PRACTIUM REPORT ANIMAL REPRODUCTION SCIENCE EVENT II HISTOLOGY OF MALE REPRODUCTION Arranged by : Group XL Muhammad Yazida Rizky PT/08786 Daffa Lintang Fathullaa PT/08787 Kayla Arisanti Azzah PT/08788 Zulfa Jihan Khalifah PT/08792 Radedya Wardhana Putra PT/08794 Bidadari Kalila Artadhya PT/08869 Asisstant: Gracia Definna Katili LABORATORY ANIMAL PHYSIOLOGI AND REPRODUCTION DEPARTEMENT OF ANIMAL BREEDING AND REPRODUCTION FACULTY OF ANIMAL SCIENCE GADJAH MADA UNIVERSITY YOGYAKARTA 2022 HISTOLOGY OF MALE REPRODUCTION ORGANS Literature Review Testis is a male reproductive organ that functions as a producer of sperm cells and reproductive hormones in the form of testosterone and androgens. Putra (2012) explained that the testes have a hanger called the funiculus spermaticus that connects the testes to other organs. The function of the testes is of two kinds, namely producing male sex hormones (androgens) and producing male gametes (sperm). The epididymis consists of 3 parts, namely the head, body and cauda. Zega (2015) states that the epididymis is divided into three parts, namely the caput, corpus and cauda. The caput epididymis functions in the maturation of spermatozoa. The corpus epididymis functions in the concentration of spermatozoa. The cauda epididymis functions in the storage of spermatozoa. The ductus deferens is histologically composed of fibrous, blood vessels, musculus longitudinal externa, musculus circular, musculus longitudinal interna, lamina propria, epithelial cells, and lumen. Akmal et al. (2014) stated that the ductus deferens serves to carry sperm from the epididymis to the urethra. Jones (2014) explained that the ampulla is located at the end of the ductus deferens and functions as a sperm reservoir. Fibrous functions to coat and protect the ductus deferens. Musculus longitudinal externa, musculus circular, and musculus longitudinal interna function to assist the movement of spermatozoa. The penis is a male reproductive organ that is used for copulation and also functions to excrete urine and insert semen into the reproductive tract of female animals during fertilization. Ulum et al. (2013) explained that the penis is a male copulation organ consisting of the base, body, and glans penis accompanied by the urethral process. MATERIALS AND METHODS Materials Tools. The tools used in the Animal Reprocution Science Practicum include camera,microscopes, stationery and worksheets. Materials. The materials used in the Animal Reproduction Science practicum include preparations in the form of male livestock reproductive organs, histological preparations of the testes, epididymis, ductus deferens, and penis. Methods Method that are used in the Animal Reproduction Science Practicum include the student observes, differentiates, understands the function, and draw various parts reproductive organs. RESULT AND CONCLUSION Histology of Male Reproduction Organs Histology is the study of tissue structure in detail using a microscope on thinly cut tissue preparations, one of the branches of biology (Koesomah and Dwiastuti, 2017). The primary reproductive organs in males are the testes. Histologically, the testes consist of seminiferous convoluted tubules, Sertoli cells, and interstitial tissue. The epididymis is divided into 3, namely, the head (caput), body (corpus), and tail (cauda) which have different constituent components such as the thickness of the epithelial layer, the thickness of the smooth muscle layer, and the presence of lymphocyte cells. The ductus deferens is composed of serous tunica, external longitudinal muscle, circular muscle, internal longitudinal muscle, lamina propria, cells and epithelium. The penis is a male copulation tool that is wrapped by the praeputium (Mahfud et al., 2016) Gambar 1. Spermatogenesis scheme (David, 2009) Spermatogenesis is the process of development of germ cells, namely spermatogonia cells into spermatozoa. The process of spermatogenesis occurs in the testes, precisely in the seminiferous tubules. Spermatogenesis is divided into three phases: (1) spermatocytogenesis, namely the process of changing spermatogonia into spermatocytes, (2) meiosis, the mature stage of spermatocytes that produce spermatids with a reduced number of chromosomes (haploid), and (3) spermiogenesis, the process of changing spermatids into spermatozoa (Basrizal, 2009). Picture 2. Mechanism of feedback hormone (Hernawati, 2009) Feedback hormone is a mechanism carried out by the hormone system in the body to balance it so that negative hormones do not occur because the volume exceeds the normal limit. Feedback hormone that occurs in the male reproductive organs begins with the hypothalamus which produces GnRH (Gonadothropine Releasing Hormone) which will stimulate the anterior pituitary of the adenohypophysis. The anterior pituitary will secrete the hormones FSH (Folicle Stimulating Hormone) and LH (Luteinizing Hormone) which play a role in the formation of spermatozoa in the testes. FSH hormone will stimulate Sertoli cells to produce inhibin which will produce Androgen Binding Protein (ABP). The LH hormone will stimulate the Leydig cells to produce the hormone testosterone which will bind to ABP. Excess volume of each secretion will cause negative feedback which will disrupt the process of spermatozoa formation. Luteinizing hormone increases the activity of an enzyme that will convert cholesterol into the hormone testosterone. Picture 3. Spermatozoa Morphology (Abbiramy and Shanthi, 2010) Spermatozoa consist of head, midpiece, main piece, and end piece. The head is ovoid, contains genetic information and contains the acrosome. In the mid piece there are mitochondria. The main piece is covered by a fibrous sheath whose border is called the annulus. The end piece contains many shaft filaments and contains little cytoplasm. Abnormalities in spermatozoa consist of primary and secondary abnormalities. Primary abnormalities are caused by a failure in the process of spermatogenesis in the seminiferous tubules by genetic and environmental factors. Examples of primary abnormalities include a large head, a small head, a short and broad head, and a coiled tail. Secondary abnormalities were caused by the treatment at the time of staining in the process of making the smear preparations. Examples of secondary abnormalities include a folded tail, the presence of proximal or distal cytoplasmic granules, and a severed tail. CONCLUSION The parts of the male genitalia can be differentiated histologically into the testes, epididymis, ductus deferens, and penis. Glandula Accessorius include the vesicular gland, prostate gland, and bulbourethral gland. The testes consist of three parts, namely the seminiferous tubules, Leydig cells, and Sertoli cells. The epididymis consists of three parts, namely the caput epididymis, corpus epididymis, and cauda epididymis. The ductus deferens consists of three layers, namely the lamina propria, the muscularis lamina, and the tunica serosa. The penis consists of the corpus cavernosum penis and the corpus cavernosum urethra. BIBLIOGRAPHY Abbiramy VS, Shanthi V (2010). Spermatozoa segmentation and morphological parameter analysis based detection of teratozoospermia. International Journal of Computer Applications; 3(7): 0975-8887. Akmal, Y., C. Nisa dan S. Novelina. 2014. Anatomi organ reproduksi jantan trenggiling (Mais javanica). ACTA Veterina Indonesia. 2(2): 72-81. 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