Uploaded by Oti YEBOAH SIMON

MySQL Workbench Assignment: Database Design & Management

Simon Oti
National American University
CI3091 - Database Design and Management
Kathy Fraser
October 21, 2022
Assignment 03: Using MySQL Workbench
To start MySQL Workbench on Windows select Start, Programs, MySQL and then select
MySQL Workbench. The MySQL Workbench version number is displayed followed by a
usage message and then the options (MySQL :: MySQL Workbench Manual :: 2.3.2 Launching,
In the above screen, you need to make a connection. To do this, double click the box designated
by the red arrow. Here, you will get the popup screen that asks to enter the password created
earlier during the installation. After entering the password, you are able to connect with the
If you do not have a connection, you can create a new connection. To make a connection, click
the plus (+) icon or go to the menu bar -> Database -> Connect to Database, the following screen
appears. Now, you need to fill all the details. Here, you have to make sure that the entered
password should be the same as you have created earlier.
After entering all the details, click on the Test Connection to test the database connectivity. If
the connection is successful, you will get the following screen. Now, click on OK->OK button to
finish the setup.
Once you have finished all the setup, it will open the MySQL Workbench screen. Now, double
click on the newly created connection, you will get the following screen where the SQL
command can be executed.
MySQL :: MySQL Workbench Manual :: 2.3.2 Launching. (n.d.). Retrieved October 18, 2022,
from https://dev.mysql.com/doc/workbench/en/wb-launching-windows.html