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Othello Study Guide Answer Key: Act One & Two

Act One
1. What was Iago's complaint in Scene I?
ago has been passed over for a promotion. Cassio got the promotion to
Lieutenant even though Iago had more time in service as a soldier. Cassio got
the promotion over Iago because his learning included theory and strategy
whereas Iago's did not.
2. Who was Brabantio, and why did Iago and Roderigo awaken him in the middle of
the night?
Brabantio is the father of Desdemona and a Venetian senator. Roderigo and Iago
awaken Brabantio in the middle of the night to tell him that his daughter
Desdemona has married Othello.
3. Why did Iago leave Roderigo at Brabantio's house?
Iago didn’t want the moor to know he was involved in the situation. And did not
want to get in trouble.
4. What was Brabantio's reaction to Othello's marriage to Desdemona?
Brabantio, Desdemona's father, is enraged when he learns of Othello's marriage
to Desdemona. Brabantio accuses Othello of perhaps drugging or tricking
Desdemona and says "thou hast enchanted her."
5. Why did the Duke send for Othello?
The Duke sends for Othello because the Venetians fear that the Turks are going
to attack the island of Cyprus.
6. Brabantio complains to the Duke about Othello's marriage to Desdemona. After
listening to both sides of the story, what was the Duke's reply?
The Duke says he think Othello would have won over his daughter and that
Brabantio has to make the best of the situation.
7. What was Roderigo's complaint, and what was Iago's reply to it?
Roderigo was love sick & depressed about winning over Desdemonda now that
she was married
Act II
1. Why did Iago want Roderigo to anger Cassio?
Iago wants Roderigo to anger Michael Cassio so that he will get in trouble with
Othello and the people of Cyprus and lose his position of lieutenant. Iago tells
Roderigo to anger Cassio because he is in love with Desdemona.
2. What was the purpose of Iago's plan?
To get Desdemona to fall in love with him
3. Why did Iago want Cassio to drink more wine?
Iago wants Cassio to drink more wine so that he will become drunk and
aggressive. He will have Roderigo attack or insult Cassio in some way and
hopefully Othello will see. The result of Cassio's drinking is that he gets drunk
and gets into a fight with Roderigo.
4. What lie did Iago tell Montano about Cassio?
He told Montano that Cassio was drunk every night. He also casted doubt on
Othello's judgment for appointing Cassio, who might be drunk in a moment of
5. Why did Othello strip Cassio of his rank?
Othello stripped Cassio of his rank because he displayed conduct unbecoming of
an officer. He engaged in a fight with Roderigo while intoxicated, after Roderigo
taunted him
6. Why did Iago want Cassio to ask Desdemona for help in restoring Othello's faith
in Cassio?
Lago wants Cassio to ask Desdemona for help by bringing all of the characters
together whom he intends to use to get his revenge on Othello.
1. Why didn't Iago simply tell Othello right away that Desdemona and Cassio were
having an affair?
He wants to be believable so he fakes being Othello's friend and being careful
about how he tells him about the situation.
2. What thing did Emilia find and give to Iago? What did Iago intend to do with it?
What did Iago intend to do with it? She gave him the handkerchief Desdemona
had dropped, Othello's first gift to Desdemona. Iago wanted to plant it in Cassio's
possession to show Othello that Desdemona had given it as a favor to Cassio.
3. What was Iago's reply when Othello demanded proof of his wife's disloyalty?
He lied and told him a story that Cassio had a dream and called out her name.
4. What did Othello decide and command at the end of Scene III?
Iago was to have Cassio killed within three days. Othello would kill Desdemona himself.
5. What was Emilia's relationship with Iago? Desdemona?
Emilia is Iago’s wife and Emilia proves to be loyal to Desdemona making them friends
by the end of the play.
6. Who had the handkerchief at the end of Act III? Why?
Cassio gave it to Bianca, his prostitute friend, for her to take out the design.
7. What lines indicate that Emilia believes her husband is a good man?
“my husband is so upset about cassios problem youd think it was his
8. Why does Cassio urge Desdemona to act quickly?
Because if she takes too long, Othello might forget Cassio's love and loyalty.
9. To what is Iago referring when he says, “Ha! I like not that”? What is he
doing when he says, “I cannot think it. That he would steal away so
guilty-like seeing you coming”?
Cassio and Desdemona speaking; planting ideas about Cassio and
Desdemona by saying that it would be so unlike him
10. When Desdemona pesters Othello to bring Cassio back, Othello asks that
she stop, but says he will deny her nothing. What is her response? Why is
she wrong?
She says that she will never deny him; She is wrong because she will later deny the idea
that she has been with Cassio or has been unfaithful to Othello in any way.
11. Iago asks seemingly innocent questions about Cassio and leads Othello to
demand to know his thoughts. How does Iago manage this?
Iago acts very vague so that Othello will inquire more
12. Iago says of Cassio, “men should be what they seem.” What does this
mean? Why is this ironic?
It means that men shouldn’t lie; its ironic because Iago is the biggest liar
13. Iago builds Othello’s anxiety by delaying responses to direct questions.
What four reasons does he give for not answering?
1. He cannot ask him to reveal his deepest thoughts;2. He might be wrong;3. It would destroy
his peace of mind; 4. He would be stealing his reputation.
14. Explain: “I’ll see before I doubt, when I doubt prove, and on the proof,
there is no more than this – away at once with love or jealousy.”
Othello wants to see real evidence before he suspects Desdemona of
15. Iago tells Othello that he understands s the nature of Venetians. What
does he say about 1) their conscience 2) their ability to deceive?
16. Explain: “Oh Desdemona’s honest. Long live she so and long live you to
think so!”
17. Othello fears Iago understands human nature better than he, and lists
three reasons why Desdemona may be untrue. What are they?
18. How does Desdemona lose her handkerchief? What is special about it?
What does Iago plan to do with it?
19. Explain: “He that is robbed, not wanting what is stol’n let him not know’t
and he’s not robbed at all.”
20. When Othello demands “ocular proof,” how does Iago answer?
21. What two bits of “evidence” does Iago offer?
Circumstantial evidence.
22. What command does Othello give Iago? What office does he give him?
23. Why might Iago ask Othello to let Desdemona live?
Scene iv
1. What story is attached to the handkerchief?
2. Why might Desdemona lie about the handkerchief? What is Emilia’s
3. How does Desdemona rationalize Othello’s anger?
4. Emilia suspects that more is bothering Othello. Explain: “Tis a monster
begot upon itself, born on itself.”
5. What does Cassio do with the handkerchief?
Act IV
1. After Iago lied and told Othello that Cassio confessed going to bed with Desdemona,
what advice did he give the overwhelmed Othello?
2. How did Iago trick Othello into thinking Cassio was gloating and bragging about his
affair with Desdemona?
3. Why was Bianca angry with Cassio?
4. How did Bianca's return with the handkerchief help Iago?
5. Why did Othello hit Desdemona?
6. What was Lodovico's reaction to Othello's behavior towards Desdemona? How did
Iago later explain Othello's behavior to Lodovico?
7. Why did Othello ask Emilia about Cassio's affair with Desdemona, and what was her
8. To whom does Desdemona turn for help after Othello calls her a strumpet?
9. Why did Iago tell Rodriego to kill Cassio? Why did Roderigo consent to think about
Act IV, CONT’d.
Scene 1
1) What are Othello and Iago discussing at the beginning of the scene? What
physical reaction does Othello have to Iago’s information?
2) Whom do Iago and Cassio discuss while Othello is hiding? What does Cassio say
about her? Whom does Othello think they are discussing and why?
3) Who enters at the end of Iago’s and Cassio’s conversation? What does she say to
Cassio and what does she give him?
4) How does Othello plan to kill Desdemona? How does Iago suggest he do it? What is
Othello’s response to Iago’s suggestion?
5) Who is Lodovico? How does Othello treat Desdemona in Lodovico’s presence, and
what does Lodovico say about Othello’s behavior? What does Iago tell Lodovico about
Othello’s behavior?
Scene 2
1) What does Othello ask Emilia at the beginning of the scene, and how does Emilia
2) What does Othello say to Desdemona and how does Desdemona respond? Is
Othello treating Desdemona fairly?
3) When Desdemona and Emilia tell Iago about Othello’s behavior, how does Iago
respond? What does Iago say he thinks is the cause of Othello’s anger? What does
Emilia think is the cause?
4) Why is Roderigo angry and how does he threaten Iago? In response, what does Iago
say Roderigo must do and why? According to Iago, what will be Roderigo’s reward if he
follows Iago’s advice?
Scene 3
1) What does Othello command Desdemona to do, and how does Desdemona respond?
2) According to Desdemona, who was the maid Barbary and what happened to her?
4) What are Desdemona’s views about women who cheat on their husbands? What
are Emilia’s views? What does Emilia give as the reasons a woman might cheat?
Act V
1. How would Iago gain from Roderigo's death? Cassio's?
2. What happened when Cassio and Roderigo fought?
3. What did Iago do after he wounded Cassio?
4. How was Desdemona faithful to Othello to the end?
5. What was Emilia's reaction when Othello told her that Iago had revealed Desdemona's
affair with Cassio to him?
6. Who told the truth about Iago?
7. What happened to Othello, Iago and Cassio in the end?
Act V CONT’d
Scene 1
1) Why do you think Roderigo is so willing to murder Cassio? What do you think Iago
told him to convince him it was imperative?
2) Why do you think Iago doesn’t stay and kill Cassio after injuring him?
Scene 2
3) What evidence proves that Othello still loves Desdemona?
4) Despite his apparent love for Desdemona, Othello still kills her. What do you think
the predominant reasons for this might be? Consider the fact that he no longer seems
heated and rash in this last scene.
5) Why does Desdemona respond, “Nobody; I myself,” to Emilia’s question of who did
this to her? How is this ironic?
6) When does Emilia realize that her husband really is the root of the treachery? Cite
the line(s).
7) If Iago hadn’t drawn his sword against his wife, do you think that he would have been
able to talk his way out of the mess?
8) Cite the ending couplet from the play.