Uploaded by Mere Vette

Coping with Triggers Worksheet

Coping with Your Triggers
Everyone has emotional triggers that negatively affect how we react in certain
situations. The trigger could be a person, situation, location, or activity. It might
be a sound, smell, sight, thought or the feel of something. This worksheet is
designed to help you find ways to cope with your triggers.
The trigger that sets you off:
What emotional response does this trigger set off (feeling of shame, rage, etc.)?
What physical symptoms do you experience when triggered (racing heart,
shaking, etc.)?
What negative thoughts do you have when you experience this trigger (feeling of
being a failure, of hurting someone, etc.)?
How does your response affect others? (Do you get grumpy with family, irritated
with your pets? Do you fail to finish your work, putting your team behind
How can you avoid or reduce exposure to this trigger?
When it cannot be avoided, how do you want to deal with the situation? You can
choose how you feel and react to it. (deep breath, relax, center yourself, etc.)
Phrases you can use to get you through the trigger without reacting. (stay calm,
relax, I'm okay, I can do this, etc.) Practice these with others and by yourself so it
is second nature when the trigger happens!
People who can help you work through the situation & help you practice.
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