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Statistics for Finance Review Exercises

Statistics for …nance
a.a. 2021/22
Exercise 1.
Let’s consider the events A and B (associated to the same random experiment) that are incompatible
and such that:
P(A) = 0:2
P(B) = 0:4:
Compute the probability of the following events:
1. A [ B;
2. A \ B,
3. A \ B,
4. A \ (A \ B),
5. A [ (A \ B).
[0.8, 0.2, 1, 0.2, 1]
Exercise 2.
Let’s consider the events A and B associated to the same random experiments and such that:
P(B) = 0:5
P(A \ B) = 0:2
P(BjA) = 0:4:
Compute the following probabilities and provide a reasoned answer to the questions posed.
1. P(A)
2. P(A [ B)
3. P(AjB)
4. Are the events A and B incompatible?
5. Are the events A and B independent?
[0.5, 0.8, 0.4]
Exercise 3.
The events A and B, associated to a given random experiment, are independent and such that:
P (A \ B) = 0:2
P (A [ B) = 0:7
Compute P (A) and P (B).
[0.4, 0.5]
P (B) > P (A) > 0
Exercise 4.
The events A and B (associated to the same sample space) are incompatible. One knows that:
P (A) = 0:2
P AjB = 0:5
By using the de…nitions and the Venn diagrams, compute:
1. P (B)
2. P A \ B .
[0.6, 0.2]
Exercise 5.
Let’s consider the events A and B (associated to the same sample space) and suppose that:
P (A) = 0:6
P (BjA) = 0:7
P BjA = 0:2:
1. Compute P (A \ B) and P B \ A .
2. With the help of a Venn diagram which allows to visualize the relationship between A \ B and
B \ A, compute P (B).
[0.42, 0.08, 0.5]
Problem 1 - False positive problem
A credit risk diagnostic system of a given bank classi…es the …rms in bonis or default according to some
economical aspects obtained by the …nancial statements of the same. That system presents the following
the probability that the system classi…es a …rm in bonis when it is actually in bonis equals to 0:85;
the probability that the system classi…es a …rm in default when it is equals to 0:90.
Knowing that the default probability is 7%, answer the following questions:
1. What is the probability that the system produces a false positive, that is it classi…es in default a
healthy business? [0.15]
2. If a …rm is classi…ed in default by the system, what is the probability that it is? [0.311] The latter
result is surprisingly large: comment on it according to the used probabilities.