Uploaded by Kharissa Samuels

Character Development Worksheet

Name __________________________________________ Period _____
Making Characters come to Life!
Directions: Authors make their living by crea壀�ng fic壀�onal characters and making them seem real. There are two types
of characteriza壀�on, direct and indirect. Direct characteriza壀�on involves telling your reader exactly what they need
to know while indirect characteriza壀�on shows the reader who the character is. Direct characteriza壀�on is explicit and
indirect characteriza壀�on requires the reader to make an inference. Today, you will prac壀�ce many different ways to
develop a character using both direct AND indirect characteriza壀�on making a fic壀�onal character come to life.
Direct Characterization
Name: ________________________________________
What does your character want to accomplish?
Age: ________ Job: _____________________________
Indirect Characterization
Appearance: Draw your character below
Indirect Characterization Continued:
The Backstory
Write 5­8 sentences describing the most relevant aspects of your character’s personal history.
Describe how your character relates to and interacts with the following:
Mother: _________________________________________________________________________________
Ex­girl/boyfriend: __________________________________________________________________________