ENC 1102 Composition II Department of Writing & Rhetoric, College of Arts & Humanities 3 Credit Hours Instructor Information ● ● ● ● Instructor: Dr. Galbreath Office: TCH 165F Office Hours: Monday: 9:30am - 12:30pm Tuesday: 9:30 - 10:30am Thursday: 1:30 - 3:30pm or by appointment Office hours will be held virtually via Zoom at this address: https://ucf.zoom.us/j/98578482858?pwd=cjhMK2FOcVBjK0dObHpYbk9NRFpKUT09 If the above hours are not convenient for you, please contact me to make other arrangements. Contact: marcy.galbreath@ucf.edu or through Webcourses email Course Information ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Term: Spring 2022 Course Number & Sections: ENC1102.0W68 & ENC1102.0W69 Course Name: Composition II Credit Hours: 3 Course Modality: W (online) Course Prerequisite: ENC 1101 or equivalent This class is offered through the Department of Writing and Rhetoric. For any questions or concerns, please contact writingandrhetoric@ucf.edu ONLINE LEARNING Online learning is not for everyone; some people may not be able to manage a course that does not meet face to face to learn. Online learning requires lots of planning and self-pacing so that you may be successful in my course. Since I will be covering much material in 16 weeks, I would highly recommend treating this course like a regular lecture course, and keeping up with lectures and assignments. Please do not be tempted to skip two weeks of lectures and expect to catch up easily. COVID and Community Statement I recognize and understand the difficult times we are all in. The COVID-19 pandemic impacts us all in many ways, including physically, mentally, emotionally, financially, academically, and professionally. I will work with you on challenges you may be encountering and to provide support to help you succeed. However, please keep in mind that I will hold you accountable, especially in terms of class attendance, participation, and contributions. Students who believe they may have been exposed to COVID-19 or who test positive must contact UCF Student Health Services (407-823-2509) so proper contact tracing procedures can take place. Students should not come to campus if they are ill, are experiencing any symptoms of COVID-19 or have tested positive for COVID-19. Course Description ENC1102 uses a writing-about-writing curriculum as a basis for exploring the processes involved in conducting college-level research. All students will be required to produce a college-level research project that examines how written texts, primarily genres, influence, control, moderate, or challenge activities in a specific situation of your choice, along with an ePortfolio that showcases the development process as well as the final project. The topic of research is literate activity within any area of your choice. "Literate activity" expands the notion of writing since so much of our textual communication these days is multimodal, and writing on paper or the screen is just one part of the many ways we make and communicate meaning. You may choose the genres of a professional or disciplinary field to research, as it is a chance to learn more about a profession or discipline in which you are interested, and, in the process, gain a deeper understanding of the kinds of writing that take place in that community. Or you may research a personal literate activity that seems mundane, but when explored reveals hidden interactivities and little-researched tools for meaningmaking. Another option includes exploring the multiliteracies connected to an issue you deem interesting or important--whichever topic you choose, the data you gather will come from the writing in that situation. Course Purpose We will spend the first days reviewing basic concepts of rhetoric and multiliteracies. The readings, class and online discussions, and online quizzes will set the foundation for developing a research proposal you will develop over the rest of the semester. The other major writing projects in the course will follow the steps of the research process, including preliminary investigation (performing the necessary library search to understand ongoing conversations about your chosen topic), synthesis (bringing ideas together and finding a gap in the topic’s conversation), conducting primary research, which focuses on investigating and analyzing the written primary artifacts you find, and then writing about and presenting your findings in an academic paper. At the end of the semester, you will organize and present Reflections on your research process, experience, and findings in an ePortfolio. Research Methods: While we will be discussing the various methods of college-level research, the research for your project in this class will be conducted by rhetorically analyzing written or multimodal artifacts. No human research will be conducted (i.e., no interviews, interactive observations, focus groups, or surveys). UCF follows strict protocols concerning human subject research, so please confine your research to textual data sources. Any deviation from this format will make your project ineligible for credit. Course Materials and Resources Required Materials/Resources ● A reliable internet connection and a device such as a pc, laptop, or tablet will be needed for reading assigned materials, researching, and composing assignments. The assigned readings for ENC1102 are requirements to understanding key concepts and successfully negotiating assignments. They will also help prepare you for your own research project as you learn how to recognize evidence-based argumentation and to see the difference between secondary and primary research sources. If you have questions or just want to discuss any of the readings or ideas you might have for research, please see me during office hours or send me an email—I am always happy to work with you, and I am interested in your ideas. Required Texts: ● Most required readings will be available linked from the weekly Modules. o You will be expected to read, take notes, and reference required readings in your Reading Responses and Discussions. This is part of your Class Activity grade and will help you succeed in the course. ● Lunsford, Andrea A., EasyWriter. ISBN: 9781319313128 o EasyWriter is a handbook that will provide support for grammar, MLA formatting, and general research concepts. It has sections and examples of rhetorical analysis, genre analysis, and persuasive argumentation, as well as the stages of research. Some assigned readings will come from this text, and you will be able to use it for support when you have general questions about college writing. Supplemental Materials/Resources ● Optional Materials will be available under Readings and Resources on the Home page of Webcourses-these readings may come in handy for support when you are looking for sources in your Annotated Bibliography, and the Resources contain handouts and useful links. Student Learning Outcomes Through successful completion of the readings, activities, and assignments, by the end of this course you will be able to . . . • generate and explore genuine lines of inquiry related to writing, language, literacy, and/or rhetoric. • purposefully integrate multimodality, multiple languages, and/or multiliteracies into writing products to support their goals. • Evaluate and act on criteria for relevance, credibility, and ethics when gathering, analyzing, and presenting primary and secondary source materials. • produce writing that demonstrates your ability to navigate choices and constraints in a variety of public and/or academic research genres that matter to specific communities. • draw conclusions based on analysis and interpretation of primary evidence and place that work in conversation with other source materials. • negotiate differences in and act with intention on feedback from readers when drafting, revising, and editing your writing. Course Activities Expectations ● I expect you to read and annotate the assigned materials and complete the Modules in Webcourses prior to turning in Reading Responses and Discussions. ● It is your responsibility to stay current on readings and online coursework. The due dates for readings and assignments are listed on the Course Schedule (not to be confused with the "Coming up" events on the calendar). There is no make-up work for weekly assignments. ● Workshops and peer reviews will comprise a significant part of your collaboration for this course and count toward class activities. These will be assigned for the major projects and will precede Faculty feedback. You will be working with rubrics and using Discussions to communicate your ideas. ● Reading Responses and Discussion posts will follow these guidelines. ● Always back up your files: Storing your work either on a thumb drive or in cloud storage are good ways to backup and secure your work. Suffering a crashed hard drive or some other mishap that destroys several weeks’ worth of work is heartbreaking, but not an accepted excuse for missed work. ● In this day and age of rampant hacking, it's wise to safeguard your information. Use of a reputable antivirus program is strongly suggested (free versions are available online). Pay attention to unfamiliar addresses on emails and make sure you know who the sender is before clicking on a link. You can report suspected phishing emails by selecting Junk/Phishing in Knights email. Statement on Inclusivity: Every student in this class, regardless of background, sex, gender, race, ethnicity, class, political affiliation, physical or mental ability or any identity category, is a valued and equal member of the group. We all bring different experiences to this class and no one experience has more value or import than another. In fact, it is our different experiences that will enrich the course content. I encourage every student to share their own experiences as they are relevant to the course, but I also stress that no student is ever presumed to speak for anything or anyone more than their own experience or point of view. Furthermore, in this classroom, you have the right to determine your own identity. You have the right to be called by whatever name you wish, and for that name to be pronounced correctly. You have the right to be referred to by whatever pronoun you identify. You have the right to adjust those things at any point. If there are aspects of the instruction of this course that result in barriers to your inclusion or a sense of alienation from the course content, please contact me privately without fear of reprisal. If you feel uncomfortable contacting me, please contact Student Development and Enrollment Services. In class discussions, please feel free to discuss openly, seriously and passionately. I will not, however, tolerate disruptive or insulting remarks, gender or racial slurs, or other forms of bullying, intimidation or hate speech. Publication of the remarks or questions or work of any classmate - in any form, written or recorded - without clear consent will be regarded as a violation of the UCF Rules of Conduct and treated as such. I expect you to act with respect for this space, this subject, our process and each other. Assignments The readings and assignments due for each class are listed on the Course Schedule. My expectations are that you will prepare for Reading Responses and Discussions by reading and annotating, and that you will stay current on assignments. Please come see me if you have questions or need clarification about assignments. • Follow the instructions on Major Assignments for file attachments through Webcourses. Only pdf, doc, and docx formats will be accepted unless otherwise specified. • Please submit major assignments on time. Late major assignments will lose one letter grade per day (including weekends) and receive a 0% grade if more than 5 days late (after this it will not be considered "on time"). I strongly urge you to turn in major assignments when due even if you feel they are incomplete, as it's very easy to fall behind and not be able to catch up. I also depend on timely submissions so I can give you revision feedback. • You will have the opportunity to revise your major assignments for a new grade. • You must submit all major assignments on time, and you must turn in a passing Final Researched Argument and ePortfolio (with a grade of at least 70%) to pass ENC1102. Enrollment Activity: All faculty members are required to document students' academic activity at the beginning of each course. In order to document that you began this course, please complete the following academic activity in Webcourses by the end of the first week of classes or as soon as possible after adding the course. Failure to do so will result in a delay in the disbursement of your financial aid. Activity: Syllabus Review Quiz, due Friday, 1/14, by 5:00pm Revision Expectations In the first-year writing program, writing is seen as a recursive and social process that emphasizes revision. Revision is a major component of the ENC 1102 research process. Because of this, all major assignments will go through a process of drafting, review, and revision. After submission, major assignments may earn a new grade with significant revisions. Please see Submitting Revisions for instructions on how to go about this. Activities and Online Discussion Posts (30%) Your Class Activities grade is based on everything you do to contribute to the smooth functioning of the class. This includes Discussions, Reading Responses, Peer reviews, Workshops, and other group activities, Conferences, and Quizzes. I recognize that not everyone contributes in the same way, and a significant contribution in one area can make up for a lack in another. Still, I expect everyone to participate in every aspect of the class to the best of their ability. You will need reliable access to the Internet, and a word processing program for composing major assignments. Your class activity grade includes quizzes, Reading Responses, and Discussions. Reading Responses earn points, and Discussions will earn complete/incomplete credits. These assignments are intended to help you work through ideas, ask questions, and generate content that can be applied to major assignments. Engagement with Readings and Discussions demonstrates your commitment to success in ENC 1102. Please follow the Reading Response and Discussion Post Guidelines to earn full credit. The reading assignments are explained and contextualized in the Course Modules, which is where you will find links to the assigned readings that are not in EasyWriter. Please pay attention to the reading instructions, since some articles have specific pages assigned. Weekly Reading Responses will allow you to demonstrate your comprehension and to ask questions about these assignments. I strongly suggest following the reading strategy handout in Webcourses to get the most out of your college-level reading assignments, so that you enter the class Discussions feeling prepared to share your ideas. Major Assignments (70%) You will receive letter grades and formative feedback on major projects. M1 Project: Literate Activity Proposal (10%) M2: Review of the Literature (25%) M3: Researched Argument (20%) M4: ePortfolio (15%) Course Policies: Attendance/Participation Regular attendance is important to your success in this class. Of course, attendance looks different in an online course, but what it translates into is timely completion of readings and assignments. Repeatedly failing to contribute to class activities will jeopardize your grade and is likely to impact your ability to complete writing assignments according to course and program standards. MKS Progress Reports This class will participate in myKnight STAR (MKS) progress reports. Progress reports are designed to promote student success by connecting students to advising and academic resources in a timely manner when students are struggling in a course. If I notice that you are experiencing difficulties in the course (e.g., low assignment scores, missing assignments, lack of comprehension, etc.), I may submit a progress report and you will receive an email indicating that I have entered feedback. I encourage you to meet with me and your academic advisor to ensure that you are receiving all available resources to aid in your success. Make-up Exams and Assignments Missed/late assignments: It is your responsibility to stay current on assignments. All assignments must be turned in on time. Since this course has a scaffolded process that builds weekly content to contribute to major assignments, the expectation is that you have ample time to fulfill your responsibilities even if circumstances intervene. My late work policy differs based on the assignment type. I do not accept late work for minor assignments (weekly Reading Responses, Discussions, and Quizzes) under any circumstances outside of documented medical or other excused documented circumstances. For major assignments M1 LIterate Activity Proposal, M2 Review of the Literature with Annotated Bibliography, and M3 Researched Argument, I will accept late submissions for credit up to 5 days past the due date, but the assignment will receive a grade reduction. For each day a major assignment is submitted past the original due date, I will deduct one letter grade. Once this timeframe has passed, the major assignment will receive a score of zero. Please note that my late assignment submission policy for major assignments DOES NOT apply to the final ePortfolio. Because this assignment is due during the final examination week and I need to submit final course grades in a timely manner, late submission of it will not be accepted. Per university policy, you are allowed to submit make-up work (or an equivalent, alternate assignment) for authorized university-sponsored activities, religious observances, or legal obligations (such as jury duty). If this participation conflicts with your course assignments, I will offer a reasonable opportunity for you to complete missed assignments and/or exams. The make-up assignment and grading scale will be equivalent to the missed assignment and its grading scale. In the case of an authorized university activity, it is your responsibility to show me a signed copy of the Program Verification Form for which you will be absent, prior to the class in which the absence occurs. In any of these cases, please contact me ahead of time to notify me of upcoming needs. Assessment and Grading Procedures Grading Scale: The table below will be used to calculate grades on major projects and final course credit. A cumulative grade of C– (above 70%) is required for passing ENC 1102 (Gordon Rule). You must submit all major assignments and you must turn in a passing Final Researched Argument and ePortfolio (earning at least 70%) to pass ENC1102. Gordon Rule ENC 1101 and ENC 1102 follow the state-mandated “Gordon Rule.” You must earn at least a C- or higher to fulfill this university and state requirements. While all course assignments will be evaluated and included in the final course grade, to be eligible to pass this class, you must complete the following: a minimum of 4 written assignments worth least 60% of the final grade; engage in substantial, developed writing of at least one multipage writing assignment; and revise at least one assignment in response to substantive teacher feedback. The following listed options satisfy Gordon Rule requirements. Reminder: ALL assignments are evaluated and will be included in the final course grade. To pass this course per the Gordon Rule, you must complete (at minimum) 4 of 7 of the following options: research proposal, annotated bibliography, research paper, ePortfolio, 4 reflective memos, 4 revision memos, 8 reading responses. If you have concerns about your progress, come see me early enough in the semester that we can devise a program schedule for your success. This does not mean you can skip turning in major assignments and make them up at the end. This would not be fair to all the students who do the work and turn it in on time, and it would put an undue burden on your instructor. Be aware that once final grades are posted, I cannot make changes (this is why it's important to pay attention to your progress). The table shows the weight distribution for each assignment. Assignment Percentage of Grade Class Activities: M1 Project: Literate Activity Proposal* M2 Project: Review of the Literature with Annotated Bibliography* M3 Project: Researched Argument* M4 Project: ePortfolio* Total (Starred items meet Gordon Rule requirements.) 30% 10% 25% Letter Grade Percent A 100%-94% A- 93%-90% B+ B B- 89%-87% 86.9-84% C+ 79%-77% C 76%-74% C- 73%-70% D+ D 69%-67% 66%-64% D- 63%-60% F 59%-0% 83%-80% 20% 15% 100% The table shows the range for each letter grade and uses a plus/minus system. (highlighted percentages indicate failing cumulative grades in ENC 1102. You will be required to take the course again. Please note that I do not round up on grades.) A grade of C meets minimum expectations and satisfies course requirements. Grades above C are earned by turning in consistently above average work. “A” work goes far beyond basic requirements and demonstrates thoughtful engagement with and mastery of concepts and practices. M (Major) assignments meet Gordon Rule writing requirements. No incompletes will be given for this course. An “NC” grade can be assigned at the discretion of the instructor only if you complete all work on time, participate fully, but fail to produce satisfactory work for the class. Consult the latest Undergraduate or Graduate catalog for regulations and procedures regarding grading such as Incomplete grades, grade changes, and grade forgiveness. University Services and Resources Academic Services and Resources A list of available academic support and learning services is available at UCF Student Services. Click on "Academic Support and Learning Services" on the right-hand side to filter. The University Writing Center (UWC) is a free resource offering consultations with student peers. Take advantage of this resource with virtual or in-person scheduled sessions. Non-Academic Services and Resources A list of non-academic support and services is also available at UCF Student Services. Click on "Support" on the right-hand side to filter. Policy Statements Academic Integrity Students should familiarize themselves with UCF’s Rules of Conduct. According to Section 1, "Academic Misconduct," students are prohibited from engaging in: ● Unauthorized assistance: Using or attempting to use unauthorized materials, information or study aids in any academic exercise unless specifically authorized by the instructor of record. The unauthorized possession of examination or course-related material also constitutes cheating. ● Communication to another through written, visual, electronic, or oral means: The presentation of material which has not been studied or learned, but rather was obtained through someone else’s efforts and used as part of an examination, course assignment, or project. ● Commercial Use of Academic Material: Selling of course material to another person, student, and/or uploading course material to a third-party vendor without authorization or without the express written permission of the university and the instructor. Course materials include but are not limited to class notes, Instructor’s PowerPoints, course syllabi, tests, quizzes, labs, instruction sheets, homework, study guides, handouts, etc. ● Falsifying or misrepresenting the student’s own academic work. ● Plagiarism: Using or appropriating another’s work without any indication of the source, thereby attempting to convey the impression that such work is the student’s own. ● Multiple Submissions: Submitting the same academic work for credit more than once without the express written permission of the instructor. ● Helping another violate academic behavior standards. For more information about Academic Integrity, students may consult The Center for Academic Integrity. Misuse of sources: The WPA and the Department of Writing and Rhetoric distinguish plagiarism from the misuse of sources. “A student who attempts (even if clumsily) to identify and credit his or her source, but who misuses a specific citation format or incorrectly uses quotation marks or other forms of identifying material taken from other sources has not plagiarized. Instead, such a student should be considered to have failed to cite and document sources appropriately.” Consequences of academic dishonesty: DWR takes plagiarism and other forms of academic dishonesty seriously and responds in accordance with UCF policy. Plagiarizing or cheating—or assisting another student who plagiarizes or cheats—may result in a failing grade on an assignment or for the entire course; a report to the Office of Student Conduct; and/or a “Z” grade, which denotes academic dishonesty on your transcript. Responses to Academic Dishonesty, Plagiarism, or Cheating Students should also familiarize themselves with the procedures for academic misconduct in UCF’s student handbook, The Golden Rule. UCF faculty members have a responsibility for students’ education and the value of a UCF degree, and so seek to prevent unethical behavior and when necessary respond to academic misconduct. Penalties can include a failing grade in an assignment or in the course, suspension or expulsion from the university, and/or a "Z Designation" on a student’s official transcript indicating academic dishonesty, where the final grade for this course will be preceded by the letter Z. For more information about the Z Designation, see http://goldenrule.sdes.ucf.edu/zgrade. Diversity, Inclusion, and Title IX One way to promote a safe and caring classroom community is to encourage each student’s unique voice, perspective, and presence. The following diversity statement gives professors language for explaining how students’ contributions will be valued: The University of Central Florida considers the diversity of its students, faculty, and staff to be a strength and critical to its educational mission. UCF expects every member of the university community to contribute to an inclusive and respectful culture for all in its classrooms, work environments, and at campus events. Dimensions of diversity can include sex, race, age, national origin, ethnicity, gender identity and expression, intellectual and physical ability, sexual orientation, income, faith and non-faith perspectives, socio-economic class, political ideology, education, primary language, family status, military experience, cognitive style, and communication style. The individual intersection of these experiences and characteristics must be valued in our community. Title IX prohibits sex discrimination, including sexual misconduct, sexual violence, sexual harassment, and retaliation. If you or someone you know has been harassed or assaulted, you can find resources available to support the victim, including confidential resources and information concerning reporting options at www.shield.ucf.edu and http://cares.sdes.ucf.edu. If there are aspects of the design, instruction, and/or experiences within this course that result in barriers to your inclusion or accurate assessment of achievement, please notify the instructor as soon as possible and/or contact Student Accessibility Services. For more information on diversity and inclusion, Title IX, accessibility, or UCF’s complaint processes contact: • Title IX – OIE – http://oie.ucf.edu & askanadvocate@ucf.edu • Disability Accommodation – Student Accessibility Services – http://sas.sdes.ucf.edu & sas@ucf.edu • Diversity and Inclusion Training and Events – www.diversity.ucf.edu • Student Bias Grievances – Just Knights response team – http://jkrt.sdes.ucf.edu • UCF Compliance and Ethics Office – http://compliance.ucf.edu & complianceandethics@ucf.edu • Ombuds Office – http://www.ombuds.ucf.edu Course Accessibility Statement The University of Central Florida is committed to providing access and inclusion for all persons with disabilities. This syllabus is available in alternate formats upon request. Students with disabilities who need specific access in this course, such as accommodations, should contact the professor as soon as possible to discuss various access options. Students should also connect with Student Accessibility Services (Ferrell Commons, 7F, Room 185, sas@ucf.edu, phone (407) 823-2371). Through Student Accessibility Services, a Course Accessibility Letter may be created and sent to professors, which informs faculty of potential access and accommodations that might be reasonable. Campus Safety Statement Though most emergency situations are primarily relevant to courses that meet in person, such incidents can also impact online students, either when they are on or near campus to participate in other courses or activities or when their course work is affected by off-campus emergencies. The following policies apply to courses in online modalities. • To stay informed about emergency situations, students can sign up to receive UCF text alerts by going to <https://my.ucf.edu> and logging in. Click on “Student Self Service” located on the left side of the screen in the toolbar, scroll down to the blue “Personal Information” heading on the Student Center screen, click on “UCF Alert”, fill out the information, including e-mail address, cell phone number, and cell phone provider, click “Apply” to save the changes, and then click “OK.” • Students with special needs related to emergency situations should speak with their instructors outside of class. Deployed Active-Duty Military Students Students who are deployed active-duty military and/or National Guard personnel and require accommodation should contact their instructors as soon as possible after the semester begins and/or after they receive notification of deployment to make related arrangements. Copyright This course may contain copyright protected materials such as audio or video clips, images, text materials, etc. These items are being used with regard to the Fair Use doctrine in order to enhance the learning environment. Please do not copy, duplicate, download or distribute these items. The use of these materials is strictly reserved for this online classroom environment and your use only. All copyright materials are credited to the copyright holder. Third-Party Software and FERPA During this course you might have the opportunity to use public online services and/or software applications sometimes called third-party software such as a blog or wiki. While some of these could be required assignments, you need not make any personally identifying information on a public site. Do not post or provide any private information about yourself or your classmates. Where appropriate you may use a pseudonym or nickname. Some written assignments posted publicly may require personal reflection/comments, but the assignments will not require you to disclose any personally identity-sensitive information. If you have any concerns about this, please contact your instructor. Important Dates: Drop & Add Deadlines – Friday, Jan. 14 11:59pm Withdrawal Deadline - Friday, March 25 11:59 pm Spring 2022 Holidays ML King Jr. Day: Monday, January 17 Spring Break: March 6 -13 Course Schedule Note: if any readings or due dates are amended during the semester based on course needs, you will be notified and the revision will be applied to the relevant dates. Week/Dates & Readings Topic Due Dates Week 1: 1/10 - 1/14 Readings: Syllabus, Module 1, Week 1 content including Rhetoric Review content Drop & Add deadlines: 1/14 Module 1 1/11: Introductions due by 11:59 pm in Webcourses 1/14: Syllabus Quiz due by 11:59 pm 1/14: Rhetoric Review Quiz due by 11:59pm This week: Course preview, Introductions Topic: Rhetoric review; student research in writing studies Major Project 1: Literate Activity Research Proposal (due week 4, 2/4) Week 2: 1/17 - 1/21 Topic: College writing, rhetorical moves Monday: ML King Jr Holiday in research articles Readings: Module 1, Week 2 Handout: CARS content, Carroll, "Backpacks vs. Briefcases", Seeley, et al., "Read the Room," & EasyWriter "Learning from Low-Stakes Writing" 1/18: Reading Response due 1/20: Discussion post due 1/21: Discussion responses due Week 3: 1/24 - 1/28 Readings: Module 1, Week 3 content, Dirk, “Navigating Genres,” & Jacobson, et al., "Make Your 'Move," Topic: What are "rhetorical genres" in 1/25: Reading Response due writing studies research? 1/27: Discussion post due Upcoming assignment: Library Research 1/28: Discussion response due Strategies Modules, due Tuesday 2/8 (You should start working on these early-the final quiz is the score that counts.) Sign up for virtual conference week 4 Week 4: 1/31 - 2/4 Readings: Module content, DePeter, "How to Write Meaningful Peer Response Praise," and EasyWriter "A Writer's Choices" & "Exploring, Planning, and Drafting" Finish drafting M1 Research Proposal Meet with Dr. Galbreath for a zoom conference—come prepared to discuss proposed research Week 5: 2/7 - 2/11 Readings: EasyWriter "Choosing among Types of Sources," & "Reading and Listening Analytically, Critically, and Respectfully" Module 2 Week 6: 2/14 - 2/18 Readings: Library findings, EasyWriter "Evaluating the Usefulness and Credibility of Potential Sources" & "Synthesizing Sources" Topic: Making connections & synthesizing sources Handout: Synthesis matrix Find more Library sources, entering them in your Annotated Bib section of the M2 as you go. Start filling in the synthesis matrix Begin gathering additional materials for primary research (additional community texts, multiple examples of specific genres) 2/1: post draft M1 for Idea Workshop 2/2: respond to at least 3 classmates 2/3: complete Revision statement 2/4: M1 Literate Activity Proposal Idea Workshop: Sharing ideas on writing- due related research Topic: Starting secondary research: What are the conversations around your topic? Major Assignment 2: Review of the Literature with Annotated Bibliography (due 3/4) 2/7: M1 Reflection due 2/8: Intro to Library Research Modules due (the LRSM shows up as a separate course in your dashboard) 2/11: Discussion post due 2/15: Discussion post due 2/16: Discussion response due 2/18: Complete Information Literacy Module: Conducting a Literature Review Week 7: 2/21 - 2/25 Readings: Module content, Library findings; EasyWriter, PK-1 - 8 "Understanding Portfolios" Topic: Organizing sources; talking about connections Tuesday: 1st Peer Review M2: Sources, citations, annotations Week 8: 2/28 - 3/4 Topic: Carving the niche Homework: Revise and prepare M2 Review of the Literature with Annotated Bibliography for submission 2/22: Draft Annotated Bib for Idea Workshop due 2/23: Idea Workshop responses due 2/25: Complete Information Literacy Module: Citing Sources Using MLA Style 3/1: Post draft Review of the Literature for peer feedback 3/2: Peer feedback due 3/4: M2 Review of the Literature due by 11:59pm 3/6 - 3/13 Spring Break Week 9: 3/14 - 3/18 Readings: Selections from Bazerman, “Speech Acts” & Hyland, “Disciplines & Discourses" Module 3 Week 10: 3/21 - 3/25 Reading: Module content & Denny and Clark, "How to Analyze Data in a Primary Research Study" Topic: Data Analysis: Interpreting primary research findings Homework: finish collecting a complete set of data findings. 3/22: Reading response due 3/24: Discussion: Post data findings and initial observations Withdrawal deadline Friday, March 25 by 11:59 pm Week 11: 3/28 - 4/1 Readings: Module content, Cohn, "Understanding Visual Rhetoric" Topic: Thinking visually: How can you present your work? 3/29: Reading Response 3/30: Post draft M3 Researched Argument for Idea Workshop 3/31: Peer feedback due Week 12: 4/4 - 4/8 EasyWriter PK-11 – 21, "Planning an Electronic Portfolio" Sign up for conference in week 13 4/5: Discussion: Post Revised M3 with Revision Reflection 4/6: Discussion responses due 4/8: M3 Researched Argument due Week 13: 4/11 - 4/15 Meet with Dr. Galbreath for individual conference 4/12: Discussion: Post link to ePortfolio for peer feedback 4/13: Peer feedback due 4/15: Ethics Quiz due Week 14: 4/18 - 4/22 Reflection workshop 4/19: Discussion: Initial Reflection on Research Process due 4/20: Peer feedback due Week 15: 4/25 - 4/29 Grade Forgiveness deadline 4/25 Tuesday 4/26: Study Day 4/27 - 5/3: Final Examination Period 4/27: ePortfolio due with final revised Researched Argument and Final Reflection Discussion: IMRD format & Research Methods for textual analysis Handout: Genre Textual Analysis worksheet Major Projects: M3 Researched Argument (due 4/8) and M4 ePortfolio (due 4/27) 3/15: Reading response due 3/17: Discussion due: Post ePortfolio link 3/18: Discussion responses due