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SRS Document: Online Medicine Donation System

Subject code:3150711
Enrolment no:200420107027
Subject: Software Engineering
Name: Drashti Mukeshchandra Chunawala
SRS Document
1.1 Purpose
The purpose of this document is to describe the online medicine donation
system. This document contains the functional, behavioural and non-functional
requirements of the project and it also contains the guidelines for system
engineers and designers to start working the project. The purpose of this
document is that the requirements mentioned in it should be utilized by
software developer to implement the system.
1.2 Scope
On our software basically, users can donate money for the medicine bills or
particular medicines. Users can also donate the unused medicines which will be
then given to the government hospitals. Hospitals or individual users can
request for donation, if the hospital itself puts up the request, then they just
need to put the doctors’ prescription and if an individual user is requesting then
they need to put a prescription as well as some documents for verification.
Alternatives for certain medicines can also be suggested to the user requesting
for medicine.
1.3 overview
this project is for people who are in need of medicines and people who are
willing to help financially and will work as a complete user interface for donating
bills/medicines process and users who request for medicine bills.
1.4 Audience Definitions, Acronyms and Abbreviations
1.4.1 Audience Definitions
The intended readers of this document are the developers of the site, testers
and administrators. Any suggested changes on the requirements listed on this
SCET/CO/2022-23/Odd/BE Div-I/Sem-V
Subject code:3150711
Enrolment no:200420107027
Subject: Software Engineering
Name: Drashti Mukeshchandra Chunawala
document should be included in the last version of it so it can be a reference to
developing and validating teams.
1.4.2 Acronyms and Abbreviations Acronym
Medinate-Online medicine donation system
SRS- Software Requirement specification
GUI-Graphical user interface
Stakeholder-The person who will participate in this system.
2. General Description
2.1 Product Perspective
This system is designed to utilize the unused medicines and to help the needy
people by paying their medicine bills.
2.2 Product functions
2.2.1 administrators
• Admin can add, remove or modify the government hospitals, NGOs and
users that can request.
• Can verify the user who is requesting and the unused medicines that user
wants to donate.
• Admin can also reject the request or the donation of unused medicines.
• Admin can get the status of donation.
• Admin can also put up alternative suggestions for medicines that the user
is requesting for.
• Admin can also get the history of previous transactions and medicines
2.2.2 Users
All users including doctors ,NGOs ,people who want financial help for
paying medicine bills and people who want to help them can access the
request list.
SCET/CO/2022-23/Odd/BE Div-I/Sem-V
Subject code:3150711
Enrolment no:200420107027
Subject: Software Engineering
Name: Drashti Mukeshchandra Chunawala
Users are given access to their account’s information and can change
• Users, hospitals and NGOs can put up the medicine bill with verification
and can check their status.
• Donors can go through the list and donate medicine bills to whoever they
want and any amount they want.
• Donors can also donate the unused medicines by putting up their
information and verifying it.
2.3 Operating Environment
• This System should operate in all browser which supports HTML &
JavaScript like Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, etc.
• Operating System: Windows, Linux, Mac.
2.4 User characteristics
Users of medicate are ordinary people, hospitals workers, and admins who
maintain this site. Users are assumed to have basic knowledge of computer and
internet browsing. Administrators of the system should have more knowledge
of internal modules of the system and are able to rectify small problems that
may arise due to disk crashes, power failures and other catastrophes.
2.5 Design and Implementation Constraints
• Users must have their correct usernames and passwords to enter into
their accounts and do actions.
• The information of all users, medicines and transactions must be stored
in a database that is accessible by the website.
• MS SQL Server will be used as SQL engine and database.
• Users may access from any computer that has Internet browsing
capabilities and an Internet connection.
2.3Assumptions and Dependencies
• Only genuine users will apply for request
SCET/CO/2022-23/Odd/BE Div-I/Sem-V
Subject code:3150711
Enrolment no:200420107027
Subject: Software Engineering
Name: Drashti Mukeshchandra Chunawala
3.external interface requirements
3.1 user interface
3.1.1 login:
In case the user is not registered yet, he/she can enter the details and
register. Which asks the user to type his username and password.
If the user entered either his username or password incorrectly then an
error message occurs
3.1.2 add request:
• User, govt. hospitals, NGOs can add requests by uploading the medicine
bills, prescription and enter details related to it.
• They can also modify the entered details.
• Once the request is fulfilled it gets removed or they can manually delete
3.1.3 donate unused medicine
• User can upload the medicine detail that he/she wants to donate.
• After it is verified, user is notified about verification.
3.1.4 request list
• Requests added are shown here as a list along with the details. Admin can
edit this list.
3.1.4 donation for medicine bills
• donors can go through the request list and donate to any request and any
amount they want.
3.2 hardware interface
Only the recommended configuration (basic requirements of a computer
system) no other specific hardware is required to run the software.
SCET/CO/2022-23/Odd/BE Div-I/Sem-V
Subject code:3150711
Enrolment no:200420107027
Subject: Software Engineering
Name: Drashti Mukeshchandra Chunawala
3.3 software interface
• browser for accessing the website
• operating system
4. Functional Requirements
This Online medicine donation system allows certain functions:
4.1Common functions:
1. The system must be able to register a new user and if the user is not a new user,
he must be able to login in the system using the login function.
2. The system must include a Guidance and Education module for the users to
educate about proper methods to donate the medicines and information on
various drugs.
3.The system must include a Forums Page for users to discuss their queries and so
experts and other experienced users can guide them.
4. The system must be able to identify valid users by asking them for verified
documents like Aadhar Card, E-mail or valid Phone Number.
4.2 requesting for medicine bills:
1. users, hospitals or NGOs can add request by uploading the details of the
medicine bills which includes doctor’s prescription, valid reason for requesting,
authentic documents like aadhar card.
2. after uploading the request is verified by the admin and doctor(if the user is
uploading) if it is valid then it is added to the request list.
4.3 For Donating unused medicines:
1. The system must accept the name, quantity and contents of the medicines that
the user wants to donate.
2. The system must also request the images of the medicines that the donor wants
to donate.
3. The system must send a proper notification to the donor when their unused
medicine is verified and when the representative from the NGOs or government
hospitals will arrive to collect the medicine.
SCET/CO/2022-23/Odd/BE Div-I/Sem-V
Subject code:3150711
Enrolment no:200420107027
Subject: Software Engineering
Name: Drashti Mukeshchandra Chunawala
4. The system must store all the data of the collected medicines in a Database and
must sort the data according to the prescriptions for different diseases.
4.4 For donating medicine bills:
1. the system should show the request list to the donor along with the amount.
2. when the donor opens a request, the details of medicines and their amounts
should be shown.
3. donor should be given flexibility to donate amount for medicines they want or
the whole medicine bill
4. if the donor selects the bill and amount then different payment options like debit
card, credit card, UPI etc should be given to them.
5. Design Constraints
The UI should be easy to use and understand
The UI should be attractive and clean
It should be provided with a user manual
It should be designed within 6 months
All the contents and components must be displayed properly and on their
specified place on the portal.
6. Non-functional Requirements
6.1 Performance Requirement
• This system should work concurrently on multiple processors.
• The system should support 20M users.
• This system should be able to accept multiple requests and donations at
• The system portfolio must load within 4 seconds from request.
• The software must follow ease of usability and learnability.
6.2 Security requirements
• donors can see the information of requests but cannot modify it.
• It should use a secured database.
SCET/CO/2022-23/Odd/BE Div-I/Sem-V
Subject code:3150711
Enrolment no:200420107027
Subject: Software Engineering
Name: Drashti Mukeshchandra Chunawala
• System will have different types of users and every user has access
• Database security must meet Health Insurance Portability and
Accountability Act (HIPPA) requirements.
6.3 Reliability
The system must be reliable to prevent any unauthorized access.
6.4 Availability
The system should be available for 24/7.
6.5 Safety Requirement
• System use shall not cause any harm to human users
• The system must follow all the latest security standards and must not be
vulnerable to external malware and attacks.
6.6 Error handling
Medinate shall handle expected and non-expected errors in ways that prevent
loss in information and long downtime period.
6.7 Maintainability
• There should be the facility to add/modify information, details, features
etc in the system.
• The system must be user friendly and the GUI must be easy to
SCET/CO/2022-23/Odd/BE Div-I/Sem-V