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Soft Power & Managerial Coaching: Building Relationships

Soft power and managerial coaching
a. Soft power is based on building positive relationships and personal credibility. Hard
power is a power that stems largely from a person’s position of authority. The key
difference is just that managers who use soft power usually use softer means to
persuade people to do what they need to be done. It involves using relationship with
workers to get them to do what needs to be done rather than using position of
b. I feel it’s important for them because it allows the employees to know that their
manager cares about them which motivates them to do their jobs better.
c. I feel it would allow employees to be able to share things that would hinder them from
doing their jobs effectively and their manager would be able to understand without
them being sanctioned or punished
d. Basically, improve your communication skills, learn how to share things that bother you
and be nice to everyone who talks to you.