Uploaded by Khalia Moore

Ecology Worksheet: Interactions, Energy, and Organization

Ecology Notes 3
Ecology- the scientific study of interactions_________________________________________________
_______________________________________, focusing on energy transfer.
Ecology is a science of ____________________.
The environment is made up of two factors: _______________ and ____________________.
There is a hierarchy for ecology. It starts with,
Organism - any __________________________________________________________
______________ is the lowest level of organization.
____________________ is one species living in the same place at the same time that __________.
Produce ________ offspring.
Community - several interacting populations that inhabit a common environment and are
_____________________ .
___________________ is the highest level of organization.
Niche is the_____________________________________________________________________
_________________________________ while a ____________ is the place in which an organism lives
out its life.
A niche is determined by a ____________________________________ .
These are examples of limiting factors
Amount of water
Ecology Notes 3
__________________ ___________________ __________________ are the three feeding
A producer is _______________________
The four examples of a consumer are
There are 3 types of symbiosis
Commensalism is _____________________________________________________________________
Parasitism is __________________________________________________________________________
_____________________ is beneficial to both species.
Each link in a food chain is known as a _____________________________________ .
As you move up a food chain, both _______________________________ and
_________________________ decrease.
Energy is transferred upwards but is diminished with each transfer.
While energy decreases as it moves up the food chain, toxins increase in potency this is called
_________________________ ______________________.