Department of Public Safety Office of Justice Programs Crime Victim Services June, 2016 To gain a variety of perspectives and experiences that can inform the grant making process & make the granting process transparent, fair, and as free from influence and bias as possible. Governmental and community-based stakeholders Advocates Subject matter experts Community members Thank you! Your time and expertise are appreciated. Learn more about what makes a strong proposal Better understanding of OJP funded crime victim services Have a voice in the process Being a grant reviewer is one of the best ways to learn how to write a good proposal! Read and rate proposals prior to the grant review. Start early – it may take longer than you anticipate. Keep proposals and scores confidential – this is not public information UNTIL grants are awarded. Thoroughly understand the information requested in the Request for Proposal (RFP) and assess each proposal’s strengths and weaknesses. Report any conflict of interest to OJP and refrain from scoring proposals in which you have a conflict. Show up to the review on time, participate, and stay for the entire review. Read OJP’s Request for Proposal. Become familiar with: • The goals of the RFP • The requirements of the proposals • The scoring criteria and point allocations Read and understand the Application Review Form. Make sure to set aside enough time to review each of your proposals thoroughly. This is NOT a quick process. Most reviewers spend an hour or more per proposal. Complete an initial read-through of each applicant’s proposal but don’t score them this time. Use this initial read through of the proposals to get a sense of what the proposals are about and how they are organized. Re-read each proposal and begin scoring. Make sure to record proposal strengths and weaknesses on the Review Form. Try to provide helpful comments. Everyone scores differently – that’s ok! Just make sure to be consistent in your scores. Only score a proposal based on the information provided – don’t assume anything or add information you may know. Score proposals against the criteria in the RFP– not against the other proposals. No fractions or decimals – whole number scores only please. Make sure all information required in the RFP is contained in the proposal. You can deduct points for a disorganized proposal but make sure your score is primarily based on the quality and clarity of the responses. Just having an answer to each question in the RFP does not justify a high score. Scores of a perfect 100 should be rare – this means there were no weaknesses in the proposal. Just as rare is a score of 0 – this means there are no strengths in the proposal. If you do feel like a score of 100 or 0 are warranted, please document your justifications completely. Proposals should make a strong case for funding and show compelling need. Proposals should: reflect best practices demonstrate effective collaboration with other agencies & criminal justice partners effectively address the needs of crime victims Submit your scores for each proposal via the Survey Monkey link provided in your review packet cover letter. Declare you have viewed this PowerPoint, and you have no conflicts of interests with the proposals in your packet. Attend the in-person grant review • Arrive on time & be ready to discuss the proposals. • Make sure your Rating Sheets are complete and legible. • Grant reviews usually last 3-4 hours – please plan according so you can stay till the end. For more information or questions please contact the Minnesota Department of Public Safety, Office of Justice Programs Chris Anderson 651-201-7302