AC/DC ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS HANDS-ON SKILLS FOR LEARNING ACTIVITY PACKET 6: TRANSFORMERS ITEMS NEEDED FOR HANDS-ON SKILLS Amatrol Supplied 1 T7017 AC/DC Electrical Learning System FIRST EDITION, LAP 6, REV. A Amatrol, AMNET, CIMSOFT, MCL, MINI-CIM, IST, ITC, VEST, and Technovate are trademarks or registered trademarks of Amatrol, Inc. All other brand and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. Copyright © 2014 by AMATROL, INC. All rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, translated, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, optical, mechanical, or magnetic, including but not limited to photographing, photocopying, recording or any information storage and retrieval system, without written permission of the copyright owner. Amatrol, Inc., 2400 Centennial Blvd., Jeffersonville, IN 47130 USA, Ph 812-288-8285, FAX 812-283-1584 BB227-BC06UEN-E1 REV. A TRANSFORMERS Copyright © 2014 Amatrol, Inc. SKILL 1 CONNECT AND OPERATE A TRANSFORMER Procedure Overview In this procedure, you will connect and operate a transformer. Then you will use a DMM to show that a voltage is induced in the secondary. 1. Perform the following substeps to connect and supply power to the transformer. A. Connect the transformer to the power supply as shown in figures 1-1 and 1-2. This transformer has two primaries and two secondaries. In this application, you will connect the two primary windings in parallel (the different connection possibilities will be covered later in this LAP). B. Place the AC/DC selector switch in the AC position. C. Turn on the T7017 power supply. PRIMARY 1 SOURCE SELECT PRIMARY 2 AC DC 24V 12V 12V TRANSFORMER MODULE SECONDARY 1 Figure 1-1. SECONDARY 2 Operating a Transformer BB227-BC06UEN-E1-S01, REV. A TRANSFORMERS Copyright © 2014 Amatrol, Inc. S01-1 SKILL 1 CONNECT AND OPERATE A TRANSFORMER PRIMARY 1 SECONDARY 1 24 VAC PRIMARY 2 Figure 1-2. SECONDARY 2 Schematic of Transformer Connections 2. Set the DMM to measure AC volts and measure the voltage across the primary, as shown in figure 1-3. 30XR AC VOLTS SOURCE SELECT NON CONTACT VOLTAGE MIN MAX V AC DC 200 HOLD 600 OFF 600 V 200 20 20 2 200m 2 200m 200 24V 12V 2m 20M 2M 12V 20m 200k 200m 20k 2k 200 10 A 1.5V 9V 200 BATT BATT 1.5V 10 A 200m 2m 20m A mA V COM PRIMARY 10A CAT CAT A 600V 300V BATT 9V 200mA MAX FUSED 10A MAX FUSED MAX 600V 600V SECONDARY TRANSFORMER MODULE Figure 1-3. Measurement of Primary Voltage Primary voltage = ________________________________________ (VAC) It should be approximately 26.5 VAC. BB227-BC06UEN-E1-S01, REV. A TRANSFORMERS Copyright © 2014 Amatrol, Inc. S01-2 SKILL 1 CONNECT AND OPERATE A TRANSFORMER 3. Now measure the voltage across one of the secondaries, as shown in figure 1-4. Secondary voltage = ______________________________________ (VAC) The secondary voltage should be approximately 17.5 VAC. This voltage is being induced in the secondary winding by the magnetic field from the primary. 30XR AC VOLTS SOURCE SELECT NON CONTACT VOLTAGE MIN MAX V AC DC 200 HOLD 600 OFF 600 200 20 V 20 2 200m 2 200m 200 24V 12V 2m 20M 2M 12V 20m 200k 200m 20k 2k 200 10 A 1.5V 9V 200 BATT BATT 1.5V 10 A 200m 2m 20m A mA V COM PRIMARY 10A CAT CAT A 600V 300V BATT 9V 200mA MAX FUSED 10A MAX FUSED MAX 600V 600V SECONDARY TRANSFORMER MODULE Figure 1-4. Measurement of Secondary Voltage 4. Measure the voltage across the other secondary. Secondary voltage = ______________________________________ (VAC) It should be similar to the value in step 3. You will learn later why this is so. 5. Turn off the power supply. 6. Disconnect the circuit. 7. Store all components. BB227-BC06UEN-E1-S01, REV. A TRANSFORMERS Copyright © 2014 Amatrol, Inc. S01-3 SKILL 2 CALCULATE THE SECONDARY COIL VOLTAGE OF A TRANSFORMER Procedure Overview In this procedure, you will determine the voltage output of each secondary coil given the number of turns of the primary, the number of turns of each secondary and the primary coil voltage. 1. Perform the following substeps to determine the secondary voltage of the transformer shown in figure 2-1. A. First, calculate the turns ratio of the transformer. TR = ______________________________________________________ PRIMARY 120 VAC Figure 2-1. 100 TURNS SECONDARY 50 TURNS V VS Calculating Secondary Voltage The solution is as follows: TR = NP / N S TR = (100 / 50) The turns ratio is 2/1. This ratio is usually written as 2:1. BB227-BC06UEN-E1-S02, REV. A TRANSFORMERS Copyright © 2014 Amatrol, Inc. S02-1 SKILL 2 CALCULATE THE SECONDARY COIL VOLTAGE OF A TRANSFORMER B. Next, calculate the secondary voltage of the transformer. The schematic shows that the input voltage is 120 VAC. VS _______________________________________________________________________________________(VAC) The solution is as follows: VS = VP TR VS = 120 / 2 The secondary voltage should be 60 VAC. Since the secondary voltage is less than the primary voltage, the transformer is called a step-down transformer. 2. Calculate the turns ratio and the secondary voltage of the transformer shown in figure 2-2. TR = ________________________________________________________ VS = ___________________________________________________ (VAC) The secondary voltage in this case is 360 VAC, which is 3 times higher than the primary voltage. When a transformer has a higher secondary voltage than the primary voltage, it is called a step-up transformer. PRIMARY 120 VAC Figure 2-2. 60 TURNS SECONDARY 180 TURNS V VS Transformer Circuit 3. Calculate the turns ratio and the secondary voltage for the circuit shown in figure 11 if the primary has 400 turns and the secondary has 100 turns. TR = ________________________________________________________ VS = _________________________________________________________ The turns ration is 4:1 and the secondary voltage is 30 VAC. BB227-BC06UEN-E1-S02, REV. A TRANSFORMERS Copyright © 2014 Amatrol, Inc. S02-2 SKILL 2 CALCULATE THE SECONDARY COIL VOLTAGE OF A TRANSFORMER 4. Calculate the secondary voltage for the circuit shown in figure 2-2 and described in step 3 if the input voltage is 480 VAC. VS ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ The secondary voltage is 120 VAC. A transformer can also have more than one secondary coil, as shown in figure 2-3. The amount of voltage induced in each secondary is calculated using the same formula used for a transformer with a single secondary. PRIMARY 300 TURNS SECONDARY 150 TURNS V 100 TURNS V SECONDARY 2 30 TURNS V VS2 120 VAC Figure 2-3. SECONDARY 1 VS1 SECONDARY 3 VS3 A Step-Down Transformer 5. Perform the following substeps to calculate the voltage output of each secondary in figure 2-3. A. Calculate the turns ratio for each secondary. TR S1 = ___________________________________________________ TR S2 = ___________________________________________________ TR S3 = ___________________________________________________ The turns ratio for the secondary 1 is 2:1. The turns ratio for secondary 2 is 3:1. The turns ratio for secondary 3 is 10:1. B. Calculate the voltages for each secondary. VS1 = _______________________________________________ (VAC) VS2 = _______________________________________________ (VAC) VS3 = _______________________________________________ (VAC) The voltage of secondary 1 should be 60 VAC. The voltage of secondary 2 should be 40 VAC. The voltage of secondary 3 should be 12 VAC. BB227-BC06UEN-E1-S02, REV. A TRANSFORMERS Copyright © 2014 Amatrol, Inc. S02-3 SKILL 2 CALCULATE THE SECONDARY COIL VOLTAGE OF A TRANSFORMER 6. Perform the following substeps to calculate the voltage output of each secondary in figure 2-4. A. Calculate the turns ratio for each secondary. TR S1 = ___________________________________________________ TR S2 = ___________________________________________________ TR S3 = ___________________________________________________ TR S4 = ___________________________________________________ The turns ratio for secondary 1 is 10:1, secondary 2 is 5:1, secondary 3 is 2:1 and secondary 4 is 100:1. B. Calculate the voltage of each secondary. VS1 = ________________________________________________ (VAC) VS2 = ________________________________________________ (VAC) VS3 = ________________________________________________ (VAC) VS4 = ________________________________________________ (VAC) The voltage of secondary 1 is 24 VAC, secondary 2 is 48 VAC, secondary 3 is 120 VAC and secondary 4 is 2.4 VAC. 500 TURNS 240 VAC 50 TURNS SECONDARY 1 100 TURNS SECONDARY 2 250 TURNS SECONDARY 3 5 TURNS Figure 2-4. SECONDARY 4 Voltage Output of Each Secondary Calculation BB227-BC06UEN-E1-S02, REV. A TRANSFORMERS Copyright © 2014 Amatrol, Inc. S02-4 SKILL 3 TROUBLESHOOT A TRANSFORMER BY MEASURING CONTINUITY Procedure Overview In this procedure, you will troubleshoot a transformer for opens and shorts on the primary and secondary to determine if it is good. 1. Place the transformer module from the T7017 on the work surface of the trainer. 2. Set the DMM to measure resistance. 3. Check the primary coils for an open by measuring the resistance across each as shown in figure 3-1. If the ohmmeter reads infinite resistance, the coil is open and the transformer is bad. Record the resistance of the primary coils below. Primary 1_______________________________________________ (ohms) Primary 2_______________________________________________ (ohms) You should find that both primaries have resistance. This is the DC resistance of the wire used for the primary coil. The transformer module used on the T7017 should display a resistance of approximately 80 to 110 ohms. Larger control transformers may only read a fraction of an ohm to a few ohms. PRIMARY 1 30XR PRIMARY 2 OHMS NON CONTACT VOLTAGE MIN MAX PRIMARY TERMINALS V 200 HOLD 600 OFF 600 200 20 V 20 2 200m 2 200m 200 2m 20M 2M 20m 200k 200m 20k 2k 200 1.5V 9V SECONDARY TERMINALS 200 BATT BATT 1.5V 10 A 200m 2m 20m A mA SECONDARY 1 10A CAT CAT V COM TRANSFORMER MODULE Figure 3-1. 10 A A 600V 300V BATT 9V 200mA MAX FUSED 10A MAX FUSED MAX 600V 600V SECONDARY 2 Measuring Resistance Across the Primary BB227-BC06UEN-E1-S03, REV. A TRANSFORMERS Copyright © 2014 Amatrol, Inc. S03-1 SKILL 3 TROUBLESHOOT A TRANSFORMER BY MEASURING CONTINUITY 4. Check the secondary coils for an open by measuring the resistance across each. If the ohmmeter reads infinite resistance, the coil is open and the transformer is bad. Record the resistance of the secondary coils below. Secondary 1_____________________________________________ (ohms) Secondary 2_____________________________________________ (ohms) You should find that both secondaries have resistance. This is the DC resistance of the wire used for the secondary coil. The transformer module used on the T7017 should display a resistance of approximately 30 to 50 ohms. Larger control transformers may only read a fraction of an ohm to a few ohms. In the next 5 steps, you will be checking for shorts between the coils of the transformer. It does not matter from which side of the coils you take these measurements since anything other than infinite resistance between the coils indicates a bad transformer. 5. Connect one lead from your ohmmeter to one terminal of the Primary 1 coil. 6. Touch the second lead of your ohmmeter to one terminal of the other primary coil. Observe the reading on the ohmmeter. Resistance ______________________________________________ (ohms) If the reading on the ohmmeter is anything other than infinite resistance, the transformer is bad and should not be used. 7. Move the second lead of the ohmmeter to one terminal of each of the secondary coils. Record the resistance for each measurement. Resistance ______________________________________________ (ohms) Resistance ______________________________________________ (ohms) Both measurements should be infinite if the transformer is good. 8. Connect one lead from your ohmmeter to the Primary 2 coil. 9. Repeat step 7 with the second lead of the ohmmeter connected to one terminal of each of the secondary coils. Resistance ______________________________________________ (ohms) Resistance ______________________________________________ (ohms) Again, the resistances should both be infinite if the transformer is good. 10. Now place one lead of the ohmmeter on each secondary coil and record the resistance below. Resistance ______________________________________________ (ohms) Again, the resistance should be infinite if the transformer is good. BB227-BC06UEN-E1-S03, REV. A TRANSFORMERS Copyright © 2014 Amatrol, Inc. S03-2 SKILL 3 TROUBLESHOOT A TRANSFORMER BY MEASURING CONTINUITY You have now verified that no shorts exist between any of the transformer coils. In the next step, you will test for any shorts between the coils of the transformer and the core of the transformer. The core of the transformer is normally connected to earth ground. This is done to ensure that the core is never above ground potential and will not expose people to a shock hazard if they come in contact with the transformer core. NOTE The transformer used on the T7017 is a small circuit board mount unit which when used with the 24VAC on the trainer does not present a shock hazard. If this transformer were larger or being used with higher voltages, the core would need to be grounded. NOTE The core of the transformer on the T7017 has a coating of shellac to protect it from oxidizing. To make contact with the core itself you will need to place the leads of the ohmmeter inside the tapped holes of the transformer core. 11. Place the leads of the ohmmeter inside the two tapped holes of the transformer core as shown in figure 3-2. This allows you to make contact with the core itself. 30XR PRIMARY OHMS NON CONTACT VOLTAGE MIN MAX V 200 HOLD 600 OFF 600 200 20 V 20 2 200m 2 200m 200 2m 20M 2M 20m 200k STANCOR 200m 20k 2k 200 10 A 1.5V 9V 200 BATT BATT 1.5V 10 A 200m 2m 20m A mA V COM 10A CAT CAT A 600V 300V BATT 9V 200mA MAX FUSED 10A MAX FUSED MAX 600V 600V SECONDARY Figure 3-2. Tapped Holes in Core for Ohmmeter Lead Placement BB227-BC06UEN-E1-S03, REV. A TRANSFORMERS Copyright © 2014 Amatrol, Inc. S03-3 SKILL 3 TROUBLESHOOT A TRANSFORMER BY MEASURING CONTINUITY 12. Press the leads of the ohmmeter against the sides of the tapped holes and observe the ohmmeter. You should be reading a very low resistance (less than 2 ohms). If the ohmmeter does not indicate a connection, use the leads of the ohmmeter to scrape any shellac off the inside of the tapped holes until the ohmmeter shows a connection. Resistance ______________________________________________ (ohms) 13. Now, leave one lead in contact with the core and use the second lead to touch one terminal of each of the transformer coils. The ohmmeter should indicate infinite resistance between the core and all coils. If it does not, the transformer is bad and should not be used. Resistance ______________________________________________ (ohms) You have now verified that none of the transformer coils are shorted to the transformer core. 14. Store all components. BB227-BC06UEN-E1-S03, REV. A TRANSFORMERS Copyright © 2014 Amatrol, Inc. S03-4 SKILL 4 SIZE A TRANSFORMER Procedure Overview In this procedure, you will use the table in figure 16 to size a transformer for several applications. This is a typical catalog specification. 1. Perform the following substeps to size a transformer for the following application: A machine needs a transformer to step down the line voltage from 240 VAC to 120 VAC. The maximum in-rush current the machine’s motor draws is 4 amps. A. Calculate the maximum in-rush VA that will be required. Maximum in-rush VA = ___________________________________(VA) This can be found by multiplying the maximum in-rush current by the operating voltage of the machine. Maximum in-rush VA should be 480 VA (120 V × 4A). B. Choose a transformer from the table in figure 16 that has a greater maximum in-rush VA rating than the machine requires. Maximum In-rush VA Rating = _____________________________(VA) In this case, the fourth transformer from the top with a maximum in-rush VA of 660 VA would be the correct choice. BB227-BC06UEN-E1-S04, REV. A TRANSFORMERS Copyright © 2014 Amatrol, Inc. S04-1 SKILL 4 SIZE A TRANSFORMER 2. Select a transformer from the table in figure 4-1 given the following information: Maximum in-rush current drawn by the machine’s motor is 10A. The line voltage is 240 VAC from a 25A circuit breaker. The operating voltage of the machine is 120 VAC. Maximum in-rush VA = _____________________________________(VA) Maximum in-rush VA of selected transformer = __________________(VA) The selection should be the transformer with a rating of 1360. TRANSFORMER ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS AND ORDERING DATA (SUPPLY VOLTAGE 220 VAC) VA Max. Inrush VA† 50 75 100 150 250 500 1000 180 218 273 660 1360 1964 4014 Temp. Rise Dimensions A B C Model 636- 110-120 V Secondary Voltage Rating 55°C 55 55 55 55 115 115 3-5/16” 3-9/16” 3-3/4 4-5/16 5 5-1/2 6-3/4 3” 3-3/8 3-3/8 4-1/2 4-1/2 4-1/2 5-1/4 2-1/2 2-7/8 2-7/8 3-13/16 3-13/16 3-3/4 4-3/8 1111 1121 1131 1141 1161 1191 1211 2-1/2 2-7/8 3-13/16 1111824 1131824 1141824 22-24V Secondary Voltage Rating 50 100 150 180 273 660 55 55 55 3-5/16 3-3/4 4-5/16 3 3-3/8 4-1/2 (*) Terminal Type (†) Capability VA. Refers to maximum inrush VA after calculations are made. Figure 4-1. Transformer Electrical Specifications 3. Select a transformer from the table in figure 4-1 given the following information: Maximum in-rush for the machine is 15A. Operating voltage = 120 VAC. Maximum in-rush VA = _____________________________________(VA) Maximum in-rush VA of selected transformer = __________________(VA) The transformer with a VA rating of 1964 should be selected. This skill has taught how to select a transformer to operate at rated load and voltage. A transformer can be operated at something other than rated load and voltage. However, the efficiency will be lower. In the next objective, you will learn more about this. BB227-BC06UEN-E1-S04, REV. A TRANSFORMERS Copyright © 2014 Amatrol, Inc. S04-2 Activity 1. Transformer Power Loss Procedure Overview In this procedure, you will load a transformer and take measurements which will allow you to calculate the power in and out of the transformer. You will then use these actual power values to calculate the efficiency of the transformer. This will show that the transformer does in fact lose power. 1. Connect the circuit shown in figure 1-1. Set the DMM to measure AC current (you will want to use the mA input jack). This circuit uses the resistor module which has two 220 ohm resistors. These resistors are connected in series to create a load of 440 ohms. 30XR AC CURRENT SOURCE SELECT NON CONTACT VOLTAGE MIN MAX V 200 HOLD 600 OFF 600 200 20 AC V 20 2 200m DC 2 200m 200 2m 20M 2M 24V 12V 200m 20k 2k 200 12V 200 BATT BATT 1.5V 10 A 200m 2m 20m A mA V COM 3 2 1 CAT CAT A BATT 9V 7 6 5 R1 220 MAX 600V 600V PRIMARY TRANSFORMER MODULE 8 5 600V 300V 200mA MAX FUSED 10A MAX FUSED 4 1 10 A 1.5V 9V 10A A 20m 200k 2 6 3 7 24 VAC R2 220 SECONDARY 4 220 8 R1 220 R2 Figure 1-1. TRANSFORMER LOAD MODULE Test Circuit for Activity 1 2. Place the AC/DC selector switch on the power supply in the AC position. 3. Turn on the power supply and record the reading displayed by the DMM in the space provided. This is the transformer primary current. Transformer primary current = _______________________________ (mA) Primary current should be approximately 78mA. BB227-BC06UEN-E1-A01, REV. A TRANSFORMERS Copyright © 2014 Amatrol, Inc. A01-1 ACTIVITY 1. TRANSFORMER POWER LOSS 4. Use the analog voltmeter on the T7017 to measure the voltage across the primary and record this value below. Transformer primary voltage = ______________________________ (VAC) Primary voltage should be approximately 26.5 VAC. 5. Turn off the power supply. 6. Now move the DMM to measure the current in the secondary, as shown in figure 1-2. 30XR AC CURRENT SOURCE SELECT NON CONTACT VOLTAGE MIN MAX V 200 HOLD 600 OFF 600 200 20 AC V 20 2 200m DC 2 200m 200 2m 20M 2M 24V 12V 200m 20k 2k 200 12V 1.5V 9V 200 BATT 10 A 200m 2m 20m A mA 2 A 600V 300V PRIMARY 8 7 6 R1 220 MAX 600V 600V 1 TRANSFORMER MODULE A BATT 9V 200mA MAX FUSED 10A MAX FUSED 3 CAT CAT V COM 4 5 10 A BATT 1.5V 10A 1 20m 200k 2 6 3 7 24 VAC 5 R2 220 SECONDARY 220 R1 4 8 220 R2 TRANSFORMER LOAD MODULE Figure 1-2. Move the AC Ammeter to Measure the Secondary Current 7. Turn on the power supply and record the reading displayed by the DMM in the space provided. This is the transformer secondary current. Transformer secondary current =(mA) Secondary current should be approximately 54mA. 8. Use the analog voltmeter on the T7017 to measure the voltage across the secondary and record this value below. Transformer secondary voltage = ____________________________ (VAC) Since the transformer is connected in a 1:1 configuration this value should be close to the value you recorded in step 4 (approximately 26.5VAC). 9. Turn off the power supply. BB227-BC06UEN-E1-A01, REV. A TRANSFORMERS Copyright © 2014 Amatrol, Inc. A01-2 ACTIVITY 1. TRANSFORMER POWER LOSS 10. Use the data you obtained in steps 3 and 4 to calculate the power being used by the primary. Primary Power = _________________________________________ (Watts) The solution is as follows: P = I×E P = 78mA × 26.5V P = 2.06 Watts The power used by the primary is approximately 2 Watts. Your computed value may vary slightly depending on actual values obtained in steps 3 and 4. 11. Use the data you obtained in steps 7 and 8 to calculate the power being used by the load on the secondary. Secondary Power = _______________________________________ (Watts) The solution is as follows: P = I×E P = 54mA × 26.5V P = 1.43 Watts Power used by the secondary is approximately 1.43 Watts, your computed value may vary slightly depending on actual values obtained in steps 7 and 8. 12. Use the actual power values that you calculated in steps 10 and 11 to calculate the efficiency of the transformer. Record your answer in the space provided. Transformer Efficiency = ______________________________________ % The solution is as follows: Transformer Efficiency % = Transformer Efficiency % = Power Out Power In 1.43 2.0 × 100 × 100 Transformer Efficiency % = 0.71 × 100 Transformer Efficiency % = 71% The actual transformer efficiency is approximately 71%. Your computed value may vary slightly depending on actual values obtained in steps 10 and 11. NOTE This efficiency is fairly low because of this transformer’s small size. Also we are using it at a voltage other than that for which it was designed (24 volts instead of 240 volts). A normally-loaded transformer usually has an efficiency in the 90% range. BB227-BC06UEN-E1-A01, REV. A TRANSFORMERS Copyright © 2014 Amatrol, Inc. A01-3 SKILL 5 CALCULATE THE CURRENT LOAD ON A TRANSFORMER Procedure Overview In this procedure, you will use the information given to size a transformer for the application. You will also determine if the machine will cause an overload on the feed circuit. 1. Perform the following substeps to calculate the current load on a transformer. The secondary voltage (VS) is 120 volts and secondary current (IS) is 3 amps. The primary voltage (VP) is 240 volts. A. Calculate the VA. VA = _________________________________________________ (Amps) The solution is as follows: VA = VS × IS VA = 120 × 3 VA = 360 B. Select a transformer from the chart in figure 16. Model No. _________________________________________________ You should pick one which has a VA larger than 360. This is model 636-1191. C. Calculate the maximum current of the transformer. Maximum Current ____________________________________ (Amps) The solution is found by dividing the maximum VA of the transformer by the primary voltage. This is: IP = 500 ÷ 240 IP = 2.08 Amps BB227-BC06UEN-E1-S05, REV. A TRANSFORMERS Copyright © 2014 Amatrol, Inc. S05-1 SKILL 5 CALCULATE THE CURRENT LOAD ON A TRANSFORMER 2. Calculate the maximum current load of a transformer given the circuit in figure 5-1. Then, select a transformer from the chart in figure 5-2. Transformer Model _____________________________________________ Current load, IP =________________________________________ (Amps) The answer is transformer 636-1161 and 1.0 amp. IP 2 AMPS 240 VOLTS Figure 5-1. DEVICE 120 VOLTS Minimum Current Load Calculation TRANSFORMER ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS AND ORDERING DATA (SUPPLY VOLTAGE 220 VAC) VA Max. Inrush VA† 50 75 100 150 250 500 1000 180 218 273 660 1360 1964 4014 Temp. Rise Dimensions A B C Model 636- 110-120 V Secondary Voltage Rating 55°C 55 55 55 55 115 115 3-5/16” 3-9/16” 3-3/4 4-5/16 5 5-1/2 6-3/4 3” 3-3/8 3-3/8 4-1/2 4-1/2 4-1/2 5-1/4 2-1/2 2-7/8 2-7/8 3-13/16 3-13/16 3-3/4 4-3/8 1111 1121 1131 1141 1161 1191 1211 2-1/2 2-7/8 3-13/16 1111824 1131824 1141824 22-24V Secondary Voltage Rating 50 100 150 180 273 660 55 55 55 3-5/16 3-3/4 4-5/16 3 3-3/8 4-1/2 (*) Terminal Type (†) Capability VA. Refers to maximum inrush VA after calculations are made. Figure 5-2. Transformer Electrical Specifications BB227-BC06UEN-E1-S05, REV. A TRANSFORMERS Copyright © 2014 Amatrol, Inc. S05-2 SKILL 5 CALCULATE THE CURRENT LOAD ON A TRANSFORMER 3. Calculate the maximum current load for the transformer in figure 5-3 given the following information. Then, select a transformer from the chart in figure 5-2. HINT The wattage rating of the light bulb determines the VA of the secondary. Transformer Model _____________________________________________ Current load, IP =_______________________________________________ The answer is transformer 636-1131 and .42 amps. IP 240 VOLTS Figure 5-3. 120 VOLTS 100 WATT LIGHT BULB Maximum Current Load Calculation 4. Determine if a new machine can be added to a circuit given the following information: Line voltage of 240 VAC is fed from a 30 A circuit breaker to three other machines which are drawing a total of 25 A. You need to know whether or not adding a fourth machine will overload the circuit. The current required for the fourth machine is 4 A and its operating voltage is 120 VAC. Select the correct transformer from figure 5-2 and use its maximum VA to calculate the current load. Machine #4 Current Load, IP = _____________________________ (Amps) Machine can be added ___________________________________ (Yes/No) The current load is 2.08 Amps. The machine can be added to the existing circuit. BB227-BC06UEN-E1-S05, REV. A TRANSFORMERS Copyright © 2014 Amatrol, Inc. S05-3 SKILL 6 DESIGN A CONTROL TRANSFORMER CIRCUIT TO PROVIDE A GIVEN OUTPUT VOLTAGE Procedure Overview In this procedure, you will determine how the primaries of a control transformer should be connected to produce a desired output given the line voltage and number of turns of each coil. You will then connect a transformer to deliver their desired output. 1. Redraw the control transformer schematic shown in figure 6-1 on a separate piece of paper. Make the connections so that the output voltage is 120 VAC. H1 H3 100 TURNS X1 100 TURNS 240 VAC H2 X2 100 TURNS H4 Figure 6-1. Control Transformer Schematic BB227-BC06UEN-E1-S06, REV. A TRANSFORMERS Copyright © 2014 Amatrol, Inc. S06-1 SKILL 6 DESIGN A CONTROL TRANSFORMER CIRCUIT TO PROVIDE A GIVEN OUTPUT VOLTAGE 2. Redraw the schematic shown in figure 6-2 with the transformer connected to produce a turns ratio of 1:1. Use both primary and secondary coils. Draw your circuit on a separate piece of paper. This is the transformer on the T7017 transformer module. Notice that the transformer has two primaries and two secondaries. Also, the primary coils are not crossed. 1 5 SECONDARY PRIMARY 100 TURNS 50 TURNS 2 6 3 7 100 TURNS 50 TURNS 8 4 Figure 6-2. Transformer on the Transformer Module NOTE The number of turns listed for the transformer coils in figure 6-2 is used simply to show the turns ratio concept. The actual number of turns in the coils is proprietary information and not available from the manufacturer. 3. Connect the circuit you drew in step 2 on the T7017. Use the 24 VAC jacks to supply power to the transformer. 4. Turn on the power supply and use the DMM to measure the input and output voltages. Record these values below: Input Voltage ____________________________________________ (VAC) Output Voltage __________________________________________ (VAC) You should find an input voltage of approximately 26.5 VAC and an output voltage of approximately 35 VAC. The output voltage is actually greater than the input voltage. This is because transformers of the size used on the T7017 are rated for the output voltage at a specific output current. BB227-BC06UEN-E1-S06, REV. A TRANSFORMERS Copyright © 2014 Amatrol, Inc. S06-2 SKILL 6 DESIGN A CONTROL TRANSFORMER CIRCUIT TO PROVIDE A GIVEN OUTPUT VOLTAGE In the next four steps, you will add a load to the secondary of the transformer. This load is sized to draw rated current from the transformer. You will then re-check the input and output voltages. NOTE This is the same reason you actually read 26.5 VAC at the T7017 power supply jacks. It is rated for 24 VAC at a specific load current. 5. Turn off the power supply. 6. Add a 440 ohm load to the secondary of the transformer, as shown in figure 6-3. NOTE The 440 ohm load is created by connecting the two 220 ohm resistors in series. 5 TRANSFORMER MODULE 5 8 SECONDARY 6 R1 220 7 R2 220 220 R1 220 R2 TRANSFORMER LOAD MODULE Figure 6-3. 8 Load for Transformer Secondary 7. Turn the power supply back on. 8. Use the DMM to measure the input and output voltages. Record these values below: Input Voltage ____________________________________________ (VAC) Output Voltage __________________________________________ (VAC) You should find that the input voltage is still approximately 26.5 VAC but the output voltage is now also approximately 26.5. This is the 1:1 ratio when the transformer is loaded. BB227-BC06UEN-E1-S06, REV. A TRANSFORMERS Copyright © 2014 Amatrol, Inc. S06-3 SKILL 6 DESIGN A CONTROL TRANSFORMER CIRCUIT TO PROVIDE A GIVEN OUTPUT VOLTAGE 9. Turn off the power supply. 10. Solve the following design problem. With the primary connected in parallel, determine how the transformer secondary should be connected to produce a turns ratio of 2:1. Draw your circuit on a separate piece of paper. 11. Connect your circuit on the T7017. 12. Add a 110 ohm load to the secondary of the transformer, as shown in figure 6-4. This will properly load the transformer for this ratio. NOTE The 110 ohm load is attained by connecting the two 220 ohm resistors in parallel. 5 TRANSFORMER MODULE 5 8 SECONDARY 220 R1 6 R1 220 R2 220 7 220 R2 TRANSFORMER LOAD MODULE Figure 6-4. 8 Load for Transformer Secondary 13. Turn the power supply back on. 14. Use the DMM to measure the input and output voltages, record these values below: Input Voltage ____________________________________________ (VAC) Output Voltage __________________________________________ (VAC) You should find an input voltage is still approximately 26.5 VAC but the output voltage is approximately 13.2. This is the 2:1 step down ratio. 15. Turn off the power supply. 16. Disconnect and store all components. BB227-BC06UEN-E1-S06, REV. A TRANSFORMERS Copyright © 2014 Amatrol, Inc. S06-4 Activity 2. The Distribution Transformer Procedure Overview In this procedure, you will connect the transformer module on the T7017 in a configuration which will simulate a distribution transformer. You will then take measurements to verify the available voltages and currents present in the transformer. This will show you how important it is to have balanced loads on a distribution transformer. 1. Connect the circuit shown in figure 2-1. This circuit simulates a distribution transformer. Since each secondary has an equal number of turns, the connection of the two secondaries is equivalent to a center tap. NOTE The transformer is actually set up for a 1:1 ratio. In an actual distribution transformer, this would be a much greater ratio. The secondary configuration is what we will be testing in this procedure. PRIMARY SECONDARY CENTER TAP 24 VAC 220 220 Figure 2-1. Distribution Transformer Configuration BB227-BC06UEN-E1-A02, REV. A TRANSFORMERS Copyright © 2014 Amatrol, Inc. A02-1 ACTIVITY 2. THE DISTRIBUTION TRANSFORMER 2. Turn on the power supply. 3. Use the DMM to measure the voltage across the secondary as shown in figure 2-2. Record this reading below. Voltage across secondary __________________________________ (VAC) You should measure approximately 25 to 26 VAC. This is where the high power requirement loads would be attached to the distribution transformer. PRIMARY 24 VAC SECONDARY 220 V 220 Figure 2-2. Measuring the Secondary Voltage BB227-BC06UEN-E1-A02, REV. A TRANSFORMERS Copyright © 2014 Amatrol, Inc. A02-2 ACTIVITY 2. THE DISTRIBUTION TRANSFORMER 4. Use the DMM to measure the voltage across each of the two loads. Record below the voltage across load #1 and load #2 in the spaces provided. Figure 2-3 shows the connection for measuring the voltage across load 1. The two 220 ohm resistors represent the 120 VAC loads that would be balanced across the secondary of the transformer. Voltage across load #1 = _____________________________________ VAC Voltage across load #2 = _____________________________________ VAC You should measure approximately 12.5 to 13 VAC across the loads. This is how the user accessible outlets and lighting circuits would be attached to the distribution transformer. PRIMARY SECONDARY 220 V 24 VAC 220 Figure 2-3. Measuring the Voltage Across the Loads BB227-BC06UEN-E1-A02, REV. A TRANSFORMERS Copyright © 2014 Amatrol, Inc. A02-3 ACTIVITY 2. THE DISTRIBUTION TRANSFORMER 5. Perform the following substeps to measure the current flowing through load #1. A. Turn off the power supply. B. Configure the DMM to measure AC current, use the mA input jack. C. Place the meter in series with load #1 as shown in figure 2-4. SECONDARY TRANSFORMER MODULE 8 7 6 5 A 5 30XR AC CURRENT NON CONTACT VOLTAGE MIN MAX R1 220 HOLD LOAD #1 V 200 600 OFF 600 200 20 6 V 20 2 200m 220 2 200m 200 2m 20M R1 2M 20m 200k 200m 20k 2k 200 10 A 1.5V 9V 220 200 BATT BATT 1.5V A mA R2 10 A 200m 2m 20m LOAD #2 CAT CAT V COM 10A 600V 300V R2 220 BATT 9V 200mA MAX FUSED 10A MAX FUSED MAX 600V 600V TRANSFORMER LOAD MODULE Figure 2-4. 7 A 8 Measuring Load #1 Current D. Turn on the power supply. 6. Record below the current flowing through load #1. Load #1 current = _________________________________________ (mA) You should measure approximately 55 to 65 mA of current through load #1. 7. Repeat step 5 to obtain the current through load #2. Record this value below. Load #2 current = _________________________________________ (mA) You should measure approximately 55 to 65 mA of current through load #2. In the next steps, you will calculate the unbalanced current that should be flowing in the common conductor. You will then measure the common current to verify that only the unbalanced current is flowing in the common. BB227-BC06UEN-E1-A02, REV. A TRANSFORMERS Copyright © 2014 Amatrol, Inc. A02-4 ACTIVITY 2. THE DISTRIBUTION TRANSFORMER 8. Subtract the lower of the two values you recorded in steps 6 and 7 from the higher of the two values. This gives you the approximate current that is flowing in the common conductor. Record this value below. Unbalanced current = ______________________________________ (mA) Typical values will range from 2 to 7 mA. NOTE It is possible to have these two exactly equal each other. If they match exactly, you should read zero current in the common line. However, actual values will usually not match exactly and will leave a small amount of unbalanced current. 9. Move the DMM to now measure current in the common as shown in figure 2-5. SECONDARY TRANSFORMER MODULE 5 8 7 6 5 30XR R1 220 AC CURRENT NON CONTACT VOLTAGE MIN MAX HOLD LOAD #1 V 200 600 OFF 600 200 20 A 20 2 200m 2 200m 220 200 R1 2m 20M 2M 20m 200k 7 200m 20k 2k 200 10 A 1.5V 9V 200 BATT BATT 1.5V 10 A 200m 2m 20m A mA CAT CAT V COM 10A 6 V A R2 220 220 600V 300V R2 BATT 9V 200mA MAX FUSED 10A MAX FUSED LOAD #2 MAX 600V 600V TRANSFORMER LOAD MODULE Figure 2-5. 8 Measuring Current in the Common 10. Turn on the power supply and record below the current flowing in the common. Current in the common = ___________________________________ (mA) Typical values will range from 2 to 7 mA depending on actual resistance and voltage values. BB227-BC06UEN-E1-A02, REV. A TRANSFORMERS Copyright © 2014 Amatrol, Inc. A02-5 ACTIVITY 2. THE DISTRIBUTION TRANSFORMER 11. Compare the value you measured in step 10 with the value you calculated in step 8. Are they close? ________________________________________ (Yes/No) You should find that these values match exactly, any differences will be in the meter or reading accuracy. As you can see, if the loads on a distribution transformer are balanced, the common current is almost zero. 12. Turn off the power supply. 13. Disconnect and store all components. BB227-BC06UEN-E1-A02, REV. A TRANSFORMERS Copyright © 2014 Amatrol, Inc. A02-6