Uploaded by Karen Marsh

Cuban Revolution Worksheet: Moncada & Castro's Rise

Towards revolution
1. Fill in the words in the passage.
Retreated 79
seize 25th July 1953
The attack on Moncado Barracks was at 5:30 am on _________________
Castro with ___________ men would storm the barracks and try to capture the
weapons room. His brother would try to _______________ the Palace of Justice
and his team was ________________. The soldiers opened fire on Castro and
they ________________. In the attack 3 died and 80 were _________________.
2. What happened to the prisoners including Castro?
3. Why wasn’t Castro killed and when was he released?
4. The group became known as the ___________________________________.
5. In dot points what were the steps from 7 July 1955 towards revolution:
 7 July –
 Life in Mexico fundraising –
 preparations –
 Gramma –
 Guerrilla warfare  1958 movements  Fall of Santa Clara Looking at the map of the movements of the movement. Why do you think this tactic
was successful?