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Nurse Practice Act Guidelines

The Nurse Practice Act
1. Identify four purposes of continuing competencies for the R.N.
 the ability to understand needs, the ability to provide care, the ability to collaborate and
the ability to support decision-making
2. How many CEU’s must the R.N. obtain and how often? What activities are not acceptable as
continuing education per the nurse practice act?
 The RN must obtain 20 hours every two years
 Basic Life Support (BLS)
 CPR courses
 Courses which focus upon self-improvement, changes in attitude, self-therapy, selfawareness, weight loss, and yoga.
 Economic courses for financial gain, e.g., investments, retirement, preparing resumes,
and techniques for job interview
3. The R.N. working in which patient care setting must complete a minimum of 20 hrs of
continuing education relating to
 nursing jurisprudence and nursing ethics, forensics, geriatrics, human trafficking
4. You are the nursing administrator of an acute care hospital. One of your nurses is 65 and
wants to hold a valid volunteer retired nurse authorization. What information regarding CEU’s
would you give her?
 A nurse who elects to change his/her licensure status from "active" or "inactive" to
"retired" or "volunteer retired" status may do so only if he/she is in good standing with
the Board.
 is not in delinquent status and that there is no current disciplinary action, disciplinary
probation, or pending investigation/s on his/her nursing license/s or authorization/s
5. Identify 5 activities which are not acceptable as continuing education for CEU’s
 Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)
 Courses designed for lay people;
 Liberal art courses in music, art, philosophy, and others when unrelated to patient/client
 Courses which focus on personal appearance in nursing;
 Economic courses for financial gain (e.g., investments, retirement, preparing resumes,
and techniques for job interview);
6. A friend of yours is a nurse who has been out of the country for 3 yrs and her nursing license is
considered delinquent. What are the rules regarding the re-licensure process?
 If your license has been delinquent for less than four years, you may renew by submitting
proof of having completed 20 contact hours of acceptable CNE or a current approved
national nursing certification in your prior area of practice within the two years immediately
preceding application for relicensure and by meeting all other Board requirements
7. You are in the process of renewing your nursing license and the BON selects you in a
random sample audit process. What do you need to submit to the board of nursing?
 submit proof of your continuing education documentation
8. You have just moved to Austin from Houston, How many days do you have to notify the State
Board of nursing about your change of address?
 The Texas Administrative Code 217.7 states that all nurses/applicants for licensure shall
notify the board in writing within ten days of a change of name and or address by submitting
a legal document reflecting this name change and/or providing the new address with his or
her license number
9. You have just graduated from College of the Mainland with your ADN. Identify steps and
factors that may affect your ability to obtain this permit of temporary authorization to
 New graduates may not continue to practice as GVNs or GNs after failing the NCLEX-RN® or
NCLEX-PN® , even if the expiration date of the temporary permission to practice has not
 The Board will not issue a GVN or GN permission to practice until all application processes
are complete
10. You have just received your temporary permit to practice what initials do you put after signing
you name to the nurses note?
 Name, RN, temporary permit authorization
11. How many days is the temporary authorization valid for? Is it renewable and identify 2 factors
that affect the eligibility of this temporary authorization.
This temporary authorization is not renewable and will expire the earliest date of any of
the following: (1) when the candidate passes the NCLEX-PN® or NCLEX-RN® test; (2)
when the candidate fails the NCLEX-PN® or NCLEX-RN® test; (3) or on the 75th day
following the effective date of the temporary authorization [217.3(2)].
12. You are a GN on a med surgical unit. You just arrive to begin the 3-11 shift, and the previous
charge nurse tells you that the 3-11 shift R.N. has just called in sick and you are to take charge
of the unit. Based on the rules of your temporary permit what is your response to this
 Do not accept because, A graduate nurse (GVN or GN) is not yet "licensed," and thus
shall not be placed in supervisory or charge positions and shall not work in independent
practice settings, such as home health.
13. You have just received notification from the state board of nursing that you have passed the
NCLEX-RN. Now that you hold a license to practice nursing in the state of Texas what does this
mean legally? Refer to 217.10.
 A person who holds a valid current license as a registered nurse under this chapter: (A)
is referred to as a registered nurse; and (B) may use the abbreviation "R.N."
14. Under section 217.11: Standards of Nursing Practice identify four standards that are
applicable to all nurses.
 Know and conform to the Texas Nursing Practice Act and the board's rules and
regulations as well as all federal, state, or local laws, rules or regulations affecting the
nurse's current area of nursing practice;
 Implement measures to promote a safe environment for clients and others;
 Know the rationale for and the effects of medications and treatments and shall correctly
administer the same;
 Accurately and completely report and document: the client's status including signs and
symptoms; nursing care rendered; physician, dentist or podiatrist orders;
15. You are getting ready to perform a wound treatment on your patient. Upon reviewing the
order you question the medication that was prescribed. What should your next action be?
 Clarify any order or treatment regimen that the nurse has reason to believe is
inaccurate, non-efficacious or contraindicated by consulting with the appropriate
licensed practitioner and notifying the ordering practitioner when the nurse makes the
decision not to administer the medication or treatment;
16. You arrive at work for you shift in the ER and the charge nurse tells you to report to the ICU
because they had an increase in patient census. According to section 217.11 of the nurse
practice act what should you do about this nursing assignment?
 Accept only those nursing assignments that take into consideration client safety and
that are commensurate with the nurse's educational preparation, experience,
knowledge, and physical and emotional ability;
17. Identify the five steps in assisting the R.N. in determining the healthcare needs of the client.
 assessment, diagnosis, planning, implementation, and evaluation
18. Identify five nursing actions that may be reportable as misconduct to the BON.
 Failing to conform to generally accepted nursing standards in applicable practice
 Improper management of client records;
 Delegating or assigning nursing functions or a prescribed health function when the
delegation or assignment could reasonably be expected to result in unsafe or ineffective
client care;
 Accepting the assignment of nursing functions or a prescribed health function when the
acceptance of the assignment could be reasonably expected to result in unsafe or
ineffective client care;
 Failing to supervise the performance of tasks by any individual working pursuant to the
nurse's delegation or assignment; or
19. Who is responsible for protecting your license from fraudulent and unlawful use?
 Nurses are responsible for protecting their license from fraudulent and unlawful use.
20. Identify five purposes that you should allow your license certificate to be copied.
 Nurses shall only allow copying of his or her certificate or temporary permit for the purpose
of license verification by employers, licensing boards, professional organizations, nursing
programs, and or third-party payers for credentialing and reimbursement purposes
21. List the conduct that will require that a nurse must be reported to the BON or to a nursing
peer review committee.
 the conduct subject to reporting that resulted in the termination, suspension or other
substantive disciplinary action or substantially equivalent action; and. any additional
information the Board requires
22. A nurse is given an assignment in which she feels could violate the nurse practice act. Based
on this she needs to initiate a process that protects the nurse form employer retaliation. What
is this process called?
 Safe harbor
23. Safe Harbor must be invoked prior to? http://www.bon.texas.gov/practice/pdfs/SHPRCompRequest.pdf0
 prior to engaging in the conduct or assignment for which nursing peer review is requested.
When the nurse is requested or assigned to engage in conduct that the nurse believes is in
violation of his/her duty to a patient.
24. The nurse is invoking safe harbor, who must she notify?
must notify the supervisor making the assignment that the nurse is invoking safe harbor.
25. The scope of delegation and the level of supervision by the R.N. depends on several factors
which include
 non invasive and sterile treatment
 ambulation, positioning, and turning;
 transportation of the client within a facility;
 personal hygiene and elimination, including vaginal irrigations and cleansing enemas
26. Define delegation. Who does the R.N. delegate to?
Delegate is the process for a nurse to direct another person to perform nursing tasks and
activities. Delegate tasks to unlicensed personnel in compliance with Chapter 224 of this title,
relating to clients with acute conditions or in acute are environments, and Chapter 225 of this
title, relating to independent living environments for clients with stable and predictable
27. List eight general criteria for delegation. 224.6 general criteria for delegation
 The RN must make an assessment of the client's nursing care needs. The RN should,
when the client's status allows, consult with the client, and when appropriate the
client's family and/or significant other(s), to identify the client's nursing needs prior to
delegating nursing tasks.
The nursing task must be one that a reasonable and prudent RN would find is within the
scope of sound nursing judgment to delegate. The RN should consider the five rights of
delegation: the right task, the right person to whom the delegation is made, the right
circumstances, the right direction and communication by the RN, and the right
supervision as determined by the RN.
The nursing task must be one that, in the opinion of the delegating RN, can be properly
and safely performed by the unlicensed person involved without jeopardizing the
client's welfare.
The nursing task must not require the unlicensed person to exercise professional
nursing judgment; however, the unlicensed person may take any action that a
reasonable, prudent non-health care professional would take in an emergency situation.
The unlicensed person to whom the nursing task is delegated must be adequately
identified. The identification may be by individual or, if appropriate, by training,
education, and/or certification/permit of the unlicensed person.
The RN shall have either instructed the unlicensed person in the delegated task, or
verified the unlicensed person's competency to perform the nursing task. The
verification of competence may be done by the RN making the decision to delegate or, if
appropriate, by training, education, experience and/or certification/permit of the
unlicensed person.
The RN shall adequately supervise the performance of the delegated nursing task in
accordance with the requirements of §224.7 of this title (relating to Supervision).
If the delegation continues over time, the RN shall periodically evaluate, review, and
when a change in condition occurs reevaluate the delegation of tasks. For example, the
evaluation would be appropriate when the client's Nursing Care Plan is reviewed and
revised. The RN's evaluation of a delegated task(s) will be incorporated into the client's
Nursing Care Plan.
28. The degree of supervision required shall be determined by the R.N. after an evaluation of
appropriate factors which include? 224.7
the stability of the client's status in relation to the task(s) to be delegated (B) the training,
experience, and capability of the unlicensed person to whom the nursing task is delegated;(C)
the nature of the nursing task being delegated; D) the proximity and availability of the RN to the
unlicensed person when the nursing task will be performed.
28. Identify five nursing tasks that may be delegated the to the un-licensed personnel ? 224.8
 ambulation, positioning, and turning;
transportation of the client within a facility;
personal hygiene and elimination, including vaginal irrigations and cleansing enemas;
feeding, cutting up of food, or placing of meal trays;
socialization activities;
30. Identify five nursing task that are prohibited from delegation and that are not within the scope
of sound professional nursing judgment to delegate? 224.9
calculation of any medication doses except for measuring a prescribed amount of liquid
medication and breaking a tablet for administration, provided the RN has calculated the dose;
administration of the initial dose of a medication that has not been previously administered to
the client;
administration of medications by an injectable route except as permitted in independent living
environments for administration of insulin as outlined in §225.12 (relating to Delegation of
Insulin or Other Injectable Medications Prescribed in the Treatment of Diabetes Mellitus);
administration of medications used for intermittent positive pressure breathing or other
methods involving medication inhalation treatments in independent living environments except
as permitted in §225.10(10)(F) (relating to Tasks That May Be Delegated);
administration of medications by way of a tube inserted in a cavity of the body in independent
living environments except as permitted in §225.10(10)(A) (relating to Tasks That May be
31. You are the R.N. working in a nursing home. You have assigned a medication aide permit
holder, to dispense medications to the patients this shift. Identify three actions that the R.N. should
not delegate to the medication aide?
Calculation of any medication doses except for measuring a prescribed amount of liquid
medication and breaking a tablet for administration, provided the RN has calculated the dose;
administration of the initial dose of a medication that has not been previously administered to
the client;
administration of medications by an injectable route except as permitted in independent living
environments for administration of insulin as outlined in §225.12 (relating to Delegation of
Insulin or Other Injectable Medications Prescribed in the Treatment of Diabetes Mellitus);
32. You have volunteered at the county health clinic to give the flu shot. As a R.N. your name badge
should have four identifiers. What are they?
nurse's name, certifications, academic degrees, or practice position;
33. What is the incident-based peer review (IBPR)?
which focuses on determining if a nurse’s action,be it a single event or multiple events (such as
in reviewing up to five (5) minor incidents by thesame nurse within a year’s period of time)
should be reported to the Board, or if the nurse’sconduct does not require reporting because
the conduct constitutes a minor incident that canbe remediated. The review includes whether
external factors beyond the nurse’s control mayhave contributed to any deficiency in care by
the nurse, and to report such findings to a patientsafety committee as applicable
34. What are 3 types of BON (board of nursing) CE (continuing education) that is offered?
Forensic evidence collection, older adult geriatric care, pharmacotherapeutics;
35. What is peer review?
Peer review helps validate research, establish a method by which it can be evaluated, and
increase networking possibilities within research communities.
36. How long does a nursing student have to take boards (NCLEX) once they graduate?
45 days after graduation
37. How many questions and how long is the jurisprudence exam?
50 questions
38. How long do you have to wait to retake the jurisprudence exam if you do not pass with a 75%?
retake the exam after 24 hours have elapsed.
39. Who is required to make sure nursing graduates are up to par with the DEC’s?
The nursing programs
40. How does the state board fulfill its mission?
The board fulfills through the regulation of the practice of nursing and the approval of nursing
education programs
41. Who appoints the Texas BON (board of nursing) members?
the governor
42. Delegation to an unlicensed personnel
Delegation generally involves assignment of the performance of activities or tasks related to
patient care to unlicensed assistive personnel while retaining accountability for the outcome.
The registered nurse cannot delegate responsibilities related to making nursing judgments.
43. Know first step in decision making regarding delegation to unlicensed assistive personnel in acute
care environment.
The needs of the patient and the stability of the patient’s condition;
44. The primary purpose of the Nurse Licensure Compact
facilitate the states' responsibilities to protect the public's health and safety
45. What is the mission of the Texas Board of Nursing?
The mission of the BON is to protect and promote the welfare of the people of Texas by
ensuring that each person licensed as a nurse is competent to practice safely.
46. Purpose of CEU
To expands a nurse's knowledge and therefore enhances diagnostic and patient care. It ensures
that nurses are contemporary practitioners of safe and expert care.
47. Who must receive Forensic Evidence CNE’s?
ER nurses
48. How often is the State Board newsletter mailed?
The BON's newsletter is mailed to nurses and other subscribers quarterly.
49. How many board members are on the BON?
There are 13 members
50. How does the board fulfill to mission?
The Board fulfills its mission through the regulation of the practice of nursing and the approval
of nursing education programs.
51. Where are the Texas nursing program competencies located?
Texas board of nursing website, then to education tab and its under documents
52. Which position statement provide guidance to nurses regarding expectations related to
professional boundaries?
Professional Boundaries including Use of Social Media by Nurses
53. Which section of the Nursing Practice Act explains that the Board of Nursing is
responsible for adopting and enforcing rules to regulate practice?
Nursing Practice Act Sec. 301.453.
54. Which rule relates to Unprofessional Conduct?
Rule 217.12