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Author's Purpose Worksheet: Persuade, Inform, Entertain

Name: ___________________
I Can Identify the Author’s Purpose!
Read the statement and decide if the author is trying to
persuade, inform, or entertain.
I went to the best
birthday party ever this
weekend! We had giant
slices of sweet, chocolate
cake and fizzy pop. I had
the time of my life playing
freeze dance and jumping
in the bouncy castle!
Did you know that an
Vote for me for Class
African elephant can
President! I will make your
weigh more than 14,000
recesses longer, give you
pounds? They eat more
better lunch choices, and
than 100 pounds of food
get rid of homework! You
each day. That’s more
should vote for me!
than you weigh!
Name: ___________________
I Can Identify the Author’s Purpose!
Read the statement and decide if the author is trying to
persuade, inform, or entertain.
Dogs have an excellent
sense of smell. They also
can hear many sounds that
humans cannot. However,
humans have something
dogs do not. We can see in
color, but dogs only see in
black and white.
Last year I took a trip to
We should get a break
Florida. We got to travel in
from homework. The
an airplane! When we got
school day is already very
there, we saw the beach
long and when we get
and swam in the ocean. I
home we should have time
even collected seashells to
to get some exercise
bring home with me!
outside or rest our brains!
Name: ___________________
I Can Identify the Author’s Purpose!
Read the statement and decide if the author is trying to
persuade, inform, or entertain.
Cookies and Cream is the best
flavor of ice cream. It is the
best because it has real pieces
of Oreo cookies in it! The
vanilla ice cream mixed with the
chocolate cookie is the perfect
combination. You should try
Cookies and Cream ice cream!
One dark and stormy night, I
was walking down the street
when all of a sudden a dark
figure appeared in the bushes! I
told myself not to panic, but my
Helen Keller was an
important woman in history.
She was born in 1880 in
Alabama. Helen was the
heart was racing. However, as I
first deaf and blind person
got closer, I realized it was only
to graduate from college.
a cat roaming through the
She also became an author!
Name: ___________________
I Can Identify the Author’s Purpose!
Read the statement and decide if the author is trying to
persuade, inform, or entertain.
Junie B. Jones
I Wanna Iguana
Who Was Amelia Earhart?
Amelia Earhart was a
My name is Junie B. Jones.
Dear Mom,
The B stands for Beatrice.
I know you don’t think I
Except I don’t like
Beatrice. I just like B and
that’s all.
should have Mikey Gulligan’s
baby iguana when he moves,
but here’s why I should.
pioneer. In the 1920’s,
Amelia became a pilot.
This was in a time when
the airplane was still a new