Atlanta Technical College Logistics & Supply Chain Management Pathways Logistics Specialist & Logistics and Supply Chain Technician Certificates 1 Semester 5 Classes Careers: Logistics Coordinators Estimated Starting Salaries at $40,000/year This program includes the fundamentals of supply chain management, issues in executing local, national, and global supply chains, logistics, purchasing, material management, product life cycle management and transportation. The program also includes business management, accounting principles, economics of supply and demand, and database management skills. There are an abundance of employment opportunities in the field that range from owning your own trucking operations to inside agents as logistics technicians to provide an overview of the logistics process from product idea conception to product delivery to the consumer. The number of jobs in this field are expected to increase by 12% nationally and 19% in the State of Georgia over the next 10 years. Logistics Management Technician & Specialist Certificates 1 Additional Semester 4 Additional Classes Careers: Dispatcher, Warehouse Clerk, Logistics Technician Estimated Starting Salaries at $45,000/year Logistics and Supply Chain Management Associate’s Degree 3 Additional Semesters 13 Additional Classes Careers: Entry level salaried positions in the logistics and supply chain industry For more information contact: Von Gatewood Department Chair 404.225.4722 Atlanta Technical College 1560 Metropolitan Parkway, SW Atlanta, GA 30310-4446 Estimated Starting Salaries at $56,000/year *All job growth projections and estimated salaries are based on data from Emsi (Economic Modeling Specialists Inc) and are updated annually.