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English Course Material: Listening & Attitude Analysis

2020-2021 Senior Regular Issue 1
2020-2021 Regular Course
Issue 1 (Senior)
Spencer Lam
English Course
P. 1
2020-2021 Senior Regular Issue 1
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2020-2021 Senior Regular Issue 1
P. 3
2020-2021 Senior Regular Issue 1
P. 4
2020-2021 Senior Regular Issue 1
- 香港大學 修讀心理學 (一級榮譽畢業),在學期間,共獲 11 份獎學金
- 曾赴英國愛丁堡大學留學
- 近半年獲《經濟一週》《U Magazine》《晴報》專訪成功之道
- 獲香港青年協會邀請擔任 DSE 工作坊講者
- 學生遍及各大名校,包括鄧肇堅、男拔、協恩、真光、華仁、聖士提反、聖心等
- 學生補林 Sir 後,成績皆有顯著進步 (現有多間學校英文科全級頭 10 名)
P. 5
2020-2021 Senior Regular Issue 1
P. 6
2020-2021 Senior Regular Issue 1
正負 大陷阱
P. 7
2020-2021 Senior Regular Issue 1
What did Dave and Tina feel about the information they have been given?
A: Singularity is the name we give to any phenomenon in the universe like a black hole, a
white hole or a wormhole.
D: I am sorry, but I think this is all beyond me. I find it very difficult to keep things straight in
my head.
T: What’s new?
P. 8
A: Don’t worry, Dave. It is rather a lot to take in at first.
2020-2021 Senior Regular Issue 1
T: What you have told us has been a revelation. I’m just blown away by it. I’ll never look at
the night sky with the same eyes again.
F: That’s what we want to hear.
O: Is your mind going, Tina? Sometimes I feel like my mind is going….
F: Time to go folks. I think Orwell may be about to have a breakdown
P. 9
2020-2021 Senior Regular Issue 1
Indicate how the first 2 students who asked questions feel about children suffering from
weight problems. Tick one box for each student.
Attitude of first student:
Attitude of second student
P. 10
2020-2021 Senior Regular Issue 1
Lucy: Thanks, Aaron. Ok, that is all we have to say. Thank you for listening. Now, are there any
Student 1: Yeah, I have a question. It seems obvious to me that if people don’t want to get
too fat, they should eat less. Pure and Simple. I mean, if somebody’s like fat already and they
don’t eat less and they’re too lazy to exercise, they end up getting fatter and fatter and they
are miserable. I mean it is up to them. It is their fault, isn’t it?
Thank you for your question. I think if you have been listening to our presentation you will
understand that it is not always the child’s fault. U mean, they are often overweight and it is
the fault of the parents… Or maybe of other influences around them encouraging them to eat
a poor diet. Any other questions? Yes?
Who me? OK. Yeah. Thanks! To tell you the truth, I was a bit disappointed with your
presentation. When I saw the title of your talk I thought, “Yeah, this could be quite interesting.
“ but unless I missed something as I drifted off, you did not say anything new. We have heard
it all before. You have my sympathy if you were not given a choice and were told by Mr
Johnson to do this topic, cause I’d imagine there is nothing new you can say about children
with weight problems. I mean, you have probably done a better job than I could have with
the same topic, but I just found it all a bit dull. I don’t know.
P. 11
2020-2021 Senior Regular Issue 1
QUESTION 3: (UE2012 Q19)
How did Lewis, Thelma and Chris feel about Frank and Jessie’s view of the arts: Tick one box
P. 12
2020-2021 Senior Regular Issue 1
J: Let’s sum up then, and both Frank and I would like to know what you think about the
alternative views of the arts we have presented today.
L: Well, I think it is interesting but I think I’d need more convincing that there is not a special
quality that great works of art have. I mean, we would not have civilization without great
works of art, would we?
F: Perhaps not, Lewis.
T: I have to say, I think you have opened my eyes to some of the weaknesses of the high art
argument. What you’ve said will affect the way I look at the arts in future.
F: Good, I’m glad to hear it.
JL Oh look, Chris is awake. What do you think about what we’ve said, Chris?
C: Well, I don’t know much about art, but I know – Er, sorry, what was the question?
P. 13
2020-2021 Senior Regular Issue 1
QUESTION 4 (DSE 2012 Q52-53)
Indicate how Rowland and Cherry feel about what is said.
Rowland’s attitude
Cherry’s attitude
C: Well that’s it. What do you think, Rowland?
R: He makes some good points, but I don’t think email’s going to disappear. I mean, people
could maybe useless email but they’ll still use it to receive more, like – personal messages.
You know, private stuff. That’s always going to be a big concern for people. You know, privacy.
So I don’t know. I can’t see it myself.
C: I found what he said really interesting. I mean, doing business using social networking.
Sounds like great fun. I might even go into business myself.
P. 14
2020-2021 Senior Regular Issue 1
QUESTION 5 (2014 DSE Q60)
Indicate how John feels after hearing Ms Stnanley’s comments
J: Okay. I guess we can go back and film some stray dogs. Ok. What about the overall content?
M: That was going to be my second point. I think it is pretty interesting but Robbie’s definitely
too biased.
J: I guess it is a bit unbalanced looking at it right now.
M: Have you thought about interviewing someone who has a different opinion? It would be
nice to contrast Robbie’s opinion with someone who disagrees, maybe someone from the
J: Ok, I am sorry it is not very good now. We will try to do a better job next time.
M: Hey, don’t worry John. It is not bad. It just needs some work. That’s all.
P. 15
2020-2021 Senior Regular Issue 1
courteous = polite
enthusiastic = passionate = zealous
cosy = relaxing
sympathetic = passionate
composed = calm
contend = fulfilled = gratified
intrigued = interested = fascinated
supportive = approving
astonished = astounded = stunned = amzed
thrilled = amused = ectastic = hilarious = delighted
show concern / concerned ( concerned 中性 v.s. unconcerned �)
P. 16
puzzled = perplexed = confused = muddled
apprehensive = anxious = worried
sarcastic = scornful
sorrowful = miserable = bitter = blue = depressed = saddened
horrified = appalled = terrified
gloomy = pessimistic
2020-2021 Senior Regular Issue 1
apologetic = guilty
dreary = bored
unconcerned = apathetic = cold
P. 17
2020-2021 Senior Regular Issue 1
反駁 + 歸納
3 舊雲
It is noteworthy that 句子
Equally worth noting is that
One of the prominent concerns is that 句子
P. 18
I understand your concern.
Your concern/claim seems/appears to be valid.
However, your claim is unfounded.
Yet, your concern can be eased.
2020-2021 Senior Regular Issue 1
For one thing, 句子. For another, 句子.
On the one hand, 句子. And on the other, 句子.
On top of that, 句子
Remarkably, 句子
P. 19
2020-2021 Senior Regular Issue 1
85% of students hate wearing masks.
The majority ______________________________________
“I hate being interviewed by TVB.” Peter, the singer said.
I like doing sports, say like….. basketball, tennis, IMPORTANT!!! also scuba-diving.
P. 20
2020-2021 Senior Regular Issue 1
The government should provide more subsidies to help poor students improve their academic
results. They have to help them purchase textbooks and provide them with free tutorial
This article is about ______________________________________
Teenagers hate buses, MTR and mini-buses.
Teenagers hate ______________________________________
P. 21
2020-2021 Senior Regular Issue 1
2013 UE
Email from CEO of Li Consultancy
Dear Pat,
Express Foods has hired our company to assist them to repair and improve their image with
the public after the food scare. As you know, Priscilla Tsang was originally assigned to deal
with clients. but obviously, she is going to be on leave for a while recovering from her hiking
accident. So I’m transferring everything over to you. Please see the email below from Express
Foods’ CEO.
As per Mr Cheung’s instructions, the immediate task is for you to write on Express Food’s blog
to explain to the public what internal measures Express Foods has taken and clarify how they
ensure (I’m not sure if that’s too strong a word) that something like this won’t happen again.
Use a sample from Mega Plaza’s blogpost to guide your writing in terms of the style and
structure. It should be suitably informal buy written. Keep it non-technical, concise and about
150 words. And of course, it should not reveal any confidential information, or make Express
Foods look stupid.
Mr Cheung wants us to send him a proposal, but I don’t know what the background is as I was
overseas when everything. Therefore, your task is to write a simple report to me first to fill
me in on the necessary information. Also please suggest any strategies that you think Express
Foods could use to improve their image. Use the Bon Accord Milk case as a reference. Your
report could contain:
P. 22
2020-2021 Senior Regular Issue 1
the aim of the report
a) a background of the situation (what happened in Feb)
b) the impact of the situation to Express Foods
c) details of improvements in production procedures put in place so far
d) suggested external strategies and reasons for these suggestions (you might want to follow
Hazelwood’s Big Three Strategies for Crisis Management for this)
P. 23
2020-2021 Senior Regular Issue 1
Dear Ms Tsang,
To recap on what was decided at our meeting yesterday, I would like your company to make
a public announcement through our blog on the internal measures that we have taken to
prevent the scandal from happening again. I would also like to receive aa proposal from you
on the strategies that our company can publicly use to improve our image.
I forgot to mention that you should member to say in the blog that people can also…
Ringo Cheung
Express Foods
P. 24
2020-2021 Senior Regular Issue 1
Screen Grab of Mega Plaza Blogpost
We would like to assure the public that we are indeed concerned, and have investigated
the situation at all restaurants in Mega Plaza fully.
We hereby clarify that:
Some patrons did fall sick after eating at 2 restaurants in Mega Plaza.
The incidences are unrelated and do not reflect the standards of all restaurants in Mega Plaza
or food sold in Mega Plaza.
The restaurants in question have already been given a stern warning by our management and
told to be more careful when buying unclean should not be used under any circumstances.
We would like to remind the public that Mega Plaza’s official enquiry helpline is 2111-1111 or
email: cs@megaplaza.com.hk. Please contact us for further clarifications in case of doubt.
Maga Plaza HK
P. 25
2020-2021 Senior Regular Issue 1
Page from Express Food’s Intranet monthly newsletter
Food safety incident
As you are all aware, we have recently been dealing with some high profile cases of food
poisoning in connection with some of our products. I would firstly like to thank you all for
helping us in the investigations which we have since carried out within the organization. I am
now happy that we have highlighted the cause of the incident that we can now move forward
as a company together.
At Express Foods, we all have a responsibility to carry out our duties to the best of our abilities.
Unfortunately, several staff members in our food processing section have fallen below the
standards we expect of them. Two members of staff have been dismissed and a further three
staff members have been disciplined. We have told those concerned what we expect of them
in future.
Peter Daimon, Direction of Operations, has sent out an internal memo by email today to all
staff reminding the staff of the basic measures that need be in place in food processing.
We have also decided that all staff will have to attend a series of training sessions so that you
all understand the importance of food safety and hygiene. These sessions are compulsory.
They are not optional. The sessions will be conducted by Ms Leung Yuen Yee, the Head of
Human Resources. Attendance will be taken at these sessions. The first of these sessions will
be held in Seminar Room 4A – The Sunshine Room – at Tai Po on April 8th at 8:30 am. The
details of the other sessions will follow. Our aim is for EVERYBODY to be 100% familiar with
the proper procedures involved in food production. Anyone who does not attend these
sessions will not be allowed to continue in their present post. As George Bush Jnr said, “You
are either with us or against us”.
Ringo Cheung
P. 26
2020-2021 Senior Regular Issue 1
Transcripts of Li
Consultancy Meeting
Date: March 2013
Attendance: Priscilla Tsang, Goldie Leung, Joe Xiamara
Priscilla: You know that all staff in the food processing factories need to wear the required
clothes – you know, gloves, masks and hairnets when they’re handling food. Erm…after going
to the toilet, they – the staff need to wash their hands super-thoroughly with soap.
Joe: So what? You’re saying that that’s the sort of thing these workers weren’t doing?
Priscilla: Yea, embarrassing, isn’t it?
Goldie: Yea, the memo said that any staff member caught breaking any of the rules will be
terminated immediately. So, it’s pretty strongly worded.
P. 27
2020-2021 Senior Regular Issue 1
你的重要性: You...
分清姓: Mark pushed over King (Mark 名, King 姓)
The most unacceptable allegation
Mark’s experience is far from an isolated case.
設定? 想要的目的?
Your trust and support are much appreciated for Mark, who is admittedly going
through a hard time. We also sincerely hope the behaviour of paparazzi can be
regulated in an effective way.
P. 28
2020-2021 Senior Regular Issue 1
As some of you may be aware, Mark was unfortunately involved in an unpleasant incident
with a photographer of Gossip Week. The magazine has even published an article levelling
false allegations against Mark and we would like to reveal the other side of the story to you
The incident happened on 13 March 2015. Mark was walking near his home in Nothing Hill
and chatting to his girlfriend on his mobile phone when Ruari King from Gossip Week walked
up to him to take photos. According to Gossip Wek, Mark pushed over King. Yet, the fact was
that King fell over because he was walking backwards without looking and Mark tried to help
him stand up afterwards. The magazine even accused Mark of seriously hurting King so he
couldn’t walk but the truth was that he immediately stood up and continued to take photos
of Mark.
And the most unacceptable allegation Gossip Week made was calling Mark a vicious animal,
which we all know, was untrue and even defamatory. Everyone who knows Mark think he is
a gentle young man.
Mark’s experience is far from an isolated case. Many other celebrities have come across
similar unfortunate incidents as well. Singer Donna Rae had to call the police for protection
after photographers followed her late at night; actor Bernie Lee’s nose was once cut by the
camera of a photographer.
Your trust and support are much appreciated for Mark, who is admittedly going through a
hard time. We also sincerely hope the behaviour of paparazzi can be regulated in an effective
P. 29
2020-2021 Senior Regular Issue 1
2014 DSE T10
P. 30
2020-2021 Senior Regular Issue 1
P. 31
2020-2021 Senior Regular Issue 1
P. 32
2020-2021 Senior Regular Issue 1
P. 33
2020-2021 Senior Regular Issue 1
P. 34
2020-2021 Senior Regular Issue 1
I am writing on behalf of the Exotic Pets Hospital in response to the concerns arising from Mr
W Squeers in Kowloon dated 23, March 2014 with regard to exotic animals.
One of the prominent arguments that Mr Squeers criticized our hospital for showing concern
for earning money only. However, this claim is not true. For one thing, we were involved in
voluntary services associated with the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department in
conducting raids on pet shops. For another, we volunteered during the AFCD Open Day.
Equally worth noting is that a scheme called Operation Gar was carried out in which we
provided voluntary services to relocate the Gars to Ocean Park. A joint campaign had been
launched with the AFCD to render free workshops with a view to educating people about
threats to the ecosystem.
A further point is the concern from Mr Squeers that the exotic pets may damage the
ecosystem if they go into the wild. While we understand his concern, we have in fact
attempted to convey the message that releasing exotic pets into the wild is not a good idea.
On top of that, a free orphan program has been initiated for exotic pets and we take in various
kinds of unwanted exotic pets. In the previous 5 years, the number of cases in the program
has been escalating. Remarkably, the number of cases handled was more than 100.
It is also noteworthy that Mr Squeers cast a doubt regarding the potential diseases from some
exotic animals. We understand such concern. Having said that, the incidence of disease with
exotic pets is low if care is taken when they are taken care of well.
P. 35
2020-2021 Senior Regular Issue 1
Please rest assured that we seek to provide a high quality of service and safeguard the rights
of exotic pets. It is hoped the above clarification can ease the concerns with regard to exotic
Yours faithfully,
Joey Wong
Kowloon Exotic Pets Hospital
P. 36
2020-2021 Senior Regular Issue 1
Because of
In case
Due to / owing to
For the purpose of
For this reason
Attributed to / Ascribed to
2017 DSE Q7 (14%)
Recycling has been relentlessly promoted as a goal in and of itself: a public and private virtue
that is indoctrinated in students from kindergarten through university. As a result, otherwise
well-informed and educated people have no idea of the relative costs and benefits.
According to paragraph 6, why are people ill-informed about recycling?
P. 37
2020-2021 Senior Regular Issue 1
2016 DSE Q57 (56%)
One major magazine recently suggested that food trucks had brought affordable ethnic
cuisine to the people of Los Angeles – seriously? LA has always had hundreds of brick and
mortar eateries serving exactly this kind of affordable ethnic cuisine. I think that one of the
reasons for their hipster popularity is that food trucks bring such cuisine to people who are
afraid to go to actual ethnic restaurants in diverse neighbourhoods to eat it. Ironically, in many
markets the food trucks do more harm than good to the existing restaurants on which they
are patterned, competing unfairly with rent-paying establishments while cannibalizing hardto-get public parking spots and squatting on public property.
Why does the writer feel that certain people prefer buying ethnic food from food trucks rather
than buying from ethnic restaurants?
P. 38
2020-2021 Senior Regular Issue 1
2017 DSE Q3 (87%) / (22%)
If you live in the US, you probably do some form of recycling. You likely separate paper from
plastic and glass and metal. You rinse bottles and cans, and you might put food scraps in a
container destined for a composting facility. As you sort everything into the right bins, you
probably assume that recycling is helping your community and protecting the environment.
But is it? Are you in fact wasting your time?
In 1996, I wrote an article arguing that the recycling process as we carried it out was wasteful.
I presented plenty of evidence that recycling was costly and ineffectual, but its defenders said
that it was unfair to rush to judgment. Noting that the modern recycling movement had just
begun a few years earlier, they predicted it would flourish as the industry matured and the
public learned how to recycle properly.
What was the writer’s view on recycling in 1996?
Why did his opponents disagree with him?
P. 39
2020-2021 Senior Regular Issue 1
2002 UE SECTION C (38%)
The future of effective communication sits on the brink of extinction as a result of the ultrainformal-habits of the Internet. We can look forward to people ignoring properly-formed
sentences and societal norms just to get their thoughts out quickly, regardless of how they
are received and interpreted. Both society and culture are received and interpreted. Both
society and culture are created by communication. By disregarding how to create, distribute
and receive messages, we are destined for a whole where no one understands anything; a
world without meaning or value – a selfish world.
According to paragraph 5, the writer has a pessimistic view of the future because…
A. We do not act appropriately when communicating
B. Society and culture can no longer be created by communication.
C. Societal norms lack meaning and value.
D. People no longer understand how self-centred they are.
2007 UE C (39%)
While small children often need to be reminded about the dos and don’ts, Family heartware’s
Chui warns mothers of another parenting problem: nagging. If they start sounding like a stuck
CD, she advises them to vary their methods. “Be creative. Surprise them. Tell them a joke for
a change. If your children think of you as a nag, they will mentally cover their ears, blocking
all your messages.”
In paragraph 9, nagging is described as a problem because …
A. It is counter-productive
B. It is harmful to a child’s development
C. It will make a child cover his/her ears.
D. It will kill a child’s creativity.
P. 40
2020-2021 Senior Regular Issue 1
2002 UE SECTION C (59%)
It is now ubiquitous, even accepted, to take advantage of the anonymous and impulse-driven
nature of the Internet. Millions upon millions of bytes sent over the information
superhighway would never be spoken in person or mailed in a traditional letter. A user reads
an email or visits a website, grows impassioned at the content, and quickly jots off a response.
There is no behaviour modification or checkpoint in the Internet process at all. Messages are
created, unrehearsed and in the heat of the moment; and communication suffers for it. How
easy, albeit cowardly, it has become to send a critical email liberally filed with coarse
expressions when your return address is nothing more accessible than coolguy@hotmail.com.
How personally rewarding it must be to respond to a seven-paragraph newsgroup post by
tearing it apart line by line rather than comprehending the whole message and responding
intelligently to it. Instead of promoting inter-personal communication, the Internet has bred
impersonal communication by eliminating humanity from the equation. The Internet, named
for its utopian goal of reciprocal, mutual togetherness, should be properly renamed the
“extranet” for its capacity for separation, exclusion and isolation.
According to paragraph 7, newsgroup messages are distorted because recipients….
A. Ignore the overall intentions of these messages
B. Feel less rewarded when they respond to them
C. Only respond negatively
D. Delete messages without reading them
P. 41
2020-2021 Senior Regular Issue 1
2010 UE C
Factories with the massive division of labour were a radical departure from the small-shop
craftsmanship of the 1700s. In the late 1800s, when Andrew Carnegie built his highly
integrated steel empire, he was hailed as one of the first to truly understand the power of
such integration. Since then, creativity has come even more important. Traditional economic
factors such as land and natural resources, physical labour and capital have become either
less crucial or more readily obtainable. Moreover, new ways of eliciting and applying creativity
have come ingrained features of our economic life. As the Stanford University economist Paul
Romer once said, the big advances in standard of living – not to mention the big competitive
advantages in the marketplace – have always come from “better recipes, not just more
According to paragraph 3, creativity is more important than traditional economic factors
because… (43%)
A. It is ingrained in the culture
B. It leads to prosperity and market competition
C. It is a radical departure from the business model
D. Land and natural resources are significantly decreasing
P. 42
2020-2021 Senior Regular Issue 1
2017 DSE Q26
They want to avoid the burdens of ownership/owning products
They’re turning to a new set of services that provide access to products without the burden
of ownership, giving rise to what’s being called a “sharing economy”.
According to slide 3, why do Millennials prefer a sharing economy?
2017 DSE Q25 (44%)
Snug in the nest, a growing number of Millennials are choosing to live at home with their
parents. Many Millennials don’t want to own a home but their reluctance to enter the housing
market could change. As they get older, they will likely have a desire to settle down, and this
could lead to a surge in home sales.
According to this paragraph, why might Millennial change their attitude towards
P. 43
2020-2021 Senior Regular Issue 1
2017 DSE
Q7 Recycling has been promoted as a goal / indoctrinated in students. As a result, people have
no idea of the costs and benefits.
2002 UE Q8 A
2017 DSE Q3 (i) recycling is / was costly / ineffectual / wasteful
(ii) (they / his opponents / its defenders said that ) it was unfair to rush to judgment because...
The recycling movement
2016 Q57 They are afraid to go to the ethnic restaurants / diverse neighbourhoods
2016 DSE Q39 Hongkongers / young people would be seen a trendy and stylish / eating food
truck food would be considered trendy and stylish (x food trucks would be seen as trendy and
stylish // it is very convenient)
2017 DSE sharing economy provides products without the burden the ownership. /
Millennials want access to products without the burden of ownership / because ownership is
a burden / to reduce the burden of ownership
2002 UE Q13 A
2007 UE Q12 A
P. 44
2020-2021 Senior Regular Issue 1
MC 技巧 – 地獄三層
• 矛盾
• 諗多左 (Imply)
第一層 – 矛盾
I like Peter
Which of the following is true?
A. I have a negative impression on Peter
B. I hate Peter
C. I dislike Peter
D. I rejoice at Peter
P. 45
2020-2021 Senior Regular Issue 1
第二層 – 諗多左 (IMPLY)
Kay Tse likes my Instagram recent post. Oh My God! I am happy as if I were in heaven
Which of the following is true?
Kay has a crush on me and wants to marry me in future
Kay is my wife
I am a very popular KOL (Key Opinion Leader)
My recent post has attracted the attention of Kay
Golden Questions
... The economy in Africa will revive, although it may take a long time to do so.
In the final paragraph, the writer thinks ...
P. 46
The economy in Africa may revive, although it may take a short time to do so.
we will have to wait for a long time before the economy gets better.
African economy will improve one day.
the economy in Africa has been desirable for long.
2020-2021 Senior Regular Issue 1
第三層 – STOPER
Separate Sentence
Time Difference
Probability Problem
Reasons are NOT Fact
P. 47
2020-2021 Senior Regular Issue 1
S – SEPARATE TERMS (以 偏 概 全 )
SVO, 副句
Type 1
Type 2
Type 3
P. 48
2020-2021 Senior Regular Issue 1
Remarks: Prepositions
(preposition, adverb)
(preposition, adverb)
(preposition, conjunction)
(preposition, adverb, adjective)
(preposition, adverb)
P. 49
2020-2021 Senior Regular Issue 1
P. 50
(preposition, adverb, adjective)
(preposition, adjective, noun)
(preposition, adverb, conjunction)
(preposition, adverb)
(preposition, adjective, adverb)
(preposition, adverb, conjunction)
(preposition, adverb, conjunction)
(preposition, adverb, adjective)
(preposition, adverb)
(preposition, adverb)
(preposition, noun, adjective)
(preposition, adverb, adjective)
(preposition, adverb, adjective)
(preposition, noun)
(adverb, preposition, adjective)
(adverb, preposition, adjective)
(adverb, preposition, adjective)
2020-2021 Senior Regular Issue 1
Everyone knows that the world has too many people. But how many people are too many? By what
standard is the Earth overpopulated? Certainly not in terms of living space. The world’s entire
population could fit into Florida in the USA, with everyone having standing room.
In paragraph 1, the writer suggests that the world’s population …
would fit into one American city.
has certainly become too big.
has generally low standards.
would be better off with more standing room.
P. 51
2020-2021 Senior Regular Issue 1
Now / currently / for the time being / at present
In future / in due course / next century / next decades
Mimi Chu will become the most popular singer in the foreseeable future.
Which of the following is correct?
A. Mimi is the most famous singer for the time being.
B. Mimi will become the most famous singer.
P. 52
2020-2021 Senior Regular Issue 1
If you want to enter universities, you need to attend lessons on time, ask for advice from senior
students and think big.
The author holds the belief that ...
It is important to think big as long as you want to enter university.
Entering university requires several criteria.
those who ask for advice can get in university.
It is impossible for you to enter university without attending the lesson on time.
P. 53
2020-2021 Senior Regular Issue 1
Lazy students may presumably get poor results in HKDSE.
The writer thinks that …
A. The lazy students will get poor results.
B. The lazy students may get poor results.
P. 54
2020-2021 Senior Regular Issue 1
Websites are a unique medium as they find themselves seemingly stuck in a grey area between
true interpersonal and mass communication. With interactivity targeting an individual’s
attention, especially with the personalization features now found on many sites, websites can
be easily thought of as building a one-to-one relationship. However, a website’s ultimate
target remains one-to-many, much the same as television and radio.
The writer claims that websites ...
can confuse target audiences.
produce successful one-to-one relationship.
are oriented to the mass audience.
are copies of television and radio.
P. 55
2020-2021 Senior Regular Issue 1
Very/ only / must / absolutely / certainly / all / none …
Doing sports is an effective way to keep fit.
Which of the following is correct?
A. Doing sports is the only effective way to keep fit.
B. If you want to keep fit, playing sports is one of the methods.
This raises questions of how much the computer is known about us, of who has access to this
information, and of what it is being used of. Some information, such as our name, address and phone
number, is easily available. However, other data, such as our race, nationality, religion, personal
finances and medical history, could also be on the record. Many people are worried that this
information could be used against them. Indeed, there have been cases in which gangs in the
Philippines obtained information about people’s finances from sources in Hong Kong, and they used
this to target people to kidnap.
P. 56
2020-2021 Senior Regular Issue 1
According to the paragraph, we should be worried because ...
we do not know what information that computers have on us.
computers know everything about us.
people regularly use this information against us.
everyone can look at this information.
P. 57
2020-2021 Senior Regular Issue 1
Because of / owing to / since / as / due to / given the fact that
In order to / in a bid to / for the sake of/for/for the purpose of/with a 目的
view to
Daisy loves Spencer because he is friendly
Which of the following is correct?
A. Daisy likes Spencer in order to be friendly
B. Being friendly makes Daisy have positive impression towards Spencer
P. 58
2020-2021 Senior Regular Issue 1
Interaction and borrowing between civilizations have always taken place. With modern means of
transportation and communication, this borrowing is much more extensive. Most of the world’s
great civilizations have borrowed from other civilizations in ways that enhance their chances of
survival. China’s absorption of Buddhism from India, scholars agree, failed to produce the
“Indianisation” of China; it instead caused “Sinofication” of Buddhism as the Chinese adopted
Buddhism to their own purposes and needs.
According to the writer, societies have borrowed from each other…
because of considerable progress in transportation systems.
because they could not develop their religion.
to help them continue to exist.
to aid the spread of religion.
P. 59
2020-2021 Senior Regular Issue 1
2013 DSE Q64 (49%)
While some parents disapprove of their children reading dystopian fiction, kids continue to
read the books, and some of them will surely grow up to write dystopian tales of their own,
incited by technologies or social trends we have yet to conceive. By then, reality TV and
privacy on the Internet may seem like quaint, outdated problems. But the part about the
world being broken or intolerable, about the need to sweep away the past to make room for
the new? That part never gets old.
When teenage readers of today’s dystopian fiction are adults, reality TV and privacy on the
A. May start a new trend in dystopian fiction
B. Will be conceived as social and technological themes in books
C. May be issues of lesser importance
D. Will no longer exist
P. 60
2020-2021 Senior Regular Issue 1
2015 DSE Q69 (45%)
Liberal learning depends on absorption in compelling work. It is a way to open ourselves to
the various forms of life in which we might actively participate. When we learn to read or
look or listen intensively, we are, at least temporarily, overcoming our blindness by trying to
understand an experience from another’s point of view. We are not just developing
techniques of problem-solving; we are learning to activate potential, and often to
investigate new possibilities.
Which one of the following is not mentioned as on the outcome of liberal learning in
paragraph 11?
A. Being open to different lifestyles
B. Developing problem-solving skills
C. Activating existing knowledge
D. Initiating new opportunities
P. 61
2020-2021 Senior Regular Issue 1
2012 DSE Q55
While China’s leaders bicker with environmentalists over emissions targets, it can appear
that its people are quietly getting on with the task of making the planet a better place to
What message is implied in paragraph 4?
A. China’s leaders are working with environmentalists to achieve emission targets.
B. The government, environmentalists and people should work together to make the
planet a better place to live.
C. The people are doing a better job than the government in cleaning up the environment.
D. The people would prefer to quietly get on with their lives than clean up the
2016 DSE Q70
Nonetheless, they stir up fury. Local restaurants complain that they steal customers and pay
no rent. Officials worry that their garishness will lower the local tone. Many think they are
just filthy (roach coaches is the sneer)
In the paragraph, which is not given as a complaint about food trucks?
A. The standard of hygiene is low
B. There are not enough inspections
C. They take business away from restaurants.
D. They reduce the attractiveness of the areas they operate in.
P. 62
2020-2021 Senior Regular Issue 1
2012 DSE Q2 (26%)
In what many people will greet with a huge sigh of belief, a café at the Crystal Design Centre
is low-tech, switched off, unplugged. Patrons don’t sit at computer terminals and race
virtual hotrods – they sit at tables and play board games.
Why does the author write that many people will greet the café with “a huge sigh of relief”?
(line 1-2)
A. People love board games
B. People love going to cafes.
C. The café does not have computers
D. The café is a very friendly and homey place
2014 DSE Q63
The first people I passed as I made my way up Blacklands Terrace were an elderly couple
who paid me no attention. Foreigners possibly, or the kind of Chelseaites who thought it
smart not to have a television. I walked twice around Sloane Square. Not one person
stopped me. There was simply no reaction from anyone anywhere. I went into a newsagent
and hung around the piles of television listings magazines. To pick up a Radio Times people
had to ask me to step aside; obviously and by definition, these persons must have been
television watchers, but my features, by now set into a wild, despairing grin, meant nothing
to them. This was most strange. Television, everybody in the world knew, conferred instant
fame. Instead, I had woken up to find myself anonymous. I was still nothing more than
another face in the London crowd.
Why did the writer say, in the paragraph, that the couple he walked past were possibly
P. 63
2020-2021 Senior Regular Issue 1
A. The couple looked like the kind of people who did not own a television.
B. The writer had seen the couple when working on his television show.
C. The writer had never seen the couple in this area before.
D. The couple did not recognize the writer.
2015 DSE Q47
Self-driving cars have the potential to transform transportation as we know it – explained
report co-author Daniel Fagant – and bring billions of dollars’ worth of benefits. But getting
to that point won’t be easy.
According to the paragraph, which one of the following statements is true?
A. Changing the transport system will be difficult.
B. Self-driving cars won’t be easy to transport.
C. Autonomous vehicles won’t bring changes to transportation.
D. Daniel Fagnant doesn’t support a change in the transport system.
P. 64
2020-2021 Senior Regular Issue 1
2014 DSE Q10
“Hello, Winston. Isn’t this the strangest bot? It just shows up one day and ell, anyway.” Karl
licked his lips. “Nine years ago, you applied to Future Industries. I did not want a young
hotshot like you competing with me, so I spread the rumour that you were impossible to
work with. I’ve felt bad ever since and I’d like to apologize for doing that. I’m really sorry. I
hope you can forgive me.
The screen rolled back into the robot.
Winston jumped up. “THAT SCOUNDREL!!!”
Why did Karl spread the rumour about Winston?
A. Karl did not like Winston
B. Karl preferred to work on his own.
C. Karl was scared that Winston was better than him
D. Karl thought Winston worked badly in a team
P. 65
2020-2021 Senior Regular Issue 1
2014 DSE Q68
Ever since I can remember I had dreamt of being famous. I know how embarrassing an
admission this is. From the first moment, I was aware of such a class of person existing. I had
wanted to be a celebrity. We are forever telling ourselves that we live in a celebrityobsessed culture; many hands are daily wrung at the supremacy of appearance over
achievement. To desire fame argues a shallow and delusional outlook. This much we all
know. But if we clever ones can see so clearly that fame is a snare and a delusion, we can
also see just as clearly that as each year passes a greater and greater proportion of the
western world’s youth is becoming untrammelled in that snare and dazzled by that decision.
According to the paragraph, what does the writer think is embarrassing?
A. The western world becoming more obsessed with fame.
B. So many people wanting to be famous
C. Saying that he wanted to be famous
D. Talking about his fame
2014 DSE Q10: C
2013 DSE Q64 (49%): C
2015 DSE Q69 (45%): D
2012 DSE Q55: C
2012 DSE Q2 (26%): C
2014 DSE Q68: C
2014 DSE Q63: D
2016 DSE Q70 B
P. 66
2020-2021 Senior Regular Issue 1
三 大 法 則 CLO
P. 67
2020-2021 Senior Regular Issue 1
PART I. 百搭思維
花式自殺 LEVEL 2
Write a letter to the Editor - should we give lockers to every student at school?
� First, it is very convenient. We do not need to bring myriads of books, if not any. Under
no circumstance we can have health problems in our back. Yeah!
自殺: 公廁 point + 花式自殺 Grammar 句式
� Provided that lockers can be assigned to every student, the principle of impartiality can
be promoted. Currently, few, if not none, of the students from sports teams are eligible for
the locker. This has triggered dissatisfaction among schoolmates. With lockers assigned to
everyone, this is in consistence with the principles of impartiality.
Q1. Some critics say that PE lessons are time-wasting. Do you agree that PE lessons should
be cancelled?
Step 1: Growth
Step 2: Skills
Q2: More space in redevelopment projects should be given to sports facilities. Write a letter
to the editor of the HK Post, expressing your views and supporting your arguments with
Step 1: Social Issues - economics
P. 68
2020-2021 Senior Regular Issue 1
聖 人 MODE
We hold the firm belief that 句子
We intend to / set out to Verb….
This is in consistence with the principles / goes against the principles of
This can enhance your reputation
This generates publicity for noun
This is a deadly blow to your image/ reputation
This can promote the principle of fairness
This is inconsistent with the equality principle.
This is biased against noun.
This promotes the freedom of noun
From the humanitarian perspective, we should…
This deprives citizens of
Freedom of speech
Freedom of assembly
freedom of expression
freedom of press
P. 69
2020-2021 Senior Regular Issue 1
This is feasible as 句子
The feasibility of noun is undermined / in question
This is effective in…
The effectiveness of noun is undermined.
This has proved noun ineffective/futile.
We should recognize the necessity to do it.
This can heighten their awareness of noun
This can deepen their understanding of noun
Students can gain deeper exposure to noun
This can sharpen the competitive edge
This can increase the appeal of the tourist destinations (noun)
It is crucial to create a favourable environment for investments and attract multinational
The economic development in HK pales in comparison with yours (相形見絀)
(The IE browser pales in comparison with google chrome. IE 比不上 Chrome)
P. 70
This can be a niche in the market/field.
2020-2021 Senior Regular Issue 1
The education system stifles creativity
This can stimulate / ignite / develop creativity
STEM education (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) promotes creativity
It is crucial to have a tech-savvy workforce
The creative industry can diversify the economy in HK
This can degrade your quality of life
They cannot keep up with the cost of living
Teenagers are beleaguered/engulfed in a declining quality of life.
Many a citizen have no alternative but to live in subdivided flats/cage homes.
P. 71
2020-2021 Senior Regular Issue 1
Q1. Why does K-pop become popular all around the globe?
Q2. Should we film the movies in the city centre?
Q1 (popular culture) Q2 (tourism)
We can explore the local delicacies
We enjoy having dinner at a fine-dining restaurant, however expensive the dishes are
This can cater to everyone’s palate
This can cultivate/ develop a sense of belonging
This takes the community by storm
This cracks the mainstream (打入主流)
Teenagers jump on the bandwagon
HK is renowned for being a melting pot of various cultures
Tourist destinations can lure tourists from all over the globe.
The downturn of the tourism industry will bring catastrophic ramifications to the HK
P. 72
This can help promote our unique culture and heritage, cultivating a sense of identity.
2020-2021 Senior Regular Issue 1
The government should expand visitor source markets including visitors from Southeast
Asia (Indonesia, India and Malaysia)
This can help establish stronger bonding in the community
This can cultivate a positive attitude (altruism) towards noun
This can help students develop a sense of responsibility
Philanthropic activities including bazaars, charity balls, flag selling
Teenagers pursue a promising career path
Many citizens juggle various commitments including work and family
The future of teenagers look gloomy/dismal
Teenagers prefer not to have a flagging/lacklustre career
Teenagers should embrace the challenges and unleash their potential
It is crucial to raise the awareness of the environmental conservation
We should make efforts to protect the environment, inclusive of reducing the
municipal solid waste, and curbing carbon emissions
We should conserve the endangered species, or protect the flora
A lot of animal species is on the brink of extinction
This may constitute a menace to citizens’ livelihoods and jeopardize their health
The government should not pursue the economic development at the expense of
environmental conservation
The government should formulate policies on promoting sustainable development
P. 73
2020-2021 Senior Regular Issue 1
The government should assess the viability of ridesharing services.
To ease traffic congestion, the government should increase the road capacity in New
Development Areas (NDA)
We should decentralize the city’s business districts
People euthanize unwanted animals
Due to land reclamation, urbanization, and deforestation, many animals are
P. 74
People are involved in recreational killing and poaching
2020-2021 Senior Regular Issue 1
Why some teenagers find it difficult to find jobs in HK?
Under the ossified education system, we only churn out exam machines
This puts a damper on enthusiasm for learning
This can stir up teenagers’ passion for v+ing
The education system in HK focuses on sheer memorization without a thorough
understanding of the concepts and topics
Students find the monotonous textbooks insipid and dreary
Parents put undue emphasis on academic performance
Due to the sluggish economy, we should have a strong momentum
It is important to reinvigorate the waning economy.
This wreaks havoc on (ruins) the economy
We should take the initiative to maintain the dominant position in the cut-throat
The economy is disrupted/paralyzed by noun
Under the stagnating economy, the unemployment problems have become a thorny
P. 75
2020-2021 Senior Regular Issue 1
This exacerbates/compounds the problems of noun
This can eradicate/wipe out the problem of noun
This can further widen the gap between rich and poor
This leads to the infringement on citizens’ privacy
Social stability is the gateway to the success of HK.
The community is plunged into chaos
This post a threat to the stability of HK / This may disrupt the social order
This can defuse the tension in society (緩和)
Without effective time management, we may suffer from procrastination
If we have a short attention span, we will fail to prioritize important tasks.
Scheduled breaks are important.
Teenagers need to study from day till night like a slave.
This can do irreparable harm to their health
The government should safeguard the health of HK citizens
This can enhance citizens’ physical well-being
This can soothe the body from a city of hustle and bustle
P. 76
This enables us to remove the geographical boundaries
This has spurred international travel and migration
2020-2021 Senior Regular Issue 1
Multinational companies grow rapidly while atrocious working conditions, social
injustice and exploitation of labors
P. 77
2020-2021 Senior Regular Issue 1
花式自殺 LEVEL 2
We can make more friends. We can improve our communication skills. Inter-personal
techniques can be enhanced. Only if talking skills improved can we do it. For example, we
have more confidants, peers, counterparts.
� 亂用 Vocab (skills? techniques? talking skills?)
� 亂用 Expressions Only if talking skills improved can we do it?
� 頭腦簡單 (more friends  communication skills  talking skills???)
Q1: What are the benefits of joining the Debate Club?
Q2: What have I learnt as a news reporter?
P. 78
2020-2021 Senior Regular Issue 1
We should not yield to adversities/plights
It is important to be in pursuit of excellence
We should have an insatiable thirst for noun
Diligence / sheer determination is the prerequisite for success
We can unleash the potential
They can reap a sense of achievement
This can boost your confidence
This can help harness your skills
Some students excel in a job interview
P. 79
2020-2021 Senior Regular Issue 1
We should learn how to make small talk
We should forge perennial friendships
We should avoid misunderstanding, resolve conflicts, reach a consensus and build a
strong rapport
We should not shy away from social interactions
We should build mutual respect
we should learn social graces and etiquette
We should make a faux pas (失禮)
(Giving others underwear as the Christmas gift exchange is typically considered a faux
P. 80
This can bridge the generation gap
Teenager follow suit and wish to fit in
Teenagers should broaden your social circle
They have to turn to their intimate friends in times of difficult / in times of need
These may weaken their self-esteem
2020-2021 Senior Regular Issue 1
花式自殺 LEVEL 2
Teenagers need to have more likes and people want to be loved by others. They want to feel
that they are better than others. They feel happy when other friends like their posts. For
example, their friends can share, comment and like the post.
� 頭腦簡單 (more friends  communication skills  talking skills???)
Q1: Some of HK’s housing estates have become popular places to take Instagram photos.
Write an essay to explain what attracts Instagrammers to HK’s housing estates (Choi Hung
Q2: Write a report to explain why teenagers are addicted to using social media.
Teenagers focus on immediate results in order to obtain a less rewarding but
more immediate benefit.
People with an impulsive personality are simply more prone to be in a spontaneous
mood, and to show intolerance to any delay of gratification.
P. 81
2020-2021 Senior Regular Issue 1
Teenagers may suffer enormous stress at work, they may experience frustration and
disappointment. But when using social media, they can escape the short-term pain.
In other words, you find reasons (excuses) not to do something because of the pain it
creates at the moment even though you know that this action is necessary to help you
attain your long-term goals and objectives. Instant gratification often manifests as
procrastination. It’s a form of self-sabotage where you get caught up indulging in the
temptations of life at the cost of your long-term goals.
The act of delaying gratification helps to strengthen your mind and shape your
character. It builds self-control and willpower, reinforces self-discipline, and teaches you
about the value of patience.
Emotional distress also causes a behavioural shift toward immediate improvements in
mood, leading people to make poor decisions.
數位落差 社會上不同性別、種族、經濟、居住環境、階級背景的人,接近使用數位產
The digital divide in this post refers to the disparity in Internet access between
developed and developing countries.
A generational digital divide exists since elderly people use social networking and usergenerated content on the Internet strikingly less than younger people
 indicates a gap between digitally literate users and the elderly.
This technology can include the telephone, television, personal computers and the
P. 82
2020-2021 Senior Regular Issue 1
Social media generates attention-seeking and some people become obsessed with
"views" and "likes" from anonymous followers.
engaging on social media gives users a chemical hit, but, as with recreational drugs, the
feeling doesn't last.
This cycle of chasing attention online runs the risk of increasing anxiety and
The rise in the use of social networking sites (SNSs) and the very nature of a medium
which provides users with a platform to create both a favourable image for ones’ self
and the relationships that are perceived as valuable is worthy of investigating as these
relationships are becoming as complimentary or as necessary as interpersonal or faceto-face contact.
A 13-year-old girl attempted suicide after naked photos of her were posted on social
media by a boy who had hounded her for the pictures, promising not to share them.
P. 83
2020-2021 Senior Regular Issue 1
4. KOL
Useful expressions:
Thanks to the skyrocketing advances in science and technology
In an age of information overload, we have to embrace the new technology in a prudent
P. 84
Teenagers are oblivious to the danger in their vicinity
Teenagers may fall victim to phishing, online scams and cyberbullying
Teenagers may become a phubber
Teenagers become a zombie of smartphones
Teenagers keep abreast of the latest trends
2020-2021 Senior Regular Issue 1
花式自殺 LEVEL 2
Why teenagers lack social mobility?
Students face a lot of competition. They need to work very hard… or endeavour to strive for
good results. The government do not support them. With no economic incentive, it is difficult
for them to have the social mobility.
� 小學雞思維
� 公廁論點
Q1: Why do more and more university graduates complain about the lack of social mobility?
Q2: Do you agree the competitiveness of HK has been undermined compared with other Asian
cities such as South Korea?
bracing for more turmoil
David Webb, who amassed a fortune investing in Hong Kong stocks, said the city has
already seen a “brain drain” as locals migrate overseas and international companies find
it harder to attract expatriates.
That is the case for 38-year-old Jo Lee, who is planning to move her family to Australia.
The nurse practitioner, who works in a public hospital, started applying for a skills-
P. 85
2020-2021 Senior Regular Issue 1
based visa last year, but the proposed law has accelerated her decision to migrate. “I
do not feel like Hong Kong is a safe place for my family any longer,” she says.
An overseas degree can sharpen students’ competitive edge for finding graduate jobs.
Meanwhile, teenagers want to move away and be independent and experience a
completely different culture.
That’s not the case in a classroom in Australia, Canada or the US or the UK these days
where there is a greater diversity with students from different countries. That makes
for a very exciting classroom and a stimulating student environment, which is a great
way to learn.
In contrast, Hong Kong universities do not offer that kind of cultural diversity with
students being mainly Hong Kong or mainland Chinese
Charles, the Consulate General of Canada in Hong Kong, said it was exactly this multicultural mix that made Canadian universities appealing to Hong Kong students.
The safe living environment and the high level of accountability, teaching standards,
the cutting-edge technology and research laboratories at education institutions in
foreign countries are attractive elements.
There are not enough university places to go round in Hong Kong. So, Hong Kong is
failing to provide further education opportunities for young students.
According to the Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority, nearly 28,000
students gained the minimum requirements for entering university.
However, with only 15,000 subsidized first-year places available, still many students who
achieved satisfactory grades had no choice but for a sub-degree course or looking
P. 86
2020-2021 Senior Regular Issue 1
The British Council’s Sophia Chan-Combrink said a survey conducted at last year’s
exhibition found that for most Hong Kong parents, the first choice for their children was
a Hong Kong university. However, the shortage of places meant they had to look at other
There is a hierarchy of preference for parents and Hong Kong universities and publicfunded places are number one for various reasons such as economics and allowing
students to stay close to family
Their second choice is overseas. UK universities fill the gap because there are not enough
local places.
Delayed gratification – the act of resisting an impulse to take an immediate reward in
the hope of obtaining a more-valued reward in the future.
With delayed gratification, teenager/ workers can achieve long-term goals, and pursue
a challenging career path.
M 型社會
Middle-income earners - shut out of the private housing market by sky-high prices but
earning too much to qualify for government assistance - were squeezed even harder
P. 87
2020-2021 Senior Regular Issue 1
P. 88
The family is the centre and comes before the individual. The father is the undisputed
head of the family.
With regard to filial piety (“xiao”), children have specific obligations toward the
family and are expected to respect and care for parents
Filial piety is an important value in Confucianism, stating that “respecting and supporting
the family’s senior members and handling their funeral affairs” are duties of younger
generations, and “caring for the old and nurturing the young” are fundamental family
2020-2021 Senior Regular Issue 1
Q1: Share one subject that you enjoyed studying or found challenging.
Q2: Introduce a local restaurant and write a review
(Extrinsic motivation/ HomeKong)
Intrinsic motivation is a motivated behaviour that a person becomes invested in for
personal reasons. Intrinsic motivation causes a person to become internally invested in
a task as it appeals to their interests.
Extrinsic motivation refers to behaviour that is driven by external rewards such as
money, fame, grades, and praise.
Influenced by the different social values, Westerners are motivated intrinsically for
career development and academic studies. They do what they truly enjoy driven by
their own interest.
Westerners achieve their self-actualization and gain a sense of satisfaction, instead of
mere pursuit in fame and fortune.
Asians, especially those from HK are driven by intrinsic motivation (money, social
status). Many Hongkongers pursue fame and fortune at the expense of their personal
Asians are pragmatic/down-to-earth.
P. 89
2020-2021 Senior Regular Issue 1
It’s a new term (Internet slang) which combines “Home” and “Hong Kong”.
A lot of HK people working overseas prefer to add “HOMGKONG (hashtag).
Example: Chi-lam who always works outside HK also leaves a hashtag in Instagram
(home sweet home)
P. 90
“Li”, the “proper way” or “propriety”, includes a set of rules for interaction with others
and the role system.
Control of emotions, obedience to authority, conforming are highly valued and
2020-2021 Senior Regular Issue 1
Under the exam-oriented education system, students are crammed with insipid
knowledge without a thorough understanding
profit-oriented organization.
service-oriented industry.
globally-oriented economies have higher levels of information technology investment.
To be a scholar is to be the top of society.
As the future pillars of society, it is all the more important for students to pursue allround development.
These three words encourage athletes to give their best during competition.
P. 91
2020-2021 Senior Regular Issue 1
1. 擦鞋王 - AGREE 同意
Step 1:
I share your view.
That's it!
Point taken.
Good point.
That's right.
Step 2:
P. 92
2020-2021 Senior Regular Issue 1
Step 3:
P. 93
2020-2021 Senior Regular Issue 1
2. 做小人 - DISAGREE 不同意
P. 94
2020-2021 Senior Regular Issue 1
3. 合氣道
A: let's talk about the next points.
B. Excuse me, Candidate A. I believe we just raised some decent points regarding the
advantages of learning Cantonese, but before we move on, Candidate D, do you have
anything to add?
借力 - 扣題
Step 1: As the topic/core principle today is xxx, shall we focus on …?
Step 2: We can further discuss this if we have time.
P. 95
2020-2021 Senior Regular Issue 1
Step 1:
Step 2:
P. 96
2020-2021 Senior Regular Issue 1
An example of this would be ...
An example of this would be Tiktok.
xx is a case in point
I like watching TV programs. Come Home Love is a case in point.
Shouldn’t we have a game instead?
Couldn't we have a game instead?
Question Tag
We could play the game on a weekend, couldn't we?
We should play the game on a weekend, shouldn’t we?
A competition would be easier to organize, wouldn't it?
What about/ how about+ ing-phrase
What about holding a funfair?
I-low about asking your chemistry teacher?
I suggest/ propose/ recommend
Let's ...(then), okay?
Why don't we ..., (then)?
(that) we ...
P. 97
2020-2021 Senior Regular Issue 1
P. 98
Would rather/ like / prefer
I would prefer to go to a country park.
I’d rather go to the Peak.
I would like (I'd like) to go to the Peak.
2020-2021 Senior Regular Issue 1
Candidate A: Let’s get started. We’re here today to discuss our project on the importance of
Cantonese in everyday life in Hong Kong. We can first dive into potential difficulties that nonCantonese speaking people may have if they live in Hong Kong, shall we? I think one problem
would be the inconvenience caused to their daily lives due to the language barrier. Since the
main language in Hong Kong is Cantonese, the non-Cantonese will have difficultly
communicating with the locals. I’m sure you all have seen funny situations in which English
speakers try very hard to order food or buy groceries from non-speakers, right? The awkward
and hilarious situations are highly inconvenient for them as they occur too often. What do
you think?
Candidate D: I agree with you! I always...meet...people from many... uh...
Candidate C: You mean foreigners?
Candidate D: Uh...Yes! I talk to them, but...can’t because we don’t speak the same!
Skills: 回應 3 步曲
Candidate C: Definitely, your personal experience is a good example that people speaking
different languages experience some obstacles in understanding each other, and I fully agree
with what Candidate A has mentioned concerning the daily life pressure exerted on those
non-Cantonese speaking people. The fact that these people live in Hong Kong implies that
they need to adapt to the Hong Kong environment and culture, and guess what, language
is one crucial key to bond people together, right? But besides the language barrier, this
problem can further be exacerbated and becomes serious discrimination towards nonCantonese speakers who belong to the “minority of society”. My Pakistan classmate and
friend has once told me that he got verbally bullied by other local kids in the playground back
in his childhood, can you believe that? Do you agree that the conflicts between the locals and
the non-locals will unavoidably and unfortunately happen if they live together in a society, do
you agree with me?
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Candidate B: Yes, that is exactly what I want to say about the discrimination
problem.Um...Discrimination is very bad and can lead to serious consequences, but sadly nonCantonese speaking people may need to confront them just because they need to spend most
of the time getting along with the locals. I think we already have some great points here, since
time is running short, why don’t we move on and brainstorm about the benefits of these nonCantonese speaking people learn Chinese? I think if they can be able to communicate with
the locals, a deeper understanding between these stakeholders will be achieved, and the
problems we have mentioned above can more likely be solved, do you agree?
Candidate A: Yes, I agree with you. I want to give an example to show my support towards
what you just said…
Skills: Personal Experience
Candidate B: My neighbour came to live in Hong Kong from the Mainland a few months ago.
When we first met, she couldn’t understand any Cantonese I said, so we needed to chat in
Mandarin. But my Mandarin is not good so... we could never talk for long. But recently, I saw
her again in the elevator and she talked to me in Cantonese! It was not that good, but at least
she learnt and tried! And I think we have understood each other much deeper than before,
and I appreciate her effort so much! So I agree with the point you said!
Candidate C: That’s an interesting story, Candidate A! Based on your authentic experience, I
am in line with what you two have discussed. If non-Cantonese speakers learn Chinese, it
would show that they are willing to learn the local culture and try their best to integrate into
our society, doesn’t that courage and devotion deserve our respect and appreciation? In my
opinion, not only cant the daily lives of them become smoother and easier, on the
practical side, their competitive edges will also be sharpened. As we are living in an
international city Hong Kong, being multilingual seems to be inevitable, if we are to adapt to
the ever-changing social environment. Under the local education system, most of us should
be able to speak Cantonese, English and Mandarin. But in fact, for those non-Cantonese
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speakers, they are already natives in their own languages such as Spanish, Japanese and so
2020-2021 Senior Regular Issue 1
on. And most of the locals might probably be unfamiliar with that many foreign languages. If
they get to learn Cantonese, our local language, not only will it facilitate effective
communication in Hong Kong, but their profiles will also be more appealing to employers
who value the diversity of employees in the workplace (聖人 mode).
________________________________________________ (問問題)
Candidate A: That is a great point! Hong Kong is a competitive city, and having more languages
means that you are more competent! Um... since time is running out, I think we should move
on now to talk about the...
Skills: 合氣道
Candidate C: Excuse me, Candidate A. I believe we just raised some decent points regarding
the advantages of learning Cantonese, but before we move on, Candidate D, do you have
anything to add?
Candidate D: Um...yes... I also like your idea about...talking to other people... um...
Candidate A: Exactly, Candidate D. Now, shall we talk about the ways to help people who do
not speak Cantonese feel more connected to Hong Kong? I think promotion and education
are some very important tools to teach Hong Kong people the importance of getting along
with non-Chinese speakers. For example, we can hold sharing sessions at school and invite
some non-Cantonese speakers who are living in Hong Kong to share with students their
experiences in Hong Kong. If Hong Kong students know that they should embrace others who
don’t speak the same language, all stakeholders in this issue will be able to live together
peacefully in Hong Kong. ( 建 議 小 學 雞 ) The sense of resistance in the non-Cantonese
speakers will no longer exist, and their sense of belonging will be cultivated. Any other ways
you can think of?
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Candidate C: Yes, Candidate A. Indeed, education has its significant meaning in teaching the
next generation what is righteous, and making use of it can raise the public awareness of the
Hong Kong minority who are not native speakers of the local language. But not only at school,
I think that utilizing social media would also help them feel more connected in a more direct
way. If we want to help them feel more included in Hong Kong, one way we can do is to set
up different social media accounts which share the daily news of Hong Kong using different
languages, so that the audiences speaking in various languages can all be able to come
together and understand local issues easily and conveniently through their smartphones. This
could raise their sense of belonging to Hong Kong, am I right guys?
Candidate D: Yes...I know that smartphones are good...Many people use social media
including me. I use um...Instagram, Facebook and Snapchat, and I use Instagram the most.
We can post news to Instagram so that...more people can know about Hong Kong. But, I think
that some of them don’t have smartphones because...they don’t have money to buy...they
are poor. So this might not be a good idea... I think that...
Candidate A and C �
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