TEFL Listening & Speaking Akam Azad Akam.hamadamin@visitors.soran.edu.iq Week 1 Sep.21st, 2022 Wednesday Today’s Session Coursebook Explanation Pre-course Survey Questions (Group Work) If Time Allows (Characteristics of 21st Century teachers) Q&A Pre-course Survey • What are the characteristics of successful teachers in the 21st century? • Have you heard of the important skills in the 21st century? if yes, what are they? • What does TEFL stand for? • What is the difference between Listening & Speaking Module and TEFL Listening & Speaking Module? • What are you hoping to learn in this subject? Pre-course Survey • What is the difference between teaching now and the past? • Can you teach your future students the same way you were taught in Basic School? Why? Why not? • What do you know about Microteaching? Pre-course Survey • What do you think of the use of technology in Listening & Speaking classes? • What is Whole Brain teaching approach? • How can you make a Listening & Speaking subject interesting? Characteristics of a 21st-Century Teacher They are adaptive Lifelong Learners Are Tech Savvy Know How to Collaborate Are Forward Thinking Are Advocates for the Profession Characteristics of a 21st-Century Teacher They are adaptive able to adapt to whatever comes there way. Being a teacher in today's world means that you have to adapt to the ever-changing tools and changes that are being implemented in the schools. Smartboards are replacing chalkboards and tablets are replacing textbooks and a 21st-century teacher needs to be okay with that. Characteristics of a 21st-Century Teacher Lifelong learners These educators don't just expect their students to be a lifelong learner, but they are as well. They stay upto-date with current educational trends and technology and know how to tweak their old lesson plans from years before to make them more current. Characteristics of a 21st-Century Teacher Are Tech Savvy These educators don't just expect their students to be a lifelong learner, but they are as well. They stay upto-date with current educational trends and technology and know how to tweak their old lesson plans from years before to make them more current. Characteristics of a 21st-Century Teacher Know how to collaborate An effective 21st-century educator must be able to collaborate and work well within a team. Over the past decade, this important skill has grown quite rapidly in schools. Learning is deemed to be more effective when you can share your ideas and knowledge with others. Sharing your expertise and experience, and communicating and learning from others is an important part of the learning and teaching process. Characteristics of a 21st-Century Teacher Are Forward Thinking An effective 21st-century educator thinks about their students' future and is aware of the career opportunities that may arise from them. They are always planning to ensure that no child gets left behind so they focus on preparing today's children for what's to come in the future. Characteristics of a 21st-Century Teacher Are advocates for the profession • They are an advocate not only for their students but their profession. Today's teachers are being watched with a close eye because of all of the changes in curriculum and the Common Core. Instead of sitting back, a 21st-century teacher takes a stand for their themselves and their profession. They pay close attention to what is going on in education and they address these issues head-on. • They also advocate for their students. Today's classrooms are filled with children who need someone to look out for them, give them advice, encouragement, and a listening ear. Effective teachers share their knowledge and expertise and act as a role model for their students. In Brief… 21st-century teaching means teaching as you have always taught but with today's tools and technology. It means utilizing everything that is important in today's world so that students will be able to live and prosper in today's economy, as well as having the ability to guide students and to prepare them for the future Links • Characteristics of a 21st-Century Teacher (thoughtco.com) • 15 Characteristics of a 21st-Century Teacher | Edutopia