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Neuroanatomy Study Guide: Motor, Sensory, and Circulatory Systems

extrafusal fibers
LMN damage
CNI Olfactory
stationary blockage
cerebellar peduncles
ataxia, a? tremor, and ?
spastic paralysis, hypertonia, hyperreflexia
caudate nucleus, putamen, substantia nigra
internal carotid artery
vertebral artery system
circle of willis
broca’s aphasia
may result in unilateral vocal fold paralysis
bilaterally innervated upper face and unilateral
lower face
posterior cerebral artery
sense organ, nerve tracts, cerebral cortex
long term memory
What is/are…
alpha motor neurons
ipsilateral CN damage
sensory nerve
not on brainstem
easily damaged
no relay through thalamus
thrombotic CVA
death of cells at a distance from site of lesion
arterial venous malformation
causes death in younger patients
cause an aneurysm
same side
transfer motor information
disorders that result from cerebellar damage
symptoms of bilateral UMN damage
basal ganglia – gas/brakes for motor mvmt
major blood supplier to the brain
other system that supplies the brain
circle of arteries
site of lesion: broca’s area, left frontal lobe
X vagus nerve, recurrent branch
XII facial nerve
upper face has backup
lower face is contralateral
feeds lateral occipital lobe
blockage  vision symptoms
elements of the sensory system
has unlimited capacity
neuron cell moves closer to threshold
less negative intracellular status
neural impulse – depolarization, polarization – put terms in order, but no diagram
major things that happen during fetus, embryo, and zygote phases
embryonic stem cells, general concept
position and movement of our body parts
muscle weakness in your mouth
trouble getting the muscles of the mouth to
move the right way to say words
decreased muscle tone
Module 3: Neural Functioning
neuron cell grows less negative/more positive (getting closer to
threshold) at a particular spot on the neuron's membrane
neuron cell grows more negative/less positive at a particular spot on
the neuron’s membrane
when the membrane potential becomes more negative at a particular
spot on the neuron's membrane
Module 4: Circulatory System and Mechanism of Injury
Carotid Artery System
carotid artery system
internal carotid artery
external carotid artery
anterior cerebral artery (ACA)
middle cerebral artery distribution
supplies 80% of blood to brain anterior
common carotid divides into external and
internal carotid
brings oxygen-rich blood to the brain from the
splits into anterior, middle, and posterior
cerebral arteries
brings blood to the facial musculature, forehead,
around the oral, nasal, and orbital cavities (the
external structures)
part of carotid system
supplies blood to:
- the medial surfaces of the hemispheres
of the brain above the corpus callosum
(including the motor strip)
- posterior frontal lobe, corpus callosum,
basal ganglia
damage  impaired motor function
part of carotid system
runs along the lateral sulcus
supplies blood to:
- the lateral, frontal, and temporal lobes
posterior cerebral artery distribution
Blood Brain Barrier
Major Imaging Systems
Computerized Tomography
perisylvian region of the brain (angular
gyrus, Broca’s, Wernicke’s, arculate
damage  aphasia, language impairments
part of basilar system
supplies blood to:
- medial surface of the occipital lobe
- lower parts of the temporal lobe
- thalamus
damage  visual deficits, auditory perception
deficits and issues with thalamus
not necessarily a single structure or physical
a combo of a physical barrier + CSF + cerebral
maintains homeostasis
prevents toxins from entering the brain
lets lipid-soluble through (ethanol, carbs,
water-soluble is difficult (Na and K)
series of x-rays taken around a center point and
reconstructed to create a 3D image
fast and well-tolerated by patients
can detect hemorrhages
not good at differentiating gray and white matter
Module 5: The Motor and Sensory Functions
CNS Components of Motor System
What are the CNS components motor cortices
of the motor system?
basal ganglia
Motor Cortices
primary motor cortex
located in the precentral gyrus of the frontal lobe
the basal ganglia and the cerebellum relay information to the motor
cortex through the thalamus
motor plans and signals that initiate movement are supplied to the
premotor and supplemental motor
mostly contralateral
some bilateral innervation
“motor homunculus”
lower 1/3 is dedicated to speech and voice
premotor and supplementary
motor cortex
cortical motor areas that influence movement are all connected to
the primary motor cortex via reciprocal connections also receive
connections also receive connections from same motor areas in
contralateral hemisphere; these areas appear to be the place for
initial planning for complex sequences of movement
receive info from Broca’s area and association cortex of parietal
pass info to primary motor cortex and brainstem and spinal cord
bilateral activation
initial planning for complex sequences of movement
Basal Ganglia
basal ganglia
in diencephalon
a cluster of nuclei located deep within cerebral cortex; 5
components: 3 main nuclei – caudate nucleus, putamen, and globus
pallidus; 2 associated nuclei – subthalamic nuclei, substantia nigra
they modify motor movements that originate in the motor cortex;
refinement of voluntary motor movement before info is
transmitted to the brainstem and spinal cord
known roles:
- regulation of muscle tone
- regulation of ongoing movements
- inhibiting extraneous motor activity movements (this will
be important when we consider some symptoms of
diseases such as Parkinsons)
- motor learning(these are movements that eventually
become automatic, like a golf swing or tying your shoes and
are first learned by the motor cortex and then, once they
are automatic, are regulated by the basal ganglia)
- adjustments to automatic movements such as arm swinging
and certain facial expressions
effects of damage (lesions) to
basal ganglia
different types of dyskinesias
Basal Ganglia Diseases
loss of inhibitory control over motor behaviors
- the neurophysiological consequence: since the basal ganglia
works as an inhibitory influence over the other motor areas,
damage results in DISihibition (it loses inhibitory control
over some motor patterns)
- dyskinesia – involuntary movements
- bradykinesia – slow movements
- hypokinesia – limited range of mvmt
- postural abnormalities
- altered muscle tone
athetosis – slow involuntary writhing mvmt
- occur in sequence
- usually accompanied by increased muscle tone
- when speech muscles are involved, this can result in a
particular kind of dysarthria
ballism – violent, forceful flinging mvmt
- usually only on one side (unilaterally)
- result of damage to subthalamic nucleus
chorea – involuntary, rhythmic mvmt
- mostly in distal extremities such as facial or oral muscles
- can significantly affect swallowing, speech, and voice due to
loss of voluntary control over the oral and pharyngeal
- most common form
- resting – occurs while body is at rest/not working against
- action – occurs when body maintains a position against
gravity (standing, arm out)
- intention/terminal – increase in tremor activity as the body
part nears an object
*all of these exhibit mvmt disorders (because they affect the basal
- destruction of dopamine producing cells (in substantia
- disrupts balance of neurotransmitters ACH resulting in
mvmt disorder
- some forms are hereditary
Huntington’s (Chorea)
- degeneration in caudate nucleus
- hereditary transmission
- degeneration in basal ganglia
- accumulation of copper
- swallowing and dysarthria
- hereditary transmission
functions of the cerebellum
cerebellar connections to
muscle synergy
- coordination
- smoothness
- cerebellum is responsible for the ongoing monitoring of the
movement so that there's accurate coordination of muscle
- looking at the cerebellum's connections with other parts of
the nervous system allows us to identify its specific
muscle tone
- helps to regulate muscle tone so that we're prepared for
the upcoming movements
range of movement
- helps to regulate and influences range and strength of
- along with the basal ganglia
strength of movement
- has a role in maintenance of equilibrium
- because of its connections with the vestibular system
receives extensive sensory input
- but is not involved in sensory discrimination or
influences motor function
- but when lesioned does not result in paralysis
involved in motor learning
- by modifying motor activity based on results of movement
knows both what the body wants to do and what it is doing (knows
intention and results)
superior cerebellar peduncle
- has the bulk of efferent fibers
- output: red nucleus  thalamus  brainstem (reticular
formation) & spinal cord
middle cerebellar peduncle
- afferent
- receives input from brainstem & cortex
the structure of the cerebellum
and each part’s function
Cerebellar Dysfunction
inferior cerebellar peduncle
- afferent
- input: spinal cord, brainstem, & vestibular system
afferent connections (receives from):
- motor cortex
- spinal cord
- brainstem
efferent connection (sends to):
- thalamus
- brainstem (red nucleus)
posterior lobe (cerebrocerebellum)
- connections to cortex via brainstem & thalamus
- for coordination and smoothing (synergy)
- lesions result in tension tremors
anterior lobe (spinocerebellum)
- connections to brainstem & spinal cord
- for modifications in muscle tone
- lesions result in hypotonia
flocculonodular lobe
- connections to vestibular system
- reflexive equilibrium and balance
- lesions impact balance and gait
dyscoordinated muscle activity (irregular movements)
- hereditary (recessive & dominant forms)
- acquired (tumor, stroke, head-injury)
- ataxic dysarthria – slurred speech
- difficulty walking (wide, drunken gait; feet placed farther
apart for balance)
- disruption of fine motor control (writing, eating,
- clumsiness
- hypotonia
action (intention) tremors – during mvmt
terminal tremors – worsens as limb approaches target
postural tremors – when body/limb is held against gravity
awkward performance of rapid alternative movements
disruption of rhythmic movements
impairment in judging distance to target
hypermetria – overshooting the target
hypometria – undershooting the target
inability of agonist and antagonist muscles to adapt to rapid
changes in load
E.G. patient pushes against doctors hand, hand is quickly removed,
patient’s hand moves beyond point where it would normally stop in
an exaggerated fashion
unsteady, lurching gait
appears drunk
exaggerated movements of legs (trying to overcompensate)
tendency to fall
UMN tracts
UMN and motor function
LMN tracts
LMN and motor function
UMN damage
LMN damage
all the corticospinal and corticobulbar tracts
contained within the CNS
after the message/motor plan is sent out by the pmc and it
interacts with the bg and cerebellum,
then it travels through the cortical area, through the area of the
corona radiata, into the internal capsule as part of the UMN system,
then it interfaces with the appropriate motor nuclei on the
brainstem and the spinal cord (but we're going to focus on the
at which point the synapse with the motor nuclei of the various
cranial nerves we're talking about LMN...
motor neurons in the cranial and spinal nerves
second order neurons
final common pathway
sends the information to the skeletal muscles
spastic paralysis (requires bilateral lesion to occur)
spastic dysarthria (bilateral lesion)
apraxia (unilateral damage)
clonus: a sustained jerk
Babinski sign
- a positive B-sign: when you stroke the bottom of an adult’s
foot and their toes go up and out (that’s abnormal)
little/no atrophy
flaccid paralysis (or weakness)
atrophy (of muscles)
fasciculations: a wormy movement under the flesh
normal reflexes
motor unit
LMN + group of muscle fiber = motor unit
redundancy of innervations
- temporal and spatial summation
- we are capable of gradation of force (varying amounts of
force), this is done through redundancy of innervation
- we have 2 ways of handling that: temporal and spatial
- temp - inc rate of firing for the motor units increases the
force, in some cases we inc force by inc the number of
motor units
- spatial - ?
innervation ratios
- limbs, gross motor, 500:1
- larynx, fine motor, 25:1
- number of muscle fibers per axon
- helpful to think about student to teacher ratio, 1 teacher to
25 kids = more control
Pyramidal and Extrapyramidal Systems
gamma loop
muscle conditions
pyramidal pathways
gamma loop = feedback between the alpha motor neurons,
extrafusal fibers, and gamma motor neurons/intrafusal fibers
(proprioceptive elements, and those innervate and work together
to help adjust muscle length and the velocity of muscle movement
to help maintain tone and stretch reflex)
muscle tone and stretch reflex
sensory input to spinal cord and brainstem
static postures
extrapyramidal system
paresis – alpha motor neuron damage
paralysis – no input from LMN
atrophy – loss of muscle bulk
fasciculation – spontaneous motor discharge, sometimes with
fibrillation – slow repetitive muscle potentials, not seen with eye,
seen through EMGs
AKA direct pathway
- called this because its made up of cells very much shaped
like pyramids with long branched dendrites, making up a lot
of the neocerebellar cortex
corticobulbar tract
corticospinal tract
damage to pyramidal
extrapyramidal pathways
axons can be 2-3 feet long extending directly into PNS
(Golgi Type I), require fewer synapses because they are so
long, they have a faster response time
voluntary pathways
corticobulbar (corticonuclear) – cortex to brainstem
corticospinal – cortex to spinal cord
originates in multiple cortical areas:
- primary motor cortex
- primary somatosensory cortex
- premotor area
- supplementary motor area
- parietal association cortex
descending pathways
- pyramidal fibers descend the corona radiata
- converge to pass through the internal capsule
this should be exciting to us
inverted homunculus
70% of the motor fibers for the entire system
synapse with cranial nerve nuclei in brainstem
innervates LMN which go on to control muscles of head and neck
many originate in lower third of PMC
majority of innervation is bilateral (exception = lower face)
decussation: anterior surface of medulla
(table 6.2 in text)
AKA cortico-rubrospinal tract
30% of the motor fibers
synapse/interface with interneurons or cell bodies of spinal nerves
contralateral and unilateral to cortical origin
90% decussate at caudal medulla
- damage above this level results in contralateral symptoms
(contralateral to lesion side)
- damage below decussation results in ipsilateral symptoms
innervates LMN which go on to control upper and lower trunk and
after decussation, axons form spinal white matter of the lateral
corticospinal tract
10% of corticospinal fibers remained ipsilateral and form anterior
corticospinal tract, this tract innervates the trunk
unilateral, corticospinal = spastic hemiplegia
- characterized by flex extremities (arms, fingers, legs) with
the head bent towards affected side
bilateral, corticobulbar = pseudobulbar palsy
- implications for speech, swallowing, and chewing
unilateral, corticobulbar, left hemisphere = apraxia
involuntary pathways
autonomic nervous system – also includes the cerebellum, red
nucleus, basal ganglia, those reticular formations
reflex loops
involved in coordination, modulation (amplitude & frequency of
activation), and regulation (rate of movement, filtering) of
AKA indirect pathway
more subconscious level
speed, range, and direction of movement
- basal ganglia loops
- reticulospinal tract
- tectospinal tract
- rubrospinal tract
- vestibulospinal tract
reticulospinal tract
influences muscle tone
medial reticulospinal tract: extensor muscles
- damage will influence muscle tone, extender and flexor
lateral reticulospinal tract: flexor muscles
tectospinal tract
coordinates head and eye movements
vestibulospinal tract
balance, equilibrium, reflex adjustments of head
rubrospinal tract
influences muscle tone
facilitates activity in extensor muscles
inhibits activity of flexor muscles
Components of the Sensory Systems
What are the 3 components of
the sensory systems?
sense organ
nerves, nuclei, ganglia, and
sense organ
nerves, nuclei, ganglia, and tracts
cerebral cortex
ears, eyes, touch receptors, olfactory bulbs, taste buds
transducers – change one form of energy for another; end with
neural energy; every sense organ has one
respond to specific types of energy
transmits the info towards the cerebral cortex
first order sensory neurons (1st waystation)
- go directly from sense organ in PNS
- EX optic nerve
- innervate the sense organ, in PNS, ipsilateral
second order sensory neurons
- projection neurons, located in brainstem or spinal cord,
point of decussation, to thalamus
- bring info to thalamus
third order sensory neurons
- project to cerebral cortex from thalamus, ipsilateral, to
primary sensory cortex
cerebral cortex
visual field deficits
Auditory System
neural pathways
cerebral cortex
auditory deficits
each sense has an area of the cc dedicated to its perception and
primary cortex: somatosensory, auditory, visual, olfactory
association cortex: frontal, parietal, temporal, parieto-occipital
monocular blindness
- damage anterior to optic chiasm
tunnel vision
- problem is at the optic chiasm
- temporal or lateral fields are lost
homonymous hemianopsia
- loss of half of the visual field (either right or left)
cortical blindness
- damage to visual cortex
- if bilateral, then total blindness
visual agnosia
- association area is damaged
- we can’t recognize object by sight but we can detect that
it’s there
ear as transducer
external ear – collects sound
middle ear – impedance matching, air-fluid interface
inner ear – cochlea converts fluid vibrations to neural energy
VIII Acoustic Nerve
primary auditory cortex
temporal association cortex
conductive hearing loss
sensory hearing loss
auditory agnosia
path of efferent motor info:
info from the primary motor cortex down through the cerebral peduncles to brainstem
they decussate (cross midline) and enter through the middle cerebellar peduncle to the cerebellum
then is processes and further refined as it leaves the superior peduncle and goes back to the tegmentum
of the midbrain where the fibers cross back to the original point of origin through the thalamus and then
back up to the motor cortex
Module 6: Central language Mechanisms and Higher Cortical Functions
Unimodal and Multi-Modal Association Cortices
unimodal association cortex
multimodal association
deal with only one kind of sensory information
deal with two or more kinds of sensory information (receive
projections from several different sensory regions)
somatosensory association
auditory association cortex
visual association cortex
parietal association cortex
prefrontal area
visual association cortex
these areas are the largest in humans
represent the highest level of cortical development
responsible for:
- language – receptive comprehension, expression, production
- cognition – awareness, perception, reasoning, and judgment
- memory – short-term, long-term
sensory: touch and proprioception
sensory: hearing
sensory: visual
location: posterior portion of superior parietal lobule
location: everything outside PMC and premotor area
Major Components of Central Language Mechanism
Perisylvian Region
contains areas responsible for language functions:
- angular gyrus
- association cortices
- Broca’s area
- Wernicke’s area
- arcuate fasciculus (connects Broca’s and Wernicke’s)
Wernicke’s area
association cortex in left hemisphere (for majority of people)
reception of speech
many links to limbic system, somatosensory area, visual and auditory
linguistic concepts of meaning and syntax
involved with auditory perception: sound information goes from 8th
cranial nerve to inferior colliculus in brainstem to medial geniculate in
thalamus up to primary auditory cortex and then to Wernicke's
involved with storage and retrieval of mental representation of word
meanings, grammar and linguistic rules
Broca’s area
motor programmer for speech and articulation movements that are
to be executed by primary motor cortex
Primary motor cortex
extends through internal capsule of the brainstem to the spinal cord
Angular gyrus
integration of visual, auditory, and tactile information for reading and
Arcuate fasciculus
projection fiber that connects Wernicke's to Broca's
Supramarginal gyrus
hearing and writing
Wernicke-Geschwind Model
What is it?
an early model for understanding how speech is produced in humans
What does it seek to explain? a historical model developed to understand the pathway in the brain
responsible for auditory and visual cognition and speech responding
comprehension and responding to spoken language
What does it posit?
area of focus
type of theory
spoken word pathway
cognition pathway
written word pathway
limitations of the model
Aphasia Types
Broca’s aphasia
certain areas communicate with others in order to extract
information about the meanings of words, before that information is
passed to the speech production and motor areas of the brain
the Perisylvian Region
spoken word  area 41  Wernicke’s area (contains sound images
of words)  hear and comprehend word
auditory info goes from ear to primary auditory cortex in the
temporal lobe (?), then that coded info is sent to Wernicke’s, then
(for motor response) through arcuate fasciculus to Broca’s, to motor
Wernicke’s area  Broca’s area (stores motor programs for speaking
words)  facial area of motor cortex  cranial nerves  speak
written word  area 17  area 18, 19  angular gyrus 
Wernicke’s area  read
visual info goes from eyes to primary visual cortex in the occipital
lobe, then to angular gyrus, then to Wernicke’s area, then (to make a
motor response) through arcuate fasciculus to Broca’s area, then to
motor cortex (which can send an outward motor command)
no model explains everything
largely outdated due to inconsistencies in human case studies where
an injury doesn’t cause the expected deficiency based on the model
(on the other hand) sometimes injuries outside of the regions
identified in the model can cause various forms of aphasia (the
difficulty in speech production)
a language disorder that happens when you have brain damage
(usually the left hemisphere)
may make it hard to understand, speak, read, or write
“non-fluent aphasia”
may only be able to say three or four words at a time
limited vocabulary
trouble finding the words they want to use
tend to understand speech
Wernicke’s aphasia
“fluent aphasia”
speaking isn’t difficult
the problem is that the person isn’t forming coherent words, or those
words aren’t coming together into coherent sentences
affects reading and writing
anomic aphasia
can’t find the words they want to use, and this is particularly true for
nouns and verbs
use synonyms or vague fillers to get around this
understand speech and can usually read, but you see the same
difficulties with their writing
global aphasia
the most severe form
cannot speak many words
sometimes don’t understand speech
cannot read or write
people may have it for a short period of time following a brain injury
or stroke and then move into a different type of aphasia as their brain
health improves
primary progressive aphasia
Memory Processes and Forms
What is cognition?
problem solving
What is memory?
three processes related to
sensory memory
short-term (working)
actually a form of dementia where people lose the ability to speak,
write, and read over time
a gradual loss of language
a type of language output error commonly associated with aphasia
characterized by the production of unintended syllables, words, or
phrases during the effort to speak
usually with fluent forms of aphasia
swallowing problems
the mental functions of an individual which allow them to think,
process information, learn, and remember
includes: perception, attention, memory, reasoning, problem solving
process of attaining awareness and understanding of sensory
ability to selectively concentrate on one aspect of the environment
while ignoring others
ability to store, retain, and retrieve information
a cognitive process of looking for reasons for beliefs, conclusions,
actions, or feelings
finding a solution to a problem
the ability to retain and utilize acquired information or knowledge
encoding – formation of a memory trace (temporary recording of
knowledge or experience)
storage – temporal maintenance of a memory trace
recall – reactivating a stored memory for current use
1st level
holds stimuli in a raw (sensory) form so that you can register and
attend to it
2nd level
limited capacity storage of information
allows us to hold and manipulate information in real time, as well as
call up long-term memory to interact with current memory traces
affected by temporal factors
if memory trace is not rehearsed, the memory will fade in a matter of
long-term memory
3rd level
permanent and possible limitless memory store, containing all our
knowledge of the world and memories of the past
a type of long-term memory
episodic – memory of events
semantic – memory of knowledge, facts
a type of long-term memory
unconscious memory from classical conditioning context or
procedural learning
AKA procedural or implicit memory
Cortical Areas Involved with Memory
frontal association area
working memory
prefrontal area lesions result in short-term (working memory
for conversion of memory trace to long-term memory (declarative
lesions result in amnesia & inability to form new long-term memories
episodic & semantic memory
emotional memory (non-declarative memory)
memory related to smell and taste
episodic & semantic memory
parietal lobe
non-verbal memory
temporal lobe
semantic memory
basal ganglia
non-declarative memory (motor learning)
non-declarative memory (motor learning)
occipital lobe
visual memory
Major Classifications of Dementia
degenerative process of the CNS, affecting older adults
diffuse impairment of memory, intellect, and cognition
may include behavioral and personality changes as well as physical
impairments in the later stages
additional characteristics: acquired, gradual onset, persistent,
interferes with daily living (ADLs), disorientation, lapses in judgment,
difficulty with mentally challenging tasks, misplaced items, apathy
and loss of initiative, mood changes
cortical (neurodegenerative) Alzheimer’s disease
Pick’s disease
Huntington’s disease
multi-infarct vascular disease
associated disorders
Wilson’s disease
HIV encephalopathy
Alzheimer’s disease
Pick’s disease (FTD)
vascular dementia
subcortical dementias
Huntington’s disease
50-70% of all dementias
2-3x more likely in females
unknown cause
neurofibrillary tangles, neuritic plaques, and granulovacuolar
tendencies that we think cause the disease
tangles tend to appear in temporal and frontal lobes and
plaque = anywhere in cortex
rano = small fluid filled cavities that contain debris, in the nerve cell,
often in hippocampus
neuronal atrophy - loss of synapses because of plaque and tangles
neurochemical deficiency - not enough ACH
medical treatment – aimed at symptoms and slowing progression
stages – early, mid, and late; memory and orientation are first
speech and language – early: mild word retrieval, occasional
paraphasias and subtle comprehension problems; middle: more
obvious problems with word retrieval, sentence fragments, topic
maintenance; late: severely compromised, non-functional
reading/writing, bizarre communication devoid of meaning, unaware
of errors, echolalic (repeats what is said to them)
rare, 2% of dementia patients
frontal lobe pathology
ages 40-60
shrinkage of brain, proliferation of glial cells
often misdiagnosed as AD and depression
some of the key differences…
personality and emotions are initial symptoms
apathy and indifference
social problems
obsessional behaviors
language and communication breakdown early in disease, memory
and orientation remain intact until later progression
vascular in nature
cortical and subcortical processes
CVD/HTN – preventable
deficits in memory, cognition and ADL
at risk for stroke factors
change in basal ganglia, thalamus and brain stem
begins with motor symptoms
Huntington’s Disease
Parkinson’s Disease
inherited, degenerative
Parkinson’s disease
chorea – movement disorder
cognitive decline
personality changes, agitation, depression, paranoia, and delusions
1 in 20,000
loss of caudate nucleus, basal ganglia and frontal and temporal lobe
ages 40-60, death in 15-20 years
medical treatment – antidepressants, antipsychotics
speech and language – hyperkinetic dysarthria, dysphasia and
Michael J Fox
age 50-65 years, death 15-20 years post dx (?)
deterioration of dopamine production in basal ganglia
pill rolling (rubbing fingers together as if there’s a pill between them),
tremor, rigidity, impaired gait and balance
15-20% of patients have dementia
speech and language – voice, vocabulary, syntax, drooling and
most less than 35 years old
70% encephalopathy leading to dementia in late stages
med – slow progression and infections
variable development, can be gradual or sudden
death because of pneumonia or other infection
speech and language – dysarthria
Memory of knowledge/facts
semantic; episodic
is known as _____ memory;
Memory of events is _____
Recall of a movie plot is an
declarative, episodic memory
example of which type of
Which neurological disorder
Huntington’s disease
is characterized by
personality disorder,
cognitive decline, and
movement disorder?
Damage to the cerebellum is procedural (non-declarative)
most likely to result in which
type of memory impairment?
ASCVD and HTN are common vascular dementia
causes of which type of
Which category of cortical
multi-modal association cortex
area is responsible for the
highest level of cognitive
Match the term with the possible disorder.
attention deficit disorder
frontal lobe injury
Match the type of dementia with the underlying neurological condition.
Picks Disease
frontal lobe pathology, proliferation of glial cells
Alzheimers Disease
neurofibrillary plaques and tangles
sub-cortical dementias
changes to basal ganglia, thalamus
Human Immunodeficiency
opportunistic infection of the brain
Virus Encephalopathy