Notes Black is general notes Red is kaze specific Player Retention Key component to server longevity. 1. Interaction a. In-game i. Events 1. Player events 2. Server events a. Free kit Friday 3. Community events b. Outside-game i. Content creators 1. Size matters but also regular uploads. Players that play for the youtuber will stop playing for the youtuber if the youtuber switches servers. 2. Incentive content creation a. An easy way of doing this is with an ingame prefix and role in discord for smaller creators. Larger creators may expect something more. 3. Encourage smaller content creators a. You did a pretty shitty job of this. My media application got ignored despite averaging over a thousand views per video. Nacie’s media application got denied despite averaging over 750 views per video. You kneecapped yourself by refusing free advertisement. This isn’t to say you should accept every media application but you clearly aren’t accepting ones you should either. 2. Rewards for player interaction a. Types of Rewards i. Ranks 1. Could be permanent or temporary if you’re concerned about event/drawing won ranks cutting too deeply into profit ii. Buycraft iii. Paypal iv. Clan upgrades v. Kits b. Types of rewardable interaction i. Weekly/monthly/ lottery drawing where every hundred kills is a ticket ii. Rank giveaways for advertising, for a certain number of invites, etc iii. Rewards to top seasonal kills, top seasonal kdr, etc 3. Maximizing audience size a. 1.7+ compatibility b. Non-pvp events such as water drop, parkour, etc i. See munchy events c. General note: If you try adding too many gamemodes you can kill the server because every gamemode would be dead. The best option imo is to blend modes of interaction that attract different player types into one gamemode. In the case of this server, it would be kitpvp of course. What can you add to kitpvp that would attract pot pvp mains, smp mains, hypixel minigame mains, etc? This should be heavy on your mind. 4. Maximizing online time/average player count a. Having players encourages players to play. Players that might otherwise play will log off if they see the server is dead or has a low playercount. b. Clan structure c. Balancing time vs skill based rewards. Rewards such as top kills will encourage players to play more. Rewards such as highest kdr and killstreak will encourage players to play well and provide a balance so players don’t complain about time investment being the only way to “win” 5. Minimizing punishment a. This can be difficult because if you don’t ban at all, cheaters will damage player count. My opinion on this may be biased because I am notorious for autoclicking but I will regardless back it up with objective evidence. b. The facts i. Blatant cheaters are an extremely marginal contribution to playercount 1. They are extremely injurious to overall player count and thus are quickly banned. Most never join in the first place, instead opting to cheat on large servers with poor anticheats, such as hypixel. ii. Closet cheaters comprise are an extremely large contribution to playercount 1. An extremely significant portion of the playerbase autoclicks at the minimum. Many players use reach and velocity if they know it can bypass the anticheat, and many players try to gain an edge for manipulating how their internet sends and receives packets. iii. Banning blatant cheaters goes without saying. The quandary lies with closet cheaters. We can break this situation down by examining the extremes. 1. Situation 1: Ban all cheaters regardless of how they are cheating. a. Benefit: Legit players are kept happy b. Negative: Playerbase is significantly reduced c. Negative: Legit players may have friends that cheat and as such don’t play for that reason. 2. Situation 2: Ban only blatant cheaters. a. Benefit: There are more players initially b. Negative: Many players leave due to server being overrun by cheaters c. Negative: Server cultivates a cheat-to-win environment, encouraging legit players that don’t quit to install cheats and cheat as well. 3. Initial conclusions: It is very unlikely that the best option lies at either extreme. The best solution is somewhere in between. What can we decide on easily? a. Reach: I propose the server ban on reach detections with a normal margin of safety that requires staff ban. b. Velocity: I propose the server ban on velocity detections same as reach. 4. The issue: Autoclicking. Far and away the most common method of cheating. Up to half of players more than likely autoclick. There are autoclickers all over the web for free, and most mouses have functionality to put together a clicker which clearly isn’t possible in the case of velocity in reach. c. My thoughts on clicking i. The cps aspect of Minecraft is inherently unfair. Clicking higher cps directly reduces knockback, decreases movement speed, and improves hit registration. ii. Not everyone can click the same. Some mice provide an advantage over others. Some doubleclick or even tripleclick. Some people can just physically click faster than others. Sometimes physical ability doesn’t matter because of the mouse. iii. Consequently, autoclicking has evolved as a direct way to “even the playing field.” iv. Autoclicking can provide an advantage 1. Clickers with consistent cps evenly distribute their clicks across server tps, more optimally reducing knockback and improving hit registration. 2. Holding down the mouse button can result in more stable aim, and make it easier to push other mouse buttons. v. How do we solve this issue? 1. Cps cap a. May be problematic when it comes to refilling. Perhaps it only applies out of inventory? 2. Banning for obvious autoclicking/advantageous clicking a. Over 25 cps should pretty much autoban. The only reason I say 25 and not 20 is because I know some players that sometimes break 20 with butterfly clicking. b. Clickers with consistent cps, such as those made by macros with the exact same timing in between clicks are extremely detectable and extremely advantageous. 3. Allow butterflying a. The truth is many players abuse doubleclicking to butterfly. Banning it will hurt the playerbase significantly. The players lost by banning butterflying will outweigh those who protest playing because butterflying is allowed by far. 4. Loose enforcement. Good autoclickers are undetectable. Unlike reach and velocity which give undeniable evidence, the best clickers are indistinguishable from legitimate clicking. Many times it is because they use recorded legitimate clicking to function. I think it best to just acknowledge that autoclickers will autoclick, and ban on blatant cases but otherwise loosely enforce it. Unlike clients, good free clickers are available to everyone, and ultimately expending resources trying to hunt down every last autoclicker will just hurt the playerbase while providing marginal if any gain. As I stated previously, I am indeed biased because I autoclick myself, but it is for these reasons that I do. While clickers with randomization may give small aim and ease of use advantages, they provide no benefit in regards to hit detection. To be honest, I find using a clicker to be more difficult than clicking legit, because you cannot control your cps for various purposes. My personal exclusive reason for autoclicking is that my mouse doesn’t doubleclick, and that is often the case with many autoclickers. They want the cps advantage to compete with people clicking high cps legitimately, but lack the means to do so. I think if you turn a blind eye to all but blatant autoclicking, most things will work themselves out. a. If you aren’t satisfied with this, you could adjust the anticheat to ban for autoclicking alerts at a lower cps than legitimate clicking i. For example, allow legitimate butterflying up to 25 cps but then ban for autoclicking above 20 cps, assuming that it is randomized and not blatant. vi. The above thoughts are my opinion on maximizing player count. While it may leave an unclean taste in your mouth to cater to cheaters in such a way, it will ultimately contribute to the health of the server more than it will injure it. Players will not go legit just because of a threat of being banned. They will cheat until they get banned or don’t get banned. And the server should be structured with that in mind. Server Design 1. Knockback d. Having good knockback is extremely important for a pvp server. i. clone#8768 is very good at knockback configs ii. Players want kb that allows you to sustain combos and wtaps. If you take too little overall kb, fights are just trading, which is extremely tedious and one of the main problems with munchy. If you have too much kb, you can’t sustain combos because the players go flying and aggro becomes impossible. 6. Clans a. Clans are needed. Every successful server has clans. Even hypixel has clans. b. Clan wars: theres 2 types. i. Informal clan wars where players just duke it out in casual arena which can last hours and basically they just log on as many ppl as possible which boosts playercount and avg players obviously. Just an ego thing but imo it could still be improved upon. You could add functionality to declare a clan war and when a clan war is declared it automatically starts tallying how many kills clan A has gotten on clan B and vice versa. I think this would be pretty cool to have. And then you could have linkage to the website where players can view stats for each clan with what clans they’ve declared upon and what their kill/death count against those clans are. This would make clan wars a LOT more interesting as theres definitive numbers supporting who is winning/losing and itd be something that would attract good players to join and flex their clan stats ii. The second type is staff structured clan wars where clans enter in tournament format and instead of having any number of players like casual are limited to (up to you, but probably 3 or 5 members) Then it’s the normal bracket tournament style process where people can spectate and bet tokens on who will win each, basically like how munchy executes the hosted ones, and the staff oversees it. Usually the winner of this hosted clan war gets something out of it, like munchy gave the winning clan of the last clan war season 2 extra member slots, so they have 17 slots in their clan instead of 15. c. I suggest styling them off of munchymc except add my suggestions regarding informal clan wars and add better website integration to view clan stats and ongoing wars. 7. Kits