Uploaded by Chris Nejfelt

Bitwarden Shortcuts

Keyboard Shortcuts
Keyboard Shortcuts
Browser extension shortcuts
Some browsers, including Microsoft Edge and Safari may use the below key
combinations for other default shortcuts. In these cases, you will need to
configure your browsers shortcuts. For Chromium-based browsers (Chrome,
Edge, Vivaldi, Brave, and more) this can be done from
chrome://extensions/shortcuts, edge://extensions/shortcuts, and so on.
Instructions for configured browser extension shortcuts can be found at the
following links for Firefox and Safari users.
 Note
Autofill for Microsoft Edge requires the latest Chromium-based version.
Ctrl/CMD + Shift + Y → Activate extension
Ctrl/CMD + Shift + L → Auto-fill, press again to cycle through matching logins
Ctrl/CMD + Shift + 9 → Generate a password and copy it to the clipboard
Ctrl/CMD + Shift + N → Lock extension
 Tip
If a login uses the Bitwarden authenticator for TOTPs, using the Cmd/Ctrl +
Shift + L will automatically copy your TOTP to your clipboard after autofilling. All you have to do is Cmd/Ctrl + V to paste!
Desktop application shortcuts
Ctrl/CMD + , → Preferences
Ctrl/CMD + L → Lock now
Ctrl/CMD + Q → Quit
Ctrl/CMD + N → Add new login
Ctrl/CMD + Z → Undo
Ctrl/CMD + Y → Redo
Ctrl/CMD + X → Cut
Ctrl/CMD + C → Copy
Ctrl/CMD + V → Paste
Ctrl/CMD + A → Select all
Ctrl/CMD + U → Copy username
Ctrl/CMD + P → Copy password
Ctrl/CMD + T → Copy TOTP
Ctrl/CMD + F → Search in vault
Ctrl/CMD + G → Password generator
Ctrl/CMD + = → Zoom in
Ctrl/CMD + - → Zoom out
Ctrl/CMD + 0 → Reset zoom
F11 → Full screen
Ctrl/CMD + Shift + R → Reload
F12 → Developer options
Ctrl/CMD + M → Minimize
Ctrl/CMD + Shift + M → Send to tray/Hide to menu bar
Ctrl/CMD + Shift + T → Always on top
Ctrl/CMD + W → Close window