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International Business Study Guide

Study Guide for Quiz 1 -09/27/22
World Trade Organization (WTO)
Market size
Porter’s Diamond of National Competitive
world economy
currency fluctuations
think-local, act-local
think-global, act-global
use location to build competitive advantage
Specialized operations
global product division
vertical specialization
alliances and joint ventures
international division structure
network structures
cultural clusters
orientation toward cultural groups
product focus
French Culture
China Culture
GLOBE -assertiveness
geocentric predisposition
Advertising and culture
International Joint Venture
strategic logic
Determining Shape and Design of IJV
strategic alliance
economies of scale
markets of the future
Chateau Margaux -Strategy
United Cereal Structure -advantages
Sonata Software -IJV motives
Sonata Software -Deal, and implementation
Interim management
developing-country markets
factors shaping a company's strategy
related-industry cluster
political risks and economic risks
Acquisition versus internal development
global strategy
think-global, act-local
Dispersing value-chain activities
Interdependent relationships
mixed organization structure
wholly owned subsidiaries
nonequity venture
initial division structure
global area division structure
high-context and low-context culture
human resource management (HRM)
practices and culture
contingency matrix
Arab culture
India Culture
Russia Culture
polycentric predisposition
ethnocentric orientation
strategies for different cultures
Partnership and fit
Making the Venture Work
Motive for forming IJV
new technology and know-how
complementarity of interests
United Cereal -Structure
Chateau Margaux -Entry Mode
Sonata Software -Strategic logic
Guanghe Manufacturing