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qc kinetix (12)

Alternative Treatments to Surgery for
Chronic Pain and Sports Injuries
At QC Kinetix, we specialize in regenerative medical treatments,
providing patients looking to ease the pain in their lower back,
shoulders, or knees with more effective solutions.
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At QC Kinetix (Orange Grove), we understand that joint pain can be
debilitating and can have a significant impact on your quality of life. That's
why we are dedicated to helping you find the treatment that will provide
you with the relief you need without having to undergo surgica
procedures. Our non-surgical regenerative medicine in Tucson is a perfect
solution for anyone seeking alternatives to surgical procedures for pain. If
you're looking for a knee replacement, knee surgical procedures, hip
surgical procedures, hip replacement, or relief from shoulder pain, elbow
pain, wrist pain, or treatment for sports injuries, call QC Kinetix to
schedule a free consultation. At QC Kinetix (Orange Grove), we deal in
regenerative medical treatments, providing patients looking to ease the
pain in their lower back, shoulders, or knees with more effective solutions
Whether the pain you are experiencing is due to a disease, injury, or
medical condition—we've got you covered! Our solutions promise to help
you restore your mobility so that you can get back to doing the activities
you love again!
Services We Offer:
1- Non-surgical regenerative treatments for pain
2-associated with sports injuries
4-other musculoskeletal conditions
QC Kinetix (Orange Grove)
Address : 1925 W. Orange Grove Rd., Ste 106, Tucson, AZ, 85704
Phone: (520) 497-4955