Uploaded by Sudheendra Chadaga

Café CCBC Meal Delivery App Design Case Study

Meal Delivery Mobile App Design
Café CCBC Case Study
Sudheendra Chadaga – ICPM2022C
Project overview
The product:
Café CCBC is a regional vegetarian restaurant
located in Mysore. It serves not only Coffee and
Chow-chow bath but also other special South
Indian foods and side dishes because of the
location. It offers high quality foods for affordable
prices. Café CCBC targets customers like
commuters and workers who cannot cook or find
time to cook in pace face busy life.
Snacks Drinks
Deserts Parcel
Call us
Idli Vade
Rs. 80 Per plate
Project duration:
Ten Days
Rs. 60 Per plate
Plain Dose
Project overview
The problem:
The goal:
It may take a long time to order at the
To give the busy workers and commuters a
restaurant if you are in a hurry.
mobile app where they can order with various
methods in order to be faster.
Project overview
My role:
UX Researcher, UX Designer, UI Designer,
Conducting interviews, paper and digital
Interaction Designer
wireframing, low and high-fidelity prototyping,
conducting usability studies, accounting for
accessibility, and iterating on designs.
the user
User research
Problem statements
User journey maps
User Research: summary
I conducted online interviews with users and created user empathy maps to understand their needs better.
A primary user group defined through research was working adults who do not have time to cook meals.
This user group confirmed initial assumptions about users want to choose meal delivery app in restaurants
to be faster, but research also revealed that the factors such as hygiene, usefulness and enjoyable of the
product can be important for other users prefer to use meal delivery app.
User Research: pain points
Working adults don’t want
to allocate time for food
ordering process wherever
they are
-Some hard copy menus
and food apps might not
have images of the menu
items and language option.
-Images of menu items are
not clear enough, texting is
hard to read.
Some menus don’t contain
images, prices, reviews,
and detailed ingredients of
every menu items.
In the pandemic period,
users prefer to order and
pay by using own mobile
without touching hard
copy menus and money.
“I’m passionate about developing myself in tech field, I
believe one day I will be at the peak of my career.”
Rachita Ram
Wants to keep up with new
technological developments to be
up to date.
Wants to have more efficient order
experience in a restaurant.
Tries to balance between work and
social life by minimizing the time
needed for her basic needs.
“Cooking is a time consuming activity
for me.”
“I can’t understand that the
restaurants use still heavy hard copy
food menus in the age of technology.”
“I wish to order without queuing and
pay my order via my mobile without
getting up from my table in the
Rachita Ram works as a mid software developer in a big company based on
Bengaluru. She usually spends her spare time at home by working extra by willingly.
She likes to meet friends and watch sci-fi series together sometimes. Because she
doesn’t want to allocate time for food preparation at home and there is quite
Software Developer
distance between her work and home, she prefers to have her dinner at a restaurant
Relationship Single, lives alone
after work, but frustrates about time consuming meal order process in there.
“Cooking makes me feel relaxed. I’m also a big fan of
restaurants that have beautiful view and different cuisines.”
To learn to cook new recipes at
To discover elegant restaurants
which have beautiful view and
cuisines in different countries.
Yash Kumar
Lives with wife
“I’m allergic some ingredients, so I
read menus carefully when I order.”
“It is difficult to understand the menu
if there is no english subtitle on it
when I’m abroad.”
“If I will order a food that I haven't
tasted before, I wish I want to see the
other customer reviews about it in the
“Due to pandemic, I don’t prefer to
touch hard copy menus.”
Yash works as an actor in Kannada movie industry. He usually spends his spare time
by travelling with his partner. He likes to taste world cuisines and try to cook them at
home. He wishes to see a well designed digital food menu in every restaurants to
decide better which food to order.
Persona: Rachita Ram
Problem statement
Rachita ram is a busy software
developer who needs mobile
meal app with ordering
options because placing an
order can take too long and
she loses her time..
Persona: Yash Kumar
Problem statement
Yash is an actor liking travel who
needs to order from a menu that
enables readable and detailed
content, well-organized and to allow
for quick revisions
options because He has to ask many
questions to a waiter before deciding
which food to eat
User Journey Map of Rachita Ram
Goal: Speeding up the ordering process
User Journey Map of Rachita
Mapping Rachita’s user journey revealed how
helpful it would be for
users to have an access to Café CCBC app with
different order options.
the design
Paper wireframes
Digital wireframes
Low-fidelity prototype
Usability studies
Paper wireframes
Taking the time to draft iterations of each
screen of the app on paper ensured that the
elements that made it to digital wireframes
would be well-suited to address user pain
Paper wireframes
For the home screen, I prioritized a quick and
easy ordering process to help users save time.
Stars were used to mark the elements of each
sketch that would be used in the initial digital
wireframes. All star elements were used in the
last version.
Digital wireframes
As the initial design phase
continued, I made sure to base
screen designs on feedback and
findings from the user research.
This button at the
top of the home
screen makes it
fast and easy for
users to place an
This button
provides an
easy option for
users who want
to see what
there are in the
menu first
Digital wireframes
Order options providers users to
place their orders wherever they
are easily
Different order
types serves
users to choose
whatever they
want according
Arrow buttons
enable users to
Ontikoppal, Mysore
change their
to their situation
location, pick up
time or other
needed to order
without going
Digital wireframes
Estimated delivery time gives an
idea to user how much time
he/she will be waiting, so the
user can pick the meal
according to his/her condition.
The order tracking
page allows users
to find out the
estimated delivery
or cooking time if
you eat at the
restaurant or
want it delivered.
Low-fidelity prototype
Usability study: findings
I conducted two rounds of moderated usability studies. Findings from the first study helped guide the designs
from wireframes to mockups. The second study used a high-fidelity prototype and revealed what aspects of
the mockups needed refining.
Round 1 findings
Round 2 findings
Users want order options
User flow is not efficient
Users want to order food quickly
The checkout process has too many
unnecessary steps
Users want to see detailed menu
Reorder process should be reconsidered in
terms of items in the basket
the design
High-fidelity prototype
Before usability study
After usability study
Early designs allowed users to
change the menu from the top
Snacks Drinks
Deserts Parcel
Call us
but after the usability studies, I
added horizontal scroll menu and
search bar so users see all the
menu categories when they first
Chow-Chow Bath
Rs. 70 Per plate
Idli Vade
Rs. 80 Per plate
land on the screen.
Idli Vade
Rs. 80 Per plate
Rs. 60 Per plate
Rs. 60 Per plate
Plain Dose
Rs. 60 Per plate
Plain Dose
Before usability study
Early designs did not allow users to
learn when they placed an order,
and it was not noticeable at what
stage the order process was due to
the user interface. After the
usability studies, I added order
time, order type, payment info, ETA
and colorful icons for the process
tracking on the tracking page.
After usability study
High-fidelity prototype
The final high-fidelity prototype presented cleaner
user flows for ordering and checkout. It also meets
user needs for a pickup, delivery, join a waitlist and
meet outside option and it is refined reorder
checkout basket process.
Screenshot of
prototype with
connections or
prototype GIF
Thank you!