Uploaded by Jason Goldenbroit

Contrasts & Contradictions Non-Fiction Signposts

Non-Fiction Signposts: Contrasts and Contradictions
Directions: Follow along with Mr. Goldenbroit as he takes you through the guided notes on
Non-fiction signposts. You will be asked to fill in information and answer questions.
Part 1: Definition
Contrasts and Contradictions: When you're reading and the _____________ shows you a _____________ between what you know and what's happening in the text, or a difference
_____________ 2 or more things in the text.
Part 2: Key Words
Directions: What are the key words that let you know you are dealing with Contrasts and
Key Words: _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________
_____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________
_____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________
Part 3: Examples:
Directions: Using the examples below circle the key words provided and explain why the term
is showing a contrast or contradiction.
I do: Thomas Jefferson wrote about the abolition of slavery in our government, on the other
hand, he owned slaves.
“On the other hand,” is the key word. It is showing a contradiction because Thomas Jefferson
called for getting rid of slavery, but owned slaves.
1. We do: Even though the temperature dipped below 32 degrees, the water did not freeze.
2. The school wants us to eat healthy, but ….. Come up with the concluding statement.
Part 4: Let’s Try on our own.
Background: The political cartoon below is from the 2016 Presidential election from Hillary
Clinton and Donald Trump. The election was filled with
Contrast and Contradiction:
3. Explain what is happening in the cartoon below:
4. Why is a contradiction?
Part 5:
Directions: We are going to test our knowledge of it here. Use the words below to create two
Contrasting or Contradiction statements below.
Key Words: Alternatively, By contrast, However, Nonetheless, Otherwise, Then again,
Unlike, Although, Different from, Instead, On the other hand, Still and Yet
5. Dogs are the smartest animals on four legs, _________ (keyword)
6. John felt a strong love for his wife, _________ (keyword)
7. Ice cream eaten to fast will give you a brain freeze, _________ (keyword)
Part 6: Let’s use this signpost in practice.
1. -Circle unfamiliar words; then look them up and write a definition/similar word above it.
2. -Highlight information that helps you understand the text. (People, Places Events, Dates,
reasons things happen, etc.)
3. Underline any Contrasts and Contradictions.
Milky Way is a spiral galaxy
What is the main idea of the paragraph?
in our universe. It has an
estimated distance of roughly
150 light-years, yet compared
to the Universe, is very, very
small. It is the galaxy that
contains our Solar System, the
home of our planet Earth.
The Milky Way Galaxy is
estimated to have a diameter
between 150 and 200 lightyears. Astronomers estimate
our Milky Way Galaxy has
between 100 and 400 billion
stars. Astronomers guess our
Milky Way galaxy has at least
100 billion planets, although
What is the main idea of the paragraph?
we do not know how many can
contain life.