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University Assignment: Computer Impact

University of Kotli AJ&K
Department of Education
Assignment no. 1
(Submission Date 19.09.2022)
1. The assignment has to be delivered as hard copy no later than the specified deadline.
2. The assignment is to be submitted in groups of 2 students, copying someone else's solution will lead to a
punishment, i.e. the one who provides his/her solution for copying and the one who copies, both will get zero marks.
3. Your name and registration number and class must be written at the start of assignment.
4. Your assignment should be written using MS word. Your assignment should be properly formatted. Your
assignment carries marks for formatting.
5. Do not copy word-for-word from any source. Write in your own words and give proper references with your
work. Your assignment carries marks for references.
Q. How Computer has impacted the world. Discuss both positive changes and negative changes.