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SQL Query Exercises for Database Course

Week 4 Exercise
1. What is the total of all invoices that were paid in or after 2014 that were assigned to a
team leader or artist? Name the query qryQ82013PaidInvoices
2. The HR Manager is preparing for a meeting with senior management and wanted to do
some further analysis on the employees. Create a query to display the following statistics
for employees by gender: The number of employees, the average salary, lowest salary,
and highest salary. Change the default field names to appropriate names and format the
data appropriately. Name the query qryQ9EmployeeAnalysisByGender
3. You plan to do some promotions to specific groups of your customers and would like to
know the number of customers who have a 517 area code? Name the query
4. You plan to give a discount of 10% to all customers with a ContractAmt of at least
$25,000. Display the bonus amount for each qualified customer and a zero for those who
do not qualify. The new calculated field should be called Bonus. Format the field as
Currency with 2 decimal places. Name the query qryQ27Bonus
5. Who are the top 25% customers by Contract amount? Name the query
6. Create a query for management that will display employees with a salary below $5000,
however, before the query is run, it will prompt you for the gender and city where
employee lives. Name the query qryQ39GenderCityLessThan$50000Parameter
7. What is the total value of all unpaid invoices between $50,000 and $200,000? Name the
query qryQ40TotalLargeUnpaidInvoices
8. What is the Total InvoiceAmt, Minimum InvoiceAmt, Maximum InvoiceAmt, Average
InvoiceAmt and the Number of invoices, grouped by Invoice Paid? Name the query
a) Change the display names to: Total Invoice Amount, Lowest Invoice Amount,
Highest Invoice Amount, Average Invoice Amount, and # of Invoices,
9. You plan to give a cash-back of 2% to customers whose paid invoices exceed $10,000.
Who are the qualifying customers and what is the amount of cash-back for each? Name
the query qryQ24LuckyCustomers.
10. Assume that a 5% GST is charged on all contracts. Create a query that will calculate the
GST value for each contract. Name the calculated field Tax.
a. Name the query qryQ6CalculationsAndSorting
b. Add another calculated field called TotalContractAmount, which will calculate the
total contract amount for each contract – including the GST.
c. Display the calculated field name as Grand Total in the Query Datasheet.
d. Format the values as Currency, 2 decimal places.
e. Display only the results for contracts that are greater than $30,000 with the Last
Name in ascending order and Contract Amt in descending order.
11. Who are the customers with contract amounts of $4,000, $25,000 or $165,000? Name the
query qryQ19VariousContractAmounts.
The records should be displayed by ContractAmt in descending and then by City in
ascending order.
12. Management would like to see its customers and the contract type that they are
requesting. However, they would like to be able to see the customers for each contract
type displayed separately, instead of having one list with all the customers and the
contract types. They do not want to create several queries to do this. Create a single
query for management that will allow them to specify the contract type that they
want to display each time that they run the query. Name the query
13. Are there any customers who do not have contracts? Name the query
14. Which contracts have the same Signing Date? Name the query