FSU CCI MySQL Workbench login Step 1: Download and install MySQL Workbench (PC users get noinstall version)– be sure to select your operating system: http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/workbench/ You may want to review the MySQL Workbench Documentation: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/workbench/en/index.html PC users, be sure to decompress (e.g., unzip) the downloaded file. Inside the decompressed folder, Double-click on MySQLWorkbench.exe Remember where you stored the uncompressed folder/files! Step 2: Configure MySQL Workbench to access *your* CCI MySQL database: Create a “New Connection” (outlined in red)… 1 Step 3: Assign the following connection parameter values. *Be sure* to set them exactly as they are illustrated below, connection name, connection method, casesensitivity, etc.: Connection name: cci_student Connection Method: Standard TCP/IP over SSH SSH Hostname: mysql-jowett.cci.fsu.edu SSH Username: yourfsuid SSH Password: yourblackboardpassword MySQL Username: yourfsuid MySQL Password: yourfsuid Example login: 2 Step 4: Test the connection parameters Step 5: You’re done! 3