QC KINETIX (WILMINGTON) 1410 Commonwealth Dr, Suite 100, Wilmington, NC 28403, USA (910) 378-9909 Scott Hoots contactqc@qckinetix.com Facebook Instagram Youtube Linkedin Crunchbase Tuugo ABOUT US When you experience joint pain, whether it is caused by an accident or simply the result of aging, your quality of life can be negatively affected. This can make even normal activities feel difficult and painful. In the past, joint pain could only be treated through surgery. However, now there are non-invasive practices that can work to relieve joint pain without surgical intervention. WHAT WE DO From treatments that use regenerative treatments to help improve blood flow to regenerative treatments that stimulate cartilage growth, there are many options available to treat pain in joints and surrounding soft tissues. At QC Kinetix (Wilmington), we offer pain-relieving, non-invasive treatments that can be used to treat a variety of joint and muscle problems. These procedures are perfect for anyone looking for an alternative to surgical procedures that do not require downtime. We have the expertise, experience, and technology to help you find lasting relief from pain. If you are looking for regenerative medicine in Wilmington, visit us today for more information.