THE GAINZ CENTER’s 2022 30 Day Body Transformation Calendar Notes • This 30 day calendar is meant for you to step up your fitness levels and help you to lose weight, get fitter and be in better shape. • Follow the workouts required to be completed each day, by clicking on the picture of each workout from left to right (first row) and then moving on to the second row. By clicking onto the picture of each workout, you will be directed to the link of the video. You can recommended to complete ALL videos but feel free to make flexible changes. • Each workout day will take a maximum of 1 hour, so give yourself about 1 hour a day to make fitness a part of your lifestyle. • Between each workout video, you can take about 5-10 minutes of rest to catch your breath, drink some water. Try not to rest too long before your body cools down. Frequently Asked Questions Question: How much weight can I lose in this 30 days? Answer: In order to lose weight, you must be in a caloric deficit. So what you eat will definitely affect your weight loss journey. This 30 day calendar incorporates a lot of cardio, which is to help you be in a caloric deficit. Also, do not let the number on the scale define you. 30 Days is a short time, but it might be the start of your weight loss journey through this 30 day calendar. At the end of the 30 days, notice how much has changed apart from your weight E.g. Able to perform each exercise longer, no longer out of breath, feeling good after completing each workout day, etc. Question: Do I need to follow the same speed as the man in the workout video? Answer: You do not need to follow the same speed as the man in the video. You can perform at your comfortable pace so that you can last throughout the entire exercise duration. Question: Any diet tips for me that will help with my weight loss? Answer: First step would be to cut or minimise as much as possible fried, sugary food and drinks as well as snacks. These foods are typically high in calories which will hinder you from being in a caloric deficit. Opt for less carbs (but do not avoid) and more protein. If you are unable to get enough protein in real foods, try going for 1 protein shake a day. FYI: We have a discount code GAINZMYP at Myprotein which gives you 40% off all purchases. Feel free to take a look here: Day 1 39 Min Day 2 37 Min Day 3 46 Min Day 4 (Rest Day) Day 5 43 Min Day 6 34 Min Day 7 (Rest Day) Day 8 35 Min Day 9 43 Min Day 10 39 Min Day 11(Rest Day) Day 12 41 Min Day 13 39 Min Day 14 (Rest Day) Day 15 45 Min Day 16 42 Min Day 17 36 Min Day 18 (Rest Day) Day 19 39 Min Day 20 45 Min Day 21 (Rest Day) Day 22 45 Min Day 23 39 Min Day 24 41 Min Day 25 (Rest Day) Day 26 38 Min Day 27 41 Min Day 28 (Rest Day) Day 29 37 Min Day 30 43 Min Feel free to send us your transformation on Instagram @thegainzcenter!