Uploaded by Krish Jaiswal

Divya Kumar Baid Resume

Divya Kumar Baid
Email: divyakrbaid2001@gmail.com
Phone: +91 9123065471
GitHub: https://github.com/DivyaKumarBaid
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/divya-kumar-baid-98a087200/
Techno Main Salt Lake (TMSL)
(B-Tech in Computer Science Engineering - AI & ML. YGPA: 9.42)
Kolkata, India
July 2020 - June 2024 (Expected)
Agrasain Boys School
ISC conducted by CISCE. (Percentage: 89.50%)
Howrah, India
Apr 2017 - Mar 2019
EDGE 2022
A Website made using MERN STACK that was used by 2000+ people
It has a 3D model made using spline.design a framework based on threeJS
The site was used for event registration.
A Web App that allows user to have appointments with the nearest doctor.
This app builds a community of medical service providers and acts as a point of contact
between patients and the doctors/hospitals .
Tech Stack : FARM (FastAPI, ReactJS, MongoDB)
A social media web-application built specially for aspiring programmers (DevPost Link)
Tech Stack : FARM (FastAPI, ReactJS, MongoDB)
Discord-Music-Bot streams your favourite playlist on your server in a loop.
Tech Stack : Python
Sytle : Web-Chat-App
An online text messaging Web App.
Tech Stack : Php, MySQL
(GitHub Link)
(GitHub Link)
(GitHub Link)
(GitHub Link)
Skills and Interests
Languages: C, C++, Python, JavaScript, Java, Php
Technologies/Tools/FrameWork: HTML, CSS, ReactJs, Scikit-learn, PyMongo, MySQL, FastAPI,
Adobe Illustrator
Areas of Interest: Front-End development, Backend-Development, UI-UX, WEB 3.0 .
Position of Responsibility
Member at CUrBrain (official tech club, Geekonix, TMSL).
Web Developer of EDGE (Official Fest of Geekonix, TMSL)