Choice Board This activity is a practice and assessment exercise that allows for differentiation and student choice. Students have been introduced to a historic timeline of the development of the atomic model and have learned about the atom as proposed by Bohr. The tic-tac-toe format requires all students to practice and perform to demonstrate their understanding by completing two assignments of choice plus one required assignment. Assignments are chosen based on ability and learning style. Bibliography • &cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwi58ruh_qv3AhUPyoUKHW5xBuMQF noECB4QAQ& %2Fpz9ychVogPOzeg%2Fchm-1-1-1-choice-boardactivity&usg=AOvVaw321oLFnwsm8IOB2Dxxa00P • • • On chart paper, create a comparison of the atomic structure for Hydrogen, Carbon and Oxygen. Be sure each structure is consistently labeled and large enough to be seen when placed on the wall of the classroom. Using key components, write a poem or rap that compares the atomic structures of Carbon and Oxygen. The poem or rap should have at least 4 stanzas and clearly highlight similarities as well as differences. Using information from the periodic table, create a magazine advertisement for an element. Make sure to identify the element using mass number and atomic number and relate it to the number of protons, neutrons and electrons. The advertisement should be no bigger than 8 x 11 (standard copy paper) and use color. Using the information from the periodic table, create a short video about elements. Be sure to identify the element using mass number and atomic number and relate it to the number of protons, neutrons and electrons. The video should last at least 1 min 30 sec. Upload it to YouTube and share the link with me via email or post it on Collaboration space(One Note) Create a 10-question quiz about an element key from the periodic table. Include at least atomic mass, element symbol,atomic number, electrons,protons, and neutrons. Include an answer key. Create a 3-d model of an atom. If you choose this asst., you must let your teacher know which element you are creating. Create flashcards for each of the first 20 elements in the periodic table. Create a one page ‘job-ad’ or riddle for a chosen element. Create a Children book/ Comic strip to explain the following: Atomic number, protons, neutrons, electrons, average atomic mass, mass number and model of the atom