ART RUBRIC Student Name: Advanced 10 9 Proficient Basic In­Progress 8 7 6 All directions were followed to the fullest extent with no errors . All directions were followed . One or two errors were made, however, student was quick to correct t hem and get back on the right track. Most directions were followed , but some errors were made . A few directions were followed , but several errors were made . Directions have not been followed whatsoever, and several errors were made . Student has e xceeded expectations of his/her ability level. Project shows exceptional creativity and originality. Student has fully met expectations of his/her ability level. Project shows creativity and originality. Student has m et most expectations of his/her ability level. However, project shows very little creativity or originality. Student has m et some expectations of his/her ability level. However, project shows no creativity or originality. Student has met very few expectations of his/her ability level. In addition, project shows no creativity or originality. Criteria 3: Neatness/Craftsmanship Completed artwork is exceptionally neat . Completed artwork is very neat . Completed artwork is neat , but some areas could use improvement . Completed artwork looks somewhat messy . Completed artwork looks extremely messy . Criteria 4: Effort/Attitude/Work Habit Student did not need reminders to stay on task *AND* worked with superior focus throughout the duration of the project. Student did not need reminders to stay on task throughout the duration of the project. Student needed a few reminders to stay on task throughout the duration of the project. Student did not get very much work done throughout the duration of this project and n eeded several reminders to stay on task. Student got little to no work done throughout the duration of this project despite several reminders to stay on task . Criteria 5: Assignment fulfilled Assignment turned in and completed as directed . In addition, student asked for teacher feedback before final submission in order to improve upon specified areas as needed. Assignment turned in and completed as directed . Assignment was handed in, but one or two areas are incomplete . Assignment was handed in, but several areas are incomplete . Assignment was handed in but is incomplete . Criteria 1: Following directions Notes: Criteria 2: Expectations/Creativity Notes: Total possible points: 50 Total points x 2 = FINAL GRADE