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The Inspiring Story of Nick Vujicic

Miracle In You
The Inspiring Story of Nick
“Adjustments are necessary along the way because life isn’t always rosy, but it is always worth living,” - Nick
What are your excuses?
Life is an art that is worth living despite the situations, occurrences, and state of affairs. We just need to
have faith and an instrument to pull off fortitude. Moreover, folks should start to look at and appreciate what
they have and arouse inspiration for what they don’t have in their life. The story of Nick Vujicic creates
enlightenment within me that hope will come into existence when life mercilessly challenges you, just like what
Nick has experienced. Even on the most precious day of his existence with his precious ones, his parents had a
hard time accepting his condition, namely Tetra-Amelia Syndrome. It is an infrequent condition where a child is
born with no arms and legs. Consecutively, his parents could accept Nick’s situation but worried about his
future. Nick’s life, expectedly, has been a journey full of thorns. He didn’t just come across with physical
devastation but also mentally and emotionally. He experienced constant bullying in school to the point that his
last straw of hope vanished, and he attempted to end his life. Just on the verge of it, the image of his parents
crying appeared, which was why he continued to live. At the age of 17, he read about a disabled man who defied
the limitations of his condition, which empowered him to do the same. Since then, despite his disability, he can
do things limitlessly and has been able to make his state an instrument for hope. He didn’t get and find the
miracle he wanted so bad, so he made himself do it.
The power of real-life stories to influence and alter someone else’s life always leaves me in awe,
specifically Nick’s story. We may lose hope through circumstances we cannot handle anymore, but there’s
always an instrument God has sent to us to save us from despair. Be it coincidence or not. Nick went astray and
had his melancholic downfall, but he resurrected his dead hope and found a thread of vision for his purpose in
life through someone’s chronicle. Thus, making it inexplicable in so many ways yet extraordinary. It created a
beguiling art of inspiration for me when I heard and got to know his story. If Nick could do things beyond his
limit, considering his physical condition, then I can also do it. If Nick could find his light across the seemingly
dark all over the place, then I can also find the light at the right time and place. It is inevitable to cry out timidly
of a life full of uncertainties, and it is totally okay but do not give up; just remember Nick’s story. Be fearless and
brave because if you do otherwise, it would be the biggest poison that will disable you from seeing the art of life.
Imagine if he had ended his life a long time ago. Do you think that there is a story that would inspire us all? Do
you think there is a story that stands as an instrument for people who are also experiencing the same
experience he had been through? If Nick, without arms and legs, is able to make it, then what are your excuses?
Because of his desire to live limitlessly, he inspired many people, and he even met his wife, the love of his life,
which his parents or maybe, other people didn’t expect. We do not wish for a blessed life; we strive and hope for
it. Consequently, we do not find miracles; we make them.
On that account, fear is the immense disability of all, as it will paralyze you more than being in a
wheelchair. Fear equates disability to taking action, seeing hope, and seeking it. We are powerful when we know
who we are, our values, our life purpose, and the destination we are fulfilling. The hope we implanted will yield
sweet success that reflects what we’ve been through in life. Significantly, persevere at the right time.