Guro21 Course Reflection: 21st Century Teaching Competencies

Specialization: SOCIAL STUDIES
Subjects Handled: UCSP, DISS AND DIASS
End-of-Course Reflection Paper/Questionnaire
Guide Questions
How relevant and applicable were the course contents in
helping you enhance your competencies as 21st Century
What significant learning insights did you gain from the
Guro21 Course gives me a deeper understanding of the
competencies and attributes of 21st-century education that I
should adopt and apply in the teaching-learning process to help
my learners develop their full potential in a rapidly-changing
world and provide the quality education they deserve.
It helps me develop and improve the knowledge, skills, attitude,
and values that I should possess/adopt as a 21st-century
teacher, and guides me to enhance my capabilities in addressing
the different challenges that I encountered especially in the
teaching requirements of the 21st century, like in facilitating the
learning process through the integration of Information and
Communication Technology and applying different learning
strategies to cater all learners’ unique style, their ability or
readiness level of understanding. The application of Learners’
and cultural diversity reminds me to continue to instill the
importance of “RESPECT and ACCEPTANCE” to my learners so
that they will understand one another and work with unity and
collaboration in achieving the objectives and learning
competencies of their lessons.
In addition, the Course helps me to assess/evaluate my
characteristics, abilities, and capabilities for me to understand
and realize what should I enhance more and develop as my
lacking characteristics, skills and attitude as a 21st-century
I gained a lot of learning insight from the Course, specifically on
the competencies I should develop and apply in the teachinglearning process to produce a holistic education for my 21stcentury learners. The Course helps me understand the concept
of 21st-century education and gain knowledge on the new
learning perspectives in the light of the changes and challenges
to become a more adaptable and flexible teacher.
In addition, the course helps me understand the four pillars of
learning as fundamental principles for reshaping 21st-century
education that teachers should acquire and apply to provide
lifelong learning to learners.
What challenges or difficulties did you experience during the
The challenges I encountered while taking up the course, are
having insufficient time to read all the content of the modules of
the GURO21 Course since I need to prioritize my duties and
responsibilities as a teacher. And sometimes, there are
unexpected personal matters that hinder me from attending the
live session. There were time that, I wanted to give up the
course because sometimes it was difficult for me to balance my
time reading the content of modules 1 and 2 and doing my work
as a teacher and parent. But luckily, our facilitator, Ma’am
Debbie Lacuesta is very approachable and understands our
situation which encourages me to pursue the Course. Thanks to
you Ma’am Debbie…may your tribe increase and I salute you for
being a great facilitator.
What areas related to 21st Century teaching and learning do
you still need to improve on and why?
For me, I want to improve my knowledge of one of the
characteristics of 21st-century education, which is the
“Project-Based and Research Driven” because I do not have
enough knowledge on conducting research, especially on
Investigatory projects which are very important in developing
learners’ knowledge and skills on gathering relevant data and
information and applying the skills that they have in the real
Thus, as a teacher of 21st-century education, I must improve
my knowledge in researching so that I can guide/assist my
learners to become more active and critical thinkers in
conducting their research as they apply the knowledge of the
different concepts, theories, and principles that they have
What can you say about your overall experience (i.e.
comment on chat, forum, course requirements, FLT
competency, and the online modality)?
It is challenging but worth it learning experience. Because we
spent our time and effort to attend in our live sessions and in
doing our assignments and reflections. But along this are the
meaningful learning that we acquired from others as we shared
and exchanged our different learning experiences, ideas and
principles during our live sessions. Learning from others is one
of the activity in the course which I considered it as a
meaningful learning because participants were able to share
their best practices as a 21st century teachers to others so that
others can adopt it and apply in their teaching-learning process.
What are your other comments / suggestions for improving
the content coverage and future course deliveries?
To be one of the GURO21 Course is a big opportunity for me as a
teacher because I was given the opportunity to learn and
understand more the principles of 21st century education. The
Course has enlightened me on the things that I need to acquire
and possess as a 21st century teacher and provides me the
opportunity to grow professionally.
To all behind the SEAMEO Innotech GURO21 Course, I salute you
all for giving teachers the opportunity to improve their
knowledge, skills and attitudes through the course.