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Should vs. Ought To: Usage & Differences Explained

Main Difference – Should vs
Ought To
Should and ought are modal verbs which
are used to indicate duty, obligation, and
advice. The modal verb ought is always
used followed by the preposition to.
Although should and ought to seem to be
basically the same since they are used
interchangeably by many speakers and
writers, there are subtle differences
between them.
Should – Meaning and Usage
should can be used to express
– Obligation or correctness, especially from
the point of view of duty or appropriateness
You should have told the truth to someone.
Pets should not be allowed to roam free.
-Advice or suggestions
You should try to get some rest.
Should I call a doctor?
-Predictions based on logic or a typical
The bus should arrive in few minutes.
Should is more common usage than ought to.
In addition, should is generally used to
express an individual opinion; it is a subjective
opinion expressing what the speaker or writer
feels is best.
Yasemin spends too much money on clothes.
She shouldn’t buy so many clothes.
She ought to save her money.
Çağatay:I can’t do this problem.
Korhan:Then you should ask Math teacher.
Pelin plays computer games all the time.
She shouldn’t play computer games.
She should study.
Ought to –
Meaning and
Ought is also a modal verb that expresses a
duty, obligation or advice. Unlike other modal
verbs, ought is always followed by the
preposition to. Ought to can be used to
express the following meanings.
The notion that something is the right thing to do, because it’s
morally correct, polite, or someone’s duty
He ought to admit his mistake.
You ought to respect the law.
-Predictions based on normal circumstances or logic:
My admission letter ought to arrive today.
The weather ought to be cold in December.
-Offering or Asking for advice or recommendations
What ought I do?
You ought to read the book before you watch the movie.
Ought to is less commonly used than should; the usage of
ought to is limited in spoken language. Ought to is also
considered to be more objective than should since it
represents law, regulations, or duty. Therefore, it is argued that
ought to is more emphatic than should. For example,
He ought to be punished, but I won’t punish him.
This sentence implies that he deserves punishment according
to the accepted view of the soceity, but the speaker won’t
punish him.
We should eat more fresh fruit.
We should eat less meat.
Difference Between Should and Ought To
Should is more commonly used than ought to. Should expresses
the personal view of the speaker.
Ought to expresses the accepted view in the society
Ought to is less commonly used.
Should is used in both spoken and written language.
Ought to is more used in written language.