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Law Quiz Review: Chapter One Concepts

Chapter One Quiz Review- February 2011
To be fully prepared for this quiz you are responsible for being familiar with
all concepts covered in the textbook, all web handouts, presentations and
class discussions that have taken place this far!
1.1-1.2- What is Law and Why Do We Have It?
Rules vs. Laws
- To differentiate, think of parties involved, who it applies to, who enforces them?
-The Functions of Law: What Laws Do for Us
1.3- The Divisions of Law- Public Law vs. Private LawPublic Law- controls the relationships between governments and the people who
live in society. (Criminal, Administrative, Constitutional)
Private Law- outlines the legal relationships between private citizens and
between citizens and organizations. (Family, Contract, Tort, Property, Labour)
(Divisions of Law Web)
1.4- The Early History of Law
- Be familiar with the contributions of 3-4 of the civilizations covered- make sure
your chart is full- The quiz will focus on the significance of the concept today
1.5- The Development of Canadian Law
- This information is also in your chart.
1.6- The Development of Canada’s ConstitutionPage 19- How much do you remember from history class last year? –Read
through and take note of dates of significance.
1.7- How Laws Are Made in Canada-Read through page 21-22 again, look over the class note we took and watch the
video tutorials as well.
Best of Luck- you will all do great 