Survey Assignment For this assignment, you are developing a questionnaire in Qualtrics to address the 2 research questions below. Please refer to examples in the text (e.g. Exhibit 15.2 on pg. 349 for the flow of a questionnaire and Exhibits 15.3 – 15.5 on pg.s 351- 354 for questionnaire examples) and the instructions/examples below for guidance. Be sure that your questions measure constructs/variables that will allow you to address the research questions. For the questionnaire, I encourage you to use online and library resources to find good scales. Some constructs, like customer satisfaction, need to be measured with a multi-item scale. There are many sources available online and through the library. For the assignment, not all questions/items have to come from pre-established scales. However, most of your scales should so that they are more likely to be valid and reliable. For some examples of scales, please see the examples below. For an example of a survey in Qualtrics, please see the class example in Qualtrics (to be shared with you once you receive access to Qualtrics). Remember, there are several kinds of attitude scales you may use. Background and research questions A hotel chain has recently undergone renovations to revitalize its brand. It has remodeled several of its hotels’ features/amenities such as their indoor pools, restaurants, and lobbies. Additionally, they have invested in retraining their staff to increase the quality of their service. The hotel chain would like to know what effect the changes have had on customer satisfaction. Therefore, they are distributing surveys to guests at the hotel to answer the following research questions: 1) What do guests think about the remodeled hotel? Are they satisfied with the changes? a) What features/amenities do they like/dislike about the hotel? b) What do they think about the quality of the service? c) Would they recommend the hotel to friends and family? 2) Which segments of customers are most satisfied with the remodeled hotel? Which segments are more likely to recommend the hotel? Remember, the questions on the questionnaire should address the research questions. Think about the constructs you need to measure to answer the research questions. My advice is to list out the constructs you need to measure first. Then, decide how you will measure them. For segmentation questions, recall that there are several segmentation bases: demographics, geographics, etc. The slide deck for the assignment gives the segmentation bases and details. If you have any questions, please let me know. Good luck! Example 1: HOW DO YOU FEEL ABOUT THE BRAND YOU SELL? For the question below, please let us know how well each of describes you and your relationship with the brand you sell. Brand Identification (Mael and Ashforth, 1992) Strongly Disagree (1) Disagree (2) Disagree Somewhat (3) Neither Agree nor Disagree (4) Agree Somewhat (5) Agree (6) Strongly Agree (7) When someone criticizes my brand, it feels like a personal insult. I am very interested in what others think about my brand. When I talk about my brand, I usually say ‘we’ rather than ‘they’. When someone praises my brand, it feels like a personal compliment. If a story in the media criticized my brand, I would feel embarrassed. I use this brand to communicate who I am to other people. My brand's successes are my successes. I can identify with this brand. Example 2: Occupation The following information is needed for classification and comparison purposes only. Your responses will remain confidential. What is your primary role? Sales Consultant Sales Manager Finance Manager Other (Please Specify): ____________________