Position Paper Committee: NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) Country: Albania (Republic of Albania Republika e Shqipërisë) Delegate: Isabella Romu Topic: Discussion upon the rising military influence of the Russian Federation in the Central African Republic (CAR) with special emphasis upon the development of the country in accordance to the Agenda 2030. In the recent times being, Russian has become actively engaged in CAR (Central African Republic). After a coup by the Seleka rebel forces in 2013, the UN Security Council has deployed 12,000 UN peacekeeping troops in the country for its durability. However, the country continues extremely weak even after the establishment of peacekeeping units and has been rated the lowest in their HDI (Human Development Index) of 2017. Their current rank would be now, 188 out of all 189 countries enlisted in the UNDP (United Nations Development Program). This is where Russian engagement comes, which is then acceptably approved by the UN Security Council. Since the commencement of its relationship in 2017, Russia has attempted to increase arms flow and military training in CAR which has widely resulted in two directions: growing national popularity of President Putin in the Russian military-industrial system, but secondly the deployment of Russian trained troops in CAR. CAR’s President Faustin-Archange Touadéra’s security guards are given by troops part of the Wagner Group. Russia uses its impact over the CAR’s government as well as the rebel forces to purchase and develop the Russian control over CAR. Moreover, the Russian appearance or behavior in nearby Sudan and seaport entree in the country allows itself to direct the CAR’s activities towards natural resource removal. Consequently, Russia expands its field of influence over the rioters and the CAR government accessing resources and constituting imperative and logistical assistance in CAR and on the Red Sea. We encourage all member states in NATO to recognize the great unnecessity of Russian military to ensure the stability of CAR as the UN (United Nations) could aid CAR with cohesiveness, moreover, gathering all states of countries including members of NATO to give in more details on how to erase or decrease the grand influence given by Russian military. In addition to the point before-mentioned, we certainly believe that we do not want to encounter another cold war as it would critically disturb Sudan and Egypt to some extent. Furthermore, the Russian troops are constructing “their strengths” on the red sea, already causing countries, for instance Sudan to limit their presence on the Red Sea. The delegate of Albania believes that the Russian Federation does not bring any help to CAR. Even with Russian influences and CAR’s dependence on them, their Human Development index still maintained one of the lowest HDI in the world rank according to the UNDP. As aforementioned, in recent years, the engagement of Russian activities have been propelling than before. We are convinced that Russian Federation should not put as much effort as they are displacing in CAR. Their influence yet military aides did not assist CAR but instead gave them a vice versa effect to them. Our purpose is to help CAR to develop, and Russian Federation does not achieve such goal due to their only focus to ‘ensure the stability of the country’. In other words, they are not aiding CAR’s general development in the fact that they are still facing their national civil war. In addition, they are also trapped in the cycle called the poverty cycle. Figure above is the poverty trap, in the term of economics, the cycle of poverty is generated by selfreinforcing tools that produce poverty. Once it subsists, it continues unless one of the aspects has increased. It can insist across generations, and when exerted to developing countries, is also known as a development trap. In present state, CAR is now encountering low level of education since the level of literacy is way below the average of the world. Following the cycle, less people reads, less human capital who are capable to work in any niche. In this case, what would come to pass is that people who are unemployed, just wandering on the streets and have nothing to do, clearly inefficient to the country itself. This process is like the game of dominos, when one piece falls back, another piece would be affected just because the one before has fallen back. Same example as in this case, with not much human capital. In the graph below, it showed the recent values of the sharing in manufacturing in CAR. In clear sense, back in 2012, there was a high value for shares in manufacturing sector. However, in facing the civil war which started in 2012, December 10th, their manufacturing sector has been devastated by this civil war. In order to help them, the main sector that we would need to support them is focally on their development of education and health care. At present, the delegate of Albania has now several ideas to aide CAR in their Human development sector: Reduce costs of education, giving children an access to free education. Deploy volunteers from different member states in NATO/ UN to aide CAR, in the same cases for other African countries. o Approximately 35% of the volunteers could teach children, level from kindergarten to middle school. o Another 35% could go help high school students to university level of education. o 20% of volunteers could aid adults to read and write, to help with the basics. Yet helping how to conduct their working. o Final 10% would be the back up or substitute teachers of all levels aforementioned. Envoy more necessities/ resources that are needed on a daily basis to help families who are incapable on feeding themselves or taking care of themselves. Settling observation station in each region in CAR, collaborating with NGOs to supervise the development of CAR, and keeping in mind to also help other countries in South Africa with this method. MLA: “Albania.” Wikipeida, upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/3/36/Flag_of_Albania.svg/980pxFlag_of_Albania.svg.png. 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