Te echn nicaal Sub S bmitttall Biitup proof 4 40S Watter based, rubberized d bitumen coating By: DCP Saaudi Contents 1. Technical Datasheet 2. Method Statement 3. Material Safety Data sheet 4. Test Reports 5. Previous Approvals 6. Reference Jobs Technical Datasheet Bituproof 40S Water based bitumen coa ng Description Technical Properties @ 250C: Bituproof 40S is a black/brown emulsified cold applied bitumen liquid, ac ng as damp-proof, vapour barrier for concrete and masonry, and as a general purpose primer for bituminous membranes. Form: Liquid Density: 1.1 ± 0.1 g/cm³ Overcoa ng me: 1 - 4 hr Applications Applica on temperature: 5 - 45⁰C Bituproof 40S provides a vapour barrier, protec ve coa ng, and curing compound for: Drying me*: porous surfaces non-porous surfaces 0.5 hr 1 - 2 hr VOC: < 40 g/ltr Under ground concrete founda ons. Concrete and masonry block walls. Walls below cladding systems. Concrete slabs. Basement walls. Works as a primer for concrete, masonry surfaces, before applying waterproofing bituminous membranes. Advantages Resists a ack by chlorides and sulphate ions present in ground water. Easy to use. Economical. Water base, has no solvents. Does not rot. Standards Bituproof 40S complies with ASTM D1227-13, Type II, Class 2. Note: Depending on humidity and temperature, drying me may vary. Application It is recommended that two coats of Bituproof 40S be applied. The second coat should be applied at right angle to the first coat. Allow a minimum of 2 hours between coats. S r well before use. When used as a general purpose primer for bituminous membranes, apply Bituproof 40S in one coat at a rate of approximately 5 m2/litre. Bituproof 40S may be applied by brush, broom or squeegee. Cleaning Method of Use Tools and equipment can be cleaned with water when s ll wet. Dried Bituproof 40S may be removed with DCP Solvent. Surface Preparation Packaging Surface prepara on is very important to get the highest performance of Bituproof 40S. Any surface to be coated must be clean, sound and free of oil or grease. Any oil or grease contamina on should be removed with a chemical degreaser. Bituproof 40S is available in 5, 18 and 200 litre drums. All holes should be filled with a suitable cemen mortar before applica on of Bituproof 40S. ous Coverage 3.5 - 5 m2/litre per coat, to achieve a dry film thickness of around 120 - 170 microns per coat, depending on surface roughness. Bituproof 40S Storage More from Don Construction Products Store away from direct sunlight, and protect from freezing. A wide range of construc on chemical products are manufactured by DCP which include: Shelf Life Bituproof 40S has a shelf life of 12 months from date of manufacture if stored in proper condi ons. If these condi ons are exceeded, DCP Technical Department should be contacted for advise. Cautions Health and Safety As with all bituminous products, care should be taken during use and storage to avoid contact with skin, eyes and mouth. Wear suitable protec ve clothing, gloves and eye/face protec on. Concrete admixtures. Surface treatments Grouts and anchors. Concrete repair. Flooring systems. Protec ve coa ngs. Sealants. Waterproofing. Adhesives. Tile adhesives and grouts. Building products. Structural strengthening. Should accidental skin contact occur, remove immediately with plenty of clean water. If swallowed, seek medical a en on immediately - do not induce vomi ng. For further informa on refer to the Material Safety Data Sheet. Fire Bituproof 40S is nonflammable. DCP Solvent is flammable. Ensure adequate ven la on. Do not use near a naked flame and do not smoke during use. Flash Point: DCP Solvent: 37°C. 08-0003-A-2020 Note: tĞĞŶĚĞĂǀŽƵƌƚŽĞŶƐƵƌĞƚŚĂƚĂŶLJŝŶĨŽƌŵĂƟŽŶ͕ĂĚǀŝĐĞŽƌƌĞĐŽŵŵĞŶĚĂƟŽŶǁĞŵĂLJŐŝǀĞŝŶ ƉƌŽĚƵĐƚ ůŝƚĞƌĂƚƵƌĞ ŝƐ ĂĐĐƵƌĂƚĞ ĂŶĚ ĐŽƌƌĞĐƚ͘ ,ŽǁĞǀĞƌ͕ ďĞĐĂƵƐĞ ǁĞ ŚĂǀĞ ŶŽ ĐŽŶƚƌŽů ŽǀĞƌ ǁŚĞƌĞĂŶĚŚŽǁƉƌŽĚƵĐƚƐĂƌĞĂƉƉůŝĞĚ͕ǁĞĐĂŶŶŽƚĂĐĐĞƉƚĂŶLJůŝĂďŝůŝƚLJĂƌŝƐŝŶŐĨƌŽŵƚŚĞƵƐĞŽĨ ƚŚĞƉƌŽĚƵĐƚƐ͘ Method Statement www.dcp-int.com Bituproof 40S Method Statement (Water based rubberized bitumen coating) Section A : General Comments High temperature working It is suggested that, for temperatures above 45°C, the following guidelines are adopted as good working practice: (i) Unmixed materials and equipments should be stored in cool place and away from direct sunlight. (ii) Plan for enough material, tools and labours to avoid any stoppage during the application process. (iii) Avoid application through peak temperatures of the day. (iv) Ensure proper and adequate ventilation. Equipment It is suggested that the following list of equipment is adopted as a minimum requirement: Protective clothing : Protective overalls, thick gloves, goggles and face mask Preparation equipment : Stiff wire brush, soft brush, air compressor Application equipment : Brush, roller or squeegee Section B : Application 1.0 Surface Preparation 1.1 All surfaces to be waterproofed must be clean, sound, dry and free of all surface contaminations such as form release agents, curing compounds, laitance, dust, dirt, cavities, projecting nibs, etc. laitance should be removed from concrete by grit blasting or wire brushing. 1.2 Ensure the substrate surface is dry, smooth, and any surface imperfections repaired with a suitable cementitious repair mortar. 1.3 30 mm by 30 mm or “less” polymer modified sand/cement screed fillet should be applied at all right angle corners and any pipe/drain penetrations. 2.0 Application 2.1 Mix the material well before use using a low speed (300 rpm) mixer or electric drill. 2.2 Apply one coat of Bituproof 40S, using a brush, broom or squeegee at the rate of 3 - 5 liter/m2. 2.3 While first coat is still wet, all right angle corners and pipes/drain penetrations shall be reinforced with 20 cm wide fiber glass mesh (60 g/m2 or more) and allow to dry. www.dcp-int.com 2.4 Allow a minimum of 2 hours for the first coat of Bituproof 40S to dry before applying the second coat. 2.5 Apply the second coat of Bituproof 40S with brush, broom or squeegee at a right angle to the first coat at the rate of 3 - 5 liter/m2. Note: when used as a general purpose primer for bituminous membranes, apply Bituproof 40S in one coat at a rate of approximately 5 m2/litre. 3.0 Cleaning 3.1 Tools and equipment can be cleaned with water when still wet. 3.2 Dried Bituproof 40S may be removed with DCP-Solvent. Section C : Approval and variations This method statement is offered by DCP as a ‘standard proposal’ for the application of Bituproof 40S. It remains the responsibility of the Engineer to determine the correct method for any given application. Where alternative methods are to be used, these must be submitted to DCP for approval, in writing, prior to commencement of any work. DCP will not accept responsibility or liability for variations to the above method statement under any other condition. Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) Material SAFETY DATA SHEET Bituproof 40S 1: PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Product Name: Bituproof 40S Description: Water based rubberised bitumen coating Manufacturer: DCP Saudi Co P.O. Box 66241, Riyadh 11576 Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Tel. + 966 11 4612003 Fax: + 966 11 2792059 www.dcp-int.com Date Prepared: 04.03.09 MSDS Number: DCP/08/01/03 2: COMPOSITION / INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS Composition: Rubberized bitumen emulsion. Hazardous Ingredient(s) Symbol Risk Phrases Bitumen CAS No. % 64742-93-4 25 - 55 Refer to Section 8 for Occupational Exposure Limits. 3: HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION Long term skin contact may cause health problems. 4: FIRST AID MEASURES Eyes: Irrigate immediately with copious quantities of water for 15 minutes. Obtain medical attention if irritation persists. Skin: Wash thoroughly with soap and water or suitable skin cleanser as soon as possible. Inhalation: Remove from exposure – unlikely to occur. Ingestion: Wash out mouth with water. Don’t induce vomiting. Obtain medical attention. Issue No.: 01 Rev. No.: 01 Bituproof 40S Page 1 of 4 5: FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES Flash Point: None. Special Exposure Hazards: None. Extinguishing Media: Same as surrounding fire. Personal Protective Equipment: None. 6: ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES Personal Precautions: Wear suitable protective clothing, gloves and eye/face protection. Environmental Precautions: Prevent entry into drains, sewers and water courses. Decontamination Procedures: Soak up with inert absorbent like sand and remove by best available means. Gather into containers. Dispose off as waste. 7: HANDLING AND STORAGE Handling: Avoid skin and eye contact. Storage: Store in cool and dry area. Protect from frost. 8: EXPOSURE CONTROLS AND PERSONAL PROTECTION Ingestion: Prevent eating, drinking or smoking in the area of product use. Eye Contact: Safety glasses/goggles. Skin Contact: Impervious gloves (e.g. PVC). Engineering Controls: No specific ventilation requirement noted. Exposure Guidelines: None assigned. 9: PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Form: Liquid Colour: Dark brown Odour: Typical pH (concentrate): 8 - 10 Boiling Point (oC): 100oC Flash Point (closed cup) (oC): None Autoflammability (oC): Not determined Explosive Properties (%): Not known Vapour Pressure (KPa @20oC): 2.3 (water) Relative Density (@25oC): 1.00 – 1.20 Water Solubility: Emulsifiable Issue No.: 01 Rev. No.: 01 Bituproof 40S Page 2 of 4 10: STABILITY AND REACTIVITY Stability: Stable. Conditions to Avoid: Temperature below 2oC and above 80oC. Chemical Incompatibility: Strong acids. Hazardous Decomposition Products: Thermal decomposition may yield Sulfur compounds including hydrogen sulfide. 11: TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION The following toxicological assessment is based on knowledge of the toxicity of the product’s components. Expected oral LD50, rat >2 mg/kg. Health Effects On Eyes: Irritation. On Skin: Unlikely to irritate on brief occasional exposure. By Inhalation: Low volatility makes inhalation unlikely at ambient temperatures. By Ingestion: Low order of acute toxicity. May cause irritation of mouth, throat and digestive tract. Chronic: Repeated and prolonged contact, allied to poor personal hygiene practices may result in skin cancer. 12: ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION Environmental Assessment: When used and disposed off as intended, no adverse environmental effects are foreseen. Mobility: Mobile liquid. Emulsifiable in water. Degradability: Inherently biodegradable. Bioaccumulation: Not expected to be bioaccumulative. Acute Fish Toxicity: Ecotoxic to fish/daphnia/algae. 13: DISPOSAL CONSIDERATION Disposal must be in accordance with local and national legislation. Unused Product: Dispose off through an authorized waste contractor to a licensed site. Do not empty into drains, sewers or water courses. Used/ Contaminated Product: As for unused product. Packaging: May be steam cleaned and recycled. 14: TRANSPORT INFORMATION This product is not classified as dangerous for transport. Issue No.: 01 Rev. No.: 01 Bituproof 40S Page 3 of 4 15: REGULATORY INFORMATION Hazard Label Data: This product is not classified as dangerous for supply. Safety Phrases: S24/25 Avoid contact with skin and eyes. S26 In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of water and seek medical advice. 16: OTHER INFORMATION Issue Date: 04.03.09 Disclaimer: The information contained herein is derived from the best available sources and is believed to be accurate. However, no guarantee is expressed or implied regarding the accuracy of the data given in the use of this product. Issue No.: 01 Rev. No.: 01 Revised Date: Bituproof 40S 07.06.2020 Page 4 of 4 Test Reports Previous Approvals Scanned with CamScanner WAI ^iji3j(^r/^)^ij^suts ji j^UI S^LJI ^jjiu j^j Jk MT1 /.V/^A /.A/YT JLjjU>j(U*<U)fSjU>U^^ ( DCP aSj^ ) ^i^ u1^-^ ^j^^ B ^iJll Jib ^j 1 ,> uv;.vj,L_.— +." +^11 IUA^ AAii juiU+'^il H AA^ AA3i ^AjU.ij^ P 0 Bo< 66680. Riyadh 11586, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, T: +966 11 8808855 F: +96611 880 8844 info^>scth.Qov.sa www.5cth.gov.sa 0\\ NATIO'.IAL WATER COIIPAI{Y ijl. Jt (, 3 Jl rx! i+dt .j-.r s:--X .j.J-ll is+: X 6tjn-)l C],-,.:ll 'U.lt .rl trj,:. il..r CUr :li/lJljt5-)r isilJjnI 8r.IJ 4.n i-,r3.4Jj.x Materials for MATI JlJ. MAT) t5 5. No.: .t,-l .rir J rr E r. 8oO lt€rn J,al J.-, lrr Ai6lFoo, aO' [warEr bas€d,Ru]t€rir€d bftun€n O6criprion (Oi€ ltem Only) rtJ.lt rrj.l! !i.J {Ea i5ll tL) &J*l Er$oLs .o.tiq, Di$ipline: c il 1 Ma facbre/ Supplier oor col{flnucnofl Paooucls LrD-(DCP SAUDI) of OriSin s€udi Arabia (M.nuhctu.itB Phnr) Estimated Anival Date Materialneeded on Date c,LlLr. ![rl L.i.jr iili- is _rJt .'ri+ .ci Sigmture & Date coft ractor Repres€ntat e ,ia'? Ent. Charbel SupeNiriE Cor6Ulbrlt ColnnEnts ..,-, J)r' j-+ri ANLbJI ouojl c o-4^ 2 n.r ioi \ l lkl 1 d\dld T C ei.!e )rL /riJr J'i.'ir iiL]..). ? (:R ) l,"I J) \e) w' LLI l6 /Zdf w tr*lErItots'ct uanaer Co.nnenrs trilr Up UL. (i Cod€ Resilert l- lo ''-ojl. t, IJ $ CIJ'lt ! ape.d ililc ffi i.:L- w-tdr cofinslrs tJn! tr r€i..lEd Manag€r commenis ,r !+' irJ.a rr! rtr5)l' a. \r/ - r. - 613l rr? his espo()Stili9 lidliy dF Y i.liu.,I he ol Reference Jobs Reference Jobs Bituproof 40S Consultant Contractor National Housing Co. (Al Mashriquia) Yuru Consultant TAMEAR Co. Construction of the main wastewater transport line in Buraidah Ministry Of Enviroment Water & Agriculture TCC Ajyal Home Ownership Saudi Aramco Al‐Yammama Construction of sewage network ‐ Part of Tuwaiq District NWC Qarni Co. Sanitation Bituproof 40S External insulation KSA Setco Co. Musem Bituproof 40S Bituminous paint KSA General Authority Northern Frontier Museum ‐ for Tourism, Heritage and Arar National Project Type Products Used Project Name Application Bituproof 40S Infrastructure Bituproof 40S Country KSA External insulation Bituproof 40S KSA KSA Main Sewer Pipe Line Lie1 (Second Phase) Fuad Al Saleh & Khaled Al Dowalia Co. SAPAC Co. Sanitation Bituproof 40S External insulation KSA City Infrastructure Projects Div. Saudi Aramco Qarni Co. Infrastructure Bituproof 40S Concrete Foundations KSA JAZAN ‐2 Louis Berger SAPAC Co. Contract for the Fuad Al Saleh & implementation of separate Khaled Al Dowalia sewage lines south of Riyadh Co. Desert Riyadh Contracting Co. sanitation Bituproof 40S KSA Bituproof 40S KSA Bituproof 40S KSA Emergency Response Complex Saudi Aramco CRCC 3rd Jeddah Industrial City Expansion Infrastructure and Utilities Work SAPL SAPAC Co. Infrastructure Bituproof 40S Bituminous paint KSA Custodian of two Holy Mosques King Abdullah Bin Abdul‐Aziz Project ‐ KAP5 ITALCONSULT CRCC Mosque Bituproof 40S Bituminous paint KSA Abha Regional Airport Dar Al Riyadh AL Jaber Building Ltd. Co. Airport Bituproof 40S WaterProofing KSA King Abdullah Ibn Abdulaziz Project For Development Of The Security Facilities for MOI KAP2E2 King Saud Bin Abdelaziz University for Health Care Administration NKY BEC Dar Al Handasah Saudi Bin Laden Group Implementation of the bridge of the intersection of Imam Saud bin Abdul Aziz bin Mohammed with Takhasusi Street in Riyadh Abalkhail Consulting Engineers The Arab Contractors King Abdullah Ibn Abdulaziz Project For Development Of The Security Facilities for MOI KAP‐2B2 & 2B5 NKY EL Seif Engineering Contracting Co. Ltd. Prince Mansour Tunnel Jeddah AP Infrastructure Gulf Engineering Advance Construction House Consultant Co. SAPL Project of the Saudi Consulting implementation of the Wadi Service Selay Canal Bituproof 40S KSA University Bituproof 40S KSA Bridges Bituproof 40S External insulation Bituproof 40S KSA KSA High Rise Building Bituproof 40S Freyssinet Saudi Arabia Infrastructure Bituproof 40S KSA AL HARBI Co. Infrastructure Bituproof 40S KSA WaterProofing KSA King Abdullah Ibn Abdulaziz Project For Development Of The Security Facilities for MOI KAP‐2A NKY EL Seif Engineering Contracting Co. Ltd. South Border Infrastructure Project Arcadion Saudi Binladin Group Administrative center of Al‐ Shifa district ‐ Riyadh Saudi Consulting Suliman Al‐Qadeebi Service Sons Co. for Contracting Bituproof 40S KSA Infrastructure Bituproof 40S KSA Housing Bituproof 40S KSA King Abdullah Foundation Project (KAFP) DIYAR Saudi Binladin Group Bituproof 40S KSA King Abdullah Foundation Project (KAFP) Dar Al Riyadh Saudi Binladin Group Bituproof 40S KSA Construction of Secondary Infastructure and Villas In Jalmudah District ‐ Jubail MARAFIQ Latco Co. Bituproof 40S KSA 300 Bed Madinah Al‐Mekat General Hospital Khatib & Alami Latco Co. Bituproof 40S External insulation KSA Strategic Water Lines In Riyadh TYPSA Group Dongho Korean Saudi Ltd Co. Bituproof 40S External insulation KSA Infrastructure King Abdullah Foundation Project (KAFP) Dar Al Riyadh EL Seif Engineering Contracting Co. Ltd. Bituproof 40S External insulation KSA Development of Eastern Part og King Abdullah Road AL Mabami Road Development Bituproof 40S External insulation KSA Extension of Al Oruba Road and Abu Bakr Al Siddiq Road Through Riyadh Air Base AL Mabami Road Development Bituproof 40S External insulation KSA Development of Atturaif At Addiriyah Group || C13 Freyssinet Saudi Arabia Al Haramain High Speed Rail Hilton Riyadh Hotel & Residence Dar Al‐handasah Omrania Al Rajhi Alliance Latco Co. Bituproof 40S Road Development Hotel KSA Bituproof 40S Damproofing & Curing Compound KSA Bituproof 40S Damproofing & Curing Compound KSA