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Sociology of Male Preschool Teachers: Summary

Sociology :/
- They will talk about how studying to be a preschool teacher conflicts with mens version
of what it means to be a man.
- They have to negotiate masculinities because preschool teaching is seen as womens
work (so theyre insecure…?)
- Pg 3: Sweden wants gender equality (has been focusing on womens rights) but only 4%
of ps are male.
- Part of their preschool curriculum is to break down gender roles and show that anyone
can do any job.
- Aspects of PST are “feminine” (caring, kind, nurturing)
- call for male role models of hegemonic masculinities for boys because most PST are
women and public scared of absent fathers.
- Need to loosen ties between “care” and “women”
- “shifting from a traditional masculine occupation to a traditional feminine one, also
means breaking the gender order ‘downhill’ with a potential loss of value, status and
salary as well as the risk of becoming ‘reduced’ in different ways” (they hate women…?)
- “The students also break with ‘old’ ideas of masculinity since the results presented here
show a more fluid and flexible way of presenting oneself as male.”
- Pg. 4: “shows that the men in her study wanted to make a difference by showing other
ways of being male than the stereotypical male image.”
- Felt they were not trusted and were suspected for their career choice.
- Men and women had the same reasons for becoming teachers.
- Male PST wanted to show that there is a different way to be a man “e; they wanted to
develop as individuals in their work as preschool teachers and wanted to feel they are
- Men working in preschool is a complex issue because, from a perspective of gender
theory, it is burdened with the question of who is most suitable to look after and care for
children, both in general and in a professional context, and it is also therefore filled with
the question of how ‘real’ men are construed and how this concept is shaped in everyday
life. T
- Pg. 5: Preschools are extensions of the home: workers need to be naturally caring.
- Hegemonic masculinity is an ideal and most people don’t live it.
- gender equality produces local kinds of idealized masculinity
- masculinity constructs are historically locally and temporally contextual.
- They interviewed men studying to be PST and asked them why they chose to be PCT,
how they liked the program, and what did they think their futures would be like.
- Becoming and being a “breaker”’ which reflects around their process to start negotiating
around traditional, hegemonic ideals around masculinity and within that theme how ‘To
have experience of working in children’s education’ has been of importance in that
- ‘Coping with sticking out’ which refers to how these men need to constantly negotiate as
an everyday practice while being a preschool student and also as a professional teacher.
Within the everyday negotiation we found a theme that was called ‘The ever-present
paedophilia dilemma’ which takes into consideration how sexual aspects of masculinities
were brought into their professional lives.
Breakers tended to be older and come from a different career path.- lack of meaning in
their previous careers
Pg 8: They chose their old careers because of outside pressure. Male coded careers
They did not choose to be pst in highschool
For most, women in their lives were supportive but not as many fathers. Brothers were
supportive but not male friends.
Some of the fathers were indirectly opposed.
Some of the criticism is about the lack of money in pst
Pg. 9: They all came from very male coded jobs
Most of the men had opportunity to have a job or internship in a preschool before they
started studying.
Pg. 10: they want to work there as educational, professional preschool teachers, not
primarily as male preschool teachers.
One said he likes sticking out, being noticed
None felt like they had to study harder because they stuck out, opposite for women
They thought they would be able to get jobs easier
They wanted to be good male role models
They said that they felt suspected by the parents of pedophila but not analysis
Pg. 11: They dealt with suspicions by ignoring, gaining parents trust, not being alone
with students, and not consoling students as much as they want to. Not many received
clear support from their manager.