This Portuguese idiom means “to solve a problem.”
Can’t get past the prickly exterior of a pineapple to the
juicy goodness inside? Just peel it! Problem solved.
43. Enfiar o pé na jaca
Literal translation: “to stick your foot in the
Breadfruit is a Brazilian fruit that’s very sticky. The
idiom means “just go for it!”
When you’re on a diet but then meet up with friends at
a rodizio de pizza (all-you-can-eat pizza restaurant), you
might say, “Vou enfiar o pé na jaca hoje!” (“I’m going to
go for it tonight!”)
44. Tempestade em copo d’agua
Literal translation: “a hurricane in a cup of water”
This idiom means that someone is making a big deal out
of something that’s really a small issue. It’s similar to
the English phrase “storm in a teacup.”
For example, your friend might be acting overdramatic
to which you might say, “Para de fazer uma tempestade
em copo d’agua!” (“Stop making a big deal out of
45. Dá Deus nozes a quem não tem dentes
Literal translation: “God gives nuts to those who don’t
have teeth”
We all know someone who doesn’t make use of an
opportunity they’re given—what a waste! This is the
idiom to describe them.
46. João sem braço
Literal translation: “John without arms”
This idiom from Portugal comes from a time when
Portugal was at war. When people lost limbs, they were
excused from fighting. It’s used to refer to someone
who’s pretending to be helpless to get out of
something or to play dumb.
47. Engolir sapos
Literal translation: “to swallow frogs”
This idiom means “to bite one’s tongue.” You might say
this to a friend who’s about to say something they
48. Tirar o cavalinho da chuva
Literal translation: “to take the horse from the rain”
This is something you say in place of the English
phrase, “Don’t count on it!”
The phrase originated from the days when people used
horses as their main mode of transportation. If they
were to stay the night at someone’s house, the host
might say they could move their horse out of the rain
and into a covered area.
Today, it’s used ironically. Maybe someone approaches
you and presumptuously says, “You’re going rock climbing
with me today,” but you hate rock climbing. You might
respond with “Tirar o cavalinho da chuva!”
49. Matar dois coelhos com uma tacada só
Literal translation: “to kill two rabbits with just one
This idiom is very similar to the English idiom “to kill two
birds with one stone,” except in the Portuguese idiom,
we’re hunting rabbits instead of birds.
Essentially, it means getting two things done with one
action—like when you wash your dog in the tub and the
bathroom also gets a thorough cleaning.
50. A galinha do vizinho sempre é mais gorda
Literal translation: “the neighbor’s chicken is always
This idiom has a similar sentiment to the English idiom,
“The grass is always greener on the other side.”
You say this to a friend as a warning, reminding them
to be happy with what they have rather than looking
at what other people have.